
135 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "components/zucchini/address_translator.h"
#include "components/zucchini/buffer_view.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler.h"
#include "components/zucchini/image_utils.h"
#include "components/zucchini/type_win_pe.h"
namespace zucchini {
class Rel32FinderX86;
class Rel32FinderX64;
struct Win32X86Traits {
static constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 1;
static constexpr Bitness kBitness = kBit32;
static constexpr ExecutableType kExeType = kExeTypeWin32X86;
enum : uint16_t { kMagic = 0x10B };
enum : uint16_t { kRelocType = 3 };
enum : uint32_t { kVAWidth = 4 };
static const char kExeTypeString[];
using ImageOptionalHeader = pe::ImageOptionalHeader;
using RelFinder = Rel32FinderX86;
using Address = uint32_t;
struct Win32X64Traits {
static constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 1;
static constexpr Bitness kBitness = kBit64;
static constexpr ExecutableType kExeType = kExeTypeWin32X64;
enum : uint16_t { kMagic = 0x20B };
enum : uint16_t { kRelocType = 10 };
enum : uint32_t { kVAWidth = 8 };
static const char kExeTypeString[];
using ImageOptionalHeader = pe::ImageOptionalHeader64;
using RelFinder = Rel32FinderX64;
using Address = uint64_t;
template <class TRAITS>
class DisassemblerWin32 : public Disassembler {
using Traits = TRAITS;
static constexpr uint16_t kVersion = Traits::kVersion;
enum ReferenceType : uint8_t { kReloc, kAbs32, kRel32, kTypeCount };
// Applies quick checks to determine whether |image| *may* point to the start
// of an executable. Returns true iff the check passes.
static bool QuickDetect(ConstBufferView image);
DisassemblerWin32(const DisassemblerWin32&) = delete;
const DisassemblerWin32& operator=(const DisassemblerWin32&) = delete;
~DisassemblerWin32() override;
// Disassembler:
ExecutableType GetExeType() const override;
std::string GetExeTypeString() const override;
std::vector<ReferenceGroup> MakeReferenceGroups() const override;
// Functions that return reader / writer for references.
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadRelocs(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadAbs32(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceReader> MakeReadRel32(offset_t lo, offset_t hi);
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteRelocs(MutableBufferView image);
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteAbs32(MutableBufferView image);
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceWriter> MakeWriteRel32(MutableBufferView image);
friend Disassembler;
// Disassembler:
bool Parse(ConstBufferView image) override;
// Parses the file header. Returns true iff successful.
bool ParseHeader();
// Parsers to extract references. These are lazily called, and return whether
// parsing was successful (failures are non-fatal).
bool ParseAndStoreRelocBlocks();
bool ParseAndStoreAbs32();
bool ParseAndStoreRel32();
// In-memory copy of sections.
std::vector<pe::ImageSectionHeader> sections_;
// Image base address to translate between RVA and VA.
typename Traits::Address image_base_ = 0;
// Pointer to data Directory entry of the relocation table.
const pe::ImageDataDirectory* base_relocation_table_ = nullptr;
// Translator between offsets and RVAs.
AddressTranslator translator_;
// Reference storage.
BufferRegion reloc_region_ = {kInvalidOffset, 0U};
std::vector<offset_t> reloc_block_offsets_;
offset_t reloc_end_ = 0;
std::vector<offset_t> abs32_locations_;
// Using std::deque to reduce peak memory footprint.
std::deque<offset_t> rel32_locations_;
// Initialization states of reference storage, used for lazy initialization.
// TODO(huangs): Investigate whether lazy initialization is useful for memory
// reduction. This is a carryover from Courgette. To be sure we should run
// experiment after Zucchini is able to do ensemble patching.
bool has_parsed_relocs_ = false;
bool has_parsed_abs32_ = false;
bool has_parsed_rel32_ = false;
using DisassemblerWin32X86 = DisassemblerWin32<Win32X86Traits>;
using DisassemblerWin32X64 = DisassemblerWin32<Win32X64Traits>;
} // namespace zucchini