516 lines
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516 lines
19 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "apexd"
#include "apex_file_repository.h"
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <microdroid/metadata.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "apex_constants.h"
#include "apex_file.h"
#include "apexd_utils.h"
#include "apexd_verity.h"
using android::base::EndsWith;
using android::base::Error;
using android::base::GetProperty;
using android::base::Result;
namespace android {
namespace apex {
std::string ConsumeApexPackageSuffix(const std::string& path) {
std::string_view path_view(path);
android::base::ConsumeSuffix(&path_view, kApexPackageSuffix);
android::base::ConsumeSuffix(&path_view, kCompressedApexPackageSuffix);
return std::string(path_view);
std::string GetApexSelectFilenameFromProp(
const std::vector<std::string>& prefixes, const std::string& apex_name) {
for (const std::string& prefix : prefixes) {
const std::string& filename = GetProperty(prefix + apex_name, "");
if (filename != "") {
return ConsumeApexPackageSuffix(filename);
return "";
Result<void> ApexFileRepository::ScanBuiltInDir(const std::string& dir) {
LOG(INFO) << "Scanning " << dir << " for pre-installed ApexFiles";
if (access(dir.c_str(), F_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) {
LOG(WARNING) << dir << " does not exist. Skipping";
return {};
Result<std::vector<std::string>> all_apex_files = FindFilesBySuffix(
dir, {kApexPackageSuffix, kCompressedApexPackageSuffix});
if (!all_apex_files.ok()) {
return all_apex_files.error();
// TODO(b/179248390): scan parallelly if possible
for (const auto& file : *all_apex_files) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found pre-installed APEX " << file;
Result<ApexFile> apex_file = ApexFile::Open(file);
if (!apex_file.ok()) {
return Error() << "Failed to open " << file << " : " << apex_file.error();
const std::string& name = apex_file->GetManifest().name();
// Check if this APEX name is treated as a multi-install APEX.
// Note: apexd is a oneshot service which runs at boot, but can be restarted
// when needed (such as staging an APEX update). If a multi-install select
// property changes between boot and when apexd restarts, the LOG messages
// below will report the version that will be activated on next reboot,
// which may differ from the currently-active version.
std::string select_filename = GetApexSelectFilenameFromProp(
multi_install_select_prop_prefixes_, name);
if (!select_filename.empty()) {
std::string path;
if (!android::base::Realpath(apex_file->GetPath(), &path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to resolve realpath of APEX with path "
<< apex_file->GetPath();
if (enforce_multi_install_partition_ &&
!android::base::StartsWith(path, "/vendor/apex/")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Multi-install APEX " << path
<< " can only be preinstalled on /vendor/apex/.";
auto& keys = multi_install_public_keys_[name];
if (keys.size() > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Multi-install APEXes for " << name
<< " have different public keys.";
// If any versions of a multi-installed APEX differ in public key,
// then no version should be installed.
if (auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(name);
it != pre_installed_store_.end()) {
if (ConsumeApexPackageSuffix(android::base::Basename(path)) ==
select_filename) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found APEX at path " << path << " for multi-install APEX "
<< name;
// Add the APEX file to the store if its filename matches the property.
pre_installed_store_.emplace(name, std::move(*apex_file));
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping APEX at path " << path
<< " because it does not match expected multi-install"
<< " APEX property for " << name;
auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(name);
if (it == pre_installed_store_.end()) {
pre_installed_store_.emplace(name, std::move(*apex_file));
} else if (it->second.GetPath() != apex_file->GetPath()) {
auto level = base::FATAL;
// On some development (non-REL) builds the VNDK apex could be in /vendor.
