
463 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <jni.h>
#define LOG_TAG "SystemFont"
#include <android/font.h>
#include <android/font_matcher.h>
#include <android/system_fonts.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <hwui/MinikinSkia.h>
#include <minikin/FontCollection.h>
#include <minikin/LocaleList.h>
#include <minikin/SystemFonts.h>
struct XmlCharDeleter {
void operator()(xmlChar* b) { xmlFree(b); }
struct XmlDocDeleter {
void operator()(xmlDoc* d) { xmlFreeDoc(d); }
using XmlCharUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<xmlChar, XmlCharDeleter>;
using XmlDocUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<xmlDoc, XmlDocDeleter>;
struct ParserState {
xmlNode* mFontNode = nullptr;
XmlCharUniquePtr mLocale;
struct AFont {
std::string mFilePath;
std::optional<std::string> mLocale;
uint16_t mWeight;
bool mItalic;
uint32_t mCollectionIndex;
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, float>> mAxes;
bool operator==(const AFont& o) const {
return mFilePath == o.mFilePath && mLocale == o.mLocale && mWeight == o.mWeight &&
mItalic == o.mItalic && mCollectionIndex == o.mCollectionIndex && mAxes == o.mAxes;
AFont() = default;
AFont(const AFont&) = default;
struct FontHasher {
std::size_t operator()(const AFont& font) const {
std::size_t r = std::hash<std::string>{}(font.mFilePath);
if (font.mLocale) {
r = combine(r, std::hash<std::string>{}(*font.mLocale));
r = combine(r, std::hash<uint16_t>{}(font.mWeight));
r = combine(r, std::hash<uint32_t>{}(font.mCollectionIndex));
for (const auto& [tag, value] : font.mAxes) {
r = combine(r, std::hash<uint32_t>{}(tag));
r = combine(r, std::hash<float>{}(value));
return r;
std::size_t combine(std::size_t l, std::size_t r) const { return l ^ (r << 1); }
struct ASystemFontIterator {
std::vector<AFont> fonts;
uint32_t index;
XmlDocUniquePtr mXmlDoc;
ParserState state;
// The OEM customization XML.
XmlDocUniquePtr mCustomizationXmlDoc;
struct AFontMatcher {
minikin::FontStyle mFontStyle;
uint32_t mLocaleListId = 0; // 0 is reserved for empty locale ID.
bool mFamilyVariant = AFAMILY_VARIANT_DEFAULT;
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(AFAMILY_VARIANT_DEFAULT) ==
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(AFAMILY_VARIANT_COMPACT) ==
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(AFAMILY_VARIANT_ELEGANT) ==
namespace {
std::string xmlTrim(const std::string& in) {
if (in.empty()) {
return in;
const char XML_SPACES[] = "\u0020\u000D\u000A\u0009";
const size_t start = in.find_first_not_of(XML_SPACES); // inclusive
if (start == std::string::npos) {
return "";
const size_t end = in.find_last_not_of(XML_SPACES); // inclusive
if (end == std::string::npos) {
return "";
return in.substr(start, end - start + 1 /* +1 since end is inclusive */);
const xmlChar* FAMILY_TAG = BAD_CAST("family");
const xmlChar* FONT_TAG = BAD_CAST("font");
const xmlChar* LOCALE_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("lang");
xmlNode* firstElement(xmlNode* node, const xmlChar* tag) {
for (xmlNode* child = node->children; child; child = child->next) {
if (xmlStrEqual(child->name, tag)) {
return child;
return nullptr;
xmlNode* nextSibling(xmlNode* node, const xmlChar* tag) {
while ((node = node->next) != nullptr) {
if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, tag)) {
return node;
return nullptr;
void copyFont(const XmlDocUniquePtr& xmlDoc, const ParserState& state, AFont* out,
const std::string& pathPrefix) {
xmlNode* fontNode = state.mFontNode;
XmlCharUniquePtr filePathStr(
xmlNodeListGetString(xmlDoc.get(), fontNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1));
out->mFilePath = pathPrefix + xmlTrim(
std::string(filePathStr.get(), filePathStr.get() + xmlStrlen(filePathStr.get())));
const xmlChar* WEIGHT_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("weight");
XmlCharUniquePtr weightStr(xmlGetProp(fontNode, WEIGHT_ATTR_NAME));
out->mWeight = weightStr ?
strtol(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(weightStr.get()), nullptr, 10) : 400;
const xmlChar* STYLE_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("style");
const xmlChar* ITALIC_ATTR_VALUE = BAD_CAST("italic");
XmlCharUniquePtr styleStr(xmlGetProp(fontNode, STYLE_ATTR_NAME));
out->mItalic = styleStr ? xmlStrEqual(styleStr.get(), ITALIC_ATTR_VALUE) : false;
const xmlChar* INDEX_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("index");
XmlCharUniquePtr indexStr(xmlGetProp(fontNode, INDEX_ATTR_NAME));
out->mCollectionIndex = indexStr ?
strtol(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(indexStr.get()), nullptr, 10) : 0;
if (state.mLocale) {
out->mLocale.emplace(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(state.mLocale.get()));
const xmlChar* TAG_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("tag");
const xmlChar* STYLEVALUE_ATTR_NAME = BAD_CAST("stylevalue");
const xmlChar* AXIS_TAG = BAD_CAST("axis");
for (xmlNode* axis = firstElement(fontNode, AXIS_TAG); axis;
axis = nextSibling(axis, AXIS_TAG)) {
XmlCharUniquePtr tagStr(xmlGetProp(axis, TAG_ATTR_NAME));
if (!tagStr || xmlStrlen(tagStr.get()) != 4) {
continue; // Tag value must be 4 char string
XmlCharUniquePtr styleValueStr(xmlGetProp(axis, STYLEVALUE_ATTR_NAME));
if (!styleValueStr) {
uint32_t tag =
static_cast<uint32_t>(tagStr.get()[0] << 24) |
static_cast<uint32_t>(tagStr.get()[1] << 16) |
static_cast<uint32_t>(tagStr.get()[2] << 8) |
float styleValue = strtod(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(styleValueStr.get()), nullptr);
out->mAxes.push_back(std::make_pair(tag, styleValue));
bool isFontFileAvailable(const std::string& filePath) {
std::string fullPath = filePath;
struct stat st = {};
if (stat(fullPath.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
return false;
return S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
bool findFirstFontNode(const XmlDocUniquePtr& doc, ParserState* state) {
xmlNode* familySet = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc.get());
if (familySet == nullptr) {
return false;
xmlNode* family = firstElement(familySet, FAMILY_TAG);
if (family == nullptr) {
return false;
state->mLocale.reset(xmlGetProp(family, LOCALE_ATTR_NAME));
xmlNode* font = firstElement(family, FONT_TAG);
while (font == nullptr) {
family = nextSibling(family, FAMILY_TAG);
if (family == nullptr) {
return false;
font = firstElement(family, FONT_TAG);
state->mFontNode = font;
return font != nullptr;
} // namespace
ASystemFontIterator* ASystemFontIterator_open() {
std::unique_ptr<ASystemFontIterator> ite(new ASystemFontIterator());
std::unordered_set<AFont, FontHasher> fonts;
[&fonts](const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<minikin::FontCollection>>& collections) {
for (const auto& fc : collections) {
for (const auto& family : fc->getFamilies()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < family->getNumFonts(); ++i) {
const minikin::Font* font = family->getFont(i);
std::optional<std::string> locale;
uint32_t localeId = font->getLocaleListId();
if (localeId != minikin::kEmptyLocaleListId) {
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, float>> axes;
for (const auto& [tag, value] : font->typeface()->GetAxes()) {
axes.push_back(std::make_pair(tag, value));
{font->typeface()->GetFontPath(), std::move(locale),
font->style().slant() == minikin::FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC,
if (fonts.empty()) {
ite->mXmlDoc.reset(xmlReadFile("/system/etc/fonts.xml", nullptr, 0));
xmlReadFile("/product/etc/fonts_customization.xml", nullptr, 0));
} else {
ite->index = 0;
ite->fonts.assign(fonts.begin(), fonts.end());
return ite.release();
void ASystemFontIterator_close(ASystemFontIterator* ite) {
delete ite;
AFontMatcher* _Nonnull AFontMatcher_create() {
return new AFontMatcher();
void AFontMatcher_destroy(AFontMatcher* matcher) {
delete matcher;
void AFontMatcher_setStyle(
AFontMatcher* _Nonnull matcher,
uint16_t weight,
bool italic) {
matcher->mFontStyle = minikin::FontStyle(
weight, static_cast<minikin::FontStyle::Slant>(italic));
void AFontMatcher_setLocales(
AFontMatcher* _Nonnull matcher,
const char* _Nonnull languageTags) {
matcher->mLocaleListId = minikin::registerLocaleList(languageTags);
void AFontMatcher_setFamilyVariant(AFontMatcher* _Nonnull matcher, uint32_t familyVariant) {
matcher->mFamilyVariant = familyVariant;
AFont* _Nonnull AFontMatcher_match(
const AFontMatcher* _Nonnull matcher,
const char* _Nonnull familyName,
const uint16_t* _Nonnull text,
const uint32_t textLength,
uint32_t* _Nullable runLength) {
std::shared_ptr<minikin::FontCollection> fc =
std::vector<minikin::FontCollection::Run> runs = fc->itemize(
minikin::U16StringPiece(text, textLength),
1 /* maxRun */);
const std::shared_ptr<minikin::Font>& font =
fc->getBestFont(minikin::U16StringPiece(text, textLength), runs[0], matcher->mFontStyle)
std::unique_ptr<AFont> result = std::make_unique<AFont>();
const android::MinikinFontSkia* minikinFontSkia =
result->mFilePath = minikinFontSkia->getFilePath();
result->mWeight = font->style().weight();
result->mItalic = font->style().slant() == minikin::FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC;
result->mCollectionIndex = minikinFontSkia->GetFontIndex();
const std::vector<minikin::FontVariation>& axes = minikinFontSkia->GetAxes();
for (auto axis : axes) {
result->mAxes.push_back(std::make_pair(axis.axisTag, axis.value));
if (runLength != nullptr) {
*runLength = runs[0].end;
return result.release();
bool findNextFontNode(const XmlDocUniquePtr& xmlDoc, ParserState* state) {
if (state->mFontNode == nullptr) {
if (!xmlDoc) {
return false; // Already at the end.
} else {
// First time to query font.
return findFirstFontNode(xmlDoc, state);
} else {
xmlNode* nextNode = nextSibling(state->mFontNode, FONT_TAG);
while (nextNode == nullptr) {
xmlNode* family = nextSibling(state->mFontNode->parent, FAMILY_TAG);
if (family == nullptr) {
state->mLocale.reset(xmlGetProp(family, LOCALE_ATTR_NAME));
nextNode = firstElement(family, FONT_TAG);
state->mFontNode = nextNode;
return nextNode != nullptr;
AFont* ASystemFontIterator_next(ASystemFontIterator* ite) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(ite == nullptr, "nullptr has passed as iterator argument");
if (!ite->fonts.empty()) {
if (ite->index >= ite->fonts.size()) {
return nullptr;
return new AFont(ite->fonts[ite->index++]);
if (ite->mXmlDoc) {
if (!findNextFontNode(ite->mXmlDoc, &ite->state)) {
// Reached end of the XML file. Continue OEM customization.
} else {
std::unique_ptr<AFont> font = std::make_unique<AFont>();
copyFont(ite->mXmlDoc, ite->state, font.get(), "/system/fonts/");
if (!isFontFileAvailable(font->mFilePath)) {
return ASystemFontIterator_next(ite);
return font.release();
if (ite->mCustomizationXmlDoc) {
// TODO: Filter only customizationType="new-named-family"
if (!findNextFontNode(ite->mCustomizationXmlDoc, &ite->state)) {
// Reached end of the XML file. Finishing
return nullptr;
} else {
std::unique_ptr<AFont> font = std::make_unique<AFont>();
copyFont(ite->mCustomizationXmlDoc, ite->state, font.get(), "/product/fonts/");
if (!isFontFileAvailable(font->mFilePath)) {
return ASystemFontIterator_next(ite);
return font.release();
return nullptr;
void AFont_close(AFont* font) {
delete font;
const char* AFont_getFontFilePath(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed as font argument");
return font->mFilePath.c_str();
uint16_t AFont_getWeight(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed as font argument");
return font->mWeight;
bool AFont_isItalic(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed as font argument");
return font->mItalic;
const char* AFont_getLocale(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed to font argument");
return font->mLocale ? font->mLocale->c_str() : nullptr;
size_t AFont_getCollectionIndex(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed to font argument");
return font->mCollectionIndex;
size_t AFont_getAxisCount(const AFont* font) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed to font argument");
return font->mAxes.size();
uint32_t AFont_getAxisTag(const AFont* font, uint32_t axisIndex) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed to font argument");
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(axisIndex >= font->mAxes.size(),
"given axis index is out of bounds. (< %zd", font->mAxes.size());
return font->mAxes[axisIndex].first;
float AFont_getAxisValue(const AFont* font, uint32_t axisIndex) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(font == nullptr, "nullptr has passed to font argument");
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(axisIndex >= font->mAxes.size(),
"given axis index is out of bounds. (< %zd", font->mAxes.size());
return font->mAxes[axisIndex].second;