67 lines
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67 lines
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#include "include/dvr/dvr_api.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <algorithm>
// Headers from libdvr
#include <dvr/dvr_buffer.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_buffer_queue.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_configuration_data.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_display_manager.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_performance.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_surface.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_tracking.h>
#include <dvr/dvr_vsync.h>
// Headers not yet moved into libdvr.
// TODO(jwcai) Move these once their callers are moved into Google3.
#include <dvr/dvr_hardware_composer_client.h>
#include <dvr/pose_client.h>
#include <dvr/virtual_touchpad_client.h>
extern "C" {
int dvrGetApi(void* api, size_t struct_size, int version) {
ALOGI("dvrGetApi: api=%p struct_size=%zu version=%d", api, struct_size,
if (version == 1) {
// New entry points are added at the end. If the caller's struct and
// this library have different sizes, we define the entry points in common.
// The caller is expected to handle unset entry points if necessary.
size_t clamped_struct_size = std::min(struct_size, sizeof(DvrApi_v1));
DvrApi_v1* dvr_api = static_cast<DvrApi_v1*>(api);
// Defines an API entry for V1 (no version suffix).
#define DVR_V1_API_ENTRY(name) \
do { \
if ((offsetof(DvrApi_v1, name) + sizeof(dvr_api->name)) <= \
clamped_struct_size) { \
dvr_api->name = dvr##name; \
} \
} while (0)
do { \
if ((offsetof(DvrApi_v1, name) + sizeof(dvr_api->name)) <= \
clamped_struct_size) { \
dvr_api->name = nullptr; \
} \
} while (0)
#include "include/dvr/dvr_api_entries.h"
// Undefine macro definitions to play nice with Google3 style rules.
return 0;
ALOGE("dvrGetApi: Unknown API version=%d", version);
return -EINVAL;
} // extern "C"