
756 lines
27 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A manager for patches."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import get_llvm_hash
from failure_modes import FailureModes
from subprocess_helpers import check_call
from subprocess_helpers import check_output
def is_directory(dir_path):
"""Validates that the argument passed into 'argparse' is a directory."""
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
raise ValueError('Path is not a directory: %s' % dir_path)
return dir_path
def is_patch_metadata_file(patch_metadata_file):
"""Valides the argument into 'argparse' is a patch file."""
if not os.path.isfile(patch_metadata_file):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid patch metadata file provided: %s' % patch_metadata_file)
if not patch_metadata_file.endswith('.json'):
raise ValueError(
'Patch metadata file does not end in ".json": %s' % patch_metadata_file)
return patch_metadata_file
def is_valid_failure_mode(failure_mode):
"""Validates that the failure mode passed in is correct."""
cur_failure_modes = [mode.value for mode in FailureModes]
if failure_mode not in cur_failure_modes:
raise ValueError('Invalid failure mode provided: %s' % failure_mode)
return failure_mode
def EnsureBisectModeAndSvnVersionAreSpecifiedTogether(failure_mode,
"""Validates that 'good_svn_version' is passed in only for bisection."""
if failure_mode != FailureModes.BISECT_PATCHES.value and good_svn_version:
raise ValueError('"good_svn_version" is only available for bisection.')
elif failure_mode == FailureModes.BISECT_PATCHES.value and \
not good_svn_version:
raise ValueError('A good SVN version is required for bisection (used by'
'"git bisect start".')
def GetCommandLineArgs():
"""Get the required arguments from the command line."""
# Create parser and add optional command-line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A manager for patches.')
# Add argument for the last good SVN version which is required by
# `git bisect start` (only valid for bisection mode).
help='INTERNAL USE ONLY... (used for bisection.)')
# Add argument for the number of patches it iterate. Only used when performing
# `git bisect run`.
'--num_patches_to_iterate', type=int, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
# Add argument for whether bisection should continue. Only used for
# 'bisect_patches.'
help='Determines whether bisection should continue after successfully '
'bisecting a patch (default: %(default)s) - only used for '
# Trust src_path HEAD and svn_version.
help='Use the HEAD of src_path directory as is, not necessarily the same '
'as the svn_version of upstream.')
# Add argument for the LLVM version to use for patch management.
help='the LLVM svn version to use for patch management (determines '
'whether a patch is applicable)')
# Add argument for the patch metadata file that is in $FILESDIR.
help='the absolute path to the .json file in "$FILESDIR/" of the '
'package which has all the patches and their metadata if applicable')
# Add argument for the absolute path to the ebuild's $FILESDIR path.
# Example: '.../sys-devel/llvm/files/'.
help='the absolute path to the ebuild "files/" directory')
# Add argument for the absolute path to the unpacked sources.
help='the absolute path to the unpacked LLVM sources')
# Add argument for the mode of the patch manager when handling failing
# applicable patches.
help='the mode of the patch manager when handling failed patches ' \
'(default: %(default)s)')
# Parse the command line.
args_output = parser.parse_args()
args_output.failure_mode, args_output.good_svn_version)
return args_output
def GetHEADSVNVersion(src_path):
"""Gets the SVN version of HEAD in the src tree."""
cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']
git_hash = check_output(cmd)
version = get_llvm_hash.GetVersionFrom(src_path, git_hash.rstrip())
return version
def VerifyHEADIsTheSameAsSVNVersion(src_path, svn_version):
"""Verifies that HEAD's SVN version matches 'svn_version'."""
head_svn_version = GetHEADSVNVersion(src_path)
if head_svn_version != svn_version:
raise ValueError('HEAD\'s SVN version %d does not match "svn_version"'
' %d, please move HEAD to "svn_version"s\' git hash.' %
(head_svn_version, svn_version))
def GetPathToPatch(filesdir_path, rel_patch_path):
"""Gets the absolute path to a patch in $FILESDIR.
filesdir_path: The absolute path to $FILESDIR.
rel_patch_path: The relative path to the patch in '$FILESDIR/'.
The absolute path to the patch in $FILESDIR.
