
736 lines
27 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "libvintf"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "HalManifest.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "CompatibilityMatrix.h"
#include "constants-private.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "parse_string.h"
#include "parse_xml.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
using details::Instances;
using details::InstancesOfVersion;
using details::mergeField;
// Check <version> tag for all <hal> with the same name.
bool HalManifest::shouldAdd(const ManifestHal& hal, std::string* error) const {
if (!hal.isValid(error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "HAL '" + + "' is not valid: ");
if (!hal.fileName().empty()) {
error->insert(0, "For file " + hal.fileName() + ": ");
return false;
if (hal.isOverride()) {
return true;
return addingConflictingMajorVersion(hal, error);
bool HalManifest::addingConflictingMajorVersion(const ManifestHal& hal, std::string* error) const {
// Skip checking for AIDL HALs because they all contain kFakeAidlMajorVersion.
if (hal.format == HalFormat::AIDL) {
return true;
auto existingHals = mHals.equal_range(;
std::map<size_t, std::tuple<const ManifestHal*, Version>> existing;
for (auto it = existingHals.first; it != existingHals.second; ++it) {
const ManifestHal& existingHal = it->second;
for (const auto& v : existingHal.versions) {
// Assume integrity on existingHals, so no check on emplace().second
existing.emplace(v.majorVer, std::make_tuple(&existingHal, v));
bool success = true;
for (const auto& v : hal.versions) {
auto&& [existingIt, inserted] = existing.emplace(v.majorVer, std::make_tuple(&hal, v));
if (inserted) {
success = false;
if (error) {
auto&& [existingHal, existingVersion] = existingIt->second;
*error = "Conflicting major version: " + to_string(existingVersion);
if (!existingHal->fileName().empty()) {
*error += " (from " + existingHal->fileName() + ")";
*error += " vs. " + to_string(v);
if (!hal.fileName().empty()) {
*error += " (from " + hal.fileName() + ")";
*error +=
". Check whether or not multiple modules providing the same HAL are installed.";
return success;
// Remove elements from "list" if p(element) returns true.
template <typename List, typename Predicate>
static void removeIf(List& list, Predicate predicate) {
for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end();) {
if (predicate(*it)) {
it = list.erase(it);
} else {
void HalManifest::removeHals(const std::string& name, size_t majorVer) {
removeIf(mHals, [&name, majorVer](auto& existingHalPair) {
auto& existingHal = existingHalPair.second;
if ( != name) {
return false;
auto& existingVersions = existingHal.versions;
removeIf(existingVersions, [majorVer](const auto& existingVersion) {
return existingVersion.majorVer == majorVer;
return existingVersions.empty();
bool HalManifest::add(ManifestHal&& halToAdd, std::string* error) {
if (halToAdd.isOverride()) {
if (halToAdd.isDisabledHal()) {
// Special syntax when there are no instances at all. Remove all existing HALs
// with the given name.
// If there are <version> tags, remove all existing major versions that causes a conflict.
