
1072 lines
34 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "LogStatistics.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <private/android_logger.h>
#include "LogBufferElement.h"
static const uint64_t hourSec = 60 * 60;
static const uint64_t monthSec = 31 * 24 * hourSec;
std::atomic<size_t> LogStatistics::SizesTotal;
static std::string TagNameKey(const LogStatisticsElement& element) {
if (IsBinary(element.log_id)) {
uint32_t tag = element.tag;
if (tag) {
const char* cp = android::tagToName(tag);
if (cp) {
return std::string(cp);
return android::base::StringPrintf("[%" PRIu32 "]", tag);
const char* msg = element.msg;
if (!msg) {
return "chatty";
uint16_t len = element.msg_len;
len = (len <= 1) ? 0 : strnlen(msg, len - 1);
if (!len) {
return "<NULL>";
return std::string(msg, len);
LogStatistics::LogStatistics(bool enable_statistics, bool track_total_size,
std::optional<log_time> start_time)
: enable(enable_statistics), track_total_size_(track_total_size) {
log_time now(CLOCK_REALTIME);
log_id_for_each(id) {
mSizes[id] = 0;
mElements[id] = 0;
mDroppedElements[id] = 0;
mSizesTotal[id] = 0;
mElementsTotal[id] = 0;
if (start_time) {
mOldest[id] = *start_time;
mNewest[id] = *start_time;
} else {
mOldest[id] = now;
mNewest[id] = now;
mNewestDropped[id] = now;
namespace android {
size_t sizesTotal() {
return LogStatistics::sizesTotal();
// caller must own and free character string
char* pidToName(pid_t pid) {
char* retval = nullptr;
if (pid == 0) { // special case from auditd/klogd for kernel
retval = strdup("logd");
} else {
char buffer[512];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/proc/%u/cmdline", pid);
int fd = open(buffer, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd >= 0) {
ssize_t ret = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (ret > 0) {
buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
// frameworks intermediate state
if (fastcmp<strcmp>(buffer, "<pre-initialized>")) {
retval = strdup(buffer);
return retval;
void LogStatistics::AddTotal(log_id_t log_id, uint16_t size) {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
mSizesTotal[log_id] += size;
SizesTotal += size;
void LogStatistics::Add(LogStatisticsElement element) {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
if (!track_total_size_) {
element.total_len = element.msg_len;
log_id_t log_id = element.log_id;
uint16_t size = element.total_len;
mSizes[log_id] += size;
// When caller adding a chatty entry, they will have already
// called add() and subtract() for each entry as they are
// evaluated and trimmed, thus recording size and number of
// elements, but we must recognize the manufactured dropped
// entry as not contributing to the lifetime totals.
if (element.dropped_count) {
} else {
mSizesTotal[log_id] += size;
SizesTotal += size;
log_time stamp(element.realtime);
if (mNewest[log_id] < stamp) {
// A major time update invalidates the statistics :-(
log_time diff = stamp - mNewest[log_id];
mNewest[log_id] = stamp;
if (diff.tv_sec > hourSec) {
// approximate Do-Your-Best fixup
diff += mOldest[log_id];
if ((diff > stamp) && ((diff - stamp).tv_sec < hourSec)) {
diff = stamp;
if (diff <= stamp) {
mOldest[log_id] = diff;
if (mNewestDropped[log_id] < diff) {
mNewestDropped[log_id] = diff;
if (log_id == LOG_ID_KERNEL) {
uidTable[log_id].Add(element.uid, element);
if (element.uid == AID_SYSTEM) {
pidSystemTable[log_id].Add(, element);
if (!enable) {
pidTable.Add(, element);
tidTable.Add(element.tid, element);
uint32_t tag = element.tag;
if (tag) {
if (log_id == LOG_ID_SECURITY) {
securityTagTable.Add(tag, element);
} else {
tagTable.Add(tag, element);
if (!element.dropped_count) {
tagNameTable.Add(TagNameKey(element), element);
void LogStatistics::Subtract(LogStatisticsElement element) {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
if (!track_total_size_) {
element.total_len = element.msg_len;
log_id_t log_id = element.log_id;
uint16_t size = element.total_len;
mSizes[log_id] -= size;
if (element.dropped_count) {
if (mOldest[log_id] < element.realtime) {
mOldest[log_id] = element.realtime;
if (log_id == LOG_ID_KERNEL) {
uidTable[log_id].Subtract(element.uid, element);
if (element.uid == AID_SYSTEM) {
pidSystemTable[log_id].Subtract(, element);
if (!enable) {
pidTable.Subtract(, element);
tidTable.Subtract(element.tid, element);
uint32_t tag = element.tag;
if (tag) {
if (log_id == LOG_ID_SECURITY) {
securityTagTable.Subtract(tag, element);
} else {
tagTable.Subtract(tag, element);
if (!element.dropped_count) {
tagNameTable.Subtract(TagNameKey(element), element);
// Atomically set an entry to drop
// entry->setDropped(1) must follow this call, caller should do this explicitly.
