288 lines
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288 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "KernelInfo.h"
#include "parse_string.h"
#include "parse_xml.h"
#include "parse_xml_internal.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
using details::mergeField;
const KernelVersion& KernelInfo::version() const {
return mVersion;
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& KernelInfo::configs() const {
return mConfigs;
Level KernelInfo::level() const {
return mLevel;
bool KernelInfo::matchKernelConfigs(const std::vector<KernelConfig>& matrixConfigs,
std::string* error) const {
for (const KernelConfig& matrixConfig : matrixConfigs) {
const std::string& key = matrixConfig.first;
auto it = this->mConfigs.find(key);
if (it == this->mConfigs.end()) {
// special case: <value type="tristate">n</value> matches if the config doesn't exist.
if (matrixConfig.second == KernelConfigTypedValue::gMissingConfig) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Missing config " + key;
return false;
const std::string& kernelValue = it->second;
if (!matrixConfig.second.matchValue(kernelValue)) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "For config " + key + ", value = " + kernelValue + " but required " +
return false;
return true;
bool KernelInfo::matchKernelVersion(const KernelVersion& minLts) const {
return mVersion.dropMinor() == minLts.dropMinor() && minLts.minorRev <= mVersion.minorRev;
std::vector<const MatrixKernel*> KernelInfo::getMatchedKernelRequirements(
const std::vector<MatrixKernel>& kernels, Level kernelLevel, std::string* error) const {
std::map<Level, std::vector<const MatrixKernel*>> kernelsForLevel;
for (const MatrixKernel& matrixKernel : kernels) {
const auto& minLts = matrixKernel.minLts();
auto matrixKernelLevel = matrixKernel.getSourceMatrixLevel();
// Filter out kernels with different x.y.
if (mVersion.dropMinor() != minLts.dropMinor()) {
// Check matrix kernel level
// Use legacy behavior when kernel FCM version is not specified. Blindly add all of them
// here. The correct one (with smallest matrixKernelLevel) will be picked later.
if (kernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
if (matrixKernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
if (error) {
*error = "Seen unspecified source matrix level; this should not happen.";
return {};
if (matrixKernelLevel < kernelLevel) {
// matrix level >= kernel level
// for kernel level >= S, do not allow matrix level > kernel level; i.e. only check
// matching KMI.
if (kernelLevel >= Level::S && matrixKernelLevel > kernelLevel) {
if (kernelsForLevel.empty()) {
if (error) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "No kernel entry found for kernel version " << mVersion.dropMinor()
<< " at kernel FCM version "
<< (kernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED ? "unspecified" : to_string(kernelLevel))
<< ". The following kernel requirements are checked:";
for (const MatrixKernel& matrixKernel : kernels) {
ss << "\n Minimum LTS: " << matrixKernel.minLts()
<< ", kernel FCM version: " << matrixKernel.getSourceMatrixLevel()
<< (matrixKernel.conditions().empty() ? "" : ", with conditionals");
*error = ss.str();
return {};
// At this point, kernelsForLevel contains kernel requirements for each level.
// For example, if the running kernel version is 4.14.y then kernelsForLevel contains
// 4.14-p, 4.14-q, 4.14-r.
// (This excludes kernels < kernel FCM version, or device FCM version if kernel FCM version is
// empty. For example, if device level = Q and kernel level is unspecified, this list only
// contains 4.14-q and 4.14-r).
// Use legacy behavior when kernel FCM version is not specified. e.g. target FCM version 3 (P)
// matches kernel 4.4-p, 4.9-p, 4.14-p, 4.19-q, etc., but not 4.9-q or 4.14-q.
// Since we already filtered |kernels| based on kernel version, we only need to check the first
// item in kernelsForLevel.
