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function 1: modify ddr.bin file from ddrbin_param.txt.
1) modify 'ddrbin_param.txt', set ddr frequency, uart info etc what you want.
If want to keep items default, please keep these items blank.
2) run 'ddrbin_tool' with argument 1: chip_name, argument 2: ddrbin_param.txt, argument 3: ddr bin file.
like: ./ddrbin_tool px30 ddrbin_param.txt px30_ddr_333MHz_v1.13.bin
function 2: get ddr.bin file config to gen_param.txt file
If want to get ddrbin file config, please run like that:
./ddrbin_tool px30 -g gen_param.txt px30_ddr_333MHz_v1.15.bin
The config will show in gen_param.txt.
The detail information as following:
* support ddrbin version
The 'X' means not support change those parameters by tool.
| platform | uart info | ddr freq | ssmod | DDR 2T | sr pd | drv, odt, Vref etc| dis print training info | dis CBT |
| RV1108 | V1.08 | V1.08 | V1.10 | V1.08 | V1.08 | X | X | X |
| PX30/RK3326 | V1.11 | X | V1.16 | V1.12 | V1.15 | X | X | X |
| RK1808 | V1.03 | V1.03 | V1.05 | V1.03 | V1.04 | X | X | X |
| RK322x | V1.08 | V1.08 | X | V1.09 | X | X | X | X |
| RK322xh | V1.14 | X | V1.17 | V1.16 | V1.17 | X | X | X |
| RK3288 | V1.11 | X | X | V1.11 | X | X | X | X |
| RK3308 | V1.28 | V1.28 | V1.31 | V1.29 | V1.30 | X | X | X |
| RK3308S | V2.05 | V2.05 | V2.05 | V2.05 | V2.05 | X | X | X |
| RK3368 | V2.04 | V2.04 | X | V2.05 | X | X | X | X |
| RK3328 | V1.14 | X | V1.17 | V1.16 | V1.17 | X | X | X |
| RK3399 | V1.25 | X | V1.25 | X | X | X | X | X |
| RK3399PRO NPU | V1.03 | V1.03 | V1.05 | V1.03 | V1.04 | X | X | X |
| RV1126/RV1109 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.05 | V1.00 | V1.05 | V1.05 | X | X |
| RK3566/RK3568 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.06 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.06 | V1.07 | X |
| RK3588 | V1.00 | V1.00 | X | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | X | X |
| RK3528 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | X |
| RK3562 | X | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | V1.00 | X |
| function | platform and ddrbin version |
| ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| first scan channel/channel mask | RK3588 V1.00/RK3399 V1.25/RK3288 V1.11 |
| stride type | RK3588 V1.00/RK3399 V1.25/RK3288 V1.11 |
| ext_temp_ref | RK356x V1.16 |
| link_ecc_en | Null |
| per_bank_ref_en | RK3588 V1.09 |
| derate_en | RK3588 V1.09 |
| auto_precharge_en | Null |
| res_space_remap_portion | RK3588 V1.09 |
| res_space_remap_all | RK3588 V1.09 |
| rd_vref_scan_en | RK3588 V1.08 |
| wr_vref_scan_en | RK3588 V1.08 |
| eye_2d_scan_en | RK3588 V1.08 |
| ch/bank/rank_mask | RK3588 V1.00 |
| pstore base_addr/buf_size | RK3588 V1.09 |
| uboot/atf/optee/spl/tpl log en | RK3588 V1.09 |
| boot_fsp | RK3588 V1.09 |
| pageclose | RK3588 V1.10 |
| first_init_dram_type/dfs_disable | RK3588 V1.11 |
* UART info
uart id: uart number. 0 for uart0, 1 for uart1, 2 for uart2..., 0xf will disable uart.
uart iomux: uart iomux info, 0 for uartn_m0, 1 for uartn_m1, 2 for uartn_m2...(like uart2_m0, uart2_m1,uart2_m2),
or 1 for uartn_a, 2 for uartn_b, 3 for uartn_c.(like uar2a, uart2b, uart2c).
uart baudrate: uart baudrate should be 115200 or 1500000.
* disable print training information
dis_train_print: 1: will disabled print training information; 0: will enable print training information.
* recycle registers space(remap register space to DDR)
1: will remap the part of registers to DDR memory space(will not larger than 4GB).
It is PCIE and some reserved space in RK3588, and the PCIE can not be used when set to 1.
1: will wrap all registers space(include res_space_remap_portion enable space) to DDR memory space. This space would be place in larger than 4GB.
