
82 lines
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* Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "include/utils/SkRandom.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/CullTest.h"
namespace skgpu {
const SkMatrix gMatrices[] = {
SkMatrix::Translate(25, -1000),
SkMatrix::Scale(.5f, 1000.1f),
SkMatrix::MakeAll(1000.1f, .0f, -100,
0.0f, .5f, -3000,
0.0f, .0f, 1),
SkMatrix::MakeAll(0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1),
SkMatrix::MakeAll( 2, 7.0f, -100,
-8000, .5f, 2000,
0, .0f, 1),
DEF_TEST(CullTestTest, reporter) {
SkRandom rand;
float l=10, t=2000, r=100, b=2064;
SkRect viewportRect{l, t, r, b};
float valuesL[4] = {l-20, l-10, l+10, l+20};
float valuesT[4] = {t-20, t-10, t+10, t+20};
float valuesR[4] = {r+20, r+10, r-10, r-20};
float valuesB[4] = {b+20, b+10, b-10, b-20};
for (SkMatrix m : gMatrices) {
CullTest cullTest(viewportRect, m);
SkMatrix inverse;
for (const float* y : {valuesT, valuesB}) {
for (const float* x : {valuesL, valuesR}) {
for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
int mask = rand.nextU();
const SkPoint devPts[4] = {{x[(mask >> 0) & 3], y[(mask >> 2) & 3]},
{x[(mask >> 4) & 3], y[(mask >> 6) & 3]},
{x[(mask >> 8) & 3], y[(mask >> 10) & 3]},
{x[(mask >> 12) & 3], y[(mask >> 14) & 3]}};
SkPoint localPts[4];
inverse.mapPoints(localPts, devPts, 4);
cullTest.isVisible(localPts[0]) ==
viewportRect.contains(devPts[0].fX, devPts[0].fY));
SkRect devBounds3;
devBounds3.setBounds(devPts, 3);
// Outset devBounds because SkRect::intersects returns false on empty, which is NOT
// the behavior we want.
devBounds3.outset(1e-3f, 1e-3f);
cullTest.areVisible3(localPts) == viewportRect.intersects(devBounds3));
SkRect devBounds4;
devBounds4.setBounds(devPts, 4);
// Outset devBounds because SkRect::intersects returns false on empty, which is NOT
// the behavior we want.
devBounds4.outset(1e-3f, 1e-3f);
cullTest.areVisible4(localPts) == viewportRect.intersects(devBounds4));
} // namespace skgpu