
470 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "V4L2EncodeInterface"
#include <v4l2_codec2/components/V4L2EncodeInterface.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <C2PlatformSupport.h>
#include <SimpleC2Interface.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/common/1.0/types.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/V4L2ComponentCommon.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/V4L2Device.h>
#include <v4l2_codec2/common/VideoTypes.h>
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::BufferUsage;
namespace android {
namespace {
// Use basic linear block pool/allocator as default.
constexpr C2BlockPool::local_id_t kDefaultOutputBlockPool = C2BlockPool::BASIC_LINEAR;
// Default input and output allocators.
constexpr C2Allocator::id_t kDefaultInputAllocator = C2PlatformAllocatorStore::GRALLOC;
constexpr C2Allocator::id_t kDefaultOutputAllocator = C2PlatformAllocatorStore::BLOB;
// The default output framerate in frames per second.
// TODO: increase to 60 fps in the future.
constexpr float kDefaultFrameRate = 30.0;
// The default output bitrate in bits per second. Use the max bitrate of AVC Level1.0 as default.
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultBitrate = 64000;
// The maximal output bitrate in bits per second. It's the max bitrate of AVC Level4.1.
// TODO: increase this in the future for supporting higher level/resolution encoding.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxBitrate = 50000000;
std::optional<VideoCodec> getCodecFromComponentName(const std::string& name) {
if (name == V4L2ComponentName::kH264Encoder) return VideoCodec::H264;
if (name == V4L2ComponentName::kVP8Encoder) return VideoCodec::VP8;
if (name == V4L2ComponentName::kVP9Encoder) return VideoCodec::VP9;
ALOGE("Unknown name: %s", name.c_str());
return std::nullopt;
// Check whether the specified profile is a valid profile for the specified codec.
bool IsValidProfileForCodec(VideoCodec codec, C2Config::profile_t profile) {
switch (codec) {
case VideoCodec::H264:
return ((profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_BASELINE) &&
case VideoCodec::VP8:
return ((profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_VP8_0) && (profile <= C2Config::PROFILE_VP8_3));
case VideoCodec::VP9:
return ((profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_VP9_0) && (profile <= C2Config::PROFILE_VP9_3));
return false;
} // namespace
// static
C2R V4L2EncodeInterface::H264ProfileLevelSetter(
bool /*mayBlock*/, C2P<C2StreamProfileLevelInfo::output>& info,
const C2P<C2StreamPictureSizeInfo::input>& videoSize,
const C2P<C2StreamFrameRateInfo::output>& frameRate,
const C2P<C2StreamBitrateInfo::output>& bitrate) {
static C2Config::level_t lowestConfigLevel = C2Config::LEVEL_UNUSED;
// Adopt default minimal profile instead if the requested profile is not supported, or lower
// than the default minimal one.
constexpr C2Config::profile_t minProfile = C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_BASELINE;
if (!info.F(info.v.profile).supportsAtAll(info.v.profile) || info.v.profile < minProfile) {
if (info.F(info.v.profile).supportsAtAll(minProfile)) {
ALOGV("Set profile to default (%u) instead.", minProfile);
info.set().profile = minProfile;
} else {
ALOGE("Unable to set either requested profile (%u) or default profile (%u).",
info.v.profile, minProfile);
return C2R(C2SettingResultBuilder::BadValue(info.F(info.v.profile)));
// Table A-1 in spec
struct LevelLimits {
C2Config::level_t level;
float maxMBPS; // max macroblock processing rate in macroblocks per second
uint64_t maxFS; // max frame size in macroblocks
uint32_t maxBR; // max video bitrate in bits per second
constexpr LevelLimits kLimits[] = {
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1, 1485, 99, 64000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1B, 1485, 99, 128000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_1, 3000, 396, 192000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_2, 6000, 396, 384000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_3, 11880, 396, 768000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2, 11880, 396, 2000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2_1, 19800, 792, 4000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2_2, 20250, 1620, 4000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3, 40500, 1620, 10000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3_1, 108000, 3600, 14000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3_2, 216000, 5120, 20000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4, 245760, 8192, 20000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4_1, 245760, 8192, 50000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4_2, 522240, 8704, 50000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_5, 589824, 22080, 135000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_5_1, 983040, 36864, 240000000},
{C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_5_2, 2073600, 36864, 240000000},
uint64_t targetFS =
static_cast<uint64_t>((videoSize.v.width + 15) / 16) * ((videoSize.v.height + 15) / 16);
float targetMBPS = static_cast<float>(targetFS) * frameRate.v.value;
// Try the recorded lowest configed level. This level should become adaptable after input size,
// frame rate, and bitrate are all set.