The PCIE can be used when set to 1 in RK3588.
* DDR eye scanning
1) eye_2d_scan_en: 1: will enable 2D eye scanning for debug purpose, vref and skew eye scanning.
2) wr_vref_scan_en: 1: enable vref scan and use scanning result for write.
3) rd_vref_scan_en: 1: enable vref scan and use scanning result for read.
* DDR auto precharge
auto_precharge_en: 1: will enable the DDR auto precharge.
* DDR refresh derate
derate_en: 1: will enable derate function of the LP2/LP3/LP4/LP4X/LP5.
The high temperature will issue more refresh command and the low temperature will less.
* DDR per bank refresh
per_bank_ref_en: 1: will enable per bank refresh
* link ECC enable
link_ecc_en: 1: read/write link ecc enable.
* Extended temperature refresh
0: ref1x for normal chip, 2x for 3568M/3568J
1: fix 2x ref for all chip
2: fix 4x ref for all chip
3: fix 1x ref for all chip
Note: If derate-enabled DDR are configured with derate_en=1, the ext_temp_ref configuration does not take effect.
* pstore_base_addr pstore_buf_size
The pstore buffer base address: pstore_base_addr << 16, 64kB align.
The pstore buffer size: pstore_buf_size * 4KB.
It is define the addr and size to save ddrbin log for last log.
* uboot_log_en
1: enable uboot log.
0: disable uboot log.
* atf_log_en
1: enable atf log.
0: disable atf log.
* optee_log_en
1: enable optee log.
0: disable optee log.
* spl_log_en
1: enable spl log.
0: disable spl log.
* tpl_log_en
1: enable tpl log.
0: disable tpl log.
* pageclose
1: enable pageclose.
0: disable pageclose.
* boot_fsp
To choose the which DDR freq to boot system. 0 means fsp0_freq, 1 means fsp1_freq, 2 means fsp2_freq, 3 means fsp3_freq, the default is 0.
* first_init_dram_type
The define first init dram type to saving initial time.
| first_init_dram_type value | DDR type |
| 0 | DDR4 |
| 2 | DDR2 |
| 3 | DDR3 |
| 5 | LPDDR2 |
| 6 | LPDDR3 |
| 7 | LPDDR4 |
| 8 | LPDDR4X |
| 9 | LPDDR5 |
| 10 | DDR5 |
* dfs_disable
1: disbale ddr freq switch function
0: enable ddr freq switch function
The starting frequency is fixed to f0 frequency after turning off the frequency scaling.
If the DDR frequency needs to be modified, ddrx_f0_freq/fsp0_freq should be modified.
* DDR (final) freq(also called ddrx_f0_freq_mhz/fsp0_freq)
For RK3588, the boot_fsp used to choose which ddrx_fx_freq_mhz/fspx_freq to boot system, default is ddrx_f0_freq_mhz/fsp0_freq.
For the others platform, it is the final freq to boot system.
ddr2_freq(ddr2_f0_freq_mhz): ddr2 frequency, unit:MHz.
lp2_freq (lp2_f0_freq_mhz): lpddr2 frequency, unit:MHz.
ddr3_freq(ddr3_f0_freq_mhz): ddr3 frequency, unit:MHz.
lp3_freq (lp3_f0_freq_mhz): lpddr3 frequency, unit:MHz.
ddr4_freq(ddr4_f0_freq_mhz): ddr4 frequency, unit:MHz.
lp4_freq (lp4_f0_freq_mhz): lpddr4 frequency, unit:MHz.
lp4x_freq(lp4x_f0_freq_mhz): lpddr4x frequency, unit:MHz.
lp5_freq (lp5_f0_freq_mhz): lpddr5 frequency, unit:MHz.
* support ddr frequency:
The 'X' as follows means not support change frequencies by tool.
