
107 lines
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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "V4L2ComponentFactory"
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2ComponentFactory.h>
#include <codec2/hidl/1.0/InputBufferManager.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/V4L2ComponentCommon.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2DecodeComponent.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2DecodeInterface.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2EncodeComponent.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2EncodeInterface.h>
namespace android {
// static
std::unique_ptr<V4L2ComponentFactory> V4L2ComponentFactory::create(
const std::string& componentName, std::shared_ptr<C2ReflectorHelper> reflector) {
ALOGV("%s(%s)", __func__, componentName.c_str());
if (!android::V4L2ComponentName::isValid(componentName.c_str())) {
ALOGE("Invalid component name: %s", componentName.c_str());
return nullptr;
if (reflector == nullptr) {
ALOGE("reflector is null");
return nullptr;
bool isEncoder = android::V4L2ComponentName::isEncoder(componentName.c_str());
return std::make_unique<V4L2ComponentFactory>(componentName, isEncoder, std::move(reflector));
V4L2ComponentFactory::V4L2ComponentFactory(const std::string& componentName, bool isEncoder,
std::shared_ptr<C2ReflectorHelper> reflector)
: mComponentName(componentName), mIsEncoder(isEncoder), mReflector(std::move(reflector)) {
using namespace ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_0;
// To minimize IPC, we generally want the codec2 framework to release and
// recycle input buffers when the corresponding work item is done. However,
// sometimes it is necessary to provide more input to unblock a decoder.
// Optimally we would configure this on a per-context basis. However, the
// InputBufferManager is a process-wide singleton, so we need to configure it
// pessimistically. Basing the interval on frame timing can be suboptimal if
// the decoded output isn't being displayed, but that's not a primary use case
// and few videos will actually rely on this behavior.
constexpr nsecs_t kMinFrameIntervalNs = 1000000000ull / 60;
uint32_t delayCount = 0;
for (auto c : kAllCodecs) {
delayCount = std::max(delayCount, V4L2DecodeInterface::getOutputDelay(c));
utils::InputBufferManager::setNotificationInterval(delayCount * kMinFrameIntervalNs / 2);
c2_status_t V4L2ComponentFactory::createComponent(c2_node_id_t id,
std::shared_ptr<C2Component>* const component,
ComponentDeleter deleter) {
ALOGV("%s(%d), componentName: %s, isEncoder: %d", __func__, id, mComponentName.c_str(),
if (mReflector == nullptr) {
ALOGE("mReflector doesn't exist.");
return C2_CORRUPTED;
if (mIsEncoder) {
*component = V4L2EncodeComponent::create(mComponentName, id, mReflector, deleter);
} else {
*component = V4L2DecodeComponent::create(mComponentName, id, mReflector, deleter);
return *component ? C2_OK : C2_NO_MEMORY;
c2_status_t V4L2ComponentFactory::createInterface(
c2_node_id_t id, std::shared_ptr<C2ComponentInterface>* const interface,
InterfaceDeleter deleter) {
ALOGV("%s(), componentName: %s", __func__, mComponentName.c_str());
if (mReflector == nullptr) {
ALOGE("mReflector doesn't exist.");
return C2_CORRUPTED;
if (mIsEncoder) {
*interface = std::shared_ptr<C2ComponentInterface>(
new SimpleInterface<V4L2EncodeInterface>(
mComponentName.c_str(), id,
std::make_shared<V4L2EncodeInterface>(mComponentName, mReflector)),
return C2_OK;
} else {
*interface = std::shared_ptr<C2ComponentInterface>(
new SimpleInterface<V4L2DecodeInterface>(
mComponentName.c_str(), id,
std::make_shared<V4L2DecodeInterface>(mComponentName, mReflector)),
return C2_OK;
} // namespace android