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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
"""JSON Model tests
Unit tests for the JSON model.
from __future__ import absolute_import
__author__ = " (Joe Gregorio)"
import io
import httplib2
import json
import platform
import unittest
import urllib
import googleapiclient.model
from googleapiclient import version as googleapiclient_version
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from googleapiclient.model import JsonModel
_LIBRARY_VERSION = googleapiclient_version.__version__
CSV_TEXT_MOCK = 'column1,column2,column3\nstring1,1.2,string2'
class Model(unittest.TestCase):
def test_json_no_body(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
headers = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = None
headers, unused_params, query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["accept"], "application/json")
self.assertTrue("content-type" not in headers)
self.assertNotEqual(query, "")
self.assertEqual(body, None)
def test_json_body(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
headers = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = {}
headers, unused_params, query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["accept"], "application/json")
self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/json")
self.assertNotEqual(query, "")
self.assertEqual(body, "{}")
def test_json_body_data_wrapper(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=True)
headers = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = {}
headers, unused_params, query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["accept"], "application/json")
self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/json")
self.assertNotEqual(query, "")
self.assertEqual(body, '{"data": {}}')
def test_json_body_default_data(self):
"""Test that a 'data' wrapper doesn't get added if one is already present."""
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=True)
headers = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = {"data": "foo"}
headers, unused_params, query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["accept"], "application/json")
self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/json")
self.assertNotEqual(query, "")
self.assertEqual(body, '{"data": "foo"}')
def test_json_build_query(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
headers = {}
path_params = {}
query_params = {
"foo": 1,
"bar": u"\N{COMET}",
"baz": ["fe", "fi", "fo", "fum"], # Repeated parameters
"qux": [],
body = {}
headers, unused_params, query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["accept"], "application/json")
self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/json")
query_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query[1:])
self.assertEqual(query_dict["foo"], ["1"])
self.assertEqual(query_dict["bar"], [u"\N{COMET}"])
self.assertEqual(query_dict["baz"], ["fe", "fi", "fo", "fum"])
self.assertTrue("qux" not in query_dict)
self.assertEqual(body, "{}")
def test_user_agent(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
headers = {"user-agent": "my-test-app/1.23.4"}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = {}
headers, unused_params, unused_query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
self.assertEqual(headers["user-agent"], "my-test-app/1.23.4 (gzip)")
def test_x_goog_api_client(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
# test header composition for cloud clients that wrap discovery
headers = {"x-goog-api-client": "gccl/1.23.4"}
path_params = {}
query_params = {}
body = {}
headers, unused_params, unused_query, body = model.request(
headers, path_params, query_params, body
+ " gdcl/"
+ " gl-python/"
+ platform.python_version(),
def test_bad_response(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "401"})
resp.reason = "Unauthorized"
content = b'{"error": {"message": "not authorized"}}'
content = model.response(resp, content)"Should have thrown an exception")
except HttpError as e:
self.assertTrue("not authorized" in str(e))
resp["content-type"] = "application/json"
content = model.response(resp, content)"Should have thrown an exception")
except HttpError as e:
self.assertTrue("not authorized" in str(e))
def test_good_response(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=True)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '{"data": "is good"}'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, "is good")
def test_good_response_wo_data(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '{"foo": "is good"}'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, {"foo": "is good"})
def test_good_response_wo_data_str(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '"data goes here"'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, "data goes here")
def test_no_content_response(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "204"})
resp.reason = "No Content"
content = ""
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, {})
def test_logging(self):
class MockLogging(object):
def __init__(self):
self.info_record = []
self.debug_record = []
def info(self, message, *args):
self.info_record.append(message % args)
def debug(self, message, *args):
self.debug_record.append(message % args)
class MockResponse(dict):
def __init__(self, items):
super(MockResponse, self).__init__()
self.status = items["status"]
for key, value in items.items():
self[key] = value
old_logging = googleapiclient.model.LOGGER
googleapiclient.model.LOGGER = MockLogging()
googleapiclient.model.dump_request_response = True
model = JsonModel()
request_body = {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"}
body_string = model.request({}, {}, {}, request_body)[-1]
json_body = json.loads(body_string)
self.assertEqual(request_body, json_body)
response = {
"status": 200,
"response_field_1": "response_value_1",
"response_field_2": "response_value_2",
response_body = model.response(MockResponse(response), body_string)
self.assertEqual(request_body, response_body)
["--request-start--", "-headers-start-"],
"response_field_1: response_value_1"
in googleapiclient.model.LOGGER.info_record
"response_field_2: response_value_2"
in googleapiclient.model.LOGGER.info_record
json.loads(googleapiclient.model.LOGGER.info_record[-2]), request_body
googleapiclient.model.LOGGER.info_record[-1], "--response-end--"
googleapiclient.model.LOGGER = old_logging
def test_no_data_wrapper_deserialize(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '{"data": "is good"}'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, {"data": "is good"})
def test_no_data_wrapper_deserialize_text_format(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = CSV_TEXT_MOCK
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, CSV_TEXT_MOCK)
def test_no_data_wrapper_deserialize_raise_type_error(self):
buffer = io.StringIO()
buffer.write('String buffer')
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=False)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "500"})
resp.reason = "The JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not StringIO"
content = buffer
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
model.response(resp, content)
def test_data_wrapper_deserialize(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=True)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '{"data": "is good"}'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, "is good")
def test_data_wrapper_deserialize_nodata(self):
model = JsonModel(data_wrapper=True)
resp = httplib2.Response({"status": "200"})
resp.reason = "OK"
content = '{"atad": "is good"}'
content = model.response(resp, content)
self.assertEqual(content, {"atad": "is good"})
if __name__ == "__main__":