void LogStatistics::Drop(LogStatisticsElement element) {
CHECK_EQ(element.dropped_count, 0U);
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
log_id_t log_id = element.log_id;
uint16_t size = element.msg_len;
mSizes[log_id] -= size;
if (mNewestDropped[log_id] < element.realtime) {
mNewestDropped[log_id] = element.realtime;
uidTable[log_id].Drop(element.uid, element);
if (element.uid == AID_SYSTEM) {
pidSystemTable[log_id].Drop(, element);
if (!enable) {
pidTable.Drop(, element);
tidTable.Drop(element.tid, element);
uint32_t tag = element.tag;
if (tag) {
if (log_id == LOG_ID_SECURITY) {
securityTagTable.Drop(tag, element);
} else {
tagTable.Drop(tag, element);
tagNameTable.Subtract(TagNameKey(element), element);
void LogStatistics::Erase(LogStatisticsElement element) {
CHECK_GT(element.dropped_count, 0U);
CHECK_EQ(element.msg_len, 0U);
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
if (!track_total_size_) {
element.total_len = 0;
log_id_t log_id = element.log_id;
mSizes[log_id] -= element.total_len;
uidTable[log_id].Erase(element.uid, element);
if (element.uid == AID_SYSTEM) {
pidSystemTable[log_id].Erase(, element);
if (!enable) {
pidTable.Erase(, element);
tidTable.Erase(element.tid, element);
uint32_t tag = element.tag;
if (tag) {
if (log_id == LOG_ID_SECURITY) {
securityTagTable.Erase(tag, element);
} else {
tagTable.Erase(tag, element);
const char* LogStatistics::UidToName(uid_t uid) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
return UidToNameLocked(uid);
// caller must own and free character string
const char* LogStatistics::UidToNameLocked(uid_t uid) const {
// Local hard coded favourites
if (uid == AID_LOGD) {
return strdup("auditd");
// Android system
if (uid < AID_APP) {
// in bionic, thread safe as long as we copy the results
struct passwd* pwd = getpwuid(uid);
if (pwd) {
return strdup(pwd->pw_name);
// Parse /data/system/packages.list
uid_t userId = uid % AID_USER_OFFSET;
const char* name = android::uidToName(userId);
if (!name && (userId > (AID_SHARED_GID_START - AID_APP))) {
name = android::uidToName(userId - (AID_SHARED_GID_START - AID_APP));
if (name) {
return name;
// Android application
if (uid >= AID_APP) {
struct passwd* pwd = getpwuid(uid);
if (pwd) {
return strdup(pwd->pw_name);
// report uid -> pid(s) -> pidToName if unique
for (pidTable_t::const_iterator it = pidTable.begin(); it != pidTable.end();
++it) {
const PidEntry& entry = it->second;
if (entry.uid() == uid) {
const char* nameTmp =;
if (nameTmp) {
if (!name) {
name = strdup(nameTmp);
} else if (fastcmp<strcmp>(name, nameTmp)) {
name = nullptr;
// No one
return name;
template <typename TKey, typename TEntry>
void LogStatistics::WorstTwoWithThreshold(const LogHashtable<TKey, TEntry>& table, size_t threshold,
int* worst, size_t* worst_sizes,
size_t* second_worst_sizes) const {
std::array<const TKey*, 2> max_keys;
std::array<const TEntry*, 2> max_entries;
table.MaxEntries(AID_ROOT, 0, max_keys, max_entries);
if (max_entries[0] == nullptr || max_entries[1] == nullptr) {
*worst_sizes = max_entries[0]->getSizes();
// b/24782000: Allow time horizon to extend roughly tenfold, assume average entry length is
// 100 characters.