for (const Version& versionToAdd : halToAdd.versions) {
removeHals(, versionToAdd.majorVer);
if (!shouldAdd(halToAdd, error)) {
return false;
CHECK(addInternal(std::move(halToAdd)) != nullptr);
return true;
bool HalManifest::addAllHals(HalManifest* other, std::string* error) {
for (auto& pair : other->mHals) {
if (!add(std::move(pair.second), error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "HAL \"" + pair.first + "\" has a conflict: ");
return false;
return true;
bool HalManifest::shouldAddXmlFile(const ManifestXmlFile& xmlFile) const {
auto existingXmlFiles = getXmlFiles(;
for (auto it = existingXmlFiles.first; it != existingXmlFiles.second; ++it) {
if (xmlFile.version() == it->second.version()) {
return false;
return true;
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getHalNames() const {
std::set<std::string> names{};
for (const auto &hal : mHals) {
return names;
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getHalNamesAndVersions() const {
std::set<std::string> names{};
forEachInstance([&names](const ManifestInstance& e) {
switch (e.format()) {
case HalFormat::HIDL:
case HalFormat::NATIVE:
names.insert(toFQNameString(e.package(), e.version()));
case HalFormat::AIDL:
names.insert(e.package() + "@" + aidlVersionToString(e.version()));
return true;
return names;
Transport HalManifest::getHidlTransport(const std::string& package, const Version& v,
const std::string& interfaceName,
const std::string& instanceName) const {
Transport transport{Transport::EMPTY};
forEachInstanceOfInterface(HalFormat::HIDL, package, v, interfaceName, [&](const auto& e) {
if (e.instance() == instanceName) {
transport = e.transport();
return transport == Transport::EMPTY; // if not found, continue
if (transport == Transport::EMPTY) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "HalManifest::getHidlTransport(" << mType << "): Cannot find "
<< toFQNameString(package, v, interfaceName, instanceName);
return transport;
bool HalManifest::forEachInstanceOfVersion(
HalFormat format, const std::string& package, const Version& expectVersion,
const std::function<bool(const ManifestInstance&)>& func) const {
for (const ManifestHal* hal : getHals(package)) {
bool cont = hal->forEachInstance([&](const ManifestInstance& manifestInstance) {
if (manifestInstance.format() == format &&
manifestInstance.version().minorAtLeast(expectVersion)) {
return func(manifestInstance);
return true;
if (!cont) return false;
return true;
// indent = 2, {"foo"} => "foo"
// indent = 2, {"foo", "bar"} => "\n foo\n bar";
template <typename Container>
void multilineIndent(std::ostream& os, size_t indent, const Container& lines) {
if (lines.size() == 1) {
os << *lines.begin();
for (const auto& line : lines) {
os << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; ++i) os << " ";
os << line;
// For each hal in mat, there must be a hal in manifest that supports this.
std::vector<std::string> HalManifest::checkIncompatibleHals(const CompatibilityMatrix& mat) const {
std::vector<std::string> ret;
for (const MatrixHal &matrixHal : mat.getHals()) {
if (matrixHal.optional) {
std::set<FqInstance> manifestInstances;
std::set<std::string> manifestInstanceDesc;
std::set<Version> versions;
for (const ManifestHal* manifestHal : getHals( {
manifestHal->forEachInstance([&](const auto& manifestInstance) {
return true;
if (!matrixHal.isCompatible(manifestInstances, versions)) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << << ":\n required: ";
multilineIndent(oss, 8, android::vintf::expandInstances(matrixHal));
oss << "\n provided: ";
if (manifestInstances.empty()) {
multilineIndent(oss, 8, versions);
} else {
multilineIndent(oss, 8, manifestInstanceDesc);
ret.insert(ret.end(), oss.str());
return ret;
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::checkUnusedHals(
const CompatibilityMatrix& mat, const std::vector<HidlInterfaceMetadata>& hidlMetadata) const {
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> childrenMap;
for (const auto& child : hidlMetadata) {
for (const auto& parent : child.inherited) {
std::set<std::string> ret;
forEachInstance([&ret, &mat, &childrenMap](const auto& manifestInstance) {
if (mat.matchInstance(manifestInstance.format(), manifestInstance.package(),
manifestInstance.version(), manifestInstance.interface(),
manifestInstance.instance())) {
// manifestInstance exactly matches an instance in |mat|.
return true;
// For HIDL instances, If foo@2.0 inherits from foo@1.0, manifest may contain both, but
// matrix may contain only 2.0 if 1.0 is considered deprecated. Hence, if manifestInstance
// is 1.0, check all its children in the matrix too.
