
151 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/zucchini/reference_bytes_mixer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler.h"
#include "components/zucchini/disassembler_elf.h"
namespace zucchini {
/******** ReferenceBytesMixer ********/
// Default implementation is a stub, i.e., for architectures whose references
// have operation bits and payload bits stored in separate bytes. So during
// patch application, payload bits are copied for matched blocks, ignored by
// bytewise corrections, and fixed by reference target corrections.
ReferenceBytesMixer::ReferenceBytesMixer() {}
ReferenceBytesMixer::~ReferenceBytesMixer() = default;
// static.
std::unique_ptr<ReferenceBytesMixer> ReferenceBytesMixer::Create(
const Disassembler& src_dis,
const Disassembler& dst_dis) {
ExecutableType exe_type = src_dis.GetExeType();
DCHECK_EQ(exe_type, dst_dis.GetExeType());
if (exe_type == kExeTypeElfAArch32)
return std::make_unique<ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm>(exe_type);
if (exe_type == kExeTypeElfAArch64)
return std::make_unique<ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm>(exe_type);
return std::make_unique<ReferenceBytesMixer>();
// Stub implementation.
int ReferenceBytesMixer::NumBytes(uint8_t type) const {
return 0;
// Base class implementation is a stub that should not be called.
ConstBufferView ReferenceBytesMixer::Mix(uint8_t type,
ConstBufferView old_view,
offset_t old_offset,
ConstBufferView new_view,
offset_t new_offset) {
NOTREACHED() << "Stub.";
return ConstBufferView();
/******** ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm ********/
ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm::ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm(ExecutableType exe_type)
: exe_type_(exe_type), out_buffer_(4) {} // 4 is a bound on NumBytes().
ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm::~ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm() = default;
int ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm::NumBytes(uint8_t type) const {
if (exe_type_ == kExeTypeElfAArch32) {
switch (type) {
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_A24: // Falls through.
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T20:
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T24:
return 4;
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T8: // Falls through.
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T11:
return 2;
} else if (exe_type_ == kExeTypeElfAArch64) {
switch (type) {
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd14: // Falls through.
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd19:
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd26:
return 4;
return 0;
ConstBufferView ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm::Mix(uint8_t type,
ConstBufferView old_view,
offset_t old_offset,
ConstBufferView new_view,
offset_t new_offset) {
int num_bytes = NumBytes(type);
ConstBufferView::const_iterator new_it = new_view.begin() + new_offset;
DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes), out_buffer_.size());
MutableBufferView out_buffer_view(&out_buffer_[0], num_bytes);
std::copy(new_it, new_it + num_bytes, out_buffer_view.begin());
ArmCopyDispFun copier = GetCopier(type);
DCHECK_NE(copier, nullptr);
if (!copier(old_view, old_offset, out_buffer_view, 0U)) {
// Failed to mix old payload bits with new operation bits. The main cause of
// of this rare failure is when BL (encoding T1) with payload bits
// representing disp % 4 == 2 transforms into BLX (encoding T2). Error
// arises because BLX requires payload bits to have disp == 0 (mod 4).
// Mixing failures are not fatal to patching; we simply fall back to direct
// copy and forgo benefits from mixing for these cases.
// TODO(huangs, etiennep): Ongoing discussion on whether we should just
// nullify all payload disp so we won't have to deal with this case, but at
// the cost of having Zucchini-apply do more work.
static int output_quota = 10;
if (output_quota > 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Reference byte mix failed with type = "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(type) << "." << std::endl;
if (!output_quota)
LOG(WARNING) << "(Additional output suppressed)";
// Fall back to direct copy.
std::copy(new_it, new_it + num_bytes, out_buffer_view.begin());
return ConstBufferView(out_buffer_view);
ArmCopyDispFun ReferenceBytesMixerElfArm::GetCopier(uint8_t type) const {
if (exe_type_ == kExeTypeElfAArch32) {
switch (type) {
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_A24:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch32Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_A24>;
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T8:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch32Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_T8>;
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T11:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch32Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_T11>;
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T20:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch32Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_T20>;
case AArch32ReferenceType::kRel32_T24:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch32Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_T24>;
} else if (exe_type_ == kExeTypeElfAArch64) {
switch (type) {
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd14:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch64Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_Immd14>;
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd19:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch64Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_Immd19>;
case AArch64ReferenceType::kRel32_Immd26:
return ArmCopyDisp<AArch64Rel32Translator::AddrTraits_Immd26>;
return nullptr;
} // namespace zucchini