28 lines
762 B
28 lines
762 B
import sys, os
# run xclient_build first, then make sure the shared object is on sys.path
from _xclient_cffi import ffi, lib
# ffi "knows" about the declared variables and functions from the
# cdef parts of the module xclient_build created,
# lib "knows" how to call the functions from the set_source parts
# of the module.
class XError(Exception):
def main():
display = lib.XOpenDisplay(ffi.NULL)
if display == ffi.NULL:
raise XError("cannot open display")
w = lib.XCreateSimpleWindow(display, lib.DefaultRootWindow(display),
10, 10, 500, 350, 0, 0, 0)
lib.XMapRaised(display, w)
event = ffi.new("XEvent *")
lib.XNextEvent(display, event)
if __name__ == '__main__':