429 lines
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429 lines
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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func callCompiler(env env, cfg *config, inputCmd *command) int {
var compilerErr error
if !filepath.IsAbs(inputCmd.Path) && !strings.HasPrefix(inputCmd.Path, ".") &&
!strings.ContainsRune(inputCmd.Path, filepath.Separator) {
if resolvedPath, err := resolveAgainstPathEnv(env, inputCmd.Path); err == nil {
inputCmd = &command{
Path: resolvedPath,
Args: inputCmd.Args,
EnvUpdates: inputCmd.EnvUpdates,
} else {
compilerErr = err
exitCode := 0
if compilerErr == nil {
exitCode, compilerErr = callCompilerInternal(env, cfg, inputCmd)
if compilerErr != nil {
printCompilerError(env.stderr(), compilerErr)
exitCode = 1
return exitCode
// Given the main builder path and the absolute path to our wrapper, returns the path to the
// 'real' compiler we should invoke.
func calculateAndroidWrapperPath(mainBuilderPath string, absWrapperPath string) string {
// FIXME: This combination of using the directory of the symlink but the basename of the
// link target is strange but is the logic that old android wrapper uses. Change this to use
// directory and basename either from the absWrapperPath or from the builder.path, but don't
// mix anymore.
// We need to be careful here: path.Join Clean()s its result, so `./foo` will get
// transformed to `foo`, which isn't good since we're passing this path to exec.
basePart := filepath.Base(absWrapperPath) + ".real"
if !strings.ContainsRune(mainBuilderPath, filepath.Separator) {
return basePart
dirPart := filepath.Dir(mainBuilderPath)
if cleanResult := filepath.Join(dirPart, basePart); strings.ContainsRune(cleanResult, filepath.Separator) {
return cleanResult
return "." + string(filepath.Separator) + basePart
func runAndroidClangTidy(env env, cmd *command) error {
timeout, found := env.getenv("TIDY_TIMEOUT")
if !found {
return env.exec(cmd)
seconds, err := strconv.Atoi(timeout)
if err != nil || seconds == 0 {
return env.exec(cmd)
getSourceFile := func() string {
// Note: This depends on Android build system's clang-tidy command line format.
// Last non-flag before "--" in cmd.Args is used as the source file name.
sourceFile := "unknown_file"
for _, arg := range cmd.Args {
if arg == "--" {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {
sourceFile = arg
return sourceFile
startTime := time.Now()
err = env.runWithTimeout(cmd, time.Duration(seconds)*time.Second)
if !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// When used time is over half of TIDY_TIMEOUT, give a warning.
// These warnings allow users to fix slow jobs before they get worse.
usedSeconds := int(time.Now().Sub(startTime) / time.Second)
if usedSeconds > seconds/2 {
warning := "%s:1:1: warning: clang-tidy used %d seconds.\n"
fmt.Fprintf(env.stdout(), warning, getSourceFile(), usedSeconds)
return err
// When DeadllineExceeded, print warning messages.
warning := "%s:1:1: warning: clang-tidy aborted after %d seconds.\n"
fmt.Fprintf(env.stdout(), warning, getSourceFile(), seconds)
fmt.Fprintf(env.stdout(), "TIMEOUT: %s %s\n", cmd.Path, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
// Do not stop Android build. Just give a warning and return no error.
return nil
func callCompilerInternal(env env, cfg *config, inputCmd *command) (exitCode int, err error) {
if err := checkUnsupportedFlags(inputCmd); err != nil {
return 0, err
mainBuilder, err := newCommandBuilder(env, cfg, inputCmd)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
env = mainBuilder.env
var compilerCmd *command
clangSyntax := processClangSyntaxFlag(mainBuilder)
rusageEnabled := isRusageEnabled(env)
// Disable CCache for rusage logs
// Note: Disabling Goma causes timeout related INFRA_FAILUREs in builders
allowCCache := !rusageEnabled
remoteBuildUsed := false
workAroundKernelBugWithRetries := false
if cfg.isAndroidWrapper {
mainBuilder.path = calculateAndroidWrapperPath(mainBuilder.path, mainBuilder.absWrapperPath)
switch mainBuilder.target.compilerType {
case clangType:
inheritGomaFromEnv := true
// Android doesn't support rewrapper; don't try to use it.
