696 lines
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696 lines
20 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "CallChainJoiner.h"
#include "OfflineUnwinder.h"
#include "build_id.h"
#include "perf_event.h"
namespace simpleperf {
enum user_record_type {
// TODO: remove DsoRecord and SymbolRecord.
// perf_event_header uses u16 to store record size. However, that is not
// enough for storing records like KERNEL_SYMBOL or TRACING_DATA. So define
// a simpleperf_record_header struct to store record header for simpleperf
// defined records (type > SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_TYPE_START).
struct simpleperf_record_header {
uint32_t type;
uint16_t size1;
uint16_t size0;
static_assert(sizeof(simpleperf_record_header) == sizeof(perf_event_header),
"simpleperf_record_header should have the same size as perf_event_header");
struct PerfSampleIpType {
uint64_t ip;
struct PerfSampleTidType {
uint32_t pid, tid;
struct PerfSampleTimeType {
uint64_t time;
struct PerfSampleAddrType {
uint64_t addr;
struct PerfSampleIdType {
uint64_t id;
struct PerfSampleStreamIdType {
uint64_t stream_id;
struct PerfSampleCpuType {
uint32_t cpu, res;
struct PerfSamplePeriodType {
uint64_t period;
struct PerfSampleReadType {
uint64_t time_enabled = 0;
uint64_t time_running = 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> counts;
std::vector<uint64_t> ids;
struct PerfSampleCallChainType {
uint64_t ip_nr;
uint64_t* ips;
struct PerfSampleRawType {
uint32_t size;
const char* data;
struct BranchStackItemType {
uint64_t from;
uint64_t to;
uint64_t flags;
struct PerfSampleBranchStackType {
uint64_t stack_nr;
const BranchStackItemType* stack;
struct PerfSampleRegsUserType {
uint64_t abi;
uint64_t reg_mask;
uint64_t reg_nr;
const uint64_t* regs;
struct PerfSampleStackUserType {
uint64_t size;
char* data;
uint64_t dyn_size;
struct RecordHeader {
uint32_t type;
uint16_t misc;
uint32_t size;
RecordHeader() : type(0), misc(0), size(0) {}
explicit RecordHeader(const char* p) {
auto pheader = reinterpret_cast<const perf_event_header*>(p);
if (pheader->type < SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_TYPE_START) {
type = pheader->type;
misc = pheader->misc;
size = pheader->size;
} else {
auto sheader = reinterpret_cast<const simpleperf_record_header*>(p);
type = sheader->type;
misc = 0;
size = (sheader->size1 << 16) | sheader->size0;
void MoveToBinaryFormat(char*& p) const {
auto pheader = reinterpret_cast<perf_event_header*>(p);
pheader->type = type;
pheader->misc = misc;
CHECK_LT(size, 1u << 16);
pheader->size = static_cast<uint16_t>(size);
} else {
auto sheader = reinterpret_cast<simpleperf_record_header*>(p);
sheader->type = type;
CHECK_EQ(misc, 0u);
sheader->size1 = size >> 16;
sheader->size0 = size & 0xffff;
p += sizeof(perf_event_header);
// SampleId is optional at the end of a record in binary format. Its content is
// determined by sample_id_all and sample_type in perf_event_attr. To avoid the
// complexity of referring to perf_event_attr each time, we copy sample_id_all
// and sample_type inside the SampleId structure.
struct SampleId {
bool sample_id_all;
uint64_t sample_type;
PerfSampleTidType tid_data; // Valid if sample_id_all && PERF_SAMPLE_TID.
PerfSampleTimeType time_data; // Valid if sample_id_all && PERF_SAMPLE_TIME.
PerfSampleIdType id_data; // Valid if sample_id_all && PERF_SAMPLE_ID.
PerfSampleStreamIdType stream_id_data; // Valid if sample_id_all && PERF_SAMPLE_STREAM_ID.
PerfSampleCpuType cpu_data; // Valid if sample_id_all && PERF_SAMPLE_CPU.