if (lowestConfigLevel != C2Config::LEVEL_UNUSED && lowestConfigLevel < info.v.level) {
info.set().level = lowestConfigLevel;
// Check if the supplied level meets the requirements. If not, update the level with the lowest
// level meeting the requirements.
bool found = false;
bool needsUpdate = !info.F(info.v.level).supportsAtAll(info.v.level);
for (const LevelLimits& limit : kLimits) {
if (!info.F(info.v.level).supportsAtAll(limit.level)) {
// Table A-2 in spec
// The maximum bit rate for High Profile is 1.25 times that of the Base/Extended/Main
// Profiles, 3 times for Hi10P, and 4 times for Hi422P/Hi444PP.
uint32_t maxBR = limit.maxBR;
if (info.v.profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_HIGH_422) {
maxBR *= 4;
} else if (info.v.profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_HIGH_10) {
maxBR *= 3;
} else if (info.v.profile >= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_HIGH) {
maxBR = maxBR * 5.0 / 4.0;
if (targetFS <= limit.maxFS && targetMBPS <= limit.maxMBPS && bitrate.v.value <= maxBR) {
// This is the lowest level that meets the requirements, and if
// we haven't seen the supplied level yet, that means we don't
// need the update.
if (needsUpdate) {
// Since current config update is sequential, there is an issue when we want to set
// lower level for small input size, frame rate, and bitrate, if we set level first,
// it will be adjusted to a higher one because the default input size or others are
// above the limit. Use lowestConfigLevel to record the level we have tried to
// config (but failed).
// TODO(johnylin): remove this solution after b/140407694 has proper fix.
lowestConfigLevel = info.v.level;
ALOGD("Given level %u does not cover current configuration: "
"adjusting to %u",
info.v.level, limit.level);
info.set().level = limit.level;
found = true;
if (info.v.level <= limit.level) {
// We break out of the loop when the lowest feasible level is found. The fact that we're
// here means that our level doesn't meet the requirement and needs to be updated.
needsUpdate = true;
if (!found) {
ALOGE("Unable to find proper level with current config, requested level (%u).",
return C2R(C2SettingResultBuilder::BadValue(info.F(info.v.level)));
return C2R::Ok();
C2R V4L2EncodeInterface::VP9ProfileLevelSetter(
bool /*mayBlock*/, C2P<C2StreamProfileLevelInfo::output>& info,
const C2P<C2StreamPictureSizeInfo::input>& /*videoSize*/,
const C2P<C2StreamFrameRateInfo::output>& /*frameRate*/,
const C2P<C2StreamBitrateInfo::output>& /*bitrate*/) {
// Adopt default minimal profile instead if the requested profile is not supported, or lower
// than the default minimal one.
constexpr C2Config::profile_t defaultMinProfile = C2Config::PROFILE_VP9_0;
if (!info.F(info.v.profile).supportsAtAll(info.v.profile) ||
info.v.profile < defaultMinProfile) {
if (info.F(info.v.profile).supportsAtAll(defaultMinProfile)) {
ALOGV("Set profile to default (%u) instead.", defaultMinProfile);
info.set().profile = defaultMinProfile;
} else {
ALOGE("Unable to set either requested profile (%u) or default profile (%u).",
info.v.profile, defaultMinProfile);
return C2R(C2SettingResultBuilder::BadValue(info.F(info.v.profile)));
return C2R::Ok();
// static
C2R V4L2EncodeInterface::SizeSetter(bool mayBlock, C2P<C2StreamPictureSizeInfo::input>& videoSize) {
// TODO: maybe apply block limit?
return videoSize.F(videoSize.v.width)
// static
C2R V4L2EncodeInterface::IntraRefreshPeriodSetter(bool mayBlock,
C2P<C2StreamIntraRefreshTuning::output>& period) {
if (period.v.period < 1) {
period.set().mode = C2Config::INTRA_REFRESH_DISABLED;
period.set().period = 0;
} else {
// Only support arbitrary mode (cyclic in our case).
