
155 lines
5.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef RSD_CPU_H
#define RSD_CPU_H
#include "rsInternalDefines.h"
typedef const char* (*RSSelectRTCallback) (const char*, size_t);
namespace android {
namespace renderscript {
class Allocation;
class Context;
class Element;
class ObjectBase;
class ScriptC;
class Script;
class ScriptGroupBase;
class ScriptKernelID;
class RsdCpuReference {
struct CpuSymbol {
const char * name;
void * fnPtr;
bool threadable;
typedef const CpuSymbol * (* sym_lookup_t)(Context *, const char *name);
struct CpuTls {
Context *rsc;
const ScriptC * sc;
class CpuScript {
virtual void populateScript(Script *) = 0;
virtual void invokeFunction(uint32_t slot, const void *params, size_t paramLength) = 0;
virtual int invokeRoot() = 0;
virtual void invokeForEach(uint32_t slot,
const Allocation ** ains,
uint32_t inLen,
Allocation * aout,
const void * usr,
uint32_t usrLen,
const RsScriptCall *sc) = 0;
virtual void invokeReduce(uint32_t slot,
const Allocation ** ains, uint32_t inLen,
Allocation *aout,
const RsScriptCall *sc) = 0;
virtual void invokeInit() = 0;
virtual void invokeFreeChildren() = 0;
virtual void setGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength) = 0;
virtual void getGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, void *data, size_t dataLength) = 0;
virtual void setGlobalVarWithElemDims(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength,
const Element *e, const uint32_t *dims, size_t dimLength) = 0;
virtual void setGlobalBind(uint32_t slot, Allocation *data) = 0;
virtual void setGlobalObj(uint32_t slot, ObjectBase *obj) = 0;
virtual Allocation * getAllocationForPointer(const void *ptr) const = 0;
// Returns number of global variables in this Script (may be 0 if
// compiler is not configured to emit this information).
virtual int getGlobalEntries() const = 0;
// Returns the name of the global variable at index i.
virtual const char * getGlobalName(int i) const = 0;
// Returns the CPU address of the global variable at index i.
virtual const void * getGlobalAddress(int i) const = 0;
// Returns the size (in bytes) of the global variable at index i.
virtual size_t getGlobalSize(int i) const = 0;
// Returns the properties of the global variable at index i.
virtual uint32_t getGlobalProperties(int i) const = 0;
virtual ~CpuScript() {}
typedef CpuScript * (* script_lookup_t)(Context *, const Script *s);
class CpuScriptGroupBase {
virtual void execute() = 0;
virtual ~CpuScriptGroupBase() {}
class CpuScriptGroup : public CpuScriptGroupBase {
virtual void setInput(const ScriptKernelID *kid, Allocation *) = 0;
virtual void setOutput(const ScriptKernelID *kid, Allocation *) = 0;
~CpuScriptGroup() override {};
class CpuScriptGroup2 : public CpuScriptGroupBase {
~CpuScriptGroup2() override {}
static Context * getTlsContext();
static const Script * getTlsScript();
static pthread_key_t getThreadTLSKey();
static RsdCpuReference * create(Context *c, uint32_t version_major,
uint32_t version_minor, sym_lookup_t lfn, script_lookup_t slfn
, RSSelectRTCallback pSelectRTCallback = nullptr,
const char *pBccPluginName = nullptr
virtual ~RsdCpuReference();
virtual void setPriority(int32_t priority) = 0;
virtual CpuScript * createScript(const ScriptC *s, char const *resName, char const *cacheDir,
uint8_t const *bitcode, size_t bitcodeSize,
uint32_t flags) = 0;
virtual CpuScript * createIntrinsic(const Script *s, RsScriptIntrinsicID iid, Element *e) = 0;
virtual void* createScriptGroup(const ScriptGroupBase *sg) = 0;
virtual bool getInKernel() = 0; // Is a parallel kernel execution underway?
// Set to true if we should embed global variable information in the code.
virtual void setEmbedGlobalInfo(bool v) = 0;
// Returns true if we should embed global variable information in the code.
virtual bool getEmbedGlobalInfo() const = 0;
// Set to true if we should skip constant (immutable) global variables when
// potentially embedding information about globals.
virtual void setEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant(bool v) = 0;
// Returns true if we should skip constant (immutable) global variables when
// potentially embedding information about globals.
virtual bool getEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant() const = 0;
} // namespace renderscript
} // namespace android