// If there is at least one match, do not consider it unused.
if (manifestInstance.format() == HalFormat::HIDL) {
auto range =
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
FQName fqName;
if (mat.matchInstance(manifestInstance.format(), fqName.package(),
manifestInstance.instance())) {
return true;
// If no match is found, consider it unused.
return true;
return ret;
static bool checkVendorNdkCompatibility(const VendorNdk& matVendorNdk,
const std::vector<VendorNdk>& manifestVendorNdk,
std::string* error) {
// For pre-P vendor images, device compatibility matrix does not specify <vendor-ndk>
// tag. Ignore the check for these devices.
if (matVendorNdk.version().empty()) {
return true;
for (const auto& vndk : manifestVendorNdk) {
if (vndk.version() != matVendorNdk.version()) {
// version matches, check libraries
std::vector<std::string> diff;
std::set_difference(matVendorNdk.libraries().begin(), matVendorNdk.libraries().end(),
vndk.libraries().begin(), vndk.libraries().end(),
std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
if (!diff.empty()) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Vndk libs incompatible for version " + matVendorNdk.version() +
". These libs are not in framework manifest:";
for (const auto& name : diff) {
*error += " " + name;
return false;
return true;
// no match is found.
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Vndk version " + matVendorNdk.version() + " is not supported. " +
"Supported versions in framework manifest are: [";
for (const auto& vndk : manifestVendorNdk) {
*error += " " + vndk.version();
*error += "]";
return false;
static bool checkSystemSdkCompatibility(const SystemSdk& matSystemSdk,
const SystemSdk& manifestSystemSdk, std::string* error) {
SystemSdk notSupported = matSystemSdk.removeVersions(manifestSystemSdk);
if (!notSupported.empty()) {
if (error) {
*error =
"The following System SDK versions are required by device "
"compatibility matrix but not supported by the framework manifest: [" +
base::Join(notSupported.versions(), ", ") + "]. Supported versions are: [" +
base::Join(manifestSystemSdk.versions(), ", ") + "].";
return false;
return true;
bool HalManifest::checkCompatibility(const CompatibilityMatrix& mat, std::string* error,
CheckFlags::Type flags) const {
if (mType == mat.mType) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Wrong type; checking " + to_string(mType) + " manifest against "
+ to_string(mat.mType) + " compatibility matrix";
return false;
auto incompatibleHals = checkIncompatibleHals(mat);
if (!incompatibleHals.empty()) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "HALs incompatible.";
if (mat.level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED)
*error += " Matrix level = " + to_string(mat.level()) + ".";
if (level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED)
*error += " Manifest level = " + to_string(level()) + ".";
*error += " The following requirements are not met:\n";
for (const auto& e : incompatibleHals) {
*error += e + "\n";
return false;
if (mType == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
if (!checkVendorNdkCompatibility(mat.device.mVendorNdk, framework.mVendorNdks, error)) {
return false;
if (!checkSystemSdkCompatibility(mat.device.mSystemSdk, framework.mSystemSdk, error)) {
return false;
} else if (mType == SchemaType::DEVICE) {
bool sepolicyMatch = false;
for (const auto &range : mat.framework.mSepolicy.sepolicyVersions()) {
if (range.supportedBy(device.mSepolicyVersion)) {
sepolicyMatch = true;
if (!sepolicyMatch) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Sepolicy version " + to_string(device.mSepolicyVersion)
+ " doesn't satisify the requirements.";
return false;
// Not using inferredKernelLevel() to preserve the legacy behavior if <kernel> does not have
// level attribute.
// Note that shouldCheckKernelCompatibility() only returns true on host, because the
// on-device HalManifest does not have kernel version set. On the device, kernel information
// is retrieved from RuntimeInfo.
