402 lines
14 KiB
402 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/zucchini/patch_reader.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "components/zucchini/algorithm.h"
#include "components/zucchini/crc32.h"
#include "components/zucchini/element_detection.h"
#include "components/zucchini/version_info.h"
namespace zucchini {
namespace patch {
bool ParseElementMatch(BufferSource* source, ElementMatch* element_match) {
PatchElementHeader unsafe_element_header;
if (!source->GetValue(&unsafe_element_header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read ElementMatch from source.";
return false;
ExecutableType exe_type =
if (exe_type == kExeTypeUnknown) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid ExecutableType found.";
return false;
uint16_t element_version = DisassemblerVersionOfType(exe_type);
if (element_version != unsafe_element_header.version) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Element version doesn't match. Expected: " << element_version
<< ", Actual:" << unsafe_element_header.version;
return false;
if (!unsafe_element_header.old_length || !unsafe_element_header.new_length) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty patch element found.";
return false;
// |unsafe_element_header| is now considered to be safe as it has a valid
// |exe_type| and the length fields are of sufficient size.
const auto& element_header = unsafe_element_header;
// Caveat: Element offsets and lengths can still be invalid (e.g., exceeding
// archive bounds), but this will be checked later.
element_match->old_element.offset = element_header.old_offset;
element_match->old_element.size = element_header.old_length;
element_match->new_element.offset = element_header.new_offset;
element_match->new_element.size = element_header.new_length;
element_match->old_element.exe_type = exe_type;
element_match->new_element.exe_type = exe_type;
return true;
bool ParseBuffer(BufferSource* source, BufferSource* buffer) {
uint32_t unsafe_size = 0; // Bytes.
static_assert(sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(unsafe_size),
"size_t is expected to be larger than uint32_t.");
if (!source->GetValue(&unsafe_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read buffer size from source.";
return false;
if (!source->GetRegion(static_cast<size_t>(unsafe_size), buffer)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read buffer content from source.";
return false;
// Caveat: |buffer| is considered to be safe as it was possible to extract it
// from the patch. However, this does not mean its contents are safe and when
// parsed must be validated if possible.
return true;
} // namespace patch
/******** EquivalenceSource ********/
EquivalenceSource::EquivalenceSource() = default;
EquivalenceSource::EquivalenceSource(const EquivalenceSource&) = default;
EquivalenceSource::~EquivalenceSource() = default;
bool EquivalenceSource::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
return patch::ParseBuffer(source, &src_skip_) &&
patch::ParseBuffer(source, &dst_skip_) &&
patch::ParseBuffer(source, ©_count_);
absl::optional<Equivalence> EquivalenceSource::GetNext() {
if (src_skip_.empty() || dst_skip_.empty() || copy_count_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
Equivalence equivalence = {};
uint32_t length = 0;
if (!patch::ParseVarUInt<uint32_t>(©_count_, &length))
return absl::nullopt;
equivalence.length = base::strict_cast<offset_t>(length);
int32_t src_offset_diff = 0; // Intentionally signed.
if (!patch::ParseVarInt<int32_t>(&src_skip_, &src_offset_diff))
return absl::nullopt;
base::CheckedNumeric<offset_t> src_offset =
previous_src_offset_ + src_offset_diff;
if (!src_offset.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
equivalence.src_offset = src_offset.ValueOrDie();
previous_src_offset_ = src_offset + equivalence.length;
if (!previous_src_offset_.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
uint32_t dst_offset_diff = 0; // Intentionally unsigned.
if (!patch::ParseVarUInt<uint32_t>(&dst_skip_, &dst_offset_diff))
return absl::nullopt;
base::CheckedNumeric<offset_t> dst_offset =
previous_dst_offset_ + dst_offset_diff;
if (!dst_offset.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
equivalence.dst_offset = dst_offset.ValueOrDie();
previous_dst_offset_ = equivalence.dst_offset + equivalence.length;
if (!previous_dst_offset_.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
// Caveat: |equivalence| is assumed to be safe only once the
// ValidateEquivalencesAndExtraData() method has returned true. Prior to this
// any equivalence returned is assumed to be unsafe.