if (*worst_sizes > threshold && *worst_sizes > (10 * max_entries[0]->dropped_count())) {
*worst = *max_keys[0];
*second_worst_sizes = max_entries[1]->getSizes();
if (*second_worst_sizes < threshold) {
*second_worst_sizes = threshold;
void LogStatistics::WorstTwoUids(log_id id, size_t threshold, int* worst, size_t* worst_sizes,
size_t* second_worst_sizes) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
WorstTwoWithThreshold(uidTable[id], threshold, worst, worst_sizes, second_worst_sizes);
void LogStatistics::WorstTwoTags(size_t threshold, int* worst, size_t* worst_sizes,
size_t* second_worst_sizes) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
WorstTwoWithThreshold(tagTable, threshold, worst, worst_sizes, second_worst_sizes);
void LogStatistics::WorstTwoSystemPids(log_id id, size_t worst_uid_sizes, int* worst,
size_t* second_worst_sizes) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
std::array<const pid_t*, 2> max_keys;
std::array<const PidEntry*, 2> max_entries;
pidSystemTable[id].MaxEntries(AID_SYSTEM, 0, max_keys, max_entries);
if (max_entries[0] == nullptr || max_entries[1] == nullptr) {
*worst = *max_keys[0];
*second_worst_sizes = worst_uid_sizes - max_entries[0]->getSizes() + max_entries[1]->getSizes();
// Prune at most 10% of the log entries or maxPrune, whichever is less.
bool LogStatistics::ShouldPrune(log_id id, unsigned long max_size,
unsigned long* prune_rows) const {
static constexpr size_t kMinPrune = 4;
static constexpr size_t kMaxPrune = 256;
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
size_t sizes = mSizes[id];
if (sizes <= max_size) {
return false;
size_t size_over = sizes - ((max_size * 9) / 10);
size_t elements = mElements[id] - mDroppedElements[id];
size_t min_elements = elements / 100;
if (min_elements < kMinPrune) {
min_elements = kMinPrune;
*prune_rows = elements * size_over / sizes;
if (*prune_rows < min_elements) {
*prune_rows = min_elements;
if (*prune_rows > kMaxPrune) {
*prune_rows = kMaxPrune;
return true;
std::string UidEntry::formatHeader(const std::string& name, log_id_t id) const {
bool isprune = worstUidEnabledForLogid(id);
return formatLine(android::base::StringPrintf(name.c_str(),
std::string(isprune ? "+/- Pruned" : "")) +
formatLine(std::string("UID PACKAGE"), std::string("BYTES"),
std::string(isprune ? "NUM" : ""));
// Helper to truncate name, if too long, and add name dressings
void LogStatistics::FormatTmp(const char* nameTmp, uid_t uid, std::string& name, std::string& size,
size_t nameLen) const {
const char* allocNameTmp = nullptr;
if (!nameTmp) nameTmp = allocNameTmp = UidToNameLocked(uid);
if (nameTmp) {
size_t lenSpace = std::max(nameLen - name.length(), (size_t)1);
size_t len = EntryBase::TOTAL_LEN - EntryBase::PRUNED_LEN - size.length() - name.length() -
lenSpace - 2;
size_t lenNameTmp = strlen(nameTmp);
while ((len < lenNameTmp) && (lenSpace > 1)) {
name += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s", (int)lenSpace, "");
if (len < lenNameTmp) {
name += "...";
nameTmp += lenNameTmp - std::max(len - 3, (size_t)1);
name += nameTmp;
std::string UidEntry::format(const LogStatistics& stat, log_id_t id, uid_t uid) const
REQUIRES(stat.lock_) {
std::string name = android::base::StringPrintf("%u", uid);
std::string size = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", getSizes());
stat.FormatTmp(nullptr, uid, name, size, 6);
std::string pruned = "";
if (worstUidEnabledForLogid(id)) {
size_t totalDropped = 0;
for (LogStatistics::uidTable_t::const_iterator it =
it != stat.uidTable[id].end(); ++it) {
