693 lines
22 KiB
693 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "JITDebugReader.h"
#include "RecordFilter.h"
#include "dso.h"
#include "event_attr.h"
#include "event_type.h"
#include "record_file.h"
#include "report_utils.h"
#include "thread_tree.h"
#include "tracing.h"
#include "utils.h"
extern "C" {
struct Sample {
uint64_t ip;
uint32_t pid;
uint32_t tid;
const char* thread_comm;
uint64_t time;
uint32_t in_kernel;
uint32_t cpu;
uint64_t period;
struct TracingFieldFormat {
const char* name;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t elem_size;
uint32_t elem_count;
uint32_t is_signed;
uint32_t is_dynamic;
struct TracingDataFormat {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t field_count;
TracingFieldFormat* fields;
struct Event {
const char* name;
TracingDataFormat tracing_data_format;
struct Mapping {
uint64_t start;
uint64_t end;
uint64_t pgoff;
struct SymbolEntry {
const char* dso_name;
uint64_t vaddr_in_file;
const char* symbol_name;
uint64_t symbol_addr;
uint64_t symbol_len;
Mapping* mapping;
struct CallChainEntry {
uint64_t ip;
SymbolEntry symbol;
struct CallChain {
uint32_t nr;
CallChainEntry* entries;
struct FeatureSection {
const char* data;
uint32_t data_size;
} // extern "C"
namespace simpleperf {
namespace {
struct EventInfo {
perf_event_attr attr;
std::string name;
struct TracingInfo {
TracingDataFormat data_format;
std::vector<std::string> field_names;
std::vector<TracingFieldFormat> fields;
} tracing_info;
// If a recording file is generated with --trace-offcpu, we can select TraceOffCpuMode to report.
// It affects which samples are reported, and how period in each sample is calculated.
enum class TraceOffCpuMode {
// Only report on-cpu samples, with period representing time spent on cpu.
// Only report off-cpu samples, with period representing time spent off cpu.
// Report both on-cpu and off-cpu samples.
// Report on-cpu and off-cpu samples under the same event type.
static std::string TraceOffCpuModeToString(TraceOffCpuMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case TraceOffCpuMode::ON_CPU:
return "on-cpu";
case TraceOffCpuMode::OFF_CPU:
return "off-cpu";
case TraceOffCpuMode::ON_OFF_CPU:
return "on-off-cpu";
case TraceOffCpuMode::MIXED_ON_OFF_CPU:
return "mixed-on-off-cpu";
static std::optional<TraceOffCpuMode> StringToTraceOffCpuMode(const std::string& s) {
if (s == "on-cpu") {
return TraceOffCpuMode::ON_CPU;
if (s == "off-cpu") {
return TraceOffCpuMode::OFF_CPU;
if (s == "on-off-cpu") {
return TraceOffCpuMode::ON_OFF_CPU;
if (s == "mixed-on-off-cpu") {
return TraceOffCpuMode::MIXED_ON_OFF_CPU;
return std::nullopt;
struct TraceOffCpuData {
std::vector<TraceOffCpuMode> supported_modes;
std::string supported_modes_string;
std::optional<TraceOffCpuMode> mode;
std::unordered_map<pid_t, std::unique_ptr<SampleRecord>> thread_map;
} // namespace
class ReportLib {
: log_severity_(new android::base::ScopedLogSeverity(android::base::INFO)),
record_filter_(thread_tree_) {}
bool SetLogSeverity(const char* log_level);
bool SetSymfs(const char* symfs_dir) { return Dso::SetSymFsDir(symfs_dir); }
bool SetRecordFile(const char* record_file) {
if (record_file_reader_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "recording file " << record_filename_ << " has been opened";
return false;
record_filename_ = record_file;
return OpenRecordFileIfNecessary();
bool SetKallsymsFile(const char* kallsyms_file);
void ShowIpForUnknownSymbol() { thread_tree_.ShowIpForUnknownSymbol(); }
void ShowArtFrames(bool show) {
bool remove_art_frame = !show;
void MergeJavaMethods(bool merge) { callchain_report_builder_.SetConvertJITFrame(merge); }
bool AddProguardMappingFile(const char* mapping_file) {
return callchain_report_builder_.AddProguardMappingFile(mapping_file);
const char* GetSupportedTraceOffCpuModes();
bool SetTraceOffCpuMode(const char* mode);
bool SetSampleFilter(const char** filters, int filters_len);
