1140 lines
32 KiB
1140 lines
32 KiB
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function() {
var internal = mojo.internal;
var kErrorUnsigned = "Passing negative value to unsigned";
var kErrorArray = "Passing non Array for array type";
var kErrorString = "Passing non String for string type";
var kErrorMap = "Passing non Map for map type";
// Memory -------------------------------------------------------------------
var kAlignment = 8;
function align(size) {
return size + (kAlignment - (size % kAlignment)) % kAlignment;
function isAligned(offset) {
return offset >= 0 && (offset % kAlignment) === 0;
// Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------
var kArrayHeaderSize = 8;
var kStructHeaderSize = 8;
var kMessageV0HeaderSize = 24;
var kMessageV1HeaderSize = 32;
var kMessageV2HeaderSize = 48;
var kMapStructPayloadSize = 16;
var kStructHeaderNumBytesOffset = 0;
var kStructHeaderVersionOffset = 4;
var kEncodedInvalidHandleValue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Decoder ------------------------------------------------------------------
function Decoder(buffer, handles, associatedEndpointHandles, base) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.handles = handles;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = associatedEndpointHandles;
this.base = base;
this.next = base;
Decoder.prototype.align = function() {
this.next = align(this.next);
Decoder.prototype.skip = function(offset) {
this.next += offset;
Decoder.prototype.readInt8 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getInt8(this.next);
this.next += 1;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readUint8 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getUint8(this.next);
this.next += 1;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readInt16 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getInt16(this.next);
this.next += 2;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readUint16 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getUint16(this.next);
this.next += 2;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readInt32 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getInt32(this.next);
this.next += 4;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readUint32 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getUint32(this.next);
this.next += 4;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readInt64 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getInt64(this.next);
this.next += 8;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readUint64 = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getUint64(this.next);
this.next += 8;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readFloat = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getFloat32(this.next);
this.next += 4;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.readDouble = function() {
var result = this.buffer.getFloat64(this.next);
this.next += 8;
return result;
Decoder.prototype.decodePointer = function() {
// TODO(abarth): To correctly decode a pointer, we need to know the real
// base address of the array buffer.
var offsetPointer = this.next;
var offset = this.readUint64();
if (!offset)
return 0;
return offsetPointer + offset;
Decoder.prototype.decodeAndCreateDecoder = function(pointer) {
return new Decoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
this.associatedEndpointHandles, pointer);
Decoder.prototype.decodeHandle = function() {
return this.handles[this.readUint32()] || null;
Decoder.prototype.decodeAssociatedEndpointHandle = function() {
return this.associatedEndpointHandles[this.readUint32()] || null;
Decoder.prototype.decodeString = function() {
var numberOfBytes = this.readUint32();
var numberOfElements = this.readUint32();
var base = this.next;
this.next += numberOfElements;
return internal.decodeUtf8String(
new Uint8Array(this.buffer.arrayBuffer, base, numberOfElements));
Decoder.prototype.decodeArray = function(cls) {
var numberOfBytes = this.readUint32();
var numberOfElements = this.readUint32();
var val = new Array(numberOfElements);
if (cls === PackedBool) {
var byte;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i) {
if (i % 8 === 0)
byte = this.readUint8();
val[i] = (byte & (1 << i % 8)) ? true : false;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i) {
val[i] = cls.decode(this);
return val;
Decoder.prototype.decodeStruct = function(cls) {
return cls.decode(this);
Decoder.prototype.decodeStructPointer = function(cls) {
var pointer = this.decodePointer();
if (!pointer) {
return null;
return cls.decode(this.decodeAndCreateDecoder(pointer));
Decoder.prototype.decodeArrayPointer = function(cls) {
var pointer = this.decodePointer();
if (!pointer) {
return null;