| platform | support frequencies(MHZ) |
| RK1108 | DDR2: 400; LP2: <= 533; DDR3: <= 800 |
| PX30/RK3326 | X |
| RK1808 | 333,400,533,666,786,933 |
| RK322x | DDR2/LP2: <= 533; others: <= 800 |
| RK322xh | X |
| RK3288 | X |
| RK3308/RK3308S| DDR2/LP2: 393,451; DDR3: 393,451,589 |
| RK3368 | DDR3: <= 800; LP3: <= 666 |
| RK3328 | X |
| RK3399 | X |
| RK3399PRO NPU | 333,400,533,666,786,933 |
| RV1126/RV1109 | 328,396,528,664,784,924,1056 |
| RK3566 | 324,396,528,630,780,920,1056 |
| RK3568 | DDR3/LP3: 324,396,528,630,780,920,1056 |
| | DDR4/LP4/LP4X: 324,396,528,630,780,920,1056,1184,1332,1560 |
| RK3588 | LP4/LP4x [306.5MHz - 2133MHz]; LP5: [400MHz - 2750MHz] |
| RK3528 | DDR3/LP3/LP4/LP4X: 324,396,528,630,780,920,1056 |
| | DDR4: 324,396,528,630,780,920,1056,1184 |
| RK3562 | DDR3/LP3: [324MHz - 1056MHz]; LP4/LP4X/DDR4: [324MHz - 1392MHz] |
* DDR frequencies(add more)
ddr2_f1_freq_mhz: ddr2 frequency fsp 1, unit:MHz.
ddr2_f2_freq_mhz: ddr2 frequency fsp 2, unit:MHz.
ddr2_f3_freq_mhz: ddr2 frequency fsp 3, unit:MHz.
ddr2_f4_freq_mhz: ddr2 frequency fsp 4, unit:MHz.
ddr2_f5_freq_mhz: ddr2 frequency fsp 5, unit:MHz.
The ddrx_f0_freq_mhz(the fsp0 frequency) is named ddrx_freq.
ddr*_f*_freq_mhz/lp*_f*_freq_mhz: Only RV1126/RV1109, RK3566/RK3568, RK3588 used.
The program will initialize dram by following order.
for example: ddr4_f1_freq_mhz --> ddr4_f2_freq_mhz --> ddr4_f3_freq_mhz --> ddr4_freq.
And the final frequency is ddr4_freq to boot system.
The ddr frequency table in kernel dts/dtsi file need correspond to these frequencies.
So it is better to arrange the frequency values in order as above. That means the max freq is in final freq(lp*/ddr*_freq) and the min freq is in 'ddr*/lp*_f1_freq_mhz'.
Such as: ddr*/lp*_f1_freq_mhz < ddr*/lp*_f2_freq_mhz < ddr*/lp*_f3_freq_mhz < lp*/ddr*_freq(the final freq)
For example:
Note: The ddr frequency table in kernel dts/dtsi file need correspond to these frequencies.
* SR PD idle
sr_idle: auto self-refresh mode delay time.
pd_idle: auto power-down mode delay time.
* DDR 2T
ddr_2t: ddr 2T timing mode. 1: enable ddr 2T, 0: disable ddr 2T.
* PLL ssmod
These parameters are about Spread Spectrum Modulator(ssmod) for PLL.
ssmod_downspread: ssmod work mode.
2'b00: center spread. (Suggest to use center spread for better clock jitter)
2'b01: down spread.
2'b10: up spread.(Please refer to the datasheet for support information)
2'b11: reserved
ssmod_div: Divider required to set the modulation frequency.
RK3308 suggests to ssmod_div=2, others platforms suggest to ssmod_div=5.
ssmod_spread: spread amplitude % = 0.1 * ssmod_spread; 0: disable ssmod, others will enable ssmod, max to 0x1f.
The larger the ssmod_spread value, the smaller of EMI, the worse of clk jitter.
Suggest to use ssmod_spread = 5, which means the center spread is +/-0.5%.
Please refer to "Rockchip_Developer_Guide_Pll_Ssmod_Clock_CN" for more information.
* driver strength
phy_ddr*_dq_drv_when_odten_ohm: The PHY DQ/DQS driver strength(write direction) when DRAM odt on. unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_ca_drv_when_odten_ohm: The PHY CMD/ADDR driver strength when DRAM odt on. unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_clk_drv_when_odten_ohm: The PHY clock driver strength when DRAM odt on. unit: ohm.
ddr*_dq_drv_when_odten_ohm: The DRAM DQ/DQS driver strength(read direction) when PHY odt on. unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_dq_drv_when_odtoff_ohm: The PHY DQ/DQS driver strength(write direction) when DRAM odt off. unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_ca_drv_when_odtoff_ohm: The PHY CMD/ADDR driver strength when DRAM odt off. unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_clk_drv_when_odtoff_ohm: The PHY clock driver strength when DRAM odt off. unit: ohm.
ddr*_dq_drv_when_odtoff_ohm: The DRAM DQ/DQS driver strength(read direction) when PHY odt off. unit: ohm.