Sample* GetNextSample();
Event* GetEventOfCurrentSample() { return ¤t_event_; }
SymbolEntry* GetSymbolOfCurrentSample() { return current_symbol_; }
CallChain* GetCallChainOfCurrentSample() { return ¤t_callchain_; }
const char* GetTracingDataOfCurrentSample() { return current_tracing_data_; }
const char* GetBuildIdForPath(const char* path);
FeatureSection* GetFeatureSection(const char* feature_name);
void ProcessSampleRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> r);
void ProcessSwitchRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> r);
void AddSampleRecordToQueue(SampleRecord* r);
void SetCurrentSample(const SampleRecord& r);
const EventInfo* FindEventOfCurrentSample();
void CreateEvents();
bool OpenRecordFileIfNecessary();
Mapping* AddMapping(const MapEntry& map);
std::unique_ptr<android::base::ScopedLogSeverity> log_severity_;
std::string record_filename_;
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader> record_file_reader_;
ThreadTree thread_tree_;
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<SampleRecord>> sample_record_queue_;
const ThreadEntry* current_thread_;
Sample current_sample_;
Event current_event_;
SymbolEntry* current_symbol_;
CallChain current_callchain_;
const char* current_tracing_data_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mapping>> current_mappings_;
std::vector<CallChainEntry> callchain_entries_;
std::string build_id_string_;
std::vector<EventInfo> events_;
TraceOffCpuData trace_offcpu_;
FeatureSection feature_section_;
std::vector<char> feature_section_data_;
CallChainReportBuilder callchain_report_builder_;
std::unique_ptr<Tracing> tracing_;
RecordFilter record_filter_;
bool ReportLib::SetLogSeverity(const char* log_level) {
android::base::LogSeverity severity;
if (!GetLogSeverity(log_level, &severity)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown log severity: " << log_level;
return false;
log_severity_ = nullptr;
log_severity_.reset(new android::base::ScopedLogSeverity(severity));
return true;
bool ReportLib::SetKallsymsFile(const char* kallsyms_file) {
std::string kallsyms;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kallsyms_file, &kallsyms)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read in kallsyms file from " << kallsyms_file;
return false;
return true;
const char* ReportLib::GetSupportedTraceOffCpuModes() {
if (!OpenRecordFileIfNecessary()) {
return nullptr;
std::string& s = trace_offcpu_.supported_modes_string;
for (auto mode : trace_offcpu_.supported_modes) {
if (!s.empty()) {
s += ",";
s += TraceOffCpuModeToString(mode);
return s.data();
bool ReportLib::SetTraceOffCpuMode(const char* mode) {
auto mode_value = StringToTraceOffCpuMode(mode);
if (!mode_value) {
return false;
if (!OpenRecordFileIfNecessary()) {
return false;
auto& modes = trace_offcpu_.supported_modes;
if (std::find(modes.begin(), modes.end(), mode_value) == modes.end()) {
return false;
trace_offcpu_.mode = mode_value;
return true;
bool ReportLib::SetSampleFilter(const char** filters, int filters_len) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
for (int i = 0; i < filters_len; i++) {
OptionFormatMap option_formats = GetRecordFilterOptionFormats(false);
OptionValueMap options;
std::vector<std::pair<OptionName, OptionValue>> ordered_options;
if (!ConvertArgsToOptions(args, option_formats, "", &options, &ordered_options, nullptr)) {
return false;
return record_filter_.ParseOptions(options);
bool ReportLib::OpenRecordFileIfNecessary() {
if (record_file_reader_ == nullptr) {
record_file_reader_ = RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(record_filename_);
if (record_file_reader_ == nullptr) {
return false;
auto& meta_info = record_file_reader_->GetMetaInfoFeature();
if (auto it = meta_info.find("trace_offcpu"); it != meta_info.end() && it->second == "true") {
// If recorded with --trace-offcpu, default is to report on-off-cpu samples.