return this.decodeAndCreateDecoder(pointer).decodeArray(cls);
Decoder.prototype.decodeStringPointer = function() {
var pointer = this.decodePointer();
if (!pointer) {
return null;
return this.decodeAndCreateDecoder(pointer).decodeString();
Decoder.prototype.decodeMap = function(keyClass, valueClass) {
this.skip(4); // numberOfBytes
this.skip(4); // version
var keys = this.decodeArrayPointer(keyClass);
var values = this.decodeArrayPointer(valueClass);
var val = new Map();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
val.set(keys[i], values[i]);
return val;
Decoder.prototype.decodeMapPointer = function(keyClass, valueClass) {
var pointer = this.decodePointer();
if (!pointer) {
return null;
var decoder = this.decodeAndCreateDecoder(pointer);
return decoder.decodeMap(keyClass, valueClass);
// Encoder ------------------------------------------------------------------
function Encoder(buffer, handles, associatedEndpointHandles, base) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.handles = handles;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = associatedEndpointHandles;
this.base = base;
this.next = base;
Encoder.prototype.align = function() {
this.next = align(this.next);
Encoder.prototype.skip = function(offset) {
this.next += offset;
Encoder.prototype.writeInt8 = function(val) {
this.buffer.setInt8(this.next, val);
this.next += 1;
Encoder.prototype.writeUint8 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
throw new Error(kErrorUnsigned);
this.buffer.setUint8(this.next, val);
this.next += 1;
Encoder.prototype.writeInt16 = function(val) {
this.buffer.setInt16(this.next, val);
this.next += 2;
Encoder.prototype.writeUint16 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
throw new Error(kErrorUnsigned);
this.buffer.setUint16(this.next, val);
this.next += 2;
Encoder.prototype.writeInt32 = function(val) {
this.buffer.setInt32(this.next, val);
this.next += 4;
Encoder.prototype.writeUint32 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
throw new Error(kErrorUnsigned);
this.buffer.setUint32(this.next, val);
this.next += 4;
Encoder.prototype.writeInt64 = function(val) {
this.buffer.setInt64(this.next, val);
this.next += 8;
Encoder.prototype.writeUint64 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
throw new Error(kErrorUnsigned);
this.buffer.setUint64(this.next, val);
this.next += 8;
Encoder.prototype.writeFloat = function(val) {
this.buffer.setFloat32(this.next, val);
this.next += 4;
Encoder.prototype.writeDouble = function(val) {
this.buffer.setFloat64(this.next, val);
this.next += 8;
Encoder.prototype.encodePointer = function(pointer) {
if (!pointer)
return this.writeUint64(0);
// TODO(abarth): To correctly encode a pointer, we need to know the real
// base address of the array buffer.
var offset = pointer - this.next;
Encoder.prototype.createAndEncodeEncoder = function(size) {
var pointer = this.buffer.alloc(align(size));
return new Encoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
this.associatedEndpointHandles, pointer);
Encoder.prototype.encodeHandle = function(handle) {
if (handle) {
this.writeUint32(this.handles.length - 1);
} else {
Encoder.prototype.encodeAssociatedEndpointHandle = function(endpointHandle) {
if (endpointHandle) {
this.writeUint32(this.associatedEndpointHandles.length - 1);
} else {
Encoder.prototype.encodeString = function(val) {
var base = this.next + kArrayHeaderSize;
var numberOfElements = internal.encodeUtf8String(
val, new Uint8Array(this.buffer.arrayBuffer, base));
var numberOfBytes = kArrayHeaderSize + numberOfElements;
this.next += numberOfElements;
Encoder.prototype.encodeArray =
function(cls, val, numberOfElements, encodedSize) {
if (numberOfElements === undefined)
numberOfElements = val.length;
if (encodedSize === undefined)
encodedSize = kArrayHeaderSize + cls.encodedSize * numberOfElements;
if (cls === PackedBool) {
var byte = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i) {
if (val[i])
byte |= (1 << i % 8);
if (i % 8 === 7 || i == numberOfElements - 1) {
Uint8.encode(this, byte);
byte = 0;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i)
cls.encode(this, val[i]);
Encoder.prototype.encodeStruct = function(cls, val) {
return cls.encode(this, val);
Encoder.prototype.encodeStructPointer = function(cls, val) {
if (val == null) {
// Also handles undefined, since undefined == null.
var encoder = this.createAndEncodeEncoder(cls.encodedSize);
cls.encode(encoder, val);
Encoder.prototype.encodeArrayPointer = function(cls, val) {
if (val == null) {
// Also handles undefined, since undefined == null.
var numberOfElements = val.length;
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(numberOfElements) || numberOfElements < 0)
throw new Error(kErrorArray);
var encodedSize = kArrayHeaderSize + ((cls === PackedBool) ?
