
184 lines
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Executable File

* IE/TLV fragmentation/defragmentation support for
* Broadcom 802.11bang Networking Device Driver
* Copyright (C) 2022, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#include <frag.h>
#include <802.11.h>
#include <bcmstdlib_s.h>
/* defrag a fragmented dot11 ie/tlv. if space does not permit, return the needed
* ie length to contain all the fragments with status BCME_BUFTOOSHORT.
* out_len is in/out parameter, max length on input, used/required length on output
* data_len is out parameter, it has the length of de-fragmented data.
bcm_tlv_dot11_defrag(const void *buf, uint buf_len, uint8 id, bool id_ext,
uint8 *out, uint *out_len, uint *data_len)
int err = BCME_OK;
const bcm_tlv_t *ie;
uint tot_len = 0;
uint tot_data_len = 0;
uint out_left;
/* find the ie; includes validation */
ie = bcm_parse_tlvs_dot11(buf, buf_len, id, id_ext);
if (!ie) {
goto done;
out_left = (out && out_len) ? *out_len : 0;
/* first fragment */
tot_len = id_ext ? ie->len - 1u : ie->len;
tot_data_len = tot_len;
/* copy out if output space permits */
if (out_left < tot_len) {
out_left = 0; /* prevent further copy */
} else {
if ((err = memcpy_s(out, out_left, &ie->data[id_ext ? 1u : 0], tot_len))
!= BCME_OK) {
goto fail;
out += tot_len;
out_left -= tot_len;
/* if not fragmened or not fragmentable per 802.11 table 9-77 11md0.1 bail
* we can introduce the latter check later
if (ie->len != BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE) {
goto done;
/* adjust buf_len to length after ie including it */
buf_len -= (uint)(((const uint8 *)ie - (const uint8 *)buf));
/* update length from fragments, okay if no next ie */
while ((ie = bcm_next_tlv(ie, &buf_len)) &&
(ie->id == DOT11_MNG_FRAGMENT_ID)) {
/* note: buf_len starts at next ie and last frag may be partial */
if (out_left < ie->len) {
out_left = 0;
} else {
if ((err = memcpy_s(out, out_left, &ie->data[0], ie->len)) != BCME_OK) {
goto fail;
out += ie->len;
out_left -= ie->len;
tot_data_len += ie->len;
tot_len += ie->len + BCM_TLV_HDR_SIZE;
/* all but last should be of max size */
if (ie->len < BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE) {
if (out_len) {
*out_len = tot_len;
if (data_len) {
*data_len = tot_data_len;
return err;
bcm_tlv_dot11_frag_tot_len(const void *buf, uint buf_len,
uint8 id, bool id_ext, uint *ie_len)
return bcm_tlv_dot11_defrag(buf, buf_len, id, id_ext, NULL, ie_len, NULL);
bcm_tlv_dot11_frag_tot_data_len(const void *buf, uint buf_len,
uint8 id, bool id_ext, uint *ie_len, uint *data_len)
return bcm_tlv_dot11_defrag(buf, buf_len, id, id_ext, NULL, ie_len, data_len);
/* To support IE fragmentation.
* data will be fit into a series of elements consisting of one leading element
* followed by Fragment elements if needed.
* data_len is in/out parameter, it has the length of all the elements, including
* the leading element header size.
* Caller can get elements length by passing dst as NULL.
bcm_tlv_dot11_frag(uint8 id, bool id_ext, const void *data, uint data_len,
uint8 *buf, uint *buf_len)
uint8 id_ext_len = id_ext ? 1u : 0;
bool is_write = (buf != NULL);
uint8 *ie_data = NULL;
uint ie_len = 0;
uint8 num_frags = 0, last_frag_size = 0;
int err = BCME_OK;
if ((data_len + id_ext_len) >
last_frag_size = (data_len + id_ext_len) % BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE;
num_frags = CEIL(data_len + id_ext_len, BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE);
} else {
last_frag_size = data_len + id_ext_len;
num_frags = 1u;
ie_len = data_len + id_ext_len + num_frags * BCM_TLV_HDR_SIZE;
if (is_write) {
uint len_to_copy = (num_frags > 1u) ? (uint)(BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE - id_ext_len) :
uint copied_len = 0;
if (ie_len > *buf_len) {
goto done;
if (id_ext) {
ie_data = bcm_write_tlv_ext(DOT11_MNG_ID_EXT_ID, id,
data, len_to_copy, buf);
} else {
ie_data = bcm_write_tlv(id, data, len_to_copy, buf);
while (num_frags > 1u) {
copied_len += len_to_copy;
len_to_copy = (num_frags > 2u) ? BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE : last_frag_size;
ie_data = bcm_write_tlv(DOT11_MNG_FRAGMENT_ID,
(const uint8 *)data + copied_len,
len_to_copy, ie_data);
num_frags --;
*buf_len = ie_len;
return err;