452 lines
15 KiB
452 lines
15 KiB
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
/* Copyright (c) 2018 Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd. */
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/rk-isp21-config.h>
* v0.1.0:
* 1. First version;
* v0.1.1:
* 1. support lvds interface
* v0.1.2:
* support multi virtual device;
* v0.1.3:
* 1. support link with interface of cif
* 2. fix picture of hdr is abnormal in multi-visual isp when run second time
* 3. adjust hurry priority to middle
* 4. mi lum burst to 16 for dmatx
* 5. add cru reset for rv1126
* v0.1.4:
* 1. add more clk rate for rv1126
* 2. support hal to control hdrtmo on/off
* 3. switch hdr frame mode for read back
* v0.1.5:
* 1. add proc fs
* 2. add iq part information to procfs
* 3. fix stream failure in thunderboot mode
* v0.1.6:
* 1. raw length 256 align
* 2. soft reset for Dehaze
* v0.1.7:
* 1. fix rawaf is disabled in config function
* 2. clear csi rdbk fifo when first open
* 3. vb2 support cache hints
* v0.1.8:
* 1. add monitor to restart if abnormal
* 2. isp/ispp procfs add work info
* 3. fix scr clock is not disabled after app run
* 4. request buf to alloc dummy buf
* 5. set tmo bit in gain by tmo enable
* 6. only rx mode can use when link with cif
* v0.1.9:
* 1. isp and ispp sync to power off
* 2. fix lsc error when ldch is on
* 3. fix error status of stream off
* 4. skip frame when change hdr/normal mode
* 5. use ldch share buffer to reduce buffer size
* v1.2.0:
* 1. resolution write directly to reg for first dev
* 2. normal read back to enable hdr merge
* 3. enable LDCH in 2th frame
* v1.2.1:
* 1. fix normal merge enable config
* 2. fix size no update for multi sensor switch
* 3. dmatx add yuyv format
* v1.2.2:
* 1. isp/ispp add lock for multi dev runtime
* 2. support output isp/ispp reg on each frame
* 3. fix error detected by depmod
* v1.3.0:
* 1. capture to different version
* 2. add isp21
* 3. add rk3568 config
* 4. support iq part of isp21
* 5. remove hdrtmo to fix crash when connect to yuv sensor
* 6. fix enable function of ynr/cnr/bay3d/dhaz/adrc is not correct
* 7. fix can not get correct awb rawdata
* 8. add get awb data from ddr function
* 9. fix frame id error for isp21
* 10. config lsc by sram in rdbk mode
* 11. add force update to enable dehaze
* 12. fix bug of scheduling while atomic
* 13. fix setting drc register is not correct
* 14. extend line to fix merge bypass bug for isp20
* 15. vb2 dma sg for iommu enable
* 16. config dmatx to valid buf addr
* v1.4.1:
* 1. support motion detection mode
* 2. get stats only when meas done is on
* 3. fix lsc lut error in start/stop test
* v1.5.1:
* 1. support to set format if no streaming
* 2. add vb2_rdma_sg_memops to support contiguous page
* 3. fix gain buf update
* 4. 64 align y size for fbcgain format
* 5. add trigger mode ioctl
* 6. fix config of clk_dbg
* 7. fix path select of cif input
* 8. fix mpfbc buf update if readback off
* 9. fix array overflow
* 10. use force big mode when auto big mode is incorrect
* 11. fix extend line with isp input crop case
* 12. set lgmean related regs for tmo in hdr isr
* v1.6.0:
* 1. reorder of subdev stream
* 2. fix media link err for name don't match
* 3. switch hdr_done interrupt according to hdrtmo cnt mode
* 4. support output isp/ispp reg in nv12 format
* 5. isp and ispp add shutdown
* 6. image input from user
* 7. import dma API for memory synchronisation for thunderboot
* 8. don't start ldch asynchronously in multi-isp mode
* 9. fix err of mp dump raw for isp20
* 10. make sure 3dlut no continuous read twice
* 11. adjust rdbk times with mulit dev for isp2.0
* v1.6.1:
* 1.fix multi dev refcnt
* 2.update procfs info
* 3.add check for params subscribe event
* 4.resolution limit for isp21