std::string event_name = GetEventNameByAttr(*record_file_reader_->AttrSection()[0].attr);
if (!android::base::StartsWith(event_name, "cpu-clock") &&
!android::base::StartsWith(event_name, "task-clock")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Recording file " << record_filename_ << " is no longer supported. "
<< "--trace-offcpu must be used with `-e cpu-clock` or `-e task-clock`.";
return false;
trace_offcpu_.mode = TraceOffCpuMode::MIXED_ON_OFF_CPU;
if (!record_filter_.CheckClock(record_file_reader_->GetClockId())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Recording file " << record_filename_ << " doesn't match the clock of filter.";
return false;
return true;
Sample* ReportLib::GetNextSample() {
if (!OpenRecordFileIfNecessary()) {
return nullptr;
if (!sample_record_queue_.empty()) {
while (sample_record_queue_.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<Record> record;
if (!record_file_reader_->ReadRecord(record) || record == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SWITCH ||
record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SWITCH_CPU_WIDE) {
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_TRACING_DATA ||
const auto& r = *static_cast<TracingDataRecord*>(record.get());
tracing_.reset(new Tracing(std::vector<char>(r.data, r.data + r.data_size)));
return ¤t_sample_;
void ReportLib::ProcessSampleRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> r) {
auto sr = static_cast<SampleRecord*>(r.get());
if (!trace_offcpu_.mode) {
size_t attr_index = record_file_reader_->GetAttrIndexOfRecord(sr);
bool offcpu_sample = attr_index > 0;
if (trace_offcpu_.mode == TraceOffCpuMode::ON_CPU) {
if (!offcpu_sample) {
uint32_t tid = sr->tid_data.tid;
auto it = trace_offcpu_.thread_map.find(tid);
if (it == trace_offcpu_.thread_map.end() || !it->second) {
// If there is no previous off-cpu sample, then store the current off-cpu sample.
if (offcpu_sample) {
if (it == trace_offcpu_.thread_map.end()) {
} else {
} else {
// If there is a previous off-cpu sample, update its period.
SampleRecord* prev_sr = it->second.get();
prev_sr->period_data.period =
(prev_sr->Timestamp() < sr->Timestamp()) ? (sr->Timestamp() - prev_sr->Timestamp()) : 1;
if (offcpu_sample) {
if (!offcpu_sample && (trace_offcpu_.mode == TraceOffCpuMode::ON_OFF_CPU ||
trace_offcpu_.mode == TraceOffCpuMode::MIXED_ON_OFF_CPU)) {
void ReportLib::ProcessSwitchRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> r) {
if (r->header.misc & PERF_RECORD_MISC_SWITCH_OUT) {
uint32_t tid = r->sample_id.tid_data.tid;
auto it = trace_offcpu_.thread_map.find(tid);
if (it != trace_offcpu_.thread_map.end() && it->second) {
// If there is a previous off-cpu sample, update its period.