ValueError: Unable to find the path to the patch in $FILESDIR.
if not os.path.isdir(filesdir_path):
raise ValueError('Invalid path to $FILESDIR provided: %s' % filesdir_path)
# Combine $FILESDIR + relative path of patch to $FILESDIR.
patch_path = os.path.join(filesdir_path, rel_patch_path)
if not os.path.isfile(patch_path):
raise ValueError('The absolute path %s to the patch %s does not exist' %
(patch_path, rel_patch_path))
return patch_path
def GetPatchMetadata(patch_dict):
"""Gets the patch's metadata.
patch_dict: A dictionary that has the patch metadata.
A tuple that contains the metadata values.
# Get the metadata values of a patch if possible.
# FIXME(b/221489531): Remove start_version & end_version
if 'version_range' in patch_dict:
start_version = patch_dict['version_range'].get('from', 0)
end_version = patch_dict['version_range'].get('until', None)
start_version = patch_dict.get('start_version', 0)
end_version = patch_dict.get('end_version', None)
is_critical = patch_dict.get('is_critical', False)
return start_version, end_version, is_critical
def ApplyPatch(src_path, patch_path):
"""Attempts to apply the patch.
src_path: The absolute path to the unpacked sources of the package.
patch_path: The absolute path to the patch in $FILESDIR/
A boolean where 'True' means that the patch applied fine or 'False' means
that the patch failed to apply.
if not os.path.isdir(src_path):
raise ValueError('Invalid src path provided: %s' % src_path)
if not os.path.isfile(patch_path):
raise ValueError('Invalid patch file provided: %s' % patch_path)
# Test the patch with '--dry-run' before actually applying the patch.
test_patch_cmd = [
'patch', '--dry-run', '-d', src_path, '-f', '-p1', '-E',
'--no-backup-if-mismatch', '-i', patch_path
# Cmd to apply a patch in the src unpack path.
apply_patch_cmd = [
'patch', '-d', src_path, '-f', '-p1', '-E', '--no-backup-if-mismatch',
'-i', patch_path
# If the mode is 'continue', then catching the exception makes sure that
# the program does not exit on the first failed applicable patch.
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# Test run on the patch failed to apply.
return False
# Test run succeeded on the patch.
return True
def UpdatePatchMetadataFile(patch_metadata_file, patches):
"""Updates the .json file with unchanged and at least one changed patch.
patch_metadata_file: The absolute path to the .json file that has all the
patches and its metadata.
patches: A list of patches whose metadata were or were not updated.
ValueError: The patch metadata file does not have the correct extension.
if not patch_metadata_file.endswith('.json'):
raise ValueError('File does not end in ".json": %s' % patch_metadata_file)
with open(patch_metadata_file, 'w') as patch_file:
json.dump(patches, patch_file, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def GetCommitHashesForBisection(src_path, good_svn_version, bad_svn_version):
"""Gets the good and bad commit hashes required by `git bisect start`."""
bad_commit_hash = get_llvm_hash.GetGitHashFrom(src_path, bad_svn_version)
good_commit_hash = get_llvm_hash.GetGitHashFrom(src_path, good_svn_version)
return good_commit_hash, bad_commit_hash
def PerformBisection(src_path, good_commit, bad_commit, svn_version,
patch_metadata_file, filesdir_path, num_patches):
"""Performs bisection to determine where a patch stops applying."""
start_cmd = [
'git', '-C', src_path, 'bisect', 'start', bad_commit, good_commit
run_cmd = [
'git', '-C', src_path, 'bisect', 'run',
os.path.abspath(__file__), '--svn_version',
'%d' % svn_version, '--patch_metadata_file', patch_metadata_file,
'--filesdir_path', filesdir_path, '--src_path', src_path,
'--failure_mode', 'internal_bisection', '--num_patches_to_iterate',
'%d' % num_patches
# Successfully bisected the patch, so retrieve the SVN version from the
# commit message.
get_bad_commit_hash_cmd = [
'git', '-C', src_path, 'rev-parse', 'refs/bisect/bad'
git_hash = check_output(get_bad_commit_hash_cmd)
end_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'bisect', 'reset']
# `git bisect run` returns the bad commit hash and the commit message.
version = get_llvm_hash.GetVersionFrom(src_path, git_hash.rstrip())
return version
def CleanSrcTree(src_path):
"""Cleans the source tree of the changes made in 'src_path'."""