// When testing CTS-on-GSI on these builds, there would be two VNDK apexes
// in the system, one in /system and one in /vendor.
static constexpr char kVndkApexModuleNamePrefix[] = "com.android.vndk.";
static constexpr char kPlatformVersionCodenameProperty[] =
if (android::base::StartsWith(name, kVndkApexModuleNamePrefix) &&
GetProperty(kPlatformVersionCodenameProperty, "REL") != "REL") {
level = android::base::INFO;
LOG(level) << "Found two apex packages " << it->second.GetPath()
<< " and " << apex_file->GetPath()
<< " with the same module name " << name;
} else if (it->second.GetBundledPublicKey() !=
apex_file->GetBundledPublicKey()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Public key of apex package " << it->second.GetPath()
<< " (" << name << ") has unexpectedly changed";
return {};
ApexFileRepository& ApexFileRepository::GetInstance() {
static ApexFileRepository instance;
return instance;
android::base::Result<void> ApexFileRepository::AddPreInstalledApex(
const std::vector<std::string>& prebuilt_dirs) {
for (const auto& dir : prebuilt_dirs) {
if (auto result = ScanBuiltInDir(dir); !result.ok()) {
return result.error();
return {};
Result<int> ApexFileRepository::AddBlockApex(
const std::string& metadata_partition) {
<< "AddBlockApex() can't be called twice.";
auto metadata_ready = WaitForFile(metadata_partition, kBlockApexWaitTime);
if (!metadata_ready.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error waiting for metadata_partition : "
<< metadata_ready.error();
return {};
// TODO(b/185069443) consider moving the logic to find disk_path from
// metadata_partition to its own library
LOG(INFO) << "Scanning " << metadata_partition << " for host apexes";
if (access(metadata_partition.c_str(), F_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) {
LOG(WARNING) << metadata_partition << " does not exist. Skipping";
return {};
std::string metadata_realpath;
if (!android::base::Realpath(metadata_partition, &metadata_realpath)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Can't get realpath of " << metadata_partition
<< ". Skipping";
return {};
std::string_view metadata_path_view(metadata_realpath);
if (!android::base::ConsumeSuffix(&metadata_path_view, "1")) {
LOG(WARNING) << metadata_realpath << " is not a first partition. Skipping";
return {};
block_disk_path_ = std::string(metadata_path_view);
// Read the payload metadata.
// "metadata" can be overridden by microdroid_manager. To ensure that
// "microdroid" is started with the same/unmodified set of host APEXes,
// microdroid stores APEXes' pubkeys in its encrypted instance disk. Next
// time, microdroid checks if there's pubkeys in the instance disk and use
// them to activate APEXes. Microdroid_manager passes pubkeys in instance.img
// via the following file.
if (auto exists = PathExists("/apex/vm-payload-metadata");
exists.ok() && *exists) {
metadata_realpath = "/apex/vm-payload-metadata";
LOG(INFO) << "Overriding metadata to " << metadata_realpath;
auto metadata = android::microdroid::ReadMetadata(metadata_realpath);
if (!metadata.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load metadata from " << metadata_realpath
<< ". Skipping: " << metadata.error();
return {};
int ret = 0;
// subsequent partitions are APEX archives.
static constexpr const int kFirstApexPartition = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < metadata->apexes_size(); i++) {
const auto& apex_config = metadata->apexes(i);
const std::string apex_path =
*block_disk_path_ + std::to_string(i + kFirstApexPartition);
auto apex_ready = WaitForFile(apex_path, kBlockApexWaitTime);
if (!apex_ready.ok()) {
return Error() << "Error waiting for apex file : " << apex_ready.error();
auto apex_file = ApexFile::Open(apex_path);
if (!apex_file.ok()) {
return Error() << "Failed to open " << apex_path << " : "
<< apex_file.error();
// When metadata specifies the public key of the apex, it should match the
// bundled key. Otherwise we accept it.
if (apex_config.public_key() != "" &&
apex_config.public_key() != apex_file->GetBundledPublicKey()) {
return Error() << "public key doesn't match: " << apex_path;
const std::string& name = apex_file->GetManifest().name();
BlockApexOverride overrides;
// A block device doesn't have an inherent timestamp, so it is carried in
// the metadata.