SampleRecord* prev_sr = it->second.get();
prev_sr->period_data.period =
(prev_sr->Timestamp() < r->Timestamp()) ? (r->Timestamp() - prev_sr->Timestamp()) : 1;
void ReportLib::AddSampleRecordToQueue(SampleRecord* r) {
if (record_filter_.Check(r)) {
void ReportLib::SetCurrentSample(const SampleRecord& r) {
current_sample_.ip = r.ip_data.ip;
current_sample_.pid = r.tid_data.pid;
current_sample_.tid = r.tid_data.tid;
current_thread_ = thread_tree_.FindThreadOrNew(r.tid_data.pid, r.tid_data.tid);
current_sample_.thread_comm = current_thread_->comm;
current_sample_.time = r.time_data.time;
current_sample_.in_kernel = r.InKernel();
current_sample_.cpu = r.cpu_data.cpu;
current_sample_.period = r.period_data.period;
size_t kernel_ip_count;
std::vector<uint64_t> ips = r.GetCallChain(&kernel_ip_count);
std::vector<CallChainReportEntry> report_entries =
callchain_report_builder_.Build(current_thread_, ips, kernel_ip_count);
for (const auto& report_entry : report_entries) {
callchain_entries_.resize(callchain_entries_.size() + 1);
CallChainEntry& entry = callchain_entries_.back();
entry.ip = report_entry.ip;
if (report_entry.dso_name != nullptr) {
entry.symbol.dso_name = report_entry.dso_name;
} else {
entry.symbol.dso_name = report_entry.dso->GetReportPath().data();
entry.symbol.vaddr_in_file = report_entry.vaddr_in_file;
entry.symbol.symbol_name = report_entry.symbol->DemangledName();
entry.symbol.symbol_addr = report_entry.symbol->addr;
entry.symbol.symbol_len = report_entry.symbol->len;
entry.symbol.mapping = AddMapping(*report_entry.map);
current_sample_.ip = callchain_entries_[0].ip;
current_symbol_ = &(callchain_entries_[0].symbol);
current_callchain_.nr = callchain_entries_.size() - 1;
current_callchain_.entries = &callchain_entries_[1];
const EventInfo* event = FindEventOfCurrentSample();
current_event_.name = event->name.c_str();
current_event_.tracing_data_format = event->tracing_info.data_format;
if (current_event_.tracing_data_format.size > 0u && (r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_RAW)) {
CHECK_GE(r.raw_data.size, current_event_.tracing_data_format.size);
current_tracing_data_ = r.raw_data.data;
} else {
current_tracing_data_ = nullptr;
const EventInfo* ReportLib::FindEventOfCurrentSample() {
if (events_.empty()) {
if (trace_offcpu_.mode == TraceOffCpuMode::MIXED_ON_OFF_CPU) {
// To mix on-cpu and off-cpu samples, pretend they are from the same event type.
// Otherwise, some report scripts may split them.
return &events_[0];
SampleRecord* r = sample_record_queue_.front().get();
size_t attr_index = record_file_reader_->GetAttrIndexOfRecord(r);
return &events_[attr_index];
void ReportLib::CreateEvents() {
std::vector<EventAttrWithId> attrs = record_file_reader_->AttrSection();
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); ++i) {
events_[i].attr = *attrs[i].attr;
events_[i].name = GetEventNameByAttr(events_[i].attr);
EventInfo::TracingInfo& tracing_info = events_[i].tracing_info;
if (events_[i].attr.type == PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT && tracing_) {
TracingFormat format = tracing_->GetTracingFormatHavingId(events_[i].attr.config);
for (size_t i = 0; i < format.fields.size(); ++i) {
tracing_info.field_names[i] = format.fields[i].name;
TracingFieldFormat& field = tracing_info.fields[i];
field.name = tracing_info.field_names[i].c_str();
field.offset = format.fields[i].offset;
field.elem_size = format.fields[i].elem_size;
field.elem_count = format.fields[i].elem_count;
field.is_signed = format.fields[i].is_signed;
field.is_dynamic = format.fields[i].is_dynamic;
if (tracing_info.fields.empty()) {
tracing_info.data_format.size = 0;
} else {
TracingFieldFormat& field = tracing_info.fields.back();
tracing_info.data_format.size = field.offset + field.elem_size * field.elem_count;
tracing_info.data_format.field_count = tracing_info.fields.size();
tracing_info.data_format.fields = &tracing_info.fields[0];
} else {
tracing_info.data_format.size = 0;
tracing_info.data_format.field_count = 0;
tracing_info.data_format.fields = nullptr;
Mapping* ReportLib::AddMapping(const MapEntry& map) {
current_mappings_.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<Mapping>(new Mapping));
Mapping* mapping = current_mappings_.back().get();
mapping->start = map.start_addr;
mapping->end = map.start_addr + map.len;
mapping->pgoff = map.pgoff;
return mapping;
const char* ReportLib::GetBuildIdForPath(const char* path) {
if (!OpenRecordFileIfNecessary()) {
return build_id_string_.c_str();
BuildId build_id = Dso::FindExpectedBuildIdForPath(path);
if (build_id.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
build_id_string_ = build_id.ToString();
return build_id_string_.c_str();
FeatureSection* ReportLib::GetFeatureSection(const char* feature_name) {
if (!OpenRecordFileIfNecessary()) {
return nullptr;
int feature = PerfFileFormat::GetFeatureId(feature_name);
if (feature == -1 || !record_file_reader_->ReadFeatureSection(feature, &feature_section_data_)) {
return nullptr;
feature_section_.data = feature_section_data_.data();
feature_section_.data_size = feature_section_data_.size();
return &feature_section_;
} // namespace simpleperf
using ReportLib = simpleperf::ReportLib;
extern "C" {
#define EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// Create a new instance,
// pass the instance to the other functions below.
