348 lines
13 KiB
348 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/zucchini/buffer_source.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "components/zucchini/test_utils.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace zucchini {
using vec = std::vector<uint8_t>;
class BufferSourceTest : public testing::Test {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_ = ParseHexString("10 32 54 76 98 BA DC FE 10 00");
BufferSource source_ = {bytes_.data(), bytes_.size()};
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, Skip) {
EXPECT_EQ(bytes_.size(), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(bytes_.size() - 2, source_.Remaining());
source_.Skip(10); // Skipping past end just moves cursor to end.
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(0), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, CheckNextBytes) {
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.CheckNextBytes({0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76}));
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.CheckNextBytes({0x98, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0xFE}));
// Cursor has not advanced, so check fails.
EXPECT_FALSE(source_.CheckNextBytes({0x10, 0x00}));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
// Goes beyond end by 2 bytes.
EXPECT_FALSE(source_.CheckNextBytes({0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, ConsumeBytes) {
EXPECT_FALSE(source_.ConsumeBytes({0x10, 0x00}));
EXPECT_EQ(bytes_.size(), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.ConsumeBytes({0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76}));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(6), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.ConsumeBytes({0x98, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0xFE}));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
// Goes beyond end by 2 bytes.
EXPECT_FALSE(source_.ConsumeBytes({0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, CheckNextValue) {
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
// Goes beyond end by 2 bytes.
// Supported by MSVC, g++, and clang++.
// Ensures no gaps in packing.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ValueType {
uint32_t a;
uint16_t b;
#pragma pack(pop)
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetValueIntegral) {
uint32_t value = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), value);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(6), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xFEDCBA98), value);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetValueAggregate) {
ValueType value = {};
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), value.a);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xBA98), value.b);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(4), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetRegion) {
ConstBufferView region;
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.GetRegion(0, ®ion));
EXPECT_EQ(bytes_.size(), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_TRUE(source_.GetRegion(2, ®ion));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), region.size());
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0x10, 0x32}), vec(region.begin(), region.end()));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(8), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_FALSE(source_.GetRegion(bytes_.size(), ®ion));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(8), source_.Remaining());
// |region| is left untouched.
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0x10, 0x32}), vec(region.begin(), region.end()));
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), region.size());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetPointerIntegral) {
const uint32_t* ptr = source_.GetPointer<uint32_t>();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), *ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(6), source_.Remaining());
ptr = source_.GetPointer<uint32_t>();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xFEDCBA98), *ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, source_.GetPointer<uint32_t>());
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetPointerAggregate) {
const ValueType* ptr = source_.GetPointer<ValueType>();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), ptr->a);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xBA98), ptr->b);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(4), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetArrayIntegral) {
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, source_.GetArray<uint32_t>(3));
const uint32_t* ptr = source_.GetArray<uint32_t>(2);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), ptr[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xFEDCBA98), ptr[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(2), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetArrayAggregate) {
const ValueType* ptr = source_.GetArray<ValueType>(2);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr);
ptr = source_.GetArray<ValueType>(1);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0x76543210), ptr[0].a);
EXPECT_EQ(uint32_t(0xBA98), ptr[0].b);
EXPECT_EQ(size_t(4), source_.Remaining());
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetUleb128) {
using size_type = BufferSource::size_type;
// Result = {success, value, bytes_consumed}.
using Result = std::tuple<bool, uint32_t, size_type>;
constexpr uint32_t kUnInit = 0xCCCCCCCC; // Arbitrary value.
constexpr Result kBad{false, kUnInit, 0U};
auto run = [](const std::string hex_string) -> Result {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = ParseHexString(hex_string);
BufferSource source(ConstBufferView{bytes.data(), bytes.size()});
BufferSource::iterator base = source.begin();
// Initialize |value| to |kUnInit| to ensure no write on failure.
uint32_t value = kUnInit;
bool success = source.GetUleb128(&value);
return {success, value, source.begin() - base};
auto good = [](uint32_t value, size_type bytes_consumed) -> Result {
return Result{true, value, bytes_consumed};
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 1U), run("00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x20U, 1U), run("20"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x42U, 1U), run("42"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x7FU, 1U), run("7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 2U), run("80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x80U, 2U), run("80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x7FU, 2U), run("FF 00")); // Redundant (unsigned).