Level kernelTagLevel = kernel()->level();
if (flags.isKernelEnabled() && shouldCheckKernelCompatibility() &&
->getMatchedKernelRequirements(mat.framework.mKernels, kernelTagLevel, error)
.empty()) {
return false;
return true;
bool HalManifest::shouldCheckKernelCompatibility() const {
return kernel().has_value() && kernel()->version() != KernelVersion{};
CompatibilityMatrix HalManifest::generateCompatibleMatrix(bool optional) const {
CompatibilityMatrix matrix;
std::set<std::tuple<HalFormat, std::string, Version, std::string, std::string>> instances;
forEachInstance([&matrix, &instances, optional](const ManifestInstance& e) {
auto&& [it, added] =
instances.emplace(e.format(), e.package(), e.version(), e.interface(), e.instance());
if (!added) {
return true;
.format = e.format(),
.name = e.package(),
.versionRanges = {VersionRange{e.version().majorVer, e.version().minorVer}},
.optional = optional,
.interfaces = {{e.interface(), HalInterface{e.interface(), {e.instance()}}}}});
return true;
if (mType == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
matrix.mType = SchemaType::DEVICE;
// VNDK does not need to be added for compatibility
} else if (mType == SchemaType::DEVICE) {
matrix.mType = SchemaType::FRAMEWORK;
matrix.framework.mSepolicy = Sepolicy(0u /* kernelSepolicyVersion */,
{{device.mSepolicyVersion.majorVer, device.mSepolicyVersion.minorVer}});
return matrix;
status_t HalManifest::fetchAllInformation(const FileSystem* fileSystem, const std::string& path,
std::string* error) {
return details::fetchAllInformation(fileSystem, path, this, error);
SchemaType HalManifest::type() const {
return mType;
void HalManifest::setType(SchemaType type) {
mType = type;
Level HalManifest::level() const {
return mLevel;
Version HalManifest::getMetaVersion() const {
return kMetaVersion;
const Version &HalManifest::sepolicyVersion() const {
CHECK(mType == SchemaType::DEVICE);
return device.mSepolicyVersion;
const std::vector<VendorNdk>& HalManifest::vendorNdks() const {
CHECK(mType == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK);
return framework.mVendorNdks;
std::string HalManifest::getXmlFilePath(const std::string& xmlFileName,
const Version& version) const {
using std::literals::string_literals::operator""s;
auto range = getXmlFiles(xmlFileName);
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
const ManifestXmlFile& manifestXmlFile = it->second;
if (manifestXmlFile.version() == version) {
if (!manifestXmlFile.overriddenPath().empty()) {
return manifestXmlFile.overriddenPath();
return "/"s + (type() == SchemaType::DEVICE ? "vendor" : "system") + "/etc/" +
xmlFileName + "_V" + std::to_string(version.majorVer) + "_" +
std::to_string(version.minorVer) + ".xml";
return "";
bool operator==(const HalManifest &lft, const HalManifest &rgt) {
// ignore fileName().
return lft.mType == rgt.mType && lft.mLevel == rgt.mLevel && lft.mHals == rgt.mHals &&
lft.mXmlFiles == rgt.mXmlFiles &&
(lft.mType != SchemaType::DEVICE ||
(lft.device.mSepolicyVersion == rgt.device.mSepolicyVersion &&
lft.device.mKernel == rgt.device.mKernel)) &&
(lft.mType != SchemaType::FRAMEWORK ||
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
lft.framework.mVndks == rgt.framework.mVndks &&
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
lft.framework.mVendorNdks == rgt.framework.mVendorNdks &&
lft.framework.mSystemSdk == rgt.framework.mSystemSdk));
// Alternative to forEachInstance if you just need a set of instance names instead.