totalDropped += it->second.dropped_count();
size_t sizes = stat.mSizes[id];
size_t totalSize = stat.mSizesTotal[id];
size_t totalElements = stat.mElementsTotal[id];
float totalVirtualSize =
(float)sizes + (float)totalDropped * totalSize / totalElements;
size_t entrySize = getSizes();
float virtualEntrySize = entrySize;
int realPermille = virtualEntrySize * 1000.0 / sizes;
size_t dropped = dropped_count();
if (dropped) {
pruned = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", dropped);
virtualEntrySize += (float)dropped * totalSize / totalElements;
int virtualPermille = virtualEntrySize * 1000.0 / totalVirtualSize;
int permille =
(realPermille - virtualPermille) * 1000L / (virtualPermille ?: 1);
if ((permille < -1) || (1 < permille)) {
std::string change;
const char* units = "%";
const char* prefix = (permille > 0) ? "+" : "";
if (permille > 999) {
permille = (permille + 1000) / 100; // Now tenths fold
units = "X";
prefix = "";
if ((-99 < permille) && (permille < 99)) {
change = android::base::StringPrintf(
"%s%d.%u%s", prefix, permille / 10,
((permille < 0) ? (-permille % 10) : (permille % 10)),
} else {
change = android::base::StringPrintf(
"%s%d%s", prefix, (permille + 5) / 10, units);
ssize_t spaces = EntryBase::PRUNED_LEN - 2 - pruned.length() - change.length();
if ((spaces <= 0) && pruned.length()) {
spaces = 1;
if (spaces > 0) {
change += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s", (int)spaces, "");
pruned = change + pruned;
std::string output = formatLine(name, size, pruned);
if (uid != AID_SYSTEM) {
return output;
static const size_t maximum_sorted_entries = 32;
std::array<const pid_t*, maximum_sorted_entries> sorted_pids;
std::array<const PidEntry*, maximum_sorted_entries> sorted_entries;
stat.pidSystemTable[id].MaxEntries(uid, 0, sorted_pids, sorted_entries);
std::string byPid;
size_t index;
bool hasDropped = false;
for (index = 0; index < maximum_sorted_entries; ++index) {
const PidEntry* entry = sorted_entries[index];
if (!entry) {
if (entry->getSizes() <= (getSizes() / 100)) {
if (entry->dropped_count()) {
hasDropped = true;
byPid += entry->format(stat, id, *sorted_pids[index]);
if (index > 1) { // print this only if interesting
std::string ditto("\" ");
output += formatLine(std::string(" PID/UID COMMAND LINE"), ditto,
hasDropped ? ditto : std::string(""));
output += byPid;
return output;
std::string PidEntry::formatHeader(const std::string& name,
log_id_t /* id */) const {
return formatLine(name, std::string("Size"), std::string("Pruned")) +
formatLine(std::string(" PID/UID COMMAND LINE"),
std::string("BYTES"), std::string("NUM"));
std::string PidEntry::format(const LogStatistics& stat, log_id_t, pid_t pid) const
REQUIRES(stat.lock_) {
std::string name = android::base::StringPrintf("%5u/%u", pid, uid_);
std::string size = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", getSizes());
stat.FormatTmp(name_, uid_, name, size, 12);
std::string pruned = "";
size_t dropped = dropped_count();
if (dropped) {
pruned = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", dropped);
return formatLine(name, size, pruned);
std::string TidEntry::formatHeader(const std::string& name,
log_id_t /* id */) const {
return formatLine(name, std::string("Size"), std::string("Pruned")) +
formatLine(std::string(" TID/UID COMM"), std::string("BYTES"),
std::string TidEntry::format(const LogStatistics& stat, log_id_t, pid_t tid) const
REQUIRES(stat.lock_) {
std::string name = android::base::StringPrintf("%5u/%u", tid, uid_);