return equivalence;
/******** ExtraDataSource ********/
ExtraDataSource::ExtraDataSource() = default;
ExtraDataSource::ExtraDataSource(const ExtraDataSource&) = default;
ExtraDataSource::~ExtraDataSource() = default;
bool ExtraDataSource::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
return patch::ParseBuffer(source, &extra_data_);
absl::optional<ConstBufferView> ExtraDataSource::GetNext(offset_t size) {
ConstBufferView buffer;
if (!extra_data_.GetRegion(size, &buffer))
return absl::nullopt;
// |buffer| is assumed to always be safe/valid.
return buffer;
/******** RawDeltaSource ********/
RawDeltaSource::RawDeltaSource() = default;
RawDeltaSource::RawDeltaSource(const RawDeltaSource&) = default;
RawDeltaSource::~RawDeltaSource() = default;
bool RawDeltaSource::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
return patch::ParseBuffer(source, &raw_delta_skip_) &&
patch::ParseBuffer(source, &raw_delta_diff_);
absl::optional<RawDeltaUnit> RawDeltaSource::GetNext() {
if (raw_delta_skip_.empty() || raw_delta_diff_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
RawDeltaUnit raw_delta = {};
uint32_t copy_offset_diff = 0;
if (!patch::ParseVarUInt<uint32_t>(&raw_delta_skip_, ©_offset_diff))
return absl::nullopt;
base::CheckedNumeric<offset_t> copy_offset =
copy_offset_diff + copy_offset_compensation_;
if (!copy_offset.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
raw_delta.copy_offset = copy_offset.ValueOrDie();
if (!raw_delta_diff_.GetValue<int8_t>(&raw_delta.diff))
return absl::nullopt;
// A 0 value for a delta.diff is considered invalid since it has no meaning.
if (!raw_delta.diff)
return absl::nullopt;
// We keep track of the compensation needed for next offset, taking into
// account delta encoding and bias of -1.
copy_offset_compensation_ = copy_offset + 1;
if (!copy_offset_compensation_.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
// |raw_delta| is assumed to always be safe/valid.
return raw_delta;
/******** ReferenceDeltaSource ********/
ReferenceDeltaSource::ReferenceDeltaSource() = default;
ReferenceDeltaSource::ReferenceDeltaSource(const ReferenceDeltaSource&) =
ReferenceDeltaSource::~ReferenceDeltaSource() = default;
bool ReferenceDeltaSource::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
return patch::ParseBuffer(source, &source_);
absl::optional<int32_t> ReferenceDeltaSource::GetNext() {
if (source_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
int32_t ref_delta = 0;
if (!patch::ParseVarInt<int32_t>(&source_, &ref_delta))
return absl::nullopt;
// |ref_delta| is assumed to always be safe/valid.
return ref_delta;
/******** TargetSource ********/
TargetSource::TargetSource() = default;
TargetSource::TargetSource(const TargetSource&) = default;
TargetSource::~TargetSource() = default;
bool TargetSource::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
return patch::ParseBuffer(source, &extra_targets_);
absl::optional<offset_t> TargetSource::GetNext() {
if (extra_targets_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
uint32_t target_diff = 0;
if (!patch::ParseVarUInt<uint32_t>(&extra_targets_, &target_diff))
return absl::nullopt;
base::CheckedNumeric<offset_t> target = target_diff + target_compensation_;
if (!target.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
// We keep track of the compensation needed for next target, taking into
// account delta encoding and bias of -1.
target_compensation_ = target + 1;
if (!target_compensation_.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
// Caveat: |target| will be a valid offset_t, but it's up to the caller to
// check whether it's a valid offset for an image.
return offset_t(target.ValueOrDie());
/******** PatchElementReader ********/
PatchElementReader::PatchElementReader() = default;
PatchElementReader::PatchElementReader(PatchElementReader&&) = default;
PatchElementReader::~PatchElementReader() = default;
bool PatchElementReader::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
bool ok =
patch::ParseElementMatch(source, &element_match_) &&
equivalences_.Initialize(source) && extra_data_.Initialize(source) &&
ValidateEquivalencesAndExtraData() && raw_delta_.Initialize(source) &&
if (!ok)
return false;
uint32_t pool_count = 0;
if (!source->GetValue(&pool_count)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read pool_count from source.";
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool_count; ++i) {
uint8_t pool_tag_value = 0;
if (!source->GetValue(&pool_tag_value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read pool_tag from source.";
return false;
PoolTag pool_tag(pool_tag_value);
if (pool_tag == kNoPoolTag) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid pool_tag encountered in ExtraTargetList.";
return false;
auto insert_result = extra_targets_.insert({pool_tag, {}});
if (!insert_result.second) { // Element already present.