The phy side driver strength support value as follows:
| platform | DDR3 | DDR4 | LP3 | LP4 | LP4X pull up | LP4X pull down | LP5 |
| | 455,230,153,115, | 482,244,162,122, | | 501,253,168,126,| | | |
| | 91,76,65,57,51,46,| 97,81,69,61,54,48,| | 101,84,72,63,56,| | | |
| RV1126/RV1109 | 41,38,35,32,30,28,| 44,40,37,34,32,30,| follow DDR4 | 50,46,42,38,36, | follow LP4 | follow LP4 | X |
| | 27,25,24,23,22,21,| 28,27,25,24,23,22,| | 33,31,29,28,26, | | | |
| | 20 | 21 | | 25,24,23,22 | | | |
| | 500,250,167,125, | 556,279,185,139, | | 576,289,192,144,| 646,323,215, | 513,259,172, | |
| | 100,83,71,63,56, | 111,93,79,69,62, | | 115,96,82,72,64,| 162,129,108,92,| 130,104,86,74, | |
| RK3566/RK3568 | 50,45,41,38,36,33,| 55,50,46,42,39,37,| follow DDR4 | 57,52,48,44,41, | 81,72,65,59,54,| 65,58,52,47,43,| X |
| | 31,29,28,26,25,24,| 34,32,31,29,27,26,| | 38,36,34,32,30, | 50,46,43,40,38,| 40,37,35,32,30,| |
| | 23,22 | 25,24 | | 28,27,26,25 | 36,34,32,31,29,| 29,27,26,25,24,| |
| | | | | | 28 | 23 | |
| RK3588 | X | X | X | 240,120,80,60, | follow LP4 | follow LP4 | follow LP4 |
| | | | | 48,40,34,30 | | | |
| | 572,289,195,145, | 595,300,202,151, | | 654,328,221,165,| 585,297,202, | 585,297,202, | |
| | 117,99,85,73,66, | 122,102,89,76,68, | |133,112,97,83,74,| 150,122,103,90,| 150,122,103,90,| |
| RK3528 | 60,55,50,47,44,41,| 62,57,52,49,45,43,| follow DDR4 | 67,62,57,53,49, | 77,69,63,58,53,| 77,69,63,58,53,| X |
| | 38,36,34,33,31,30,| 39,37,35,34,32,31,| | 46,43,40,38,37, | 50,47,44,40,38,| 50,47,44,40,38,| |
| | 29,28 | 30,29 | | 35,33,32,31 | 37,35,33,32,31,| 37,35,33,32,31,| |
| | | | | | 30 | 30 | |
The DRAM side driver strength support value as follows:
| platform | DDR3 | DDR4 | LP3 | LP4 | LP4X | LP5 |
| all | 40,34 | 34,48 | 34,40,48,60,80 | 40,48,60,80,120,240 | follow LP4 | follow LP4 |
phy_ddr*_odt_ohm: The PHY ODT strength(read direction). unit: ohm.
ddr*_odt_ohm: The DRAM ODT strength(write direction). unit: ohm.
phy_ddr*_odt_pull_up_en: 1: enable PHY pull up odt. 0: disable
phy_ddr*_odt_pull_dn_en: 1: enable PHY pull down odt. 0: disable
phy_ddr*_odten_freq_mhz: The PHY odt enable when larger than this frequency. unit: MHz.
ddr*_odten_freq_mhz: The DRAM odt(DQ/DQS) enable when larger than this frequency. unit: MHz.
The phy side ODT support value as follows:
The ODT "0" means disabled ODT.