reset_src_tree_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'reset', 'HEAD', '--hard']
clean_src_tree_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'clean', '-fd']
def SaveSrcTreeState(src_path):
"""Stashes the changes made so far to the source tree."""
save_src_tree_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'stash', '-a']
def RestoreSrcTreeState(src_path, bad_commit_hash):
"""Restores the changes made to the source tree."""
checkout_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'checkout', bad_commit_hash]
get_changes_cmd = ['git', '-C', src_path, 'stash', 'pop']
def HandlePatches(svn_version,
"""Handles the patches in the .json file for the package.
svn_version: The LLVM version to use for patch management.
patch_metadata_file: The absolute path to the .json file in '$FILESDIR/'
that has all the patches and their metadata.
filesdir_path: The absolute path to $FILESDIR.
src_path: The absolute path to the unpacked destination of the package.
mode: The action to take when an applicable patch failed to apply.
Ex: 'FailureModes.FAIL'
good_svn_version: Only used by 'bisect_patches' which tells
`git bisect start` the good version.
num_patches_to_iterate: The number of patches to iterate in the .JSON file
(internal use). Only used by `git bisect run`.
continue_bisection: Only used for 'bisect_patches' mode. If flag is set,
then bisection will continue to the next patch when successfully bisected a
Depending on the mode, 'None' would be returned if everything went well or
the .json file was not updated. Otherwise, a list or multiple lists would
be returned that indicates what has changed.
ValueError: The patch metadata file does not exist or does not end with
'.json' or the absolute path to $FILESDIR does not exist or the unpacked
path does not exist or if the mode is 'fail', then an applicable patch
failed to apply.
# A flag for whether the mode specified would possible modify the patches.
can_modify_patches = False
# 'fail' or 'continue' mode would not modify a patch's metadata, so the .json
# file would stay the same.
if mode != FailureModes.FAIL and mode != FailureModes.CONTINUE:
can_modify_patches = True
# A flag that determines whether at least one patch's metadata was
# updated due to the mode that is passed in.
updated_patch = False
# A list of patches that will be in the updated .json file.
applicable_patches = []
# A list of patches that successfully applied.
applied_patches = []
# A list of patches that were disabled.
disabled_patches = []
# A list of bisected patches.
bisected_patches = []
# A list of non applicable patches.
non_applicable_patches = []
# A list of patches that will not be included in the updated .json file
removed_patches = []
# Whether the patch metadata file was modified where 'None' means that the
# patch metadata file was not modified otherwise the absolute path to the
# patch metadata file is stored.
modified_metadata = None
# A list of patches that failed to apply.
failed_patches = []
with open(patch_metadata_file) as patch_file:
patch_file_contents = json.load(patch_file)
if mode == FailureModes.BISECT_PATCHES:
# A good and bad commit are required by `git bisect start`.
good_commit, bad_commit = GetCommitHashesForBisection(
src_path, good_svn_version, svn_version)
# Patch format:
# {
# "rel_patch_path" : "[REL_PATCH_PATH_FROM_$FILESDIR]"
# [PATCH_METADATA] if available.
# }
# For each patch, find the path to it in $FILESDIR and get its metadata if
# available, then check if the patch is applicable.
for patch_dict_index, cur_patch_dict in enumerate(patch_file_contents):
# Used by the internal bisection. All the patches in the interval [0, N]
# have been iterated.
if num_patches_to_iterate and \
(patch_dict_index + 1) > num_patches_to_iterate:
# Get the absolute path to the patch in $FILESDIR.
path_to_patch = GetPathToPatch(filesdir_path,
# Get the patch's metadata.
# Index information of 'patch_metadata':
# [0]: start_version
# [1]: end_version
# [2]: is_critical
patch_metadata = GetPatchMetadata(cur_patch_dict)
if not patch_metadata[1]:
# Patch does not have an 'end_version' value which implies 'end_version'
# == 'inf' ('svn_version' will always be less than 'end_version'), so
# the patch is applicable if 'svn_version' >= 'start_version'.
patch_applicable = svn_version >= patch_metadata[0]
# Patch is applicable if 'svn_version' >= 'start_version' &&
# "svn_version" < "end_version".
patch_applicable = (svn_version >= patch_metadata[0] and \
svn_version < patch_metadata[1])
if can_modify_patches:
# Add to the list only if the mode can potentially modify a patch.
# If the mode is 'remove_patches', then all patches that are
# applicable or are from the future will be added to the updated .json
# file and all patches that are not applicable will be added to the
# remove patches list which will not be included in the updated .json
# file.
if patch_applicable or svn_version < patch_metadata[0] or \
mode != FailureModes.REMOVE_PATCHES:
elif mode == FailureModes.REMOVE_PATCHES:
if not modified_metadata:
# At least one patch will be removed from the .json file.
modified_metadata = patch_metadata_file
if not patch_applicable:
# There is no need to apply patches in 'remove_patches' mode because the
# mode removes patches that do not apply anymore based off of
# 'svn_version.'
if patch_applicable and mode != FailureModes.REMOVE_PATCHES:
patch_applied = ApplyPatch(src_path, path_to_patch)
if not patch_applied: # Failed to apply patch.
# Check the mode to determine what action to take on the failing
# patch.
if mode == FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES:
# Set the patch's 'end_version' to 'svn_version' so the patch
# would not be applicable anymore (i.e. the patch's 'end_version'
# would not be greater than 'svn_version').
# Last element in 'applicable_patches' is the current patch.
applicable_patches[-1]['end_version'] = svn_version
if not updated_patch:
# At least one patch has been modified, so the .json file
# will be updated with the new patch metadata.
updated_patch = True
modified_metadata = patch_metadata_file
elif mode == FailureModes.BISECT_PATCHES:
# Figure out where the patch's stops applying and set the patch's
# 'end_version' to that version.
# Do not want to overwrite the changes to the current progress of
# 'bisect_patches' on the source tree.
# Need a clean source tree for `git bisect run` to avoid unnecessary
# fails for patches.
print('\nStarting to bisect patch %s for SVN version %d:\n' %
# Performs the bisection: calls `git bisect start` and
# `git bisect run`, where `git bisect run` is going to call this
# script as many times as needed with specific arguments.
bad_svn_version = PerformBisection(
src_path, good_commit, bad_commit, svn_version,
patch_metadata_file, filesdir_path, patch_dict_index + 1)
print('\nSuccessfully bisected patch %s, starts to fail to apply '
'at %d\n' % (os.path.basename(
cur_patch_dict['rel_patch_path']), bad_svn_version))
# Overwrite the .JSON file with the new 'end_version' for the
# current failed patch so that if there are other patches that
# fail to apply, then the 'end_version' for the current patch could
# be applicable when `git bisect run` is performed on the next
# failed patch because the same .JSON file is used for `git bisect
# run`.
'end_version'] = bad_svn_version
UpdatePatchMetadataFile(patch_metadata_file, patch_file_contents)
# Clear the changes made to the source tree by `git bisect run`.
if not continue_bisection:
# Exiting program early because 'continue_bisection' is not set.
'%s starts to fail to apply at %d' % (os.path.basename(
cur_patch_dict['rel_patch_path']), bad_svn_version))
# Continue where 'bisect_patches' left off.
RestoreSrcTreeState(src_path, bad_commit)
if not modified_metadata:
# At least one patch's 'end_version' has been updated.
modified_metadata = patch_metadata_file
elif mode == FailureModes.FAIL:
if applied_patches:
print('The following patches applied successfully up to the '
'failed patch:')
# Throw an exception on the first patch that failed to apply.
raise ValueError(
'Failed to apply patch: %s' % os.path.basename(path_to_patch))
elif mode == FailureModes.INTERNAL_BISECTION:
# Determine the exit status for `git bisect run` because of the
# failed patch in the interval [0, N].
# NOTE: `git bisect run` exit codes are as follows:
# 130: Terminates the bisection.
# 1: Similar as `git bisect bad`.
# Some patch in the interval [0, N) failed, so terminate bisection
# (the patch stack is broken).
if (patch_dict_index + 1) != num_patches_to_iterate:
print('\nTerminating bisection due to patch %s failed to apply '
'on SVN version %d.\n' % (os.path.basename(
cur_patch_dict['rel_patch_path']), svn_version))
# Man page for `git bisect run` states that any value over 127
# terminates it.
# Changes to the source tree need to be removed, otherwise some
# patches may fail when applying the patch to the source tree when
# `git bisect run` calls this script again.
# The last patch in the interval [0, N] failed to apply, so let
# `git bisect run` know that the last patch (the patch that failed
# originally which led to `git bisect run` to be invoked) is bad
# with exit code 1.
else: # Successfully applied patch
# All patches in the interval [0, N] applied successfully, so let
# `git bisect run` know that the program exited with exit code 0 (good).
if mode == FailureModes.INTERNAL_BISECTION:
# Changes to the source tree need to be removed, otherwise some
# patches may fail when applying the patch to the source tree when
# `git bisect run` calls this script again.
# Also, if `git bisect run` will NOT call this script again (terminated) and
# if the source tree changes are not removed, `git bisect reset` will
# complain that the changes would need to be 'stashed' or 'removed' in
# order to reset HEAD back to the bad commit's git hash, so HEAD will remain
# on the last git hash used by `git bisect run`.
# NOTE: Exit code 0 is similar to `git bisect good`.
# Create a namedtuple of the patch results.
PatchInfo = namedtuple('PatchInfo', [
'applied_patches', 'failed_patches', 'non_applicable_patches',
'disabled_patches', 'removed_patches', 'modified_metadata'
patch_info = PatchInfo(
# Determine post actions after iterating through the patches.
if mode == FailureModes.REMOVE_PATCHES:
if removed_patches:
UpdatePatchMetadataFile(patch_metadata_file, applicable_patches)
elif mode == FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES:
if updated_patch:
UpdatePatchMetadataFile(patch_metadata_file, applicable_patches)
elif mode == FailureModes.BISECT_PATCHES:
if modified_metadata:
print('\nThe following patches have been bisected:')
# Exiting early because 'bisect_patches' will not be called from other
# scripts, only this script uses 'bisect_patches'. The intent is to provide
# bisection information on the patches and aid in the bisection process.
return patch_info
def PrintPatchResults(patch_info):
"""Prints the results of handling the patches of a package.
patch_info: A namedtuple that has information on the patches.
if patch_info.applied_patches:
print('\nThe following patches applied successfully:')
if patch_info.failed_patches:
print('\nThe following patches failed to apply:')
if patch_info.non_applicable_patches:
print('\nThe following patches were not applicable:')
if patch_info.modified_metadata:
print('\nThe patch metadata file %s has been modified' % os.path.basename(
if patch_info.disabled_patches:
print('\nThe following patches were disabled:')
if patch_info.removed_patches:
print('\nThe following patches were removed from the patch metadata file:')
for cur_patch_path in patch_info.removed_patches:
print('%s' % os.path.basename(cur_patch_path))
def main():
"""Applies patches to the source tree and takes action on a failed patch."""
args_output = GetCommandLineArgs()
if args_output.failure_mode != FailureModes.INTERNAL_BISECTION.value:
# If the SVN version of HEAD is not the same as 'svn_version', then some
# patches that fail to apply could successfully apply if HEAD's SVN version
# was the same as 'svn_version'. In other words, HEAD's git hash should be
# what is being updated to (e.g. LLVM_NEXT_HASH).
if not args_output.use_src_head:
# `git bisect run` called this script.
# `git bisect run` moves HEAD each time it invokes this script, so set the
# 'svn_version' to be current HEAD's SVN version so that the previous
# SVN version is not used in determining whether a patch is applicable.
args_output.svn_version = GetHEADSVNVersion(args_output.src_path)
# Get the results of handling the patches of the package.
patch_info = HandlePatches(
args_output.svn_version, args_output.patch_metadata_file,
args_output.filesdir_path, args_output.src_path,
FailureModes(args_output.failure_mode), args_output.good_svn_version,
args_output.num_patches_to_iterate, args_output.continue_bisection)
if __name__ == '__main__':