// Create the content of sample_id. It depends on the attr we use.
size_t CreateContent(const perf_event_attr& attr, uint64_t event_id);
// Parse sample_id from binary format in the buffer pointed by p.
bool ReadFromBinaryFormat(const perf_event_attr& attr, const char* p, const char* end);
// Write the binary format of sample_id to the buffer pointed by p.
void WriteToBinaryFormat(char*& p) const;
void Dump(size_t indent) const;
size_t Size() const;
// Usually one record contains the following three parts in order in binary
// format:
// RecordHeader (at the head of a record, containing type and size info)
// data depends on the record type
// SampleId (optional part at the end of a record)
// We hold the common parts (RecordHeader and SampleId) in the base class
// Record, and hold the type specific data part in classes derived from Record.
struct Record {
RecordHeader header;
SampleId sample_id;
Record() : binary_(nullptr), own_binary_(false) {}
Record(Record&& other) noexcept;
virtual ~Record() {
if (own_binary_) {
delete[] binary_;
virtual bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) = 0;
void OwnBinary() { own_binary_ = true; }
uint32_t type() const { return header.type; }
uint16_t misc() const { return header.misc; }
uint32_t size() const { return header.size; }
static uint32_t header_size() { return sizeof(perf_event_header); }
bool InKernel() const {
uint16_t cpumode = header.misc & PERF_RECORD_MISC_CPUMODE_MASK;
void SetTypeAndMisc(uint32_t type, uint16_t misc) {
header.type = type;
header.misc = misc;
void SetSize(uint32_t size) { header.size = size; }
void Dump(size_t indent = 0) const;
const char* Binary() const { return binary_; }
char* BinaryForTestingOnly() { return binary_; }
virtual uint64_t Timestamp() const;
virtual uint32_t Cpu() const;
virtual uint64_t Id() const;
bool ParseHeader(char*& p, char*& end);
void UpdateBinary(char* new_binary);
virtual void DumpData(size_t) const = 0;
char* binary_;
bool own_binary_;
struct MmapRecord : public Record {
struct MmapRecordDataType {
uint32_t pid, tid;
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t len;
uint64_t pgoff;
const MmapRecordDataType* data;
const char* filename;
MmapRecord() {}
MmapRecord(const perf_event_attr& attr, bool in_kernel, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid, uint64_t addr,
uint64_t len, uint64_t pgoff, const std::string& filename, uint64_t event_id,
uint64_t time = 0);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void SetDataAndFilename(const MmapRecordDataType& data, const std::string& filename);
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct Mmap2Record : public Record {
struct Mmap2RecordDataType {
uint32_t pid, tid;
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t len;
uint64_t pgoff;
uint32_t maj;
uint32_t min;
uint64_t ino;
uint64_t ino_generation;
uint32_t prot, flags;
const Mmap2RecordDataType* data;
const char* filename;
Mmap2Record() {}
Mmap2Record(const perf_event_attr& attr, bool in_kernel, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid,
uint64_t addr, uint64_t len, uint64_t pgoff, uint32_t prot,
const std::string& filename, uint64_t event_id, uint64_t time = 0);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void SetDataAndFilename(const Mmap2RecordDataType& data, const std::string& filename);
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct CommRecord : public Record {
struct CommRecordDataType {
uint32_t pid, tid;
const CommRecordDataType* data;
const char* comm;
CommRecord() {}
CommRecord(const perf_event_attr& attr, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid, const std::string& comm,
uint64_t event_id, uint64_t time);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void SetCommandName(const std::string& name);
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct ExitOrForkRecord : public Record {
struct ExitOrForkRecordDataType {
uint32_t pid, ppid;
uint32_t tid, ptid;
uint64_t time;
const ExitOrForkRecordDataType* data;
ExitOrForkRecord() : data(nullptr) {}
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct ExitRecord : public ExitOrForkRecord {};
struct ForkRecord : public ExitOrForkRecord {
ForkRecord() {}
ForkRecord(const perf_event_attr& attr, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid, uint32_t ppid, uint32_t ptid,
uint64_t event_id);
struct LostRecord : public Record {
uint64_t id;
uint64_t lost;
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct SampleRecord : public Record {
uint64_t sample_type; // sample_type is a bit mask determining which fields
// below are valid.
uint64_t read_format;
PerfSampleIpType ip_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_IP.