period.set().mode = C2Config::INTRA_REFRESH_ARBITRARY;
return C2R::Ok();
V4L2EncodeInterface::V4L2EncodeInterface(const C2String& name,
std::shared_ptr<C2ReflectorHelper> helper)
: C2InterfaceHelper(std::move(helper)) {
ALOGV("%s(%s)", __func__, name.c_str());
void V4L2EncodeInterface::Initialize(const C2String& name) {
scoped_refptr<V4L2Device> device = V4L2Device::create();
if (!device) {
ALOGE("Failed to create V4L2 device");
mInitStatus = C2_CORRUPTED;
auto codec = getCodecFromComponentName(name);
if (!codec) {
ALOGE("Invalid component name");
mInitStatus = C2_BAD_VALUE;
V4L2Device::SupportedEncodeProfiles supported_profiles = device->getSupportedEncodeProfiles();
// Compile the list of supported profiles.
// Note: unsigned int is used here, since std::vector<C2Config::profile_t> cannot convert to
// std::vector<unsigned int> required by the c2 framework below.
std::vector<unsigned int> profiles;
ui::Size maxSize;
for (const auto& supportedProfile : supported_profiles) {
if (!IsValidProfileForCodec(codec.value(), supportedProfile.profile)) {
continue; // Ignore unrecognizable or unsupported profiles.
ALOGV("Queried c2_profile = 0x%x : max_size = %d x %d", supportedProfile.profile,
supportedProfile.max_resolution.width, supportedProfile.max_resolution.height);
profiles.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(supportedProfile.profile));
maxSize.setWidth(std::max(maxSize.width, supportedProfile.max_resolution.width));
maxSize.setHeight(std::max(maxSize.height, supportedProfile.max_resolution.height));
if (profiles.empty()) {
ALOGE("No supported profiles");
mInitStatus = C2_BAD_VALUE;
// Special note: the order of addParameter matters if your setters are dependent on other
// parameters. Please make sure the dependent parameters are added prior to the
// one needs the setter dependency.
addParameter(DefineParam(mKind, C2_PARAMKEY_COMPONENT_KIND)
.withConstValue(new C2ComponentKindSetting(C2Component::KIND_ENCODER))
addParameter(DefineParam(mInputVisibleSize, C2_PARAMKEY_PICTURE_SIZE)
.withDefault(new C2StreamPictureSizeInfo::input(0u, 320, 240))
C2F(mInputVisibleSize, width).inRange(2, maxSize.width, 2),
C2F(mInputVisibleSize, height).inRange(2, maxSize.height, 2),
addParameter(DefineParam(mFrameRate, C2_PARAMKEY_FRAME_RATE)
.withDefault(new C2StreamFrameRateInfo::output(0u, kDefaultFrameRate))
// TODO: More restriction?
.withFields({C2F(mFrameRate, value).greaterThan(0.)})
addParameter(DefineParam(mBitrate, C2_PARAMKEY_BITRATE)
.withDefault(new C2StreamBitrateInfo::output(0u, kDefaultBitrate))
.withFields({C2F(mBitrate, value).inRange(0, kMaxBitrate)})
DefineParam(mBitrateMode, C2_PARAMKEY_BITRATE_MODE)
.withDefault(new C2StreamBitrateModeTuning::output(0u, C2Config::BITRATE_CONST))
{C2F(mBitrateMode, value)
std::string outputMime;
if (getCodecFromComponentName(name) == VideoCodec::H264) {
C2Config::profile_t minProfile = static_cast<C2Config::profile_t>(
*std::min_element(profiles.begin(), profiles.end()));
DefineParam(mProfileLevel, C2_PARAMKEY_PROFILE_LEVEL)
.withDefault(new C2StreamProfileLevelInfo::output(0u, minProfile,
{C2F(mProfileLevel, profile).oneOf(profiles),
C2F(mProfileLevel, level)
// TODO: query supported levels from adaptor.