* 5.dma buf alloc limit to DMA32
* 6.add monitor to restart if abnormal
* 7.adjust probe order
* 8.max height 3072 for isp21
* 9.dmatx support embedded and shield pixels data
* 10.separate rdbk from csi subdev
* 11.add bt601/bt709/bt2020 colorspace
* 12.apply en params if no match for isp20
* 13.apply en params if no match for isp21
* 14.isp21 get 3a stats from ddr
* 15.reserved memory using rdma_sg ops
* v1.6.2:
* 1.hdr direct for isp21
* 2.fix same frame id
* 3.fix isp and ispp share dmabuf release fail
* 4.clear rdbk fifo at dmarx stop
* 5.add lock for isp stream
* 6.disable params when it stream off
* 7.dmarx support yuv format
* 8.frame buffer done early
* 9.fix set pdaf in dpcc error
* 10.add v-blank to procfs
* v1.7.0:
* 1.off unused interrupt of csi
* 2.fix sp no output when hdr dynamic switch
* 3.check the output status of statistics v2x
* 4.selfpath bytesperline 16 align
* 5.compiled with differe hardware version
* 6.add frame loss info to procfs
* 7.remove associated of cproc and ie
* 8.fix input crop config for isp21 multi device
* 9.enable soft reset for other isp version
* 10.rawrd support uncompact mode
* 11.fix default params config for mode switch
* 12.before frame start to update bridge mi
* 13.disable tmo interrupt
* 14.fix bottom image for debayer with extend line
* 15.unregister dmarx at driver remove
* v1.8.0:
* 1.sync alloc buf with dma sg case
* 2.sync multi vir dev stream on/off
* 3.replace iommu detach/attach
* 4.adjust params common api
* 5.add isp3.0
* 6.params and stats for isp3.0
* 7.vicap direct to isp3.0
* 8.bridge v30 connect to ispp
* 9.add rk3588 config
* 10.add cmsk config for isp30
* 11.dual isp unite process image
* 12.params and stats for dual isp unite
* 13.sync dhaz params for dual isp unite
* 14.fbc support crop
* 15.add dual isp unite config
* 16.useless version return -EINVAL
* 17.fix first frame abnormal
* 18.fix isp30 config for cnr with gain off
* 19.fix NULL Pointer for stats v3x
* 20.add constraint to gaus_en/viir_en/v1_fir_sel of rawaf
* 21.fix dhaz config with dual unite isp
* 22.fix isp30 fbc config
* 23.isp3 max clk to 702M
* 24.fix fbc iommu err with multi device case
* 25.fix first params config two times for readback mode
* 26.fix ynr/cnr/baynr reg config
* 27.fix rawhist weight config error for multi device
* 28.bigmode by max width and size for isp30
* 29.add isp30 debug to procfs
* 30.fix scale resolution limit
* 31.fix bigmode for multi device
* 32.fix fbc stop iommu page fault for isp30
* 33.fix rawawb with rawlsc no stats
* 34.fix bay3d mi no update
* 35.dynamic memory alloc for params and stats function
* 36.limit ldch and gain for isp30
* 37.fix multi stream mpfbc reg config error
* 38.support stream crop for unite isp
* 39.fix hdrmge config error for isp30 read back mode
* 40.lsc table from sram for isp30
* 41.3a params config first
* 42.config aebig by af when aemode is on
* 43.add missing highlight in af stats
* 44.add the iqtool module
* 45.add csm params config for isp3
* 46.fix CSI2RX_DATA_IDS_1 config err
* v1.9.0:
* 1.fix config for isp_params_v3x
* 2.clean rdbk kfifo for isp32
* 3.fix awb raw data config for multi device
* 4.increase v4l2 events length
* 5.check virtual isp link to hw
* 6.fix isp30 uyvy format error
* 7.add API to get stream information
* 8.3a params config first for isp21
* 9.fix bigmode for multi device for isp21
* 10.fix reg config for multi device
* 11.add version to querycap
* 12.fix mp uyvy format error for isp30
* 13.add isp32 for rv1106
* 14.isp32 bls2 remove to awb
* 15.isp32 support mirror and flip
* 16.isp32 support raw data compression
* 17.add cgc config
* 18.add get isp information api
* 19.build depends on CPU config
* 20.isp32 mi switch according to output buf