ReportLib* CreateReportLib() EXPORT;
void DestroyReportLib(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
// Set log severity, different levels are:
// verbose, debug, info, warning, error, fatal.
bool SetLogSeverity(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* log_level) EXPORT;
bool SetSymfs(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* symfs_dir) EXPORT;
bool SetRecordFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* record_file) EXPORT;
bool SetKallsymsFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* kallsyms_file) EXPORT;
void ShowIpForUnknownSymbol(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
void ShowArtFrames(ReportLib* report_lib, bool show) EXPORT;
void MergeJavaMethods(ReportLib* report_lib, bool merge) EXPORT;
bool AddProguardMappingFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* mapping_file) EXPORT;
const char* GetSupportedTraceOffCpuModes(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
bool SetTraceOffCpuMode(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* mode) EXPORT;
bool SetSampleFilter(ReportLib* report_lib, const char** filters, int filters_len) EXPORT;
Sample* GetNextSample(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
Event* GetEventOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
SymbolEntry* GetSymbolOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
CallChain* GetCallChainOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
const char* GetTracingDataOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) EXPORT;
const char* GetBuildIdForPath(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* path) EXPORT;
FeatureSection* GetFeatureSection(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* feature_name) EXPORT;
// Exported methods working with a client created instance
ReportLib* CreateReportLib() {
return new ReportLib();
void DestroyReportLib(ReportLib* report_lib) {
delete report_lib;
bool SetLogSeverity(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* log_level) {
return report_lib->SetLogSeverity(log_level);
bool SetSymfs(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* symfs_dir) {
return report_lib->SetSymfs(symfs_dir);
bool SetRecordFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* record_file) {
return report_lib->SetRecordFile(record_file);
void ShowIpForUnknownSymbol(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->ShowIpForUnknownSymbol();
void ShowArtFrames(ReportLib* report_lib, bool show) {
return report_lib->ShowArtFrames(show);
void MergeJavaMethods(ReportLib* report_lib, bool merge) {
return report_lib->MergeJavaMethods(merge);
bool SetKallsymsFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* kallsyms_file) {
return report_lib->SetKallsymsFile(kallsyms_file);
bool AddProguardMappingFile(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* mapping_file) {
return report_lib->AddProguardMappingFile(mapping_file);
const char* GetSupportedTraceOffCpuModes(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetSupportedTraceOffCpuModes();
bool SetTraceOffCpuMode(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* mode) {
return report_lib->SetTraceOffCpuMode(mode);
bool SetSampleFilter(ReportLib* report_lib, const char** filters, int filters_len) {
return report_lib->SetSampleFilter(filters, filters_len);
Sample* GetNextSample(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetNextSample();
Event* GetEventOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetEventOfCurrentSample();
SymbolEntry* GetSymbolOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetSymbolOfCurrentSample();
CallChain* GetCallChainOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetCallChainOfCurrentSample();
const char* GetTracingDataOfCurrentSample(ReportLib* report_lib) {
return report_lib->GetTracingDataOfCurrentSample();
const char* GetBuildIdForPath(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* path) {
return report_lib->GetBuildIdForPath(path);
FeatureSection* GetFeatureSection(ReportLib* report_lib, const char* feature_name) {
return report_lib->GetFeatureSection(feature_name);