if (int64_t last_update_seconds = apex_config.last_update_seconds();
last_update_seconds != 0) {
overrides.last_update_seconds = last_update_seconds;
// When metadata specifies the root digest of the apex, it should be used
// when activating the apex. So we need to keep it.
if (auto root_digest = apex_config.root_digest(); root_digest != "") {
overrides.block_apex_root_digest =
BytesToHex(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(root_digest.data()),
if (overrides.last_update_seconds.has_value() ||
overrides.block_apex_root_digest.has_value()) {
block_apex_overrides_.emplace(apex_path, std::move(overrides));
// Depending on whether the APEX was a factory version in the host or not,
// put it to different stores.
auto& store = apex_config.is_factory() ? pre_installed_store_ : data_store_;
// We want "uniqueness" in each store.
if (auto it = store.find(name); it != store.end()) {
return Error() << "duplicate of " << name << " found in "
<< it->second.GetPath();
store.emplace(name, std::move(*apex_file));
return {ret};
// TODO(b/179497746): AddDataApex should not concern with filtering out invalid
// apex.
Result<void> ApexFileRepository::AddDataApex(const std::string& data_dir) {
LOG(INFO) << "Scanning " << data_dir << " for data ApexFiles";
if (access(data_dir.c_str(), F_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) {
LOG(WARNING) << data_dir << " does not exist. Skipping";
return {};
Result<std::vector<std::string>> active_apex =
FindFilesBySuffix(data_dir, {kApexPackageSuffix});
if (!active_apex.ok()) {
return active_apex.error();
// TODO(b/179248390): scan parallelly if possible
for (const auto& file : *active_apex) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found updated apex " << file;
Result<ApexFile> apex_file = ApexFile::Open(file);
if (!apex_file.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << file << " : " << apex_file.error();
const std::string& name = apex_file->GetManifest().name();
if (!HasPreInstalledVersion(name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Skipping " << file << " : no preinstalled apex";
// Ignore data apex without corresponding pre-installed apex
std::string select_filename = GetApexSelectFilenameFromProp(
multi_install_select_prop_prefixes_, name);
if (!select_filename.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "APEX " << name << " is a multi-installed APEX."
<< " Any updated version in /data will always overwrite"
<< " the multi-installed preinstalled version, if possible.";
auto pre_installed_public_key = GetPublicKey(name);
if (!pre_installed_public_key.ok() ||
apex_file->GetBundledPublicKey() != *pre_installed_public_key) {
// Ignore data apex if public key doesn't match with pre-installed apex
LOG(ERROR) << "Skipping " << file
<< " : public key doesn't match pre-installed one";
if (EndsWith(apex_file->GetPath(), kDecompressedApexPackageSuffix)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping " << file
<< " : Non-decompressed APEX should not have "
<< kDecompressedApexPackageSuffix << " suffix";
auto it = data_store_.find(name);
if (it == data_store_.end()) {
data_store_.emplace(name, std::move(*apex_file));
const auto& existing_version = it->second.GetManifest().version();
const auto new_version = apex_file->GetManifest().version();
// If multiple data apexs are preset, select the one with highest version
bool prioritize_higher_version = new_version > existing_version;
// For same version, non-decompressed apex gets priority
if (prioritize_higher_version) {
it->second = std::move(*apex_file);
return {};
// TODO(b/179497746): remove this method when we add api for fetching ApexFile
// by name
Result<const std::string> ApexFileRepository::GetPublicKey(
const std::string& name) const {
auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(name);
if (it == pre_installed_store_.end()) {
// Special casing for APEXes backed by block devices, i.e. APEXes in VM.
