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* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// A C++ API used to control simpleperf recording.
namespace simpleperf {
* RecordOptions sets record options used by ProfileSession. The options are
* converted to a string list in toRecordArgs(), which is then passed to
* `simpleperf record` cmd. Run `simpleperf record -h` or
* `run_simpleperf_on_device.py record -h` for help messages.
* Example:
* RecordOptions options;
* options.setDuration(3).recordDwarfCallGraph().setOutputFilename("perf.data");
* ProfileSession session;
* session.startRecording(options);
class RecordOptionsImpl;
class RecordOptions {
* Set output filename. Default is perf-<month>-<day>-<hour>-<minute>-<second>.data.
* The file will be generated under simpleperf_data/.
RecordOptions& SetOutputFilename(const std::string& filename);
* Set event to record. Default is cpu-cycles. See `simpleperf list` for all available events.
RecordOptions& SetEvent(const std::string& event);
* Set how many samples to generate each second running. Default is 4000.
RecordOptions& SetSampleFrequency(size_t freq);
* Set record duration. The record stops after `durationInSecond` seconds. By default,
* record stops only when stopRecording() is called.
RecordOptions& SetDuration(double duration_in_second);
* Record some threads in the app process. By default, record all threads in the process.
RecordOptions& SetSampleThreads(const std::vector<pid_t>& threads);
* Record dwarf based call graph. It is needed to get Java callstacks.
RecordOptions& RecordDwarfCallGraph();
* Record frame pointer based call graph. It is suitable to get C++ callstacks on 64bit devices.
RecordOptions& RecordFramePointerCallGraph();
* Trace context switch info to show where threads spend time off cpu.
RecordOptions& TraceOffCpu();
* Translate record options into arguments for `simpleperf record` cmd.
std::vector<std::string> ToRecordArgs() const;
RecordOptionsImpl* impl_;
* ProfileSession uses `simpleperf record` cmd to generate a recording file.
* It allows users to start recording with some options, pause/resume recording
* to only profile interested code, and stop recording.
* Example:
* RecordOptions options;
* options.setDwarfCallGraph();
* ProfileSession session;
* session.StartRecording(options);
* sleep(1);
* session.PauseRecording();
* sleep(1);
* session.ResumeRecording();
* sleep(1);
* session.StopRecording();
* It aborts when error happens. To read error messages of simpleperf record
* process, filter logcat with `simpleperf`.
class ProfileSessionImpl;
class ProfileSession {
* @param appDataDir the same as android.content.Context.getDataDir().
* ProfileSession stores profiling data in appDataDir/simpleperf_data/.
ProfileSession(const std::string& app_data_dir);
* ProfileSession assumes appDataDir as /data/data/app_package_name.
* Start recording.
* @param options RecordOptions
void StartRecording(const RecordOptions& options);
* Start recording.
* @param args arguments for `simpleperf record` cmd.
void StartRecording(const std::vector<std::string>& record_args);
* Pause recording. No samples are generated in paused state.
void PauseRecording();
* Resume a paused session.
void ResumeRecording();
* Stop recording and generate a recording file under appDataDir/simpleperf_data/.
void StopRecording();
ProfileSessionImpl* impl_;
} // namespace simpleperf