
201 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var updateGoldenFiles = flag.Bool("updategolden", false, "update golden files")
var filterGoldenTests = flag.String("rungolden", "", "regex filter for golden tests to run")
type goldenFile struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Records []goldenRecord `json:"records"`
type goldenRecord struct {
Wd string `json:"wd"`
Env []string `json:"env,omitempty"`
// runGoldenRecords will read cmd and fill
// stdout, stderr, exitCode.
WrapperCmd commandResult `json:"wrapper"`
// runGoldenRecords will read stdout, stderr, err
// and fill cmd
Cmds []commandResult `json:"cmds"`
func newGoldenCmd(path string, args ...string) commandResult {
return commandResult{
Cmd: &command{
Path: path,
Args: args,
var okResult = commandResult{}
var okResults = []commandResult{okResult}
var errorResult = commandResult{
ExitCode: 1,
Stderr: "someerror",
Stdout: "somemessage",
var errorResults = []commandResult{errorResult}
func runGoldenRecords(ctx *testContext, goldenDir string, files []goldenFile) {
if filterPattern := *filterGoldenTests; filterPattern != "" {
files = filterGoldenRecords(filterPattern, files)
if len(files) == 0 {
ctx.t.Errorf("No goldenrecords given.")
files = fillGoldenResults(ctx, files)
if *updateGoldenFiles {
log.Printf("updating golden files under %s", goldenDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(goldenDir, 0777); err != nil {
for _, file := range files {
fileHandle, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(goldenDir, file.Name))
if err != nil {
defer fileHandle.Close()
writeGoldenRecords(ctx, fileHandle, file.Records)
} else {
for _, file := range files {
compareBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
writeGoldenRecords(ctx, compareBuffer, file.Records)
filePath := filepath.Join(goldenDir, file.Name)
goldenFileData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(compareBuffer.Bytes(), goldenFileData) {
ctx.t.Errorf("Commands don't match the golden file under %s. Please regenerate via -updategolden to check the differences.",
func filterGoldenRecords(pattern string, files []goldenFile) []goldenFile {
matcher := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
newFiles := []goldenFile{}
for _, file := range files {
newRecords := []goldenRecord{}
for _, record := range file.Records {
cmd := record.WrapperCmd.Cmd
str := strings.Join(append(append(record.Env, cmd.Path), cmd.Args...), " ")
if matcher.MatchString(str) {
newRecords = append(newRecords, record)
file.Records = newRecords
newFiles = append(newFiles, file)
return newFiles
func fillGoldenResults(ctx *testContext, files []goldenFile) []goldenFile {
newFiles := []goldenFile{}
for _, file := range files {
newRecords := []goldenRecord{}
for _, record := range file.Records {
newCmds := []commandResult{}
ctx.cmdMock = func(cmd *command, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer) error {
if len(newCmds) >= len(record.Cmds) {
ctx.t.Errorf("Not enough commands specified for wrapperCmd %#v and env %#v. Expected: %#v",
record.WrapperCmd.Cmd, record.Env, record.Cmds)
return nil
cmdResult := record.Cmds[len(newCmds)]
cmdResult.Cmd = cmd
if numEnvUpdates := len(cmdResult.Cmd.EnvUpdates); numEnvUpdates > 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(cmdResult.Cmd.EnvUpdates[numEnvUpdates-1], "PYTHONPATH") {
cmdResult.Cmd.EnvUpdates[numEnvUpdates-1] = "PYTHONPATH=/somepath/test_binary"
newCmds = append(newCmds, cmdResult)
io.WriteString(stdout, cmdResult.Stdout)
io.WriteString(stderr, cmdResult.Stderr)
if cmdResult.ExitCode != 0 {
return newExitCodeError(cmdResult.ExitCode)
return nil
ctx.env = record.Env
if record.Wd == "" {
record.Wd = ctx.tempDir
ctx.wd = record.Wd
// Create an empty wrapper at the given path.
// Needed as we are resolving symlinks which stats the wrapper file.
ctx.writeFile(record.WrapperCmd.Cmd.Path, "")
record.WrapperCmd.ExitCode = callCompiler(ctx, ctx.cfg, record.WrapperCmd.Cmd)
if hasInternalError(ctx.stderrString()) {
ctx.t.Errorf("found an internal error for wrapperCmd %#v and env #%v. Got: %s",
record.WrapperCmd.Cmd, record.Env, ctx.stderrString())
if len(newCmds) < len(record.Cmds) {
ctx.t.Errorf("Too many commands specified for wrapperCmd %#v and env %#v. Expected: %#v",
record.WrapperCmd.Cmd, record.Env, record.Cmds)
record.Cmds = newCmds
record.WrapperCmd.Stdout = ctx.stdoutString()
record.WrapperCmd.Stderr = ctx.stderrString()
newRecords = append(newRecords, record)
file.Records = newRecords
newFiles = append(newFiles, file)
return newFiles
func writeGoldenRecords(ctx *testContext, writer io.Writer, records []goldenRecord) {
// Replace the temp dir with a stable path so that the goldens stay stable.
stableTempDir := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(ctx.tempDir), "stable")
writer = &replacingWriter{
Writer: writer,
old: [][]byte{[]byte(ctx.tempDir)},
new: [][]byte{[]byte(stableTempDir)},
enc := json.NewEncoder(writer)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(records); err != nil {
type replacingWriter struct {
old [][]byte
new [][]byte
func (writer *replacingWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// TODO: Use bytes.ReplaceAll once cros sdk uses golang >= 1.12
for i, old := range writer.old {
p = bytes.Replace(p, old,[i], -1)
return writer.Writer.Write(p)