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Functional and Stress Tests: Definition and Structure
This document describes what functional and stress tests are, how they
are created, and the structure that they follow in CVS.
Functional Test Definition
Functional tests test the behavior of functional areas of the POSIX*
specification. They do not relate directly to lines in the POSIX
specifications, but rather test that the overall behavior specified by
the functional area is present.
Stress Test Definition
Stress tests are designed to monitor how the system behaves when it is
taxed by excessively using the functional areas in the POSIX specification
or monitoring how the functional areas in the POSIX specification behave
when the system is taxed.
Directory Structure
Functional and stress tests follow the same structure.
The functional/ and stress directories off of posixtestsuite are where the
functional and stress tests, respectively, are stored.
Each of these are further subdivided into POSIX area (Timers, Semaphores,
etc.). For example, functional/timers.
Within the functional/<POSIX area> directory, you should create the
following files.
- Makefile - master Makefile which will make all tests within the area
- - file which will run all functional tests. The can run
conformance tests, functional tests from a different area (i.e.,
functional/threads/ can call functional/timers/threadstests/test.c),
as well as functional tests in the current area. If there are tests that
apply to more than one area, they can go in either area and be called from
the other if needed.
Assume that the is called from the directory it is currently in
when writing path names to files.
- assertions.xml - This file maps test descriptions to test cases as in
conformance tests. The grammar for functional/stress tests is:
<?xml version "1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE assertions [
<!ELEMENT assertion>
<!ATTLIST assertion
Where the tag follows the same structure outlined in HOWTO_Assertions, and
the files="..." field tags a comma delimited list of files which are
used to test the assertion. For example,
<assertion id="1" files="threadone,threadtwo,threadthree" tag="pt:THR">
Three threads can be run in parallel.
- coverage.txt - This document contain information on the completion of
test cases for assertions as in the conformance tests.
Content is lines with content:
<assertion ID> <YES/NO - for completed/not completed>
So long as the functional/stress tests follow these guidelines, they
can be built and run by the framework. How the directory is subdivided
is up to the area creator to define, but some suggestions have been:
- create directories corresponding to POSIX chapters (see .1-1990 or
.1-1996 specs)
- create a number corresponding to the assertion ID for each directory
* POSIX (R) is a registered trademark of the IEEE
Contributors: julie.n.fleischer REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com
ajosey REMOVE-THIS AT rdg DOT opengroup DOT org
geoffrey.r.gustafson REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com