529 lines
11 KiB
529 lines
11 KiB
* cups-lpd test program for CUPS.
* Copyright 2007-2015 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright 2006 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
* Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
* Include necessary headers...
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/string-private.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
* Local functions...
static int do_command(int outfd, int infd, const char *command);
static int print_job(int outfd, int infd, char *dest, char **args) _CUPS_NONNULL(4);
static int print_waiting(int outfd, int infd, char *dest);
static int remove_job(int outfd, int infd, char *dest, char **args) _CUPS_NONNULL(4);
static int status_long(int outfd, int infd, char *dest, char **args) _CUPS_NONNULL(4);
static int status_short(int outfd, int infd, char *dest, char **args) _CUPS_NONNULL(4);
static void usage(void) _CUPS_NORETURN;
* 'main()' - Simulate an LPD client.
int /* O - Exit status */
main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */
char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */
int i; /* Looping var */
int status; /* Test status */
char *op, /* Operation to test */
**opargs, /* Remaining arguments */
*dest; /* Destination */
int cupslpd_argc; /* Argument count for cups-lpd */
char *cupslpd_argv[1000]; /* Arguments for cups-lpd */
int cupslpd_stdin[2], /* Standard input for cups-lpd */
cupslpd_stdout[2], /* Standard output for cups-lpd */
cupslpd_pid, /* Process ID for cups-lpd */
cupslpd_status; /* Status of cups-lpd process */
* Collect command-line arguments...
op = NULL;
opargs = argv + argc;
dest = NULL;
cupslpd_argc = 1;
cupslpd_argv[0] = (char *)"cups-lpd";
for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++)
if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-o", 2))
cupslpd_argv[cupslpd_argc++] = argv[i];
if (!argv[i][2])
i ++;
if (i >= argc)
cupslpd_argv[cupslpd_argc++] = argv[i];
else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
else if (!op)
op = argv[i];
else if (!dest)
dest = argv[i];
opargs = argv + i;
if (!op ||
(!strcmp(op, "print-job") && (!dest || !opargs)) ||
(!strcmp(op, "remove-job") && (!dest || !opargs)) ||
(strcmp(op, "print-job") && strcmp(op, "print-waiting") &&
strcmp(op, "remove-job") && strcmp(op, "status-long") &&
strcmp(op, "status-short")))
printf("op=\"%s\", dest=\"%s\", opargs=%p\n", op, dest, opargs);
* Run the cups-lpd program using pipes...
cupslpd_argv[cupslpd_argc] = NULL;
if ((cupslpd_pid = fork()) < 0)
* Error!
perror("testlpd: Unable to fork");
return (1);
else if (cupslpd_pid == 0)
* Child goes here...
dup2(cupslpd_stdin[0], 0);
dup2(cupslpd_stdout[1], 1);
execv("./cups-lpd", cupslpd_argv);
perror("testlpd: Unable to exec ./cups-lpd");
* Do the operation test...
if (!strcmp(op, "print-job"))
status = print_job(cupslpd_stdin[1], cupslpd_stdout[0], dest, opargs);
else if (!strcmp(op, "print-waiting"))
status = print_waiting(cupslpd_stdin[1], cupslpd_stdout[0], dest);
else if (!strcmp(op, "remove-job"))
status = remove_job(cupslpd_stdin[1], cupslpd_stdout[0], dest, opargs);
else if (!strcmp(op, "status-long"))
status = status_long(cupslpd_stdin[1], cupslpd_stdout[0], dest, opargs);
else if (!strcmp(op, "status-short"))
status = status_short(cupslpd_stdin[1], cupslpd_stdout[0], dest, opargs);
printf("Unknown operation \"%s\"!\n", op);
status = 1;
* Kill the test program...
while (wait(&cupslpd_status) != cupslpd_pid);
printf("cups-lpd exit status was %d...\n", cupslpd_status);
* Return the test status...
return (status);
* 'do_command()' - Send the LPD command and wait for a response.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
do_command(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
const char *command) /* I - Command line to send */
size_t len; /* Length of command line */
char status; /* Status byte */
printf("COMMAND: %02X %s", command[0], command + 1);
len = strlen(command);
if ((size_t)write(outfd, command, len) < len)
puts(" Write failed!");
return (-1);
if (read(infd, &status, 1) < 1)
puts("STATUS: ERROR");
printf("STATUS: %d\n", status);
return (status);
* 'print_job()' - Submit a file for printing.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
print_job(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
char *dest, /* I - Destination */
char **args) /* I - Arguments */
int fd; /* Print file descriptor */
char command[1024], /* Command buffer */
control[1024], /* Control file */
buffer[8192]; /* Print buffer */
int status; /* Status of command */
struct stat fileinfo; /* File information */
char *jobname; /* Job name */
int sequence; /* Sequence number */
ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes read/written */
* Check the print file...
if (stat(args[0], &fileinfo))
return (-1);
if ((fd = open(args[0], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
return (-1);
* Send the "receive print job" command...