LOG(ERROR) << "Multiple ExtraTargetList found for the same pool_tag.";
return false;
if (!insert_result.first->second.Initialize(source))
return false;
return true;
bool PatchElementReader::ValidateEquivalencesAndExtraData() {
EquivalenceSource equivalences_copy = equivalences_;
const size_t old_region_size = element_match_.old_element.size;
const size_t new_region_size = element_match_.new_element.size;
base::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> total_length = 0;
// Validate that each |equivalence| falls within the bounds of the
// |element_match_| and are in order.
offset_t prev_dst_end = 0;
for (auto equivalence = equivalences_copy.GetNext(); equivalence.has_value();
equivalence = equivalences_copy.GetNext()) {
if (!RangeIsBounded(equivalence->src_offset, equivalence->length,
old_region_size) ||
!RangeIsBounded(equivalence->dst_offset, equivalence->length,
new_region_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Out of bounds equivalence detected.";
return false;
if (prev_dst_end > equivalence->dst_end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Out of order equivalence detected.";
return false;
prev_dst_end = equivalence->dst_end();
total_length += equivalence->length;
if (!total_length.IsValid() ||
element_match_.new_element.region().size < total_length.ValueOrDie() ||
extra_data_.extra_data().size() !=
element_match_.new_element.region().size -
static_cast<size_t>(total_length.ValueOrDie())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Incorrect amount of extra_data.";
return false;
return true;
/******** EnsemblePatchReader ********/
absl::optional<EnsemblePatchReader> EnsemblePatchReader::Create(
ConstBufferView buffer) {
BufferSource source(buffer);
EnsemblePatchReader patch;
if (!patch.Initialize(&source))
return absl::nullopt;
return patch;
EnsemblePatchReader::EnsemblePatchReader() = default;
EnsemblePatchReader::EnsemblePatchReader(EnsemblePatchReader&&) = default;
EnsemblePatchReader::~EnsemblePatchReader() = default;
bool EnsemblePatchReader::Initialize(BufferSource* source) {
if (!source->GetValue(&header_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read header from source.";
return false;
if (header_.magic != PatchHeader::kMagic) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Patch contains invalid magic.";
return false;
if (header_.major_version != kMajorVersion) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Patch major version doesn't match. Expected: "
<< kMajorVersion << ", Actual:" << header_.major_version;
return false;
// |header_| is assumed to be safe from this point forward.
uint32_t element_count = 0;
if (!source->GetValue(&element_count)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Impossible to read element_count from source.";
return false;
offset_t current_dst_offset = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < element_count; ++i) {
PatchElementReader element_patch;
if (!element_patch.Initialize(source))
return false;
if (!element_patch.old_element().FitsIn(header_.old_size) ||
!element_patch.new_element().FitsIn(header_.new_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid element encountered.";
return false;
if (element_patch.new_element().offset != current_dst_offset) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid element encountered.";
return false;
current_dst_offset = element_patch.new_element().EndOffset();
if (current_dst_offset != header_.new_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Patch elements don't fully cover new image file.";
return false;
if (!source->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Patch was not fully consumed.";
return false;
return true;
bool EnsemblePatchReader::CheckOldFile(ConstBufferView old_image) const {
return old_image.size() == header_.old_size &&
CalculateCrc32(old_image.begin(), old_image.end()) == header_.old_crc;
bool EnsemblePatchReader::CheckNewFile(ConstBufferView new_image) const {
return new_image.size() == header_.new_size &&
CalculateCrc32(new_image.begin(), new_image.end()) == header_.new_crc;
} // namespace zucchini