* 21.add luma stream for isp32
* 22.scale up and down for some stream
* 23.isp32 add vsm
* 24.fix config of capture_v30
* 25.wrap mode for dvb
* 26.use videobuf2-cma-sg
* 27.remove vb2_dma_contig and vb2_dma_sg
* 28.Revert "dynamic memory alloc for params and stats function"
* 29.isp32 fix nv12 error
* 30.fix using of vb2_cma_sg
* 31.isp32 fix MI_WR_WRAP_CTRL default value
* 32.fix params v32 drc and bay3d config
* 33.add the rockit buff
* 34.isp32 fix cac config
* 35.isp32 support bay3d cur write to system sram
* 36.isp32 fix frame id to dvbm
* 37.set isp subdev crop and also check stream crop
* 38.power on to set pipeline default format
* 39.add isp reg cache read/write api
* 40.Solve the problem of invalid mirror
* 41.Solve the wrap_line frame rate problem
* 42.vicap->isp online set clk according to sensor rate
* 43.enable mipi drop interrupt
* 44.isp32 fix bay3d config
* 45.isp32 fix bay3d config
* 46.Solve the cmsk problem
* 47.fix stream link error
* 48.update procfs for isp32
* 49.support soft dvbm for vepu
* 50.disable ISP_FRAME_IN irq
* 51.fix rv1106 clk to 350
* 52.fix init format for struct no clean
* 53.procfs build with different isp version
* 54.fix isp debug time for fe/fs irq together
* 55.awb or gain debug info to ddr for isp32
* v2.0.0:
* 1.fix bay3d ds size for isp32
* 2.to support vicap merge raw
* 3.isp32 fix ae no working with af
* 4.api to free mesh buf for user
* 5.lock for buf alloc and free
* 6.for sdmmc lock
* 7.limit bay3d bwsaving config for isp32
* 8.fix imx327 hdr mode for isp21
* 9.ctrl the fps for isp32
* 10.add the bp stream async for isp32
* 11.fix info2ddr buf free for isp32
* 12.fix csm range to full
* 13.add the pause, config, resume stream for isp32
* 14.isp32 min clk to 200M
* 15.module auto gating for isp30/isp32
* 16.add the max size dummybuf and shd stop for isp32
* 17.add the config dvbm_init in wrap for isp32
* 18.sync params state
* 19.delete the buf_done log for isp32
* 20.params buf alloc remove to first buf queue
* 21.read the color_ctrl reg for isp32
* 22.use lager clk in 4 vir-isp mode
* 23.rockit: support set wrap_line
* 24.tb helper add clk on/off
* 25.remove stream limit for dvbm for isp32
* 26.fix hold at lsc ram data config
* 27.fix cac on/off for isp32
* 28.thunderboot for isp32
* 29.fix isp32 stream buf update double
* 30.add the double isp_dev in rockit for isp32
* 31.isp32: fix wrap error for fast stream
* 32.check rockit pointer
* 33.support free rx buffer
* 34.initcall cif/isp early when ROCKCHIP_THUNDER_BOOT_ISP=y
* 35.fix rockit set fps fail
* 36.fix module exit
* 37.api get fast stream output info
* 38.api for video to free tb reserved memory
* 39.fix warp size error
* 40.fix isp30 cgc limit config
* 41.remove associated of cproc and ie for isp3x
* 42.Add missing sentinel to rkisp_hw_of_match
* 43.support mesh buf count from user for isp30 and isp32
* 44.add tb api for rockit
* 45.fix isp30 cgc and cproc range
* 46.add slab.h fix compile
* 47.vb2 buf done in tasklet
* 48.rdbk to tasklet
* 49.set afen off before config af
* 50.remove isp1x compatible
* 51.frame end config params_v32 for fast output
* 52.match stream info for fast output
* 53.fix bug the second frame pts is 0
* 54.fix error of lsc repeat switch
* 55.fix dhaz config for multi isp21
* 56.cif/isp support compat_ioctl32 for video
* 57.unite mode to support multi dev for isp30
* 58.enum multi isp size at power on
* 59.2 readback for support multishot large resolution
* 60.disable link vir isp when hw working
* 61.fill extend line data for fix dhaz bug
* 62.fix isp20 and isp21 default to online with vicap
* 63.add procfs write for debug
* 64.fix isp20 error
* 65.support rdbk without aiq
* 66.fast to vicap capture raw