std::string size = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", getSizes());
stat.FormatTmp(name_, uid_, name, size, 12);
std::string pruned = "";
size_t dropped = dropped_count();
if (dropped) {
pruned = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", dropped);
return formatLine(name, size, pruned);
std::string TagEntry::formatHeader(const std::string& name, log_id_t id) const {
bool isprune = worstUidEnabledForLogid(id);
return formatLine(name, std::string("Size"),
std::string(isprune ? "Prune" : "")) +
formatLine(std::string(" TAG/UID TAGNAME"),
std::string("BYTES"), std::string(isprune ? "NUM" : ""));
std::string TagEntry::format(const LogStatistics&, log_id_t, uint32_t) const {
std::string name;
if (uid_ == (uid_t)-1) {
name = android::base::StringPrintf("%7u", key());
} else {
name = android::base::StringPrintf("%7u/%u", key(), uid_);
const char* nameTmp = this->name();
if (nameTmp) {
name += android::base::StringPrintf(
"%*s%s", (int)std::max(14 - name.length(), (size_t)1), "", nameTmp);
std::string size = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", getSizes());
std::string pruned = "";
size_t dropped = dropped_count();
if (dropped) {
pruned = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", dropped);
return formatLine(name, size, pruned);
std::string TagNameEntry::formatHeader(const std::string& name,
log_id_t /* id */) const {
return formatLine(name, std::string("Size"), std::string("")) +
formatLine(std::string(" TID/PID/UID LOG_TAG NAME"),
std::string("BYTES"), std::string(""));
std::string TagNameEntry::format(const LogStatistics&, log_id_t,
const std::string& key_name) const {
std::string name;
std::string pidstr;
if (pid_ != (pid_t)-1) {
pidstr = android::base::StringPrintf("%u", pid_);
if (tid_ != (pid_t)-1 && tid_ != pid_) pidstr = "/" + pidstr;
int len = 9 - pidstr.length();
if (len < 0) len = 0;
if (tid_ == (pid_t)-1 || tid_ == pid_) {
name = android::base::StringPrintf("%*s", len, "");
} else {
name = android::base::StringPrintf("%*u", len, tid_);
name += pidstr;
if (uid_ != (uid_t)-1) {
name += android::base::StringPrintf("/%u", uid_);
std::string size = android::base::StringPrintf("%zu", getSizes());
const char* nameTmp =;
if (nameTmp) {
size_t lenSpace = std::max(16 - name.length(), (size_t)1);
size_t len = EntryBase::TOTAL_LEN - EntryBase::PRUNED_LEN - size.length() - name.length() -
lenSpace - 2;
size_t lenNameTmp = strlen(nameTmp);
while ((len < lenNameTmp) && (lenSpace > 1)) {
name += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s", (int)lenSpace, "");
if (len < lenNameTmp) {
name += "...";
nameTmp += lenNameTmp - std::max(len - 3, (size_t)1);
name += nameTmp;
std::string pruned = "";
return formatLine(name, size, pruned);
static std::string formatMsec(uint64_t val) {
static const unsigned subsecDigits = 3;
static const uint64_t sec = MS_PER_SEC;
static const uint64_t minute = 60 * sec;
static const uint64_t hour = 60 * minute;
static const uint64_t day = 24 * hour;
std::string output;
if (val < sec) return output;
if (val >= day) {
output = android::base::StringPrintf("%" PRIu64 "d ", val / day);
val = (val % day) + day;
if (val >= minute) {
if (val >= hour) {
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%" PRIu64 ":",
(val / hour) % (day / hour));
output += android::base::StringPrintf(
(val >= hour) ? "%02" PRIu64 ":" : "%" PRIu64 ":",
(val / minute) % (hour / minute));
output +=
android::base::StringPrintf((val >= minute) ? "%02" PRIu64 : "%" PRIu64,
(val / sec) % (minute / sec));
val %= sec;
unsigned digits = subsecDigits;
