
235 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "build_id.h"
#include "kallsyms.h"
#include "read_elf.h"
namespace simpleperf {
namespace simpleperf_dso_impl {
// Find elf files with symbol table and debug information.
class DebugElfFileFinder {
void Reset();
bool SetSymFsDir(const std::string& symfs_dir);
bool AddSymbolDir(const std::string& symbol_dir);
void SetVdsoFile(const std::string& vdso_file, bool is_64bit);
std::string FindDebugFile(const std::string& dso_path, bool force_64bit, BuildId& build_id);
// Only for testing
std::string GetPathInSymFsDir(const std::string& path);
void CollectBuildIdInDir(const std::string& dir);
std::string vdso_64bit_;
std::string vdso_32bit_;
std::string symfs_dir_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> build_id_to_file_map_;
} // namespace simpleperf_dso_impl
struct Symbol {
uint64_t addr;
// TODO: make len uint32_t.
uint64_t len;
Symbol(std::string_view name, uint64_t addr, uint64_t len);
const char* Name() const { return name_; }
const char* DemangledName() const;
void SetDemangledName(std::string_view name) const;
// Return function name without signature.
std::string_view FunctionName() const;
bool HasDumpId() const { return dump_id_ != UINT_MAX; }
bool GetDumpId(uint32_t* pdump_id) const {
if (!HasDumpId()) {
return false;
*pdump_id = dump_id_;
return true;
static bool CompareByDumpId(const Symbol* s1, const Symbol* s2) {
uint32_t id1 = UINT_MAX;
uint32_t id2 = UINT_MAX;
return id1 < id2;
static bool CompareByAddr(const Symbol* s1, const Symbol* s2) { return s1->addr < s2->addr; }
static bool CompareValueByAddr(const Symbol& s1, const Symbol& s2) { return s1.addr < s2.addr; }
const char* name_;
mutable const char* demangled_name_;
mutable uint32_t dump_id_;
friend class Dso;
enum DsoType {
DSO_DEX_FILE, // For files containing dex files, like .vdex files.
// DSO_UNKNOWN_FILE is written to the file feature section in recording files. Changing its value
// may cause compatibility issue. So put new DsoTypes below.
class Dso {
static void SetDemangle(bool demangle);
static std::string Demangle(const std::string& name);
// SymFsDir is used to provide an alternative root directory looking for files with symbols.
// For example, if we are searching symbols for /system/lib/ and SymFsDir is /data/symbols,
// then we will also search file /data/symbols/system/lib/
static bool SetSymFsDir(const std::string& symfs_dir);
// SymbolDir is used to add a directory containing files with symbols. Each file under it will
// be searched recursively to build a build_id_map.
static bool AddSymbolDir(const std::string& symbol_dir);
static void SetVmlinux(const std::string& vmlinux);
static void SetKallsyms(std::string kallsyms) {
if (!kallsyms.empty()) {
kallsyms_ = std::move(kallsyms);
static void SetBuildIds(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, BuildId>>& build_ids);
static BuildId FindExpectedBuildIdForPath(const std::string& path);
static void SetVdsoFile(const std::string& vdso_file, bool is_64bit);
static std::unique_ptr<Dso> CreateDso(DsoType dso_type, const std::string& dso_path,
bool force_64bit = false);
static std::unique_ptr<Dso> CreateDsoWithBuildId(DsoType dso_type, const std::string& dso_path,
BuildId& build_id);
static std::unique_ptr<Dso> CreateKernelModuleDso(const std::string& dso_path,
uint64_t memory_start, uint64_t memory_end,
Dso* kernel_dso);
virtual ~Dso();
DsoType type() const { return type_; }
// Return the path recorded in
const std::string& Path() const { return path_; }
// Return the path containing symbol table and debug information.
const std::string& GetDebugFilePath() const {
if (!debug_file_path_.has_value()) {
debug_file_path_ = FindDebugFilePath();
return debug_file_path_.value();
// Return the path beautified for reporting.
virtual std::string_view GetReportPath() const { return Path(); }
// Return the file name without directory info.
const std::string& FileName() const { return file_name_; }
bool HasDumpId() { return dump_id_ != UINT_MAX; }
bool GetDumpId(uint32_t* pdump_id) {
if (!HasDumpId()) {
return false;
*pdump_id = dump_id_;
return true;
uint32_t CreateDumpId();
uint32_t CreateSymbolDumpId(const Symbol* symbol);
virtual void SetMinExecutableVaddr(uint64_t, uint64_t) {}
virtual void GetMinExecutableVaddr(uint64_t* min_vaddr, uint64_t* file_offset) {
*min_vaddr = 0;
*file_offset = 0;
virtual void AddDexFileOffset(uint64_t) {}
virtual const std::vector<uint64_t>* DexFileOffsets() { return nullptr; }
virtual uint64_t IpToVaddrInFile(uint64_t ip, uint64_t map_start, uint64_t map_pgoff) = 0;
virtual std::optional<uint64_t> IpToFileOffset(uint64_t ip, uint64_t map_start,
uint64_t map_pgoff);
const Symbol* FindSymbol(uint64_t vaddr_in_dso);
void LoadSymbols();
const std::vector<Symbol>& GetSymbols() const { return symbols_; }
void SetSymbols(std::vector<Symbol>* symbols);
// Create a symbol for a virtual address which can't find a corresponding
// symbol in symbol table.
void AddUnknownSymbol(uint64_t vaddr_in_dso, const std::string& name);
bool IsForJavaMethod() const;
static bool demangle_;
static std::string vmlinux_;
static std::string kallsyms_;
static std::unordered_map<std::string, BuildId> build_id_map_;
static size_t dso_count_;
static uint32_t g_dump_id_;
static simpleperf_dso_impl::DebugElfFileFinder debug_elf_file_finder_;
Dso(DsoType type, const std::string& path);
BuildId GetExpectedBuildId() const;
virtual std::string FindDebugFilePath() const { return path_; }
virtual std::vector<Symbol> LoadSymbolsImpl() = 0;
DsoType type_;
// path of the shared library used by the profiled program
const std::string path_;
// path of the shared library having symbol table and debug information
// It is the same as path_, or has the same build id as path_.
mutable std::optional<std::string> debug_file_path_;
// File name of the shared library, got by removing directories in path_.
std::string file_name_;
std::vector<Symbol> symbols_;
// unknown symbols are like [].
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, Symbol> unknown_symbols_;
bool is_loaded_;
// Used to identify current dso if it needs to be dumped.
uint32_t dump_id_;
// Used to assign dump_id for symbols in current dso.
uint32_t symbol_dump_id_;
android::base::LogSeverity symbol_warning_loglevel_;
const char* DsoTypeToString(DsoType dso_type);
bool GetBuildIdFromDsoPath(const std::string& dso_path, BuildId* build_id);
} // namespace simpleperf
#endif // SIMPLE_PERF_DSO_H_