
1155 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Spreadtrum Communications Inc.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
* may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef __SIPC_H
#define __SIPC_H
#include <linux/poll.h>
/* ****************************************************************** */
/* SMSG interfaces */
/* sipc processor ID definition */
enum {
SIPC_ID_AP = 0, /* Application Processor */
SIPC_ID_MINIAP, /* mini AP processor */
SIPC_ID_CPW, /* WCDMA processor */
SIPC_ID_WCN, /* Wireless Connectivity */
SIPC_ID_GNSS, /* Gps processor(gnss) */
SIPC_ID_PSCP, /* Protocol stack processor */
SIPC_ID_PM_SYS, /* Power management processor */
SIPC_ID_NR_PHY, /* New Radio PHY processor */
SIPC_ID_V3_PHY, /* MODEM v3 PHY processor */
SIPC_ID_NR, /* Max processor number */
/* share-mem ring buffer short message */
struct smsg {
u8 channel; /* channel index */
u8 type; /* msg type */
u16 flag; /* msg flag */
u32 value; /* msg value */
/* smsg channel definition */
enum {
SMSG_CH_CTRL = 0, /* some emergency control */
SMSG_CH_COMM, /* general communication channel */
SMSG_CH_IMSBR_DATA, /* ims bridge data channel */
SMSG_CH_IMSBR_CTRL, /* ims bridge control channel */
SMSG_CH_PIPE, /* general pipe channel */
SMSG_CH_PLOG, /* pipe for debug log/dump */
SMSG_CH_TTY, /* virtual serial for telephony */
SMSG_CH_DATA0, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_DATA1, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_DATA2, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_VBC, /* audio conrol channel */
SMSG_CH_PLAYBACK, /* audio playback channel */
SMSG_CH_CAPTURE, /* audio capture channel */
SMSG_CH_MONITOR_AUDIO, /* audio monitor channel */
SMSG_CH_CTRL_VOIP, /* audio voip conrol channel */
SMSG_CH_PLAYBACK_VOIP, /* audio voip playback channel */
SMSG_CH_CAPTURE_VOIP, /* audio voip capture channel */
SMSG_CH_MONITOR_VOIP, /* audio voip monitor channel */
SMSG_CH_DATA3, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_DATA4, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_DATA5, /* 2G/3G wirleless data */
SMSG_CH_DIAG, /* pipe for debug log/dump */
SMSG_CH_PM_CTRL, /* power management control */
SMSG_CH_DUAL_SIM_PLUG, /* dual sim plug channel */
SMSG_CH_END /* will not allow add channel in here */
/* smsg channel definition */
enum {
/* 2G/3G wirleless data, channel 24~39 */
/* general pipe channel, channel 40~59 */
/* pipe for debug log/dump channel 60~79 */
/* virtual serial for telephony, channel 80~99*/
/* some emergency control, channel 100~119 */
/* general communication, channel 120~129 */
/* audio channel, channel 130 ~149 */
SMSG_CH_AGDSP_ACCESS = SMSG_CH_AUDIO_BASE,/* audio conrol channel */
/* VOIP channel, channel 150 ~169 */
SMSG_CH_VOIP0 = SMSG_CH_VOIP_BASE,/* audio voip conrol channel */
SMSG_CH_VOIP_DEEP, /* audio voip playback channel */
SMSG_CH_VOIP2, /* audio voip capture channel */
SMSG_CH_VOIP3, /* audio voip monitor channel */
/* RPC server channel, channel 170~189 */
/* RESERVE group 1, channel 190 ~209 */
/* RESERVE group 2, channel 210 ~129 */
/* RESERVE group 3, channel 230 ~244 */
/* RESERVE group 4, channel 245 ~254 */
/* total channel number 255, the max chanel number is 254*/
SMSG_CH_NR = 255
/* modem type */
enum {
/* only be configed in sipc_config is valid channel */
struct sipc_config {
u8 channel;
char *name;
static const struct sipc_config sipc_cfg[] = {
{SMSG_CH_CTRL, "com control"}, /* chanel 0 */
{SMSG_CH_COMM, "com communication"}, /* chanel 1 */
{SMSG_CH_PM_CTRL, "pm contrl"}, /* chanel 22 */
{SMSG_CH_PMSYS_DBG, "pm debug contrl"}, /* chanel 100 */
{SMSG_CH_DUAL_SIM_PLUG, "dual sim plug"}, /* chanel 23 */
{SMSG_CH_PIPE, "pipe0"}, /* chanel 4 */
{SMSG_CH_PLOG, "plog"}, /* chanel 5 */
{SMSG_CH_DIAG, "diag"}, /* chanel 21 */