while (digits && ((val % 10) == 0)) {
val /= 10;
if (digits) {
output += android::base::StringPrintf(".%0*" PRIu64, digits, val);
return output;
template <typename TKey, typename TEntry>
std::string LogStatistics::FormatTable(const LogHashtable<TKey, TEntry>& table, uid_t uid,
pid_t pid, const std::string& name, log_id_t id) const
REQUIRES(lock_) {
static const size_t maximum_sorted_entries = 32;
std::string output;
std::array<const TKey*, maximum_sorted_entries> sorted_keys;
std::array<const TEntry*, maximum_sorted_entries> sorted_entries;
table.MaxEntries(uid, pid, sorted_keys, sorted_entries);
bool header_printed = false;
for (size_t index = 0; index < maximum_sorted_entries; ++index) {
const TEntry* entry = sorted_entries[index];
if (!entry) {
if (entry->getSizes() <= (sorted_entries[0]->getSizes() / 100)) {
if (!header_printed) {
output += "\n\n";
output += entry->formatHeader(name, id);
header_printed = true;
output += entry->format(*this, id, *sorted_keys[index]);
return output;
std::string LogStatistics::ReportInteresting() const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
std::vector<std::string> items;
log_id_for_each(i) { items.emplace_back(std::to_string(mElements[i])); }
log_id_for_each(i) { items.emplace_back(std::to_string(mSizes[i])); }
log_id_for_each(i) {
items.emplace_back(std::to_string(overhead_[i] ? *overhead_[i] : mSizes[i]));
log_id_for_each(i) {
uint64_t oldest = mOldest[i].msec() / 1000;
uint64_t newest = mNewest[i].msec() / 1000;
int span = newest - oldest;
return android::base::Join(items, ",");
std::string LogStatistics::Format(uid_t uid, pid_t pid, unsigned int logMask) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
static const uint16_t spaces_total = 19;
// Report on total logging, current and for all time
std::string output = "size/num";
size_t oldLength;
int16_t spaces = 1;
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
oldLength = output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%s", spaces, "",
spaces += spaces_total + oldLength - output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*sTotal", spaces, "");
static const char TotalStr[] = "\nTotal";
spaces = 10 - strlen(TotalStr);
output += TotalStr;
size_t totalSize = 0;
size_t totalEls = 0;
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
oldLength = output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
size_t szs = mSizesTotal[id];
totalSize += szs;
size_t els = mElementsTotal[id];
totalEls += els;
output +=
android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu/%zu", spaces, "", szs, els);
spaces += spaces_total + oldLength - output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu/%zu", spaces, "", totalSize,
static const char NowStr[] = "\nNow";
spaces = 10 - strlen(NowStr);
output += NowStr;
totalSize = 0;
totalEls = 0;
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
size_t els = mElements[id];
if (els) {
oldLength = output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
size_t szs = mSizes[id];
totalSize += szs;
totalEls += els;
output +=
android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu/%zu", spaces, "", szs, els);
spaces -= output.length() - oldLength;
spaces += spaces_total;
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu/%zu", spaces, "", totalSize,
static const char SpanStr[] = "\nLogspan";
spaces = 10 - strlen(SpanStr);
output += SpanStr;
// Total reports the greater of the individual maximum time span, or the
// validated minimum start and maximum end time span if it makes sense.