Math.ceil(numberOfElements / 8) : cls.encodedSize * numberOfElements);
var encoder = this.createAndEncodeEncoder(encodedSize);
encoder.encodeArray(cls, val, numberOfElements, encodedSize);
Encoder.prototype.encodeStringPointer = function(val) {
if (val == null) {
// Also handles undefined, since undefined == null.
// Only accepts string primivites, not String Objects like new String("foo")
if (typeof(val) !== "string") {
throw new Error(kErrorString);
var encodedSize = kArrayHeaderSize + internal.utf8Length(val);
var encoder = this.createAndEncodeEncoder(encodedSize);
Encoder.prototype.encodeMap = function(keyClass, valueClass, val) {
var keys = new Array(val.size);
var values = new Array(val.size);
var i = 0;
val.forEach(function(value, key) {
values[i] = value;
keys[i++] = key;
this.writeUint32(kStructHeaderSize + kMapStructPayloadSize);
this.writeUint32(0); // version
this.encodeArrayPointer(keyClass, keys);
this.encodeArrayPointer(valueClass, values);
Encoder.prototype.encodeMapPointer = function(keyClass, valueClass, val) {
if (val == null) {
// Also handles undefined, since undefined == null.
if (!(val instanceof Map)) {
throw new Error(kErrorMap);
var encodedSize = kStructHeaderSize + kMapStructPayloadSize;
var encoder = this.createAndEncodeEncoder(encodedSize);
encoder.encodeMap(keyClass, valueClass, val);
// Message ------------------------------------------------------------------
var kMessageInterfaceIdOffset = kStructHeaderSize;
var kMessageNameOffset = kMessageInterfaceIdOffset + 4;
var kMessageFlagsOffset = kMessageNameOffset + 4;
var kMessageRequestIDOffset = kMessageFlagsOffset + 8;
var kMessagePayloadInterfaceIdsPointerOffset = kMessageV2HeaderSize - 8;
var kMessageExpectsResponse = 1 << 0;
var kMessageIsResponse = 1 << 1;
function Message(buffer, handles, associatedEndpointHandles) {
if (associatedEndpointHandles === undefined) {
associatedEndpointHandles = [];
this.buffer = buffer;
this.handles = handles;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = associatedEndpointHandles;
Message.prototype.getHeaderNumBytes = function() {
return this.buffer.getUint32(kStructHeaderNumBytesOffset);
Message.prototype.getHeaderVersion = function() {
return this.buffer.getUint32(kStructHeaderVersionOffset);
Message.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.buffer.getUint32(kMessageNameOffset);
Message.prototype.getFlags = function() {
return this.buffer.getUint32(kMessageFlagsOffset);
Message.prototype.getInterfaceId = function() {
return this.buffer.getUint32(kMessageInterfaceIdOffset);
Message.prototype.getPayloadInterfaceIds = function() {
if (this.getHeaderVersion() < 2) {
return null;
var decoder = new Decoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
var payloadInterfaceIds = decoder.decodeArrayPointer(Uint32);
return payloadInterfaceIds;
Message.prototype.isResponse = function() {
return (this.getFlags() & kMessageIsResponse) != 0;
Message.prototype.expectsResponse = function() {
return (this.getFlags() & kMessageExpectsResponse) != 0;
Message.prototype.setRequestID = function(requestID) {
// TODO(darin): Verify that space was reserved for this field!
this.buffer.setUint64(kMessageRequestIDOffset, requestID);
Message.prototype.setInterfaceId = function(interfaceId) {
this.buffer.setUint32(kMessageInterfaceIdOffset, interfaceId);
Message.prototype.setPayloadInterfaceIds_ = function(payloadInterfaceIds) {
if (this.getHeaderVersion() < 2) {
throw new Error(
"Version of message does not support payload interface ids");
var decoder = new Decoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
var payloadInterfaceIdsOffset = decoder.decodePointer();
var encoder = new Encoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
encoder.encodeArray(Uint32, payloadInterfaceIds);
Message.prototype.serializeAssociatedEndpointHandles = function(
associatedGroupController) {
if (this.associatedEndpointHandles.length > 0) {
if (this.getHeaderVersion() < 2) {
throw new Error(
"Version of message does not support associated endpoint handles");
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.associatedEndpointHandles.length; i++) {
var handle = this.associatedEndpointHandles[i];
this.associatedEndpointHandles = [];
Message.prototype.deserializeAssociatedEndpointHandles = function(
associatedGroupController) {
if (this.getHeaderVersion() < 2) {
return true;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = [];
var ids = this.getPayloadInterfaceIds();
var result = true;
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var handle = associatedGroupController.createLocalEndpointHandle(ids[i]);
if (internal.isValidInterfaceId(ids[i]) && !handle.isValid()) {
// |ids[i]| itself is valid but handle creation failed. In that case,
// mark deserialization as failed but continue to deserialize the
// rest of handles.