PerfSampleTidType tid_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_TID.
PerfSampleTimeType time_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_TIME.
PerfSampleAddrType addr_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_ADDR.
PerfSampleIdType id_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_ID.
PerfSampleStreamIdType stream_id_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_STREAM_ID.
PerfSampleCpuType cpu_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_CPU.
PerfSamplePeriodType period_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_PERIOD.
PerfSampleReadType read_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_READ.
PerfSampleCallChainType callchain_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN.
PerfSampleRawType raw_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_RAW.
PerfSampleBranchStackType branch_stack_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK.
PerfSampleRegsUserType regs_user_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_USER.
PerfSampleStackUserType stack_user_data; // Valid if PERF_SAMPLE_STACK_USER.
SampleRecord() {}
SampleRecord(const perf_event_attr& attr, uint64_t id, uint64_t ip, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid,
uint64_t time, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t period, const PerfSampleReadType& read_data,
const std::vector<uint64_t>& ips, const std::vector<char>& stack,
uint64_t dyn_stack_size);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void ReplaceRegAndStackWithCallChain(const std::vector<uint64_t>& ips);
// Remove kernel callchain, return true if there is a user space callchain left, otherwise
// return false.
bool ExcludeKernelCallChain();
bool HasUserCallChain() const;
void UpdateUserCallChain(const std::vector<uint64_t>& user_ips);
uint64_t Timestamp() const override;
uint32_t Cpu() const override;
uint64_t Id() const override;
uint64_t GetValidStackSize() const {
// Invaid stack data has been removed by RecordReadThread::PushRecordToRecordBuffer().
return stack_user_data.size;
void AdjustCallChainGeneratedByKernel();
std::vector<uint64_t> GetCallChain(size_t* kernel_ip_count) const;
void BuildBinaryWithNewCallChain(uint32_t new_size, const std::vector<uint64_t>& ips);
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct AuxRecord : public Record {
struct DataType {
uint64_t aux_offset;
uint64_t aux_size;
uint64_t flags;
} * data;
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
bool Unformatted() const { return data->flags & PERF_AUX_FLAG_CORESIGHT_FORMAT_RAW; }
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct SwitchRecord : public Record {
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t) const override {}
struct SwitchCpuWideRecord : public Record {
PerfSampleTidType tid_data;
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
// BuildIdRecord is defined in user-space, stored in BuildId feature section in
// record file.
struct BuildIdRecord : public Record {
uint32_t pid;
BuildId build_id;
const char* filename;
BuildIdRecord() {}
BuildIdRecord(bool in_kernel, uint32_t pid, const BuildId& build_id, const std::string& filename);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct AuxTraceInfoRecord : public Record {
// magic values to be compatible with linux perf
static constexpr uint32_t AUX_TYPE_ETM = 3;
static constexpr uint64_t MAGIC_ETM4 = 0x4040404040404040ULL;
static constexpr uint64_t MAGIC_ETE = 0x5050505050505050ULL;
struct ETM4Info {
uint64_t magic;
uint64_t cpu;
uint64_t nrtrcparams;
uint64_t trcconfigr;
uint64_t trctraceidr;
uint64_t trcidr0;
uint64_t trcidr1;
uint64_t trcidr2;
uint64_t trcidr8;
uint64_t trcauthstatus;
struct ETEInfo {
uint64_t magic;
uint64_t cpu;
uint64_t nrtrcparams;
uint64_t trcconfigr;
uint64_t trctraceidr;
uint64_t trcidr0;
uint64_t trcidr1;
uint64_t trcidr2;
uint64_t trcidr8;
uint64_t trcauthstatus;
uint64_t trcdevarch;
struct DataType {
uint32_t aux_type;
uint32_t reserved;
uint64_t version;
uint32_t nr_cpu;
uint32_t pmu_type;
uint64_t snapshot;
uint64_t info[0];
} * data;
AuxTraceInfoRecord() {}
AuxTraceInfoRecord(const DataType& data, const std::vector<ETEInfo>& ete_info);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct AuxTraceRecord : public Record {
struct DataType {
uint64_t aux_size;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t reserved0; // reference
uint32_t idx;
uint32_t tid;
uint32_t cpu;
uint32_t reserved1;
} * data;
// AuxTraceRecord is followed by aux tracing data with size data->aux_size.