// Note that this excludes *-r and above kernels. Devices with target FCM version >= 5 (R) must
// state kernel FCM version explicitly in the device manifest. The value is automatically
// inserted for devices with target FCM version >= 5 when manifest is built with assemble_vintf.
if (kernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
auto [matrixKernelLevel, matrixKernels] = *kernelsForLevel.begin();
// Do not allow *-r and above kernels.
if (matrixKernelLevel != Level::UNSPECIFIED && matrixKernelLevel >= Level::R) {
if (error) {
KernelInfo msg;
msg.mLevel = Level::R;
*error = "Kernel FCM version is not specified, but kernel version " +
to_string(mVersion) +
" is found. Fix by specifying kernel FCM version in device manifest. "
"For example, for a *-r kernel:\n" +
return {};
auto matchedMatrixKernels = getMatchedKernelVersionAndConfigs(matrixKernels, error);
if (matchedMatrixKernels.empty()) {
return {};
return matchedMatrixKernels;
// Use new behavior when kernel FCM version is specified. e.g. kernel FCM version 3 (P)
// matches kernel 4.4-p, 4.9-p, 4.14-p, 4.9-q, 4.14-q, 4.14-r etc., but not 5.4-r.
// For kernel FCM version >= S, only matching KMI is accepted. e.g. kernel FCM version 6 (S)
// matches 4.19-stable, 5.10-android12, 5.4-android12, not x.y-android13.
// Note we already filtered |kernels| based on kernel version.
auto [firstMatrixKernelLevel, firstMatrixKernels] = *kernelsForLevel.begin();
if (firstMatrixKernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED || firstMatrixKernelLevel > kernelLevel) {
if (error) {
*error = "Kernel FCM Version is " + to_string(kernelLevel) + " and kernel version is " +
to_string(mVersion) +
", but the first kernel FCM version allowed for kernel version " +
to_string(mVersion.dropMinor()) + ".y is " + to_string(firstMatrixKernelLevel);
return {};
for (auto [matrixKernelLevel, matrixKernels] : kernelsForLevel) {
if (matrixKernelLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED || matrixKernelLevel < kernelLevel) {
std::string errorForLevel;
auto matchedMatrixKernels =
getMatchedKernelVersionAndConfigs(matrixKernels, &errorForLevel);
if (matchedMatrixKernels.empty()) {
if (error) {
*error += "For kernel requirements at matrix level " +
to_string(matrixKernelLevel) + ", " + errorForLevel + "\n";
return matchedMatrixKernels;
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "No compatible kernel requirement found (kernel FCM version = " +
to_string(kernelLevel) + ").\n");
return {};
std::vector<const MatrixKernel*> KernelInfo::getMatchedKernelVersionAndConfigs(
const std::vector<const MatrixKernel*>& kernels, std::string* error) const {
std::vector<const MatrixKernel*> result;
bool foundMatchedKernelVersion = false;
for (const MatrixKernel* matrixKernel : kernels) {
if (!matchKernelVersion(matrixKernel->minLts())) {
foundMatchedKernelVersion = true;
// ignore this fragment if not all conditions are met.
if (!matchKernelConfigs(matrixKernel->conditions(), error)) {
if (!matchKernelConfigs(matrixKernel->configs(), error)) {
return {};
if (!foundMatchedKernelVersion) {
if (error != nullptr) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Framework is incompatible with kernel version " << version()
<< ", compatible kernel versions are:";
for (const MatrixKernel* matrixKernel : kernels) {
ss << "\n Minimum LTS: " << matrixKernel->minLts()
<< ", kernel FCM version: " << matrixKernel->getSourceMatrixLevel()
<< (matrixKernel->conditions().empty() ? "" : ", with conditionals");
*error = ss.str();
return {};
if (result.empty()) {
// This means matchKernelVersion passes but all matchKernelConfigs(conditions) fails.
// This should not happen because first <conditions> for each <kernel> must be
// empty. Reject here for inconsistency.
if (error != nullptr) {
error->insert(0, "Framework matches kernel version with unmet conditions.");
return {};
if (error != nullptr) {
return result;
bool KernelInfo::operator==(const KernelInfo& other) const {
return mVersion == other.mVersion && mConfigs == other.mConfigs;
bool KernelInfo::merge(KernelInfo* other, std::string* error) {
if (!mergeField(&mVersion, &other->mVersion)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Conflicting kernel version: " + to_string(version()) + " vs. " +
return false;
// Do not allow merging configs. One of them must be empty.
if (!mergeField(&mConfigs, &other->mConfigs)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Found <kernel><config> items in two manifests.";
return false;
if (!mergeField(&mLevel, &other->mLevel, Level::UNSPECIFIED)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Conflicting kernel level: " + to_string(level()) + " vs. " +
return false;
return true;
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android