// Inside a VM, we fall back to find the key from data_store_. This is
// because an APEX is put to either pre_installed_store_ or data_store,
// depending on whether it was a factory APEX or not in the host.
it = data_store_.find(name);
if (it != data_store_.end() && IsBlockApex(it->second)) {
return it->second.GetBundledPublicKey();
return Error() << "No preinstalled apex found for package " << name;
return it->second.GetBundledPublicKey();
// TODO(b/179497746): remove this method when we add api for fetching ApexFile
// by name
Result<const std::string> ApexFileRepository::GetPreinstalledPath(
const std::string& name) const {
auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(name);
if (it == pre_installed_store_.end()) {
return Error() << "No preinstalled data found for package " << name;
return it->second.GetPath();
// TODO(b/179497746): remove this method when we add api for fetching ApexFile
// by name
Result<const std::string> ApexFileRepository::GetDataPath(
const std::string& name) const {
auto it = data_store_.find(name);
if (it == data_store_.end()) {
return Error() << "No data apex found for package " << name;
return it->second.GetPath();
std::optional<std::string> ApexFileRepository::GetBlockApexRootDigest(
const std::string& path) const {
auto it = block_apex_overrides_.find(path);
if (it == block_apex_overrides_.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return it->second.block_apex_root_digest;
std::optional<int64_t> ApexFileRepository::GetBlockApexLastUpdateSeconds(
const std::string& path) const {
auto it = block_apex_overrides_.find(path);
if (it == block_apex_overrides_.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return it->second.last_update_seconds;
bool ApexFileRepository::HasPreInstalledVersion(const std::string& name) const {
return pre_installed_store_.find(name) != pre_installed_store_.end();
bool ApexFileRepository::HasDataVersion(const std::string& name) const {
return data_store_.find(name) != data_store_.end();
// ApexFile is considered a decompressed APEX if it is located in decompression
// dir
bool ApexFileRepository::IsDecompressedApex(const ApexFile& apex) const {
return apex.GetPath().starts_with(decompression_dir_);
bool ApexFileRepository::IsPreInstalledApex(const ApexFile& apex) const {
auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(apex.GetManifest().name());
if (it == pre_installed_store_.end()) {
return false;
return it->second.GetPath() == apex.GetPath() || IsDecompressedApex(apex);
bool ApexFileRepository::IsBlockApex(const ApexFile& apex) const {
return block_disk_path_.has_value() &&
std::vector<ApexFileRef> ApexFileRepository::GetPreInstalledApexFiles() const {
std::vector<ApexFileRef> result;
for (const auto& it : pre_installed_store_) {
return std::move(result);
std::vector<ApexFileRef> ApexFileRepository::GetDataApexFiles() const {
std::vector<ApexFileRef> result;
for (const auto& it : data_store_) {
return std::move(result);
// Group pre-installed APEX and data APEX by name
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<ApexFileRef>>
ApexFileRepository::AllApexFilesByName() const {
// Collect all apex files
std::vector<ApexFileRef> all_apex_files;
auto pre_installed_apexs = GetPreInstalledApexFiles();
auto data_apexs = GetDataApexFiles();
std::move(pre_installed_apexs.begin(), pre_installed_apexs.end(),
std::move(data_apexs.begin(), data_apexs.end(),
// Group them by name
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<ApexFileRef>> result;
for (const auto& apex_file_ref : all_apex_files) {
const ApexFile& apex_file = apex_file_ref.get();
const std::string& package_name = apex_file.GetManifest().name();
if (result.find(package_name) == result.end()) {
result[package_name] = std::vector<ApexFileRef>{};
return std::move(result);
ApexFileRef ApexFileRepository::GetDataApex(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = data_store_.find(name);
CHECK(it != data_store_.end());
return std::cref(it->second);
ApexFileRef ApexFileRepository::GetPreInstalledApex(
const std::string& name) const {
auto it = pre_installed_store_.find(name);
CHECK(it != pre_installed_store_.end());
return std::cref(it->second);
} // namespace apex
} // namespace android