// The location of aux tracing data in memory or file is kept in location.
struct AuxDataLocation {
const char* addr = nullptr;
uint64_t file_offset = 0;
} location;
AuxTraceRecord() {}
AuxTraceRecord(uint64_t aux_size, uint64_t offset, uint32_t idx, uint32_t tid, uint32_t cpu);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
static size_t Size() { return sizeof(perf_event_header) + sizeof(DataType); }
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct KernelSymbolRecord : public Record {
uint32_t kallsyms_size;
const char* kallsyms;
KernelSymbolRecord() {}
explicit KernelSymbolRecord(const std::string& kallsyms);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct DsoRecord : public Record {
uint64_t dso_type;
uint64_t dso_id;
uint64_t min_vaddr;
const char* dso_name;
DsoRecord() {}
DsoRecord(uint64_t dso_type, uint64_t dso_id, const std::string& dso_name, uint64_t min_vaddr);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct SymbolRecord : public Record {
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t len;
uint64_t dso_id;
const char* name;
SymbolRecord() {}
SymbolRecord(uint64_t addr, uint64_t len, const std::string& name, uint64_t dso_id);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct TracingDataRecord : public Record {
uint32_t data_size;
const char* data;
TracingDataRecord() {}
explicit TracingDataRecord(const std::vector<char>& tracing_data);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct EventIdRecord : public Record {
uint64_t count;
struct EventIdData {
uint64_t attr_id;
uint64_t event_id;
} const* data;
EventIdRecord() {}
explicit EventIdRecord(const std::vector<uint64_t>& data);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct CallChainRecord : public Record {
uint32_t pid;
uint32_t tid;
uint64_t chain_type;
uint64_t time;
uint64_t ip_nr;
uint64_t* ips;
uint64_t* sps;
CallChainRecord() {}
CallChainRecord(pid_t pid, pid_t tid, simpleperf::CallChainJoiner::ChainType type, uint64_t time,
const std::vector<uint64_t>& ips, const std::vector<uint64_t>& sps);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
uint64_t Timestamp() const override { return time; }
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
struct UnwindingResultRecord : public Record {
uint64_t time;
UnwindingResult unwinding_result;
PerfSampleRegsUserType regs_user_data;
PerfSampleStackUserType stack_user_data;
struct CallChain {
uint64_t length = 0;
uint64_t* ips = nullptr;
uint64_t* sps = nullptr;
} callchain;
UnwindingResultRecord() {}
UnwindingResultRecord(uint64_t time, const simpleperf::UnwindingResult& unwinding_result,
const PerfSampleRegsUserType& regs_user_data,
const PerfSampleStackUserType& stack_user_data,
const std::vector<uint64_t>& ips, const std::vector<uint64_t>& sps);
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
uint64_t Timestamp() const override { return time; }
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
// UnknownRecord is used for unknown record types, it makes sure all unknown
// records are not changed when modifying perf.data.
struct UnknownRecord : public Record {
const char* data;
bool Parse(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end) override;
void DumpData(size_t indent) const override;
// Read record from the buffer pointed by [p]. But the record doesn't own
// the buffer.
std::unique_ptr<Record> ReadRecordFromBuffer(const perf_event_attr& attr, uint32_t type, char* p,
char* end);
// Read records from the buffer pointed by [buf]. None of the records own
// the buffer.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Record>> ReadRecordsFromBuffer(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* buf,
size_t buf_size);
// Read one record from the buffer pointed by [p]. But the record doesn't
// own the buffer.
std::unique_ptr<Record> ReadRecordFromBuffer(const perf_event_attr& attr, char* p, char* end);
} // namespace simpleperf