if remoteBuildUsed, err = processGomaCccFlags(mainBuilder, inheritGomaFromEnv); err != nil {
return 0, err
compilerCmd = mainBuilder.build()
case clangTidyType:
compilerCmd = mainBuilder.build()
return 0, newErrorwithSourceLocf("unsupported compiler: %s", mainBuilder.target.compiler)
} else {
cSrcFile, tidyFlags, tidyMode := processClangTidyFlags(mainBuilder)
if mainBuilder.target.compilerType == clangType {
err := prepareClangCommand(mainBuilder)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if tidyMode != tidyModeNone {
allowCCache = false
clangCmdWithoutRemoteBuildAndCCache := mainBuilder.build()
var err error
switch tidyMode {
case tidyModeTricium:
if cfg.triciumNitsDir == "" {
return 0, newErrorwithSourceLocf("tricium linting was requested, but no nits directory is configured")
err = runClangTidyForTricium(env, clangCmdWithoutRemoteBuildAndCCache, cSrcFile, cfg.triciumNitsDir, tidyFlags, cfg.crashArtifactsDir)
case tidyModeAll:
err = runClangTidy(env, clangCmdWithoutRemoteBuildAndCCache, cSrcFile, tidyFlags)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown tidy mode: %v", tidyMode))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if remoteBuildUsed, err = processRemoteBuildAndCCacheFlags(allowCCache, mainBuilder); err != nil {
return 0, err
compilerCmd = mainBuilder.build()
} else {
if clangSyntax {
allowCCache = false
_, clangCmd, err := calcClangCommand(allowCCache, mainBuilder.clone())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
_, gccCmd, err := calcGccCommand(rusageEnabled, mainBuilder)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return checkClangSyntax(env, clangCmd, gccCmd)
remoteBuildUsed, compilerCmd, err = calcGccCommand(rusageEnabled, mainBuilder)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
workAroundKernelBugWithRetries = true
bisectStage := getBisectStage(env)
if rusageEnabled {
compilerCmd = removeRusageFromCommand(compilerCmd)
if shouldForceDisableWerror(env, cfg, mainBuilder.target.compilerType) {
if bisectStage != "" {
return 0, newUserErrorf("BISECT_STAGE is meaningless with FORCE_DISABLE_WERROR")
return doubleBuildWithWNoError(env, cfg, compilerCmd)
if shouldCompileWithFallback(env) {
if rusageEnabled {
if bisectStage != "" {
return 0, newUserErrorf("BISECT_STAGE is meaningless with ANDROID_LLVM_PREBUILT_COMPILER_PATH")
return compileWithFallback(env, cfg, compilerCmd, mainBuilder.absWrapperPath)
if bisectStage != "" {
if rusageEnabled {
return 0, newUserErrorf("TOOLCHAIN_RUSAGE_OUTPUT is meaningless with BISECT_STAGE")
compilerCmd, err = calcBisectCommand(env, cfg, bisectStage, compilerCmd)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
errRetryCompilation := errors.New("compilation retry requested")
var runCompiler func(willLogRusage bool) (int, error)
if !workAroundKernelBugWithRetries {
runCompiler = func(willLogRusage bool) (int, error) {
var err error
if willLogRusage {
err = env.run(compilerCmd, env.stdin(), env.stdout(), env.stderr())
} else if cfg.isAndroidWrapper && mainBuilder.target.compilerType == clangTidyType {
// Only clang-tidy has timeout feature now.
err = runAndroidClangTidy(env, compilerCmd)
} else {
// Note: We return from this in non-fatal circumstances only if the
// underlying env is not really doing an exec, e.g. commandRecordingEnv.
