57 lines
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57 lines
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# Create a printer subscription.
# Usage:
# ./ipptool [-d recipient=uri] printer-uri create-printer-subscription.test
# The name of the test...
NAME "Create a push printer subscription"
# The operation to use
OPERATION Create-Printer-Subscription
# The attributes to send
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
GROUP subscription-attributes-tag
ATTR uri notify-recipient-uri $recipient
ATTR keyword notify-events printer-config-changed,printer-state-changed
# What statuses are OK?
STATUS successful-ok
# What attributes do we expect?
EXPECT notify-subscription-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0
DISPLAY notify-subscription-id
# The name of the test...
NAME "Create a pull printer subscription"
# The operation to use
OPERATION Create-Printer-Subscription
# The attributes to send
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
GROUP subscription-attributes-tag
ATTR keyword notify-pull-method ippget
ATTR keyword notify-events printer-config-changed,printer-state-changed
# What statuses are OK?
STATUS successful-ok
# What attributes do we expect?
EXPECT notify-subscription-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0
DISPLAY notify-subscription-id