result = false;
ids[i] = internal.kInvalidInterfaceId;
return result;
// MessageV0Builder ---------------------------------------------------------
function MessageV0Builder(messageName, payloadSize) {
// Currently, we don't compute the payload size correctly ahead of time.
// Instead, we resize the buffer at the end.
var numberOfBytes = kMessageV0HeaderSize + payloadSize;
this.buffer = new internal.Buffer(numberOfBytes);
this.handles = [];
var encoder = this.createEncoder(kMessageV0HeaderSize);
encoder.writeUint32(0); // version.
encoder.writeUint32(0); // interface ID.
encoder.writeUint32(0); // flags.
encoder.writeUint32(0); // padding.
MessageV0Builder.prototype.createEncoder = function(size) {
var pointer = this.buffer.alloc(size);
return new Encoder(this.buffer, this.handles, [], pointer);
MessageV0Builder.prototype.encodeStruct = function(cls, val) {
cls.encode(this.createEncoder(cls.encodedSize), val);
MessageV0Builder.prototype.finish = function() {
// TODO(abarth): Rather than resizing the buffer at the end, we could
// compute the size we need ahead of time, like we do in C++.
var message = new Message(this.buffer, this.handles);
this.buffer = null;
this.handles = null;
this.encoder = null;
return message;
// MessageV1Builder -----------------------------------------------
function MessageV1Builder(messageName, payloadSize, flags,
requestID) {
// Currently, we don't compute the payload size correctly ahead of time.
// Instead, we resize the buffer at the end.
var numberOfBytes = kMessageV1HeaderSize + payloadSize;
this.buffer = new internal.Buffer(numberOfBytes);
this.handles = [];
var encoder = this.createEncoder(kMessageV1HeaderSize);
encoder.writeUint32(1); // version.
encoder.writeUint32(0); // interface ID.
encoder.writeUint32(0); // padding.
MessageV1Builder.prototype =
MessageV1Builder.prototype.constructor =
// MessageV2 -----------------------------------------------
function MessageV2Builder(messageName, payloadSize, flags, requestID) {
// Currently, we don't compute the payload size correctly ahead of time.
// Instead, we resize the buffer at the end.
var numberOfBytes = kMessageV2HeaderSize + payloadSize;
this.buffer = new internal.Buffer(numberOfBytes);
this.handles = [];
this.payload = null;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = [];
this.encoder = this.createEncoder(kMessageV2HeaderSize);
this.encoder.writeUint32(2); // version.
// Gets set to an appropriate interfaceId for the endpoint by the Router.
this.encoder.writeUint32(0); // interface ID.
this.encoder.writeUint32(0); // padding.
MessageV2Builder.prototype.createEncoder = function(size) {
var pointer = this.buffer.alloc(size);
return new Encoder(this.buffer, this.handles,
this.associatedEndpointHandles, pointer);
MessageV2Builder.prototype.setPayload = function(cls, val) {
this.payload = {cls: cls, val: val};
MessageV2Builder.prototype.finish = function() {
if (!this.payload) {
throw new Error("Payload needs to be set before calling finish");
this.encoder.encodeStructPointer(this.payload.cls, this.payload.val);
new Array(this.associatedEndpointHandles.length));
var message = new Message(this.buffer, this.handles,
this.buffer = null;
this.handles = null;
this.encoder = null;
this.payload = null;
this.associatedEndpointHandles = null;
return message;
// MessageReader ------------------------------------------------------------
function MessageReader(message) {
this.decoder = new Decoder(message.buffer, message.handles,
message.associatedEndpointHandles, 0);
var messageHeaderSize = this.decoder.readUint32();
this.payloadSize = message.buffer.byteLength - messageHeaderSize;
var version = this.decoder.readUint32();
var interface_id = this.decoder.readUint32();
this.messageName = this.decoder.readUint32();
this.flags = this.decoder.readUint32();
// Skip the padding.