{SMSG_CH_TTY, "stty chanel"}, /* chanel 6 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA0, "seth0"}, /* chanel 7 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA1, "seth1"}, /* chanel 8 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA2, "seth2"}, /* chanel 9 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA3, "seth3"}, /* chanel 18 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA4, "seth4"}, /* chanel 19 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA5, "seth5"}, /* chanel 20 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA6, "seth6"}, /* chanel 24 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA7, "seth7"}, /* chanel 25 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA8, "seth8"}, /* chanel 26 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA9, "seth9"}, /* chanel 27 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA10, "seth10"}, /* chanel 28 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA11, "seth11"}, /* chanel 29 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA12, "seth12"}, /* chanel 30 */
{SMSG_CH_DATA13, "seth13"}, /* chanel 31 */
{SMSG_CH_VBC, "audio control"}, /* chanel 10 */
{SMSG_CH_PLAYBACK, "audio playback"}, /* chanel 11 */
{SMSG_CH_CAPTURE, "audio capture"}, /* chanel 12 */
{SMSG_CH_MONITOR_AUDIO, "audio monitor"}, /* chanel 13 */
{SMSG_CH_AGDSP_ACCESS, "agdsp access"}, /* chanel 13 */
{SMSG_CH_CTRL_VOIP, "VOIP conrol"}, /* chanel 14 */
{SMSG_CH_PLAYBACK_VOIP, "VOIP playback"}, /* chanel 15 */
{SMSG_CH_CAPTURE_VOIP, "VOIP capture"}, /* chanel 16 */
{SMSG_CH_MONITOR_VOIP, "VOIP monitor"}, /* chanel 17 */
{SMSG_CH_PLAYBACK_DEEP, "audio playback deep"}, /*channel 131*/
{SMSG_CH_IMSBR_DATA, "imsbr data"}, /* chanel 2 */
{SMSG_CH_IMSBR_CTRL, "imsbr control"}, /* channel 3 */
{SMSG_CH_VOIP_DEEP, "audio voip deep"}, /*channel 151*/
{SMSG_CH_DVFS, "dvfs"}, /* channel 41 */
{SMSG_CH_COMM_SIPA, "sipa"}, /* channel 120 */
{SMSG_CH_NV, "nvsync"}, /* channel 40 */
#define SMSG_VALID_CH_NR (sizeof(sipc_cfg)/sizeof(struct sipc_config))
/* smsg type definition */
enum {
SMSG_TYPE_OPEN, /* first msg to open a channel */
SMSG_TYPE_CLOSE, /* last msg to close a channel */
SMSG_TYPE_DATA, /* data, value=addr, no ack */
SMSG_TYPE_EVENT, /* event with value, no ack */
SMSG_TYPE_CMD, /* command, value=cmd */
SMSG_TYPE_DONE, /* return of command */
SMSG_TYPE_SMEM_ALLOC, /* allocate smem, flag=order */
SMSG_TYPE_SMEM_FREE, /* free smem, flag=order, value=addr */
SMSG_TYPE_SMEM_DONE, /* return of alloc/free smem */
SMSG_TYPE_FUNC_CALL, /* RPC func, value=addr */
SMSG_TYPE_FUNC_RETURN, /* return of RPC func */
SMSG_TYPE_HIGH_OFFSET, /* client sipc get high offset from host */
SMSG_TYPE_NR, /* total type number */
/* flag for OPEN/CLOSE msg type */
* sipc_get_wakeup_flag
* after the wakeup flag be set, the fist smsg will be print
* @parameters: void
* @return: int
int sipc_get_wakeup_flag(void);
* sipc_set_wakeup_flag
* after the wakeup flag be set, the fist smsg will be print
* @parameters: void
* @return: no return value
void sipc_set_wakeup_flag(void);
* sipc_clear_wakeup_flag
* clear the wake up flag
* @parameters: void
* @return: no return value
void sipc_clear_wakeup_flag(void);
* smsg_ch_open -- open a channel for smsg
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int smsg_ch_open(u8 dst, u8 channel, int timeout);
* smsg_ch_close -- close a channel for smsg
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int smsg_ch_close(u8 dst, u8 channel, int timeout);
* smsg_senddie -- send a MSG_TYPE_DIE message to pubcp
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int smsg_senddie(u8 dst);
* smsg_send -- send smsg
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @msg: smsg body to be sent
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int smsg_send(u8 dst, struct smsg *msg, int timeout);
* smsg_recv -- poll and recv smsg
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @msg: smsg body to be received, channel should be filled as input
