
193 lines
6.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "TwoWayCommunication.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory>
#include "api/audio_codecs/builtin_audio_decoder_factory.h"
#include "api/audio_codecs/builtin_audio_encoder_factory.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/test/PCMFile.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
#include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
namespace webrtc {
: _acmA(AudioCodingModule::Create(
AudioCodingModule::Config(CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory()))) {
AudioCodingModule::Config config;
// The clicks will be more obvious if time-stretching is not allowed.
// TODO(henrik.lundin) Really?
config.neteq_config.for_test_no_time_stretching = true;
config.decoder_factory = CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory();
TwoWayCommunication::~TwoWayCommunication() {
delete _channel_A2B;
delete _channel_B2A;
delete _channelRef_A2B;
delete _channelRef_B2A;
void TwoWayCommunication::SetUpAutotest(
AudioEncoderFactory* const encoder_factory,
const SdpAudioFormat& format1,
const int payload_type1,
const SdpAudioFormat& format2,
const int payload_type2) {
//--- Set A codecs
encoder_factory->MakeAudioEncoder(payload_type1, format1, absl::nullopt));
_acmA->SetReceiveCodecs({{payload_type2, format2}});
//--- Set ref-A codecs
encoder_factory->MakeAudioEncoder(payload_type1, format1, absl::nullopt));
_acmRefA->SetReceiveCodecs({{payload_type2, format2}});
//--- Set B codecs
encoder_factory->MakeAudioEncoder(payload_type2, format2, absl::nullopt));
_acmB->SetReceiveCodecs({{payload_type1, format1}});
//--- Set ref-B codecs
encoder_factory->MakeAudioEncoder(payload_type2, format2, absl::nullopt));
_acmRefB->SetReceiveCodecs({{payload_type1, format1}});
uint16_t frequencyHz;
//--- Input A and B
std::string in_file_name =
webrtc::test::ResourcePath("audio_coding/testfile32kHz", "pcm");
frequencyHz = 16000;
_inFileA.Open(in_file_name, frequencyHz, "rb");
_inFileB.Open(in_file_name, frequencyHz, "rb");
//--- Output A
std::string output_file_a = webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "outAutotestA.pcm";
frequencyHz = 16000;
_outFileA.Open(output_file_a, frequencyHz, "wb");
std::string output_ref_file_a =
webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "ref_outAutotestA.pcm";
_outFileRefA.Open(output_ref_file_a, frequencyHz, "wb");
//--- Output B
std::string output_file_b = webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "outAutotestB.pcm";
frequencyHz = 16000;
_outFileB.Open(output_file_b, frequencyHz, "wb");
std::string output_ref_file_b =
webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "ref_outAutotestB.pcm";
_outFileRefB.Open(output_ref_file_b, frequencyHz, "wb");
//--- Set A-to-B channel
_channel_A2B = new Channel;
//--- Do the same for the reference
_channelRef_A2B = new Channel;
//--- Set B-to-A channel
_channel_B2A = new Channel;
//--- Do the same for reference
_channelRef_B2A = new Channel;
void TwoWayCommunication::Perform() {
const SdpAudioFormat format1("ISAC", 16000, 1);
const SdpAudioFormat format2("L16", 8000, 1);
constexpr int payload_type1 = 17, payload_type2 = 18;
auto encoder_factory = CreateBuiltinAudioEncoderFactory();
SetUpAutotest(encoder_factory.get(), format1, payload_type1, format2,
unsigned int msecPassed = 0;
unsigned int secPassed = 0;
int32_t outFreqHzA = _outFileA.SamplingFrequency();
int32_t outFreqHzB = _outFileB.SamplingFrequency();
AudioFrame audioFrame;
// In the following loop we tests that the code can handle misuse of the APIs.
// In the middle of a session with data flowing between two sides, called A
// and B, APIs will be called, and the code should continue to run, and be
// able to recover.
while (!_inFileA.EndOfFile() && !_inFileB.EndOfFile()) {
msecPassed += 10;
EXPECT_GT(_inFileA.Read10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
EXPECT_GE(_acmA->Add10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
EXPECT_GE(_acmRefA->Add10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
EXPECT_GT(_inFileB.Read10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
EXPECT_GE(_acmB->Add10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
EXPECT_GE(_acmRefB->Add10MsData(audioFrame), 0);
bool muted;
EXPECT_EQ(0, _acmA->PlayoutData10Ms(outFreqHzA, &audioFrame, &muted));
EXPECT_EQ(0, _acmRefA->PlayoutData10Ms(outFreqHzA, &audioFrame, &muted));
EXPECT_EQ(0, _acmB->PlayoutData10Ms(outFreqHzB, &audioFrame, &muted));
EXPECT_EQ(0, _acmRefB->PlayoutData10Ms(outFreqHzB, &audioFrame, &muted));
// Update time counters each time a second of data has passed.
if (msecPassed >= 1000) {
msecPassed = 0;
// Re-register send codec on side B.
if (((secPassed % 5) == 4) && (msecPassed >= 990)) {
payload_type2, format2, absl::nullopt));
// Initialize receiver on side A.
if (((secPassed % 7) == 6) && (msecPassed == 0))
EXPECT_EQ(0, _acmA->InitializeReceiver());
// Re-register codec on side A.
if (((secPassed % 7) == 6) && (msecPassed >= 990)) {
_acmA->SetReceiveCodecs({{payload_type2, format2}});
} // namespace webrtc