.oneOf({C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1B,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_1, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_2,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_1_3, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2_1, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_2_2,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_3_2, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4_1, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_4_2,
C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_5, C2Config::LEVEL_AVC_5_1})})
.withSetter(H264ProfileLevelSetter, mInputVisibleSize, mFrameRate, mBitrate)
} else if (getCodecFromComponentName(name) == VideoCodec::VP8) {
// VP8 doesn't have conventional profiles, we'll use profile0 if the VP8 codec is requested.
addParameter(DefineParam(mProfileLevel, C2_PARAMKEY_PROFILE_LEVEL)
.withConstValue(new C2StreamProfileLevelInfo::output(
0u, C2Config::PROFILE_VP8_0, C2Config::LEVEL_UNUSED))
} else if (getCodecFromComponentName(name) == VideoCodec::VP9) {
C2Config::profile_t minProfile = static_cast<C2Config::profile_t>(
*std::min_element(profiles.begin(), profiles.end()));
DefineParam(mProfileLevel, C2_PARAMKEY_PROFILE_LEVEL)
.withDefault(new C2StreamProfileLevelInfo::output(0u, minProfile,
{C2F(mProfileLevel, profile).oneOf(profiles),
C2F(mProfileLevel, level)
// TODO(dstaessens) query supported levels from adaptor.
.oneOf({C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_1, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_1_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_2, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_2_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_3, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_3_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_4, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_4_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_5, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_5_1,
C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_5_2, C2Config::LEVEL_VP9_6,
.withSetter(VP9ProfileLevelSetter, mInputVisibleSize, mFrameRate, mBitrate)
} else {
ALOGE("Unsupported component name: %s", name.c_str());
mInitStatus = C2_BAD_VALUE;
.withConstValue(new C2StreamBufferTypeSetting::input(0u, C2BufferData::GRAPHIC))
// TODO(b/167640667) Add VIDEO_ENCODER flag once input convertor is not enabled by default.
// When using the format convertor (which is currently always enabled) it's not useful to add
// the VIDEO_ENCODER buffer flag for input buffers here. Currently zero-copy is not supported
// yet, so when using this flag an additional buffer will be allocated on host side and a copy
// will be performed between the guest and host buffer to keep them in sync. This is wasteful as
// the buffer is only used on guest side by the format convertor which converts and copies the
// buffer into another buffer.
//addParameter(DefineParam(mInputMemoryUsage, C2_PARAMKEY_INPUT_STREAM_USAGE)
// .withConstValue(new C2StreamUsageTuning::input(
// 0u, static_cast<uint64_t>(BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER)))
// .build());
.withConstValue(new C2StreamBufferTypeSetting::output(0u, C2BufferData::LINEAR))
addParameter(DefineParam(mInputMediaType, C2_PARAMKEY_INPUT_MEDIA_TYPE)
addParameter(DefineParam(mOutputMediaType, C2_PARAMKEY_OUTPUT_MEDIA_TYPE)
addParameter(DefineParam(mIntraRefreshPeriod, C2_PARAMKEY_INTRA_REFRESH)
.withDefault(new C2StreamIntraRefreshTuning::output(
.withFields({C2F(mIntraRefreshPeriod, mode)
C2F(mIntraRefreshPeriod, period).any()})
addParameter(DefineParam(mRequestKeyFrame, C2_PARAMKEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME)
.withDefault(new C2StreamRequestSyncFrameTuning::output(0u, C2_FALSE))
.withFields({C2F(mRequestKeyFrame, value).oneOf({C2_FALSE, C2_TRUE})})
addParameter(DefineParam(mKeyFramePeriodUs, C2_PARAMKEY_SYNC_FRAME_INTERVAL)
.withDefault(new C2StreamSyncFrameIntervalTuning::output(0u, 1000000))
.withFields({C2F(mKeyFramePeriodUs, value).any()})
C2Allocator::id_t inputAllocators[] = {kDefaultInputAllocator};
C2Allocator::id_t outputAllocators[] = {kDefaultOutputAllocator};
DefineParam(mInputAllocatorIds, C2_PARAMKEY_INPUT_ALLOCATORS)
DefineParam(mOutputAllocatorIds, C2_PARAMKEY_OUTPUT_ALLOCATORS)
C2BlockPool::local_id_t outputBlockPools[] = {kDefaultOutputBlockPool};
DefineParam(mOutputBlockPoolIds, C2_PARAMKEY_OUTPUT_BLOCK_POOLS)
.withFields({C2F(mOutputBlockPoolIds, m.values[0]).any(),
C2F(mOutputBlockPoolIds, m.values).inRange(0, 1)})
mInitStatus = C2_OK;
uint32_t V4L2EncodeInterface::getKeyFramePeriod() const {
if (mKeyFramePeriodUs->value < 0 || mKeyFramePeriodUs->value == INT64_MAX) {
return 0;
double period = mKeyFramePeriodUs->value / 1e6 * mFrameRate->value;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(std::max(std::min(std::round(period), double(UINT32_MAX)), 1.));
} // namespace android