if (version >= 1)
this.requestID = this.decoder.readUint64();
this.decoder.skip(messageHeaderSize - this.decoder.next);
MessageReader.prototype.decodeStruct = function(cls) {
return cls.decode(this.decoder);
// Built-in types -----------------------------------------------------------
// This type is only used with ArrayOf(PackedBool).
function PackedBool() {
function Int8() {
Int8.encodedSize = 1;
Int8.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readInt8();
Int8.encode = function(encoder, val) {
Uint8.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Uint8() {
Uint8.encodedSize = 1;
Uint8.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readUint8();
Uint8.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Int16() {
Int16.encodedSize = 2;
Int16.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readInt16();
Int16.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Uint16() {
Uint16.encodedSize = 2;
Uint16.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readUint16();
Uint16.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Int32() {
Int32.encodedSize = 4;
Int32.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readInt32();
Int32.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Uint32() {
Uint32.encodedSize = 4;
Uint32.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readUint32();
Uint32.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Int64() {
Int64.encodedSize = 8;
Int64.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readInt64();
Int64.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Uint64() {
Uint64.encodedSize = 8;
Uint64.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readUint64();
Uint64.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function String() {
String.encodedSize = 8;
String.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.decodeStringPointer();
String.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function NullableString() {
NullableString.encodedSize = String.encodedSize;
NullableString.decode = String.decode;
NullableString.encode = String.encode;
function Float() {
Float.encodedSize = 4;
Float.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readFloat();
Float.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Double() {
Double.encodedSize = 8;
Double.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readDouble();
Double.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function Enum(cls) {
this.cls = cls;
Enum.prototype.encodedSize = 4;
Enum.prototype.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.readInt32();
Enum.prototype.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function PointerTo(cls) {
this.cls = cls;
PointerTo.prototype.encodedSize = 8;
PointerTo.prototype.decode = function(decoder) {
var pointer = decoder.decodePointer();
if (!pointer) {
return null;
return this.cls.decode(decoder.decodeAndCreateDecoder(pointer));
PointerTo.prototype.encode = function(encoder, val) {
if (!val) {
var objectEncoder = encoder.createAndEncodeEncoder(this.cls.encodedSize);
this.cls.encode(objectEncoder, val);
function NullablePointerTo(cls) {
PointerTo.call(this, cls);
NullablePointerTo.prototype = Object.create(PointerTo.prototype);
function ArrayOf(cls, length) {
this.cls = cls;
this.length = length || 0;
ArrayOf.prototype.encodedSize = 8;
ArrayOf.prototype.dimensions = function() {
return [this.length].concat(
(this.cls instanceof ArrayOf) ? this.cls.dimensions() : []);
ArrayOf.prototype.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.decodeArrayPointer(this.cls);
ArrayOf.prototype.encode = function(encoder, val) {
encoder.encodeArrayPointer(this.cls, val);
function NullableArrayOf(cls) {
ArrayOf.call(this, cls);
NullableArrayOf.prototype = Object.create(ArrayOf.prototype);
function Handle() {
Handle.encodedSize = 4;
Handle.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.decodeHandle();
Handle.encode = function(encoder, val) {
function NullableHandle() {
NullableHandle.encodedSize = Handle.encodedSize;
NullableHandle.decode = Handle.decode;
NullableHandle.encode = Handle.encode;
function Interface(cls) {
this.cls = cls;
Interface.prototype.encodedSize = 8;
Interface.prototype.decode = function(decoder) {
var interfacePtrInfo = new mojo.InterfacePtrInfo(
decoder.decodeHandle(), decoder.readUint32());
var interfacePtr = new this.cls();
return interfacePtr;
Interface.prototype.encode = function(encoder, val) {
var interfacePtrInfo =