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x3FFFU, 2U), run("FF 7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 1U), run("00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("F1 88")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 3U), run("80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x4000U, 3U), run("80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00100000U, 3U), run("80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x001FFFFFU, 3U), run("FF FF 7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 1U), run("00 00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("AB CD EF")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 4U), run("80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00100000U, 4U), run("80 80 C0 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00200000U, 4U), run("80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x08000000U, 4U), run("80 80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x001FC07FU, 4U), run("FF 80 FF 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0U, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x10000000U, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x10204081U, 5U), run("81 81 81 81 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x7FFFFFFFU, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 07"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x80000000U, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 08"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0xFFFFFFFFU, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 0F"));
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF 80")); // Too long / out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0FFFFFFFU, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 10")); // "1" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00000000U, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 20")); // "2" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0xA54A952AU, 5U), run("AA AA AA AA 7A")); // "7" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF FF 00")); // Too long.
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, GetSleb128) {
using size_type = BufferSource::size_type;
// Result = {success, value, bytes_consumed}.
using Result = std::tuple<bool, int32_t, size_type>;
constexpr int32_t kUnInit = 0xCCCCCCCC; // Arbitrary value.
constexpr Result kBad{false, kUnInit, 0U};
auto run = [](const std::string hex_string) -> Result {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = ParseHexString(hex_string);
BufferSource source(ConstBufferView{bytes.data(), bytes.size()});
BufferSource::iterator base = source.begin();
// Initialize |value| to |kUnInit| to ensure no write on failure.
int32_t value = kUnInit;
bool success = source.GetSleb128(&value);
return {success, value, source.begin() - base};
auto good = [](int32_t value, size_type bytes_consumed) -> Result {
return Result{true, value, bytes_consumed};
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 1U), run("00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x20U, 1U), run("20"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x3E, 1U), run("42"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x1, 1U), run("7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 2U), run("80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x80, 2U), run("80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x7F, 2U), run("FF 00")); // Not redudnant.
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x1, 2U), run("FF 7F")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 1U), run("00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("F1 88")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 3U), run("80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x4000, 3U), run("80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x100000, 3U), run("80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x1, 3U), run("FF FF 7F")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 1U), run("00 00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("AB CD EF")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 4U), run("80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00100000, 4U), run("80 80 C0 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00200000, 4U), run("80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-static_cast<int32_t>(0x08000000), 4U), run("80 80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x001FC07F, 4U), run("FF 80 FF 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x10000000, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x10204081, 5U), run("81 81 81 81 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x7FFFFFFF, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 07"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-static_cast<int32_t>(0x80000000), 5U), run("80 80 80 80 08"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x1, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 0F")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF 80")); // Too long / out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x0FFFFFFF, 5U), run("FF FF FF FF 10")); // "1" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(0x00000000, 5U), run("80 80 80 80 20")); // "2" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(-0x5AB56AD6, 5U), run("AA AA AA AA 7A")); // "7" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF FF 00")); // Too long.
TEST_F(BufferSourceTest, SkipLeb128) {
using size_type = BufferSource::size_type;
// Result = {success, value, bytes_consumed}.
using Result = std::tuple<bool, size_type>;
constexpr Result kBad{false, 0U};
auto run = [](const std::string hex_string) -> Result {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = ParseHexString(hex_string);
BufferSource source(ConstBufferView{bytes.data(), bytes.size()});
BufferSource::iterator base = source.begin();
bool success = source.SkipLeb128();
return {success, source.begin() - base};
auto good = [](size_type bytes_consumed) -> Result {
return Result{true, bytes_consumed};
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("20"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("42"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(2U), run("80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(2U), run("80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(2U), run("FF 00")); // Redundant (unsigned).
EXPECT_EQ(good(2U), run("FF 7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("F1 88")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(3U), run("80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(3U), run("80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(3U), run("80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(3U), run("FF FF 7F"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(1U), run("00 00 80")); // Only reads byte 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("80 80 80")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("AB CD EF")); // Out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(4U), run("80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(4U), run("80 80 C0 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(4U), run("80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(4U), run("80 80 80 40"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(4U), run("FF 80 FF 00"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("80 80 80 80 00")); // Redundant code.
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("80 80 80 80 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("81 81 81 81 01"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("FF FF FF FF 07"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("80 80 80 80 08"));
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("FF FF FF FF 0F"));
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF 80")); // Too long / out of data.
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("FF FF FF FF 10")); // "1" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("80 80 80 80 20")); // "2" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(good(5U), run("AA AA AA AA 7A")); // "7" discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(kBad, run("FF FF FF FF FF 00")); // Too long.
} // namespace zucchini