* 67.first frame run double for isp32 fast mode
* 68.fix pm runtime return -EACCES for thunderboot
* 69.record isp read time for fast mode
* 70.first params from rtt for thunderboot
* 71.fix pm runtime return -EACCES for thunderboot
* 72.record isp read time for fast mode
* 73.first params from rtt for thunderboot
* 74.enum formats for different isp version
* 75.change the limit of height
* 76.enum the max frame size to isp input size
* 77.stop without waiting if isp idle for readback mode
* 78.fix limit of dcrop
* 79.fix isp32 stream force to update enable
* 80.fix mi no disable for multi sensor unite mode
* 81.fix size for multi isp composite mode
* v2.1.0
* 1.fix mipi error for isp2x with multi sensor
* 2.default reg config after reset
* 3.fix isp20 mi no work
* 4.fix stream off just close isp
* 5.remove the judgment that gain turn off if ldch is enabled
* 6.drop first output for fast case
* 7.fix scl for unite mode
* 8.no wait if shutdown
* 9.fix stream no output for multi senso
* 10.fix hdr config for unite multi sensor
* 11.make sure to free buf after isp stop
* 12.improve thunder boot process
* 13.second frame first run for fast
* 14.multi sensor for fast case
* 15.fix fbc output for isp30 multi sensor
* 16.frame start to update buf for isp30
* 17.fix stream switch when readback mode
* 18.remove unsupported formats
* 19.fix stats buf update for multi sensor
* 20.fix self update config for isp30
* 21.fix dmatx loss first buf
* 22.fix rockit stream pause if readback mode
* 23.fix isp32 cmsk feature
* 24.online rx add memory compact or no
* 25.remove cif/isp/ispp hw SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS
* 26.api to force enum multi isp resolution
* 27.isp30 3a to ddr for readback mode
* 28.sync stop to dmarx for isp stop
* 29.fix mulit isp x3 mode
* 30.fix lsc table read by isp for multi sensor
* 31.merge dual dhaz config chang to user for unite mode
* 32.no support rgb8888 for isp30
* 33.fix iommu err for stream stop
* 34.fix 3a to ddr iommu err for isp30 two readback mode
* 35.400ms timeout for rtt complete
* 36.add mosaic block size for cmsk
* 37.wrap width and height config by user
* 38.fix ldch err
* 39.fix isp32 vflip config
* 40.dump two isp reg for unite mode
* 41.fix output stream sync for readback mode
* 42.wait isp0 end for unite mode
* 43.fix first frame loss
* 44.fix rgb range for selfpath
* 45.stats buf add application params frame id
* v2.2.0
* 1.add isp32 lite
* 2.add rk3562 config
* 3.add iqtool video for isp32 lite
* 4.fix build warn
* 5.dvfs for multi dev on/off
* 6.luma stream resolution alignment
* 7.fix sensor off to enable reset
* 8.fix isp and cif build warning
* 9.Return error code for ioctl set_meshbuf_size
* 10.fix isp32 lite mainpath switch fail
* 11.fix warning of vb2 cancel or done
* 12.fix isp no work due to irq_ends_mask error
* 13.thunder boot with multi sensor
* 14.support buf early done
* 15.fix read BP_WR_CTRL reg
* v2.2.1
* 1.rename isp and ispp uapi head
* 2.lock for rockit qbuf
* 3.fix open video during device register
* 4.sync dev register and fast_work
* v2.2.2 (AIQ v5.1.3)
* 1.fixed framerate ctl invalid issue
* 2.fix rockit uv offset if switch resolution
* 3.fix isp rockit frame rate err
* 4.fix error for multi sensor with scale up case
* 5.force offset to 0 when frame end for wrap mode
* 6.fix sync with 3a_server
* 7.fix isp32 and lite buf output err due to mi on/off
* 8.fix uyvy format for isp32
* 9.wait RISC-V with 400ms timeout
* 10.fix uyvy format for unite mode
* 11.fix ldch for multiple read back
* 12.sync isp stream_on end then to start working
* 13.no set clk if assigned-clock-rates in dts
* 14.distinguish buf done or subscribed event for param poll
* 15.fix repeated reporting statistics if stats video on/off