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\002%s\n", dest);
if ((status = do_command(outfd, infd, command)) != 0)
return (status);
* Format a control file string that will be used to submit the job...
if ((jobname = strrchr(args[0], '/')) != NULL)
jobname ++;
jobname = args[0];
sequence = (int)getpid() % 1000;
snprintf(control, sizeof(control),
cupsUser(), jobname, sequence, sequence, jobname);
* Send the control file...
bytes = (ssize_t)strlen(control);
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\002%d cfA%03dlocalhost\n",
(int)bytes, sequence);
if ((status = do_command(outfd, infd, command)) != 0)
return (status);
bytes ++;
if (write(outfd, control, (size_t)bytes) < bytes)
printf("CONTROL: Unable to write %d bytes!\n", (int)bytes);
return (-1);
printf("CONTROL: Wrote %d bytes.\n", (int)bytes);
if (read(infd, command, 1) < 1)
puts("STATUS: ERROR");
return (-1);
status = command[0];
printf("STATUS: %d\n", status);
* Send the data file...
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\003%d dfA%03dlocalhost\n",
(int)fileinfo.st_size, sequence);
if ((status = do_command(outfd, infd, command)) != 0)
return (status);
while ((bytes = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
if (write(outfd, buffer, (size_t)bytes) < bytes)
printf("DATA: Unable to write %d bytes!\n", (int)bytes);
return (-1);
write(outfd, "", 1);
printf("DATA: Wrote %d bytes.\n", (int)fileinfo.st_size);
if (read(infd, command, 1) < 1)
puts("STATUS: ERROR");
return (-1);
status = command[0];
printf("STATUS: %d\n", status);
return (status);
* 'print_waiting()' - Print waiting jobs.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
print_waiting(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
char *dest) /* I - Destination */
char command[1024]; /* Command buffer */
* Send the "print waiting jobs" command...
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\001%s\n", dest);
return (do_command(outfd, infd, command));
* 'remove_job()' - Cancel a print job.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
remove_job(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
char *dest, /* I - Destination */
char **args) /* I - Arguments */
int i; /* Looping var */
char command[1024]; /* Command buffer */
* Send the "remove jobs" command...
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\005%s", dest);
for (i = 0; args[i]; i ++)
strlcat(command, " ", sizeof(command));
strlcat(command, args[i], sizeof(command));
strlcat(command, "\n", sizeof(command));
return (do_command(outfd, infd, command));
* 'status_long()' - Show the long printer status.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
status_long(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
char *dest, /* I - Destination */
char **args) /* I - Arguments */
char command[1024], /* Command buffer */
buffer[8192]; /* Status buffer */
ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes read/written */
* Send the "send short status" command...
if (args[0])
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\004%s %s\n", dest, args[0]);
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\004%s\n", dest);
bytes = (ssize_t)strlen(command);
if (write(outfd, command, (size_t)bytes) < bytes)
return (-1);
* Read the status back...
while ((bytes = read(infd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
fwrite(buffer, 1, (size_t)bytes, stdout);
return (0);
* 'status_short()' - Show the short printer status.
static int /* O - Status from cups-lpd */
status_short(int outfd, /* I - Command file descriptor */
int infd, /* I - Response file descriptor */
char *dest, /* I - Destination */
char **args) /* I - Arguments */
char command[1024], /* Command buffer */
buffer[8192]; /* Status buffer */
ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes read/written */
* Send the "send short status" command...
if (args[0])
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\003%s %s\n", dest, args[0]);
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "\003%s\n", dest);
bytes = (ssize_t)strlen(command);
if (write(outfd, command, (size_t)bytes) < bytes)
return (-1);
* Read the status back...
while ((bytes = read(infd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
fwrite(buffer, 1, (size_t)bytes, stdout);
return (0);
* 'usage()' - Show program usage...
static void
puts("Usage: testlpd [options] print-job printer filename [... filename]");
puts(" testlpd [options] print-waiting [printer or user]");
puts(" testlpd [options] remove-job printer [user [job-id]]");
puts(" testlpd [options] status-long [printer or user]");
puts(" testlpd [options] status-short [printer or user]");
puts(" -o name=value");