| platform | DDR3 | DDR4 | LP3 | LP4 | LP4X pull up | LP4X pull down | LP5 |
| | 0,561,282,188,141,| 0,586,294,196,148, | | 0,604,303,202,152,| | | |
| | 113,94,81,72,64, | 118,99,58,76,67,60,| | 122,101,87,78,69, | | | |
| RV1126/RV1109 | 58,52,48,44,41, | 55,50,46,43,40,38, | follow DDR4 | 62,56,52,48,44,41,| follow LP4 | follow LP4 | X |
| | 38,37,34,32,31,29,| 36,34,32,31,29,28, | | 39,37,35,33,32,30,| | | |
| | 28,27,25 | 27 | | 29,27 | | | |
| | 0,500,250,167,125,| 0,556,279,185,139, | | 0,576,289,192,144,| 0,646,323,215, | 0,513,259,172, | |
| | 100,83,71,63,56, | 111,93,79,69,62, | | 115,96,82,72,64, | 162,129,108,92,| 130,104,86,74, | |
| RK3566/RK3568 | 50,45,41,38,36,33,| 55,50,46,42,39,37, | follow DDR4 | 57,52,48,44,41, | 81,72,65,59,54,| 65,58,52,47,43,| X |
| | 31,29,28,26,25,24,| 34,32,31,29,27,26, | | 38,36,34,32,30, | 50,46,43,40,38,| 40,37,35,32,30,| |
| | 23,22 | 25,24 | | 28,27,26,25 | 36,34,32,31,29,| 29,27,26,25,24,| |
| | | | | | 28 | 23 | |
| RK3588 | X | X | X | 0,240,120,80, | follow LP4 | follow LP4 | follow LP4 |
| | | | | 60,48,40,34,30 | | | |
| | 572,289,195,145, | 595,300,202,151, | | 654,328,221,165, | 585,297,202, | 585,297,202, | |
| | 117,99,85,73,66, | 122,102,89,76,68, | |133,112,97,83,74, | 150,122,103,90,| 150,122,103,90,| |
| RK3528 | 60,55,50,47,44,41,| 62,57,52,49,45,43, | follow DDR4 | 67,62,57,53,49, | 77,69,63,58,53,| 77,69,63,58,53,| X |
| | 38,36,34,33,31,30,| 39,37,35,34,32,31, | | 46,43,40,38,37, | 50,47,44,40,38,| 50,47,44,40,38,| |
| | 29,28 | 30,29 | | 35,33,32,31 | 37,35,33,32,31,| 37,35,33,32,31,| |
| | | | | | 30 | 30 | |
The DRAM side ODT support value as follows:
| platform | DDR3 | DDR4 | LP3 | LP4(include DQ and CA)| LP4X | LP5 |
| all | 0,40,60,120 | 0,34,40,48,60,120 | 0,60,120,240 | 0,40,48,60,80,120,240 | follow LP4 | follow LP4 |
* slew rate
phy_ddr*_dq_sr_when_odten: The PHY DQ/DQS slew rate when odt on.
phy_ddr*_ca_sr_when_odten: The PHY CMD/ADDR slew rate when odt on.
phy_ddr*_clk_sr_when_odten: The PHY clock slew rate when odt on.
phy_ddr*_dq_sr_when_odtoff: The PHY DQ/DQS slew rate when odt off.
phy_ddr*_ca_sr_when_odtoff: The PHY CMD/ADDR slew rate when odt off.
phy_ddr*_clk_sr_when_odtoff: The PHY clock slew rate when odt off.
The max value is 0x1f, the min is 0x0.
* byte map
ddr*_bytes_map: The bytes remap in PHY.
* dq remap
lp*_dq*_*_map: The dq remap in PHY.
ddr*_cs*_dq*_dq*_map: The dq remap in PHY.
* lp4/lp4x more information
lp4*_ca_odten_freq_mhz: The DRAM CMD/ADDR odt enable when larger than this frequency. unit: MHz.
phy_lp4*_dq_vref_when_odten: The PHY VrefDQ when PHY odt on. uint: parts per thousand.
lp4*_dq_vref_when_odten: The DRAM VrefDQ when DRAM DQ/DQS odt on. uint: parts per thousand.
lp4*_ca_vref_when_odten: The DRAM VrefCA when DRAM CA odt on. uint: parts per thousand.
phy_lp4_dq_vref_when_odtoff: The PHY VrefDQ when PHY odt off. uint: parts per thousand.
lp4_dq_vref_when_odtoff: The DRAM VrefDQ when DRAM DQ/DQS odt off. uint: parts per thousand.
lp4_ca_vref_when_odtoff: The DRAM VrefCA when DRAM CA odt off. uint: parts per thousand.
* hash info
ch/bank/rank_mask*: is used to DDR address hash mask.
* modify skew info
ddr*_skew_freq_mhz: Used to specify the frequency of skew.
ddr*_skew: The skew value of dram type are need to modify. If need to modify skew, you must check with the hardware engineer.
The support platform:
| platform | ddrbin version | calculate one step delay(ps) |
| RK3528 | V1.06 | 1000000 / ddr*_skew_freq_mhz / 128 |
For RK3528, the skew one step is 7.398ps when ddr*_skew_freq_mhz is 1056.
Before modify skew, it is recommended to read every CA skew from the bin file and then adjust the CA skew which want to change.