uint64_t minTime = UINT64_MAX;
uint64_t maxTime = 0;
uint64_t maxSpan = 0;
totalSize = 0;
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
// validity checking
uint64_t oldest = mOldest[id].msec();
uint64_t newest = mNewest[id].msec();
if (newest <= oldest) {
spaces += spaces_total;
uint64_t span = newest - oldest;
if (span > (monthSec * MS_PER_SEC)) {
spaces += spaces_total;
// total span
if (minTime > oldest) minTime = oldest;
if (maxTime < newest) maxTime = newest;
if (span > maxSpan) maxSpan = span;
totalSize += span;
uint64_t dropped = mNewestDropped[id].msec();
if (dropped < oldest) dropped = oldest;
if (dropped > newest) dropped = newest;
oldLength = output.length();
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%s", spaces, "",
unsigned permille = ((newest - dropped) * 1000 + (span / 2)) / span;
if ((permille > 1) && (permille < 999)) {
output += android::base::StringPrintf("(%u", permille / 10);
permille %= 10;
if (permille) {
output += android::base::StringPrintf(".%u", permille);
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%%)");
spaces -= output.length() - oldLength;
spaces += spaces_total;
if ((maxTime > minTime) && ((maxTime -= minTime) < totalSize) &&
(maxTime > maxSpan)) {
maxSpan = maxTime;
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%s", spaces, "",
static const char OverheadStr[] = "\nOverhead";
spaces = 10 - strlen(OverheadStr);
output += OverheadStr;
totalSize = 0;
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
size_t els = mElements[id];
if (els) {
oldLength = output.length();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
size_t szs = 0;
if (overhead_[id]) {
szs = *overhead_[id];
} else if (track_total_size_) {
szs = mSizes[id];
} else {
// Legacy fallback for Chatty without track_total_size_
// Estimate the size of this element in the parent std::list<> by adding two void*'s
// corresponding to the next/prev pointers and aligning to 64 bit.
static const size_t overhead =
(sizeof(LogBufferElement) + 2 * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(uint64_t) - 1) &
szs = mSizes[id] + els * overhead;
totalSize += szs;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu", spaces, "", szs);
spaces -= output.length() - oldLength;
spaces += spaces_total;
totalSize += sizeOf();
if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
output += android::base::StringPrintf("%*s%zu", spaces, "", totalSize);
// Report on Chattiest
std::string name;
// Chattiest by application (UID)
log_id_for_each(id) {
if (!(logMask & (1 << id))) continue;
name = (uid == AID_ROOT) ? "Chattiest UIDs in %s log buffer:"
: "Logging for your UID in %s log buffer:";
output += FormatTable(uidTable[id], uid, pid, name, id);
if (enable) {
name = ((uid == AID_ROOT) && !pid) ? "Chattiest PIDs:"
: "Logging for this PID:";
output += FormatTable(pidTable, uid, pid, name);
name = "Chattiest TIDs";
if (pid) name += android::base::StringPrintf(" for PID %d", pid);
name += ":";
output += FormatTable(tidTable, uid, pid, name);
if (enable && (logMask & (1 << LOG_ID_EVENTS))) {
name = "Chattiest events log buffer TAGs";
if (pid) name += android::base::StringPrintf(" for PID %d", pid);
name += ":";
output += FormatTable(tagTable, uid, pid, name, LOG_ID_EVENTS);
if (enable && (logMask & (1 << LOG_ID_SECURITY))) {
name = "Chattiest security log buffer TAGs";
if (pid) name += android::base::StringPrintf(" for PID %d", pid);
name += ":";
output += FormatTable(securityTagTable, uid, