41 lines
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41 lines
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* Most apps should be building against the internal maven prebuilts for support libs and therefore
* use standalone-rules.gradle instead.
* Build the file with local dependencies. The difference between this and standalone.gradle is that
* this will build the dependencies like support libraries from source, whereas standalone.gradle
* will get it from maven central.
* For example, you can include the following in your settings.gradle file:
* include ':setup-wizard-lib'
* project(':setup-wizard-lib').projectDir = new File(PATH_TO_THIS_DIRECTORY)
* And then you can include the :setup-wizard-lib project as one of your dependencies
* dependencies {
* compile project(path: ':setup-wizard-lib', configuration: 'gingerbreadCompatRelease')
* }
ext {
// For builds in the Android tree we want to build the dependencies from source for reproducible
// builds. To add a dependency, you want to specify something like this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': project(':project-path')]
// }
// And then in rules.gradle you can reference the dependency by
// dependencies {
// compile deps['project-name']
// }
deps = [
'support-annotations': project(':support-annotations'),
'support-appcompat-v7': project(':support-appcompat-v7'),
'support-recyclerview-v7': project(':support-recyclerview-v7')
apply from: 'rules.gradle'