val ? val.ptr.passInterface() : new mojo.InterfacePtrInfo(null, 0);
function NullableInterface(cls) {
Interface.call(this, cls);
NullableInterface.prototype = Object.create(Interface.prototype);
function AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo() {
AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.prototype.encodedSize = 8;
AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.decode = function(decoder) {
return new mojo.AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo(
decoder.decodeAssociatedEndpointHandle(), decoder.readUint32());
AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.encode = function(encoder, val) {
var associatedinterfacePtrInfo =
val ? val : new mojo.AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo(null, 0);
function NullableAssociatedInterfacePtrInfo() {
NullableAssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.encodedSize =
NullableAssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.decode =
NullableAssociatedInterfacePtrInfo.encode =
function InterfaceRequest() {
InterfaceRequest.encodedSize = 4;
InterfaceRequest.decode = function(decoder) {
return new mojo.InterfaceRequest(decoder.decodeHandle());
InterfaceRequest.encode = function(encoder, val) {
encoder.encodeHandle(val ? val.handle : null);
function NullableInterfaceRequest() {
NullableInterfaceRequest.encodedSize = InterfaceRequest.encodedSize;
NullableInterfaceRequest.decode = InterfaceRequest.decode;
NullableInterfaceRequest.encode = InterfaceRequest.encode;
function AssociatedInterfaceRequest() {
AssociatedInterfaceRequest.decode = function(decoder) {
var handle = decoder.decodeAssociatedEndpointHandle();
return new mojo.AssociatedInterfaceRequest(handle);
AssociatedInterfaceRequest.encode = function(encoder, val) {
val ? val.interfaceEndpointHandle : null);
AssociatedInterfaceRequest.encodedSize = 4;
function NullableAssociatedInterfaceRequest() {
NullableAssociatedInterfaceRequest.encodedSize =
NullableAssociatedInterfaceRequest.decode =
NullableAssociatedInterfaceRequest.encode =
function MapOf(keyClass, valueClass) {
this.keyClass = keyClass;
this.valueClass = valueClass;
MapOf.prototype.encodedSize = 8;
MapOf.prototype.decode = function(decoder) {
return decoder.decodeMapPointer(this.keyClass, this.valueClass);
MapOf.prototype.encode = function(encoder, val) {
encoder.encodeMapPointer(this.keyClass, this.valueClass, val);
function NullableMapOf(keyClass, valueClass) {
MapOf.call(this, keyClass, valueClass);
NullableMapOf.prototype = Object.create(MapOf.prototype);
internal.align = align;
internal.isAligned = isAligned;
internal.Message = Message;
internal.MessageV0Builder = MessageV0Builder;
internal.MessageV1Builder = MessageV1Builder;
internal.MessageV2Builder = MessageV2Builder;
internal.MessageReader = MessageReader;
internal.kArrayHeaderSize = kArrayHeaderSize;
internal.kMapStructPayloadSize = kMapStructPayloadSize;
internal.kStructHeaderSize = kStructHeaderSize;
internal.kEncodedInvalidHandleValue = kEncodedInvalidHandleValue;
internal.kMessageV0HeaderSize = kMessageV0HeaderSize;
internal.kMessageV1HeaderSize = kMessageV1HeaderSize;
internal.kMessageV2HeaderSize = kMessageV2HeaderSize;
internal.kMessagePayloadInterfaceIdsPointerOffset =
internal.kMessageExpectsResponse = kMessageExpectsResponse;
internal.kMessageIsResponse = kMessageIsResponse;
internal.Int8 = Int8;
internal.Uint8 = Uint8;
internal.Int16 = Int16;
internal.Uint16 = Uint16;
internal.Int32 = Int32;
internal.Uint32 = Uint32;
internal.Int64 = Int64;
internal.Uint64 = Uint64;
internal.Float = Float;
internal.Double = Double;
internal.String = String;
internal.Enum = Enum;
internal.NullableString = NullableString;
internal.PointerTo = PointerTo;
internal.NullablePointerTo = NullablePointerTo;
internal.ArrayOf = ArrayOf;
internal.NullableArrayOf = NullableArrayOf;
internal.PackedBool = PackedBool;
internal.Handle = Handle;
internal.NullableHandle = NullableHandle;
internal.Interface = Interface;
internal.NullableInterface = NullableInterface;
internal.InterfaceRequest = InterfaceRequest;
internal.NullableInterfaceRequest = NullableInterfaceRequest;
internal.AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo = AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo;
internal.NullableAssociatedInterfacePtrInfo =
internal.AssociatedInterfaceRequest = AssociatedInterfaceRequest;
internal.NullableAssociatedInterfaceRequest =
internal.MapOf = MapOf;
internal.NullableMapOf = NullableMapOf;