err = env.exec(compilerCmd)
return wrapSubprocessErrorWithSourceLoc(compilerCmd, err)
} else {
getStdin, err := prebufferStdinIfNeeded(env, compilerCmd)
if err != nil {
return 0, wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "prebuffering stdin: %v", err)
stdoutBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
stderrBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
retryAttempt := 0
runCompiler = func(willLogRusage bool) (int, error) {
exitCode, compilerErr := wrapSubprocessErrorWithSourceLoc(compilerCmd,
env.run(compilerCmd, getStdin(), stdoutBuffer, stderrBuffer))
if compilerErr != nil || exitCode != 0 {
if retryAttempt < kernelBugRetryLimit && (errorContainsTracesOfKernelBug(compilerErr) || containsTracesOfKernelBug(stdoutBuffer.Bytes()) || containsTracesOfKernelBug(stderrBuffer.Bytes())) {
return exitCode, errRetryCompilation
_, stdoutErr := stdoutBuffer.WriteTo(env.stdout())
_, stderrErr := stderrBuffer.WriteTo(env.stderr())
if stdoutErr != nil {
return exitCode, wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "writing stdout: %v", stdoutErr)
if stderrErr != nil {
return exitCode, wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "writing stderr: %v", stderrErr)
return exitCode, compilerErr
for {
var exitCode int
commitRusage, err := maybeCaptureRusage(env, compilerCmd, func(willLogRusage bool) error {
var err error
exitCode, err = runCompiler(willLogRusage)
return err
switch {
case err == errRetryCompilation:
// Loop around again.
case err != nil:
return exitCode, err
if !remoteBuildUsed {
if err := commitRusage(exitCode); err != nil {
return exitCode, fmt.Errorf("commiting rusage: %v", err)
return exitCode, err
func prepareClangCommand(builder *commandBuilder) (err error) {
if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper {
if builder.cfg.crashArtifactsDir != "" {
builder.addPreUserArgs("-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" + builder.cfg.crashArtifactsDir)
return processClangFlags(builder)
func calcClangCommand(allowCCache bool, builder *commandBuilder) (bool, *command, error) {
err := prepareClangCommand(builder)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
remoteBuildUsed, err := processRemoteBuildAndCCacheFlags(allowCCache, builder)
if err != nil {
return remoteBuildUsed, nil, err
return remoteBuildUsed, builder.build(), nil
func calcGccCommand(enableRusage bool, builder *commandBuilder) (bool, *command, error) {
if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper {
remoteBuildUsed := false
if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper {
var err error
if remoteBuildUsed, err = processRemoteBuildAndCCacheFlags(!enableRusage, builder); err != nil {
return remoteBuildUsed, nil, err
return remoteBuildUsed, builder.build(), nil
func calcCommonPreUserArgs(builder *commandBuilder) {
if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper {
func processRemoteBuildAndCCacheFlags(allowCCache bool, builder *commandBuilder) (remoteBuildUsed bool, err error) {
remoteBuildUsed = false
if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper {
remoteBuildUsed, err = processRemoteBuildFlags(builder)
if err != nil {
return remoteBuildUsed, err
if !remoteBuildUsed && allowCCache {
return remoteBuildUsed, nil
func getAbsWrapperPath(env env, wrapperCmd *command) (string, error) {
wrapperPath := getAbsCmdPath(env, wrapperCmd)
evaledCmdPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(wrapperPath)
if err != nil {
return "", wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "failed to evaluate symlinks for %s", wrapperPath)
return evaledCmdPath, nil
func printCompilerError(writer io.Writer, compilerErr error) {
if _, ok := compilerErr.(userError); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", compilerErr)
} else {
emailAccount := "chromeos-toolchain"
if isAndroidConfig() {
emailAccount = "android-llvm"
"Internal error. Please report to %s@google.com.\n%s\n",
emailAccount, compilerErr)
func needStdinTee(inputCmd *command) bool {
lastArg := ""
for _, arg := range inputCmd.Args {
if arg == "-" && lastArg != "-o" {
return true
lastArg = arg
return false
func prebufferStdinIfNeeded(env env, inputCmd *command) (getStdin func() io.Reader, err error) {
// We pre-buffer the entirety of stdin, since the compiler may exit mid-invocation with an
// error, which may leave stdin partially read.
if !needStdinTee(inputCmd) {
// This won't produce deterministic input to the compiler, but stdin shouldn't
// matter in this case, so...
return env.stdin, nil
stdinBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
if _, err := stdinBuffer.ReadFrom(env.stdin()); err != nil {
return nil, wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "prebuffering stdin")
return func() io.Reader { return bytes.NewReader(stdinBuffer.Bytes()) }, nil