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/* devmem.c - Access physical addresses
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
config DEVMEM
bool "devmem"
default y
usage: devmem ADDR [WIDTH [DATA]]
Read/write physical address. WIDTH is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (default 4).
Prefix ADDR with 0x for hexadecimal, output is in same base as address.
#define FOR_devmem
#include "toys.h"
void devmem_main(void)
int writing = toys.optc == 3, page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), bytes = 4,fd;
unsigned long long data = 0, map_off, map_len;
unsigned long addr = atolx(*toys.optargs);
void *map, *p;
if (toys.optc>1) {
int i;
if ((i=stridx("1248", *toys.optargs[1]))==-1 || toys.optargs[1][1])
error_exit("bad width: %s", toys.optargs[1]);
bytes = 1<<i;
// DATA? Report out of range values as errors rather than truncating.
if (writing) data = atolx_range(toys.optargs[2], 0, (1ULL<<(8*bytes))-1);
// Map in just enough.
fd = xopen("/dev/mem", (writing ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY) | O_SYNC);
map_off = addr & ~(page_size - 1);
map_len = (addr+bytes-map_off);
map = xmmap(0, map_len, writing ? PROT_WRITE : PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd,
p = map + (addr & (page_size - 1));
} else p = (void *)addr;
// Not using peek()/poke() because registers care about size of read/write
if (writing) {
if (bytes == 1) *(unsigned char *)p = data;
else if (bytes == 2) *(unsigned short *)p = data;
else if (bytes == 4) *(unsigned int *)p = data;
else if (bytes == 8) *(unsigned long long *)p = data;
} else {
if (bytes == 1) data = *(unsigned char *)p;
else if (bytes == 2) data = *(unsigned short *)p;
else if (bytes == 4) data = *(unsigned int *)p;
else if (bytes == 8) data = *(unsigned long long *)p;
printf((!strchr(*toys.optargs, 'x')) ? "%0*lld\n" : "0x%0*llx\n",
bytes*2, data);
if (CFG_TOYBOX_FORK) munmap(map, map_len);