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getInstances(HalFormat format, const std::string& package,
const Version& version,
const std::string& interfaceName) const {
std::set<std::string> ret;
(void)forEachInstanceOfInterface(format, package, version, interfaceName,
[&ret](const auto& e) {
return true;
return ret;
// Return whether instance is in getInstances(...).
bool HalManifest::hasInstance(HalFormat format, const std::string& package, const Version& version,
const std::string& interfaceName, const std::string& instance) const {
bool found = false;
(void)forEachInstanceOfInterface(format, package, version, interfaceName,
[&found, &instance](const auto& e) {
found |= (instance == e.instance());
return !found; // if not found, continue
return found;
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getHidlInstances(const std::string& package,
const Version& version,
const std::string& interfaceName) const {
return getInstances(HalFormat::HIDL, package, version, interfaceName);
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getAidlInstances(const std::string& package,
const std::string& interfaceName) const {
return getAidlInstances(package, 0, interfaceName);
std::set<std::string> HalManifest::getAidlInstances(const std::string& package, size_t version,
const std::string& interfaceName) const {
return getInstances(HalFormat::AIDL, package, {details::kFakeAidlMajorVersion, version},
bool HalManifest::hasHidlInstance(const std::string& package, const Version& version,
const std::string& interfaceName,
const std::string& instance) const {
return hasInstance(HalFormat::HIDL, package, version, interfaceName, instance);
bool HalManifest::hasAidlInstance(const std::string& package, const std::string& interface,
const std::string& instance) const {
return hasAidlInstance(package, 0, interface, instance);
bool HalManifest::hasAidlInstance(const std::string& package, size_t version,
const std::string& interface, const std::string& instance) const {
return hasInstance(HalFormat::AIDL, package, {details::kFakeAidlMajorVersion, version},
interface, instance);
bool HalManifest::insertInstance(const FqInstance& fqInstance, Transport transport, Arch arch,
HalFormat format, std::string* error) {
for (ManifestHal& hal : getHals()) {
if ( == fqInstance.getPackage() && hal.format == format &&
hal.transport() == transport && hal.arch() == arch) {
return hal.insertInstance(fqInstance, error);
ManifestHal hal; = fqInstance.getPackage();
hal.format = format;
hal.transportArch = TransportArch(transport, arch);
if (!hal.insertInstance(fqInstance, error)) return false;
return add(std::move(hal));
bool HalManifest::empty() const {
HalManifest emptyManifest;
return (*this) == emptyManifest;
const std::optional<KernelInfo>& HalManifest::kernel() const {
return device.mKernel;
bool HalManifest::mergeKernel(std::optional<KernelInfo>* other, std::string* error) {
if (!other->has_value()) {
return true;
if (device.mKernel.has_value()) {
if (!device.mKernel->merge(&**other, error)) {
return false;
} else {
device.mKernel = std::move(*other);
*other = std::nullopt;
return true;
bool HalManifest::addAll(HalManifest* other, std::string* error) {
if (type() != other->type()) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add a " + to_string(other->type()) + " manifest to a " +
to_string(type()) + " manifest";
return false;
if (!addAllHals(other, error)) {
return false;
if (!addAllXmlFiles(other, error)) {
return false;
if (!mergeField(&mLevel, &other->mLevel, Level::UNSPECIFIED)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Conflicting target-level: " + to_string(level()) + " vs. " +
return false;
if (type() == SchemaType::DEVICE) {
if (!mergeField(&device.mSepolicyVersion, &other->device.mSepolicyVersion)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Conflicting sepolicy version: " + to_string(sepolicyVersion()) + " vs. " +
return false;
if (!mergeKernel(&other->device.mKernel, error)) {
return false;
} else if (type() == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
framework.mVndks.insert(framework.mVndks.end(), other->framework.mVndks.begin(),
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unknown SchemaType: "
<< static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<SchemaType>>(type());
if (!other->empty()) {
if (error) {
*error =
"Cannot add another manifest because it contains extraneous entries that "
"are not recognized.";
return false;
return true;
Level HalManifest::inferredKernelLevel() const {
if (kernel().has_value()) {
if (kernel()->level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
return kernel()->level();
// As a special case, for devices launching with R and above, also infer from <manifest>.level.
// Devices launching before R may leave kernel level unspecified to use legacy kernel
// matching behavior; see KernelInfo::getMatchedKernelRequirements.
if (level() >= Level::R) {
return level();
return Level::UNSPECIFIED;
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android