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int smsg_recv(u8 dst, struct smsg *msg, int timeout);
* sipc_channel2index
* only be configed in sipc_config is valid channel
* @ch: channel number
* @return: channel index ,if return index is INVALID_CHANEL_INDEX ,
* it indicate it is a invalid chanel
u8 sipc_channel2index(u8 ch);
int smsg_ch_wake_unlock(u8 dst, u8 channel);
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
void sipc_debug_putline(struct seq_file *m, char c, int n);
/* quickly fill a smsg body */
static inline void smsg_set(struct smsg *msg, u8 channel,
u8 type, u16 flag, u32 value)
msg->channel = channel;
msg->type = type;
msg->flag = flag;
msg->value = value;
/* ack an open msg for modem recovery */
static inline void smsg_open_ack(u8 dst, u16 channel)
struct smsg mopen;
pr_info("%s: channel %d-%d!\n", __func__, dst, channel);
smsg_set(&mopen, channel, SMSG_TYPE_OPEN, SMSG_OPEN_MAGIC, 0);
smsg_send(dst, &mopen, -1);
/* ack an close msg for modem recovery */
static inline void smsg_close_ack(u8 dst, u16 channel)
struct smsg mclose;
pr_info("%s: channel %d-%d!\n", __func__, dst, channel);
smsg_set(&mclose, channel, SMSG_TYPE_CLOSE, SMSG_CLOSE_MAGIC, 0);
smsg_send(dst, &mclose, -1);
/* ****************************************************************** */
/* SMEM interfaces */
* smem_get_area -- get sipc smem
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @base: base pointer
* @size: size pointer
* @return: 0 success, < 0 failed
int smem_get_area(u8 dst, u32 *base, u32 *size);
* smem_alloc -- allocate shared memory block
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @size: size to be allocated, page-aligned
* @return: phys addr or 0 if failed
u32 smem_alloc(u8 dst, u32 size);
* smem_free -- free shared memory block
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @addr: smem phys addr to be freed
* @order: size to be freed
void smem_free(u8 dst, u32 addr, u32 size);
* shmem_ram_unmap -- for sipc unmap ram address
* @mem: vir mem
void shmem_ram_unmap(u8 dst, const void *mem);
* shmem_ram_vmap_nocache -- for sipc map ram address
* @start: start address
* @size: size to be allocated, page-aligned
* @return: phys addr or 0 if failed
void *shmem_ram_vmap_nocache(u8 dst, phys_addr_t start, size_t size);
* shmem_ram_vmap_cache -- for sipc map ram address
* @start: start address
* @size: size to be allocated, page-aligned
* @return: phys addr or 0 if failed
void *shmem_ram_vmap_cache(u8 dst, phys_addr_t start, size_t size);
void smem_free(u8 dst, u32 addr, u32 size);
* modem_ram_unmap -- for modem unmap ram address
* @mem: vir mem
* @modem_type: soc modem, pcie modem
void modem_ram_unmap(u32 modem_type, const void *mem);
* shmem_ram_vmap_nocache -- for modem map ram address
* @modem_type: soc modem, pcie modem
* @start: start address
* @size: size to be allocated, page-aligned
* @return: phys addr or 0 if failed
void *modem_ram_vmap_nocache(u32 modem_type, phys_addr_t start, size_t size);
* modem_ram_vmap_cache -- for modem map ram address
* @modem_type: soc modem, pcie modem
* @start: start address
* @size: size to be allocated, page-aligned
* @return: phys addr or 0 if failed
void *modem_ram_vmap_cache(u32 modem_type, phys_addr_t start, size_t size);
* sbuf_set_no_need_wake_lock
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @bufnum: which buffer to be set
* @return: none
void sbuf_set_no_need_wake_lock(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufnum);
* sbuf_create -- create pipe ring buffers on a channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @txbufsize: tx buffer size
* @rxbufsize: rx buffer size
* @bufnum: how many buffers to be created
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sbuf_create(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufnum,
u32 txbufsize, u32 rxbufsize);
* sbuf_destroy -- destroy the pipe ring buffers on a channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
void sbuf_destroy(u8 dst, u8 channel);
void sbuf_down(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sbuf_write -- write data to a sbuf
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @bufid: buffer ID
* @buf: data to be written
* @len: data length
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: written bytes on success, <0 on failure
int sbuf_write(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufid,
void *buf, u32 len, int timeout);
* sbuf_read -- write data to a sbuf
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @bufid: buffer ID
* @buf: data to be written
* @len: data length
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: read bytes on success, <0 on failure
int sbuf_read(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufid,
void *buf, u32 len, int timeout);
* sbuf_poll_wait -- poll sbuf read/write, used in spipe driver
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @bufid: buffer ID
* @file: struct file handler
* @wait: poll table
* @return: POLLIN or POLLOUT
int sbuf_poll_wait(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufid,
struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
* sbuf_status -- get sbuf status
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 when ready, <0 when broken
int sbuf_status(u8 dst, u8 channel);
#define SBUF_NOTIFY_READY 0x00
#define SBUF_NOTIFY_READ 0x01
#define SBUF_NOTIFY_WRITE 0x02
* sbuf_register_notifier -- register a callback that's called
* when a tx sbuf is available or a rx sbuf is received.
* non-blocked sbuf_read can be called.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @bufid: buf ID
* @handler: a callback handler
* @event: NOTIFY_READ, NOTIFY_WRITE, or both
* @data: opaque data passed to the receiver
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sbuf_register_notifier(u8 dst, u8 channel, u32 bufid,
void (*handler)(int event, void *data), void *data);
int sipc_init(void);
void sipc_exit(void);
int spipe_init(void);
void spipe_exit(void);
void spipe_device_down(void);
void spool_device_down(void);
int spool_init(void);
void spool_exit(void);
int modem_power_manager_init(void);
void modem_power_manager_exit(void);
#if 0
int modem_ctrl_init(void);
void modem_ctrl_exit(void);
int sipc_init_debugfs(void);
/* ****************************************************************** */
/* SBLOCK interfaces */
/* sblock structure: addr is the uncached virtual address */
struct sblock {
void *addr;
u32 length;
u16 index;
u16 offset;
* sblock_create -- create sblock manager on a channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @txblocknum: tx block number
* @txblocksize: tx block size
* @rxblocknum: rx block number
* @rxblocksize: rx block size
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_create(u8 dst, u8 channel,
u32 txblocknum, u32 txblocksize,
u32 rxblocknum, u32 rxblocksize);
* sblock_create_ex -- merge sblock_create and block_register_notifier
* in one function
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @txblocknum: tx block number
* @txblocksize: tx block size
* @rxblocknum: rx block number
* @rxblocksize: rx block size
* @data: opaque data passed to the receiver
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_create_ex(u8 dst, u8 channel,
u32 txblocknum, u32 txblocksize,
u32 rxblocknum, u32 rxblocksize,
void (*handler)(int event, void *data), void *data);
/* sblock_pcfg_create -- create preconfigured SBLOCK channel.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @tx_blk_num: tx block number
* @tx_blk_sz: tx block size
* @rx_blk_num: rx block number
* @rx_blk_sz: rx block size
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
* The function only allocates the memory for the channel, and will not
* open the channel. The client shall open the channel using
* sblock_pcfg_open and close the channel using sblock_close.
int sblock_pcfg_create(u8 dst, u8 channel,
u32 tx_blk_num, u32 tx_blk_sz,
u32 rx_blk_num, u32 rx_blk_sz);
/* sblock_pcfg_open -- request to open preconfigured SBLOCK channel.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @notifier: the event notification callback function. This function can
* not sleep. If this parameter is NULL, no event will be
* reported.
* @client: opaque data passed to the receiver
* @return: if the channel is established, return 0; if the open procedure
* is started and not finished, return SIPC_ERR_IN_PROGRESS;
* otherwise return a negative error code.
* The function starts the open procedure. If the open procedure is not
* finished when the function returns, the SBLOCK system will report
* the open result later through the notifier callback.
int sblock_pcfg_open(uint8_t dest, uint8_t channel,
void (*notifier)(int event, void *client),
void *client);
/* sblock_close -- request to close SBLOCK channel.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: if the channel is closed, return 0; if the close procedure
* is started and not finished, return SIPC_ERR_IN_PROGRESS;
* otherwise return a negative error code.
* The function starts the close procedure. If the close procedure is not
* finished when the function returns, the SBLOCK system will report
* the close result later through the notification callback that the
* client set by sblock_pcfg_open.
int sblock_close(uint8_t dest, uint8_t channel);
/* sblock_get_smem_cp_addr - get the shared memory CP address.
* @dest: destination ID
* @channel: channel number
* @paddr: pointer to the variable to receive the address.
int sblock_get_smem_cp_addr(uint8_t dest, uint8_t channel,
uint32_t *paddr);
* sblock_destroy -- destroy sblock manager on a channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
void sblock_destroy(u8 dst, u8 channel);
void sblock_down(u8 dst, u8 channel);
#define SBLOCK_NOTIFY_GET 0x01
* sblock_register_notifier -- register a callback that's called
* when a tx sblock is available or a rx block is received.
* non-blocked sblock_get or sblock_receive can be called.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @handler: a callback handler
* @data: opaque data passed to the receiver
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_register_notifier(u8 dst, u8 channel,
void (*handler)(int event, void *data), void *data);
* sblock_get -- get a free sblock for sender
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: return a gotten sblock pointer
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_get(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk, int timeout);
* sblock_send -- send a sblock with smsg, it should be from sblock_get
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: the sblock to be sent
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_send(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sblock_send_prepare -- send a sblock without smsg,
* it should be from sblock_get
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: the sblock to be sent
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_send_prepare(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sblock_send_finish -- trigger an smsg to notify that sblock has been sent
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_send_finish(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sblock_receive -- receive a sblock, it should be released after it's handled
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: return a received sblock pointer
* @timeout: milliseconds, 0 means no wait, -1 means unlimited
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_receive(u8 dst, u8 channel,
struct sblock *blk, int timeout);
* sblock_release -- release a sblock from reveiver
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_release(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sblock_get_arrived_count -- get the count of sblock(s) arrived at
* AP (sblock_send on CP) but not received (sblock_receive on AP).
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: >=0 the count of blocks
int sblock_get_arrived_count(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sblock_get_free_count -- get the count of available sblock(s) resident in
* sblock pool on AP.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: >=0 the count of blocks
int sblock_get_free_count(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sblock_put -- put a free sblock for sender
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: sblock pointer
* @return: void
void sblock_put(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sblock_poll_wait -- poll sblock read/write
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @filp: strcut file handle
* @wait: poll table
* @return: POLLIN or POLLOUT
unsigned int sblock_poll_wait(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct file *filp, poll_table *wait);
* sblock_query -- sblock query status
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sblock_query(u8 dst, u8 channel);
/* ****************************************************************** */
#define SIPX_ACK_BLK_LEN (100)
* sipx_chan_create -- create a sipx channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_chan_create(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sipx_chan_destroy -- destroy seblock manager on a channel
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
int sipx_chan_destroy(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sipx_get_ack_blk_len -- get sipx ack block max length
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @return: length
u32 sipx_get_ack_blk_len(u8 dst);
* sipx_get -- get a free sblock for sender
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: return a gotten sblock pointer
* @is_ack: if want to get block for ack packet
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_get(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk, int is_ack);
* sipx_chan_register_notifier -- register a callback that's called
* when a tx sblock is available or a rx block is received.
* on-blocked sblock_get or sblock_receive can be called.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @handler: a callback handler
* @data: opaque data passed to the receiver
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_chan_register_notifier(u8 dst, u8 channel,
void (*handler)(int event, void *data), void *data);
* sipx_send -- send a sblock with smsg, it should be from seblock_get
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: the sblock to be sent
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_send(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sipx_flush -- trigger an smsg to notify that sblock has been sent
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_flush(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sipx_receive -- receive a sblock, it should be released after it's handled
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: return a received sblock pointer
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_receive(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sipx_release -- release a sblock from reveiver
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: 0 on success, <0 on failure
int sipx_release(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
* sipx_get_arrived_count -- get the count of sblock(s) arrived at
* AP (sblock_send on CP) but not received (sblock_receive on AP).
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: >=0 the count of blocks
int sipx_get_arrived_count(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sipx_get_free_count -- get the count of available sblock(s) resident in
* normal pool on AP.
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @return: >=0 the count of blocks
int sipx_get_free_count(u8 dst, u8 channel);
* sipx_put -- put a free sblock for sender
* @dst: dest processor ID
* @channel: channel ID
* @blk: sblock pointer
* @return: void
int sipx_put(u8 dst, u8 channel, struct sblock *blk);
/* ****************************************************************** */
#define SBLOCK_CREATE(dst, channel,\
txblocknum, txblocksize, txpoolsize, \
rxblocknum, rxblocksize, rxpoolsize) \
sipx_chan_create(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_DESTROY(dst, channel) \
sipx_chan_destroy(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_GET(dst, channel, blk, ack, timeout) \
sipx_get(dst, channel, blk, ack)
#define SBLOCK_REGISTER_NOTIFIER(dst, channel, handler, data) \
sipx_chan_register_notifier(dst, channel, handler, data)
#define SBLOCK_SEND(dst, channel, blk) \
sipx_send(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_SEND_PREPARE(dst, channel, blk) \
sipx_send(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_SEND_FINISH(dst, channel)\
sipx_flush(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_RECEIVE(dst, channel, blk, timeout) \
sipx_receive(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_RELEASE(dst, channel, blk) \
sipx_release(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_GET_ARRIVED_COUNT(dst, channel) \
sipx_get_arrived_count(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_GET_FREE_COUNT(dst, channel) \
sipx_get_free_count(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_PUT(dst, channel, blk) \
sipx_put(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_CREATE(dst, channel,\
txblocknum, txblocksize, txpoolsize, \
rxblocknum, rxblocksize, rxpoolsize) \
sblock_create(dst, channel,\
txblocknum, txblocksize,\
rxblocknum, rxblocksize)
#define SBLOCK_DESTROY(dst, channel) \
sblock_destroy(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_GET(dst, channel, blk, ack, timeout) \
sblock_get(dst, channel, blk, timeout)
#define SBLOCK_REGISTER_NOTIFIER(dst, channel, handler, data) \
sblock_register_notifier(dst, channel, handler, data)
#define SBLOCK_SEND(dst, channel, blk) \
sblock_send(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_SEND_PREPARE(dst, channel, blk) \
sblock_send_prepare(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_SEND_FINISH(dst, channel)\
sblock_send_finish(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_RECEIVE(dst, channel, blk, timeout) \
sblock_receive(dst, channel, blk, timeout)
#define SBLOCK_RELEASE(dst, channel, blk) \
sblock_release(dst, channel, blk)
#define SBLOCK_GET_ARRIVED_COUNT(dst, channel) \
sblock_get_arrived_count(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_GET_FREE_COUNT(dst, channel) \
sblock_get_free_count(dst, channel)
#define SBLOCK_PUT(dst, channel, blk) \
sblock_put(dst, channel, blk)
#ifdef CONFIG_ARM64
* unalign_copy_from_user -- unaligned data accesses to addresses
* marked as device will always trigger an exception, this fuction
* can avoid this exception
* @to: dest, normal memory
* @from: src, device memory and alignment access must be considered
* @n: bytes
* @return: bytes not copied
static inline unsigned long unalign_copy_to_user(void __user *to,
const void *from,
unsigned long n)
/* from is not 8 byte aligned and n is less than 16 bytes */
if (((unsigned long)from & 7) && (n < 16)) {
while (n) {
if (copy_to_user(to++, from++, 1))
return n;
return copy_to_user(to, from, n);
* unalign_copy_from_user -- unaligned data accesses to addresses
* marked as device will always trigger an exception, this fuction
* can avoid this exception
* @to: dest, device memory and alignment access must be considered
* @from: src, normal memory
* @n: bytes
* @return: bytes not copied
static inline unsigned long unalign_copy_from_user(void *to,
const void __user *from,
unsigned long n)
unsigned c1, c2, c3;
/* to is 8 byte aligned and n is less than 16 bytes */
c1 = !((unsigned long)to & 0x7) && (n < 16);
if (c1)
return copy_from_user(to, from, n);
/* to and from are 8 byte aligned */
c2 = !((unsigned long)to & 0x7) && !((unsigned long)from & 0x7);
if (c2)
return copy_from_user(to, from, n);
/* to and from are the same offset and n is more than 15 bytes */
c3 = !(((unsigned long)to ^ (unsigned long)from) & 0x7) && (n > 15);
if (c3)
return copy_from_user(to, from, n);
while (n) {
if (copy_from_user(to++, from++, 1))
return n;
static inline void unalign_memcpy(void *to, const void *from, size_t n)
if (((unsigned long)to & 7) == ((unsigned long)from & 7)) {
while (((unsigned long)from & 7) && n) {
*(char *)(to++) = *(char *)(from++);
memcpy(to, from, n);
} else if (((unsigned long)to & 3) == ((unsigned long)from & 3)) {
while (((unsigned long)from & 3) && n) {
*(char *)(to++) = *(char *)(from++);
while (n >= 4) {
*(u32 *)(to) = *(u32 *)(from);
to += 4;
from += 4;
n -= 4;
while (n) {
*(char *)(to++) = *(char *)(from++);
} else {
while (n) {
*(char *)(to++) = *(char *)(from++);
static inline unsigned long unalign_copy_to_user(void __user *to,
const void *from,
unsigned long n)
return copy_to_user(to, from, n);
static inline unsigned long unalign_copy_from_user(void *to,
const void __user *from,
unsigned long n)
return copy_from_user(to, from, n);
static inline void *unalign_memcpy(void *to, const void *from, size_t n)
return memcpy(to, from, n);