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265 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstddef>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
namespace renderscript {
* Description of the data to be processed for one Toolkit method call, e.g. one blur or one
* blend operation.
* The data to be processed is a 2D array of cells. Each cell is a vector of 1 to 4 unsigned bytes.
* The most typical configuration is a 2D array of uchar4 used to represent RGBA images.
* This is a base class. There will be a subclass for each Toolkit op.
* Typical usage of a derived class would look like:
* BlurTask task(in, out, sizeX, sizeY, vectorSize, etc);
* processor->doTask(&task);
* The TaskProcessor should call setTiling() and setUsesSimd() once, before calling processTile().
* Other classes should not call setTiling(), setUsesSimd(), and processTile().
class Task {
* Number of cells in the X direction.
const size_t mSizeX;
* Number of cells in the Y direction.
const size_t mSizeY;
* Number of elements in a vector (cell). From 1-4.
const size_t mVectorSize;
* Whether the task prefers the processData call to represent the work to be done as
* one line rather than a rectangle. This would be the case for work that don't involve
* vertical neighbors, e.g. blend or histogram. A task would prefer this to minimize the
* number of SIMD calls to make, i.e. have one call that covers all the rows.
* This setting will be used only when a tile covers the entire width of the data to be
* processed.
const bool mPrefersDataAsOneRow;
* Whether the processor we're working on supports SIMD operations.
bool mUsesSimd = false;
* If not null, we'll process a subset of the whole 2D array. This specifies the restriction.
const struct Restriction* mRestriction;
* We'll divide the work into rectangular tiles. See setTiling().
* Size of a tile in the X direction, as a number of cells.
size_t mCellsPerTileX = 0;
* Size of a tile in the Y direction, as a number of cells.
size_t mCellsPerTileY = 0;
* Number of tiles per row of the restricted area we're working on.
size_t mTilesPerRow = 0;
* Number of tiles per column of the restricted area we're working on.
size_t mTilesPerColumn = 0;
* Construct a task.
* sizeX and sizeY should be greater than 0. vectorSize should be between 1 and 4.
* The restriction should outlive this instance. The Toolkit validates the
* arguments so we won't do that again here.
Task(size_t sizeX, size_t sizeY, size_t vectorSize, bool prefersDataAsOneRow,
const Restriction* restriction)
: mSizeX{sizeX},
mRestriction{restriction} {}
virtual ~Task() {}
void setUsesSimd(bool uses) { mUsesSimd = uses; }
* Divide the work into a number of tiles that can be distributed to the various threads.
* A tile will be a rectangular region. To be robust, we'll want to handle regular cases
* like 400x300 but also unusual ones like 1x120000, 120000x1, 1x1.
* We have a target size for the tiles, which corresponds roughly to how much data a thread
* will want to process before checking for more work. If the target is set too low, we'll spend
* more time in synchronization. If it's too large, some cores may not be used as efficiently.
* This method returns the number of tiles.
* @param targetTileSizeInBytes Target size. Values less than 1000 will be treated as 1000.
int setTiling(unsigned int targetTileSizeInBytes);
* This is called by the TaskProcessor to instruct the task to process a tile.
* @param threadIndex The index of the thread that's processing the tile.
* @param tileIndex The index of the tile to process.
void processTile(unsigned int threadIndex, size_t tileIndex);
* Call to the derived class to process the data bounded by the rectangle specified
* by (startX, startY) and (endX, endY). The end values are EXCLUDED. This rectangle
* will be contained with the restriction, if one is provided.
virtual void processData(int threadIndex, size_t startX, size_t startY, size_t endX,
size_t endY) = 0;
* There's one instance of the task processor for the Toolkit. This class owns the thread pool,
* and dispatches the tiles of work to the threads.
class TaskProcessor {
* Does this processor support SIMD-like instructions?
const bool mUsesSimd;
* The number of separate threads we'll spawn. It's one less than the number of threads that
* do the work as the client thread that starts the work will also be used.
const unsigned int mNumberOfPoolThreads;
* Ensures that only one task is done at a time.
std::mutex mTaskMutex;
* Ensures consistent access to the shared queue state.
std::mutex mQueueMutex;
* The thread pool workers.
std::vector<std::thread> mPoolThreads;
* The task being processed, if any. We only do one task at a time. We could create a queue
* of tasks but using a mTaskMutex is sufficient for now.
Task* mCurrentTask GUARDED_BY(mTaskMutex) = nullptr;
* Signals that the mPoolThreads should terminate.
bool mStopThreads GUARDED_BY(mQueueMutex) = false;
* Signaled when work is available or the mPoolThreads need to shut down. mStopThreads is used
* to distinguish between the two.
std::condition_variable mWorkAvailableOrStop;
* Signaled when the work for the task is finished.
std::condition_variable mWorkIsFinished;
* A user task, e.g. a blend or a blur, is split into a number of tiles. When a thread starts
* working on a new tile, it uses this count to identify which tile to work on. The tile
* number is sufficient to determine the boundaries of the data to process.
* The number of tiles left to process.
int mTilesNotYetStarted GUARDED_BY(mQueueMutex) = 0;
* The number of tiles currently being processed. Must not be greater than
* mNumberOfPoolThreads + 1.
int mTilesInProcess GUARDED_BY(mQueueMutex) = 0;
* Determines how we'll tile the work and signals the thread pool of available work.
* @param task The task to be performed.
void startWork(Task* task) REQUIRES(mTaskMutex);
* Tells the thread to start processing work off the queue.
* The flag is used for prevent the main thread from blocking forever if the work is
* so trivial that the worker threads complete the work before the main thread calls this
* method.
* @param threadIndex The index number (0..mNumberOfPoolThreads) this thread will referred by.
* @param returnWhenNoWork If there's no work, return immediately.
void processTilesOfWork(int threadIndex, bool returnWhenNoWork);
* Wait for the pool workers to complete the work on the current task.
void waitForPoolWorkersToComplete();
* Create the processor.
* @param numThreads The total number of threads to use. If 0, we'll decided based on system
* properties.
explicit TaskProcessor(unsigned int numThreads = 0);
* Do the specified task. Returns only after the task has been completed.
void doTask(Task* task);
* Some Tasks need to allocate temporary storage for each worker thread.
* This provides the number of threads.
unsigned int getNumberOfThreads() const { return mNumberOfPoolThreads + 1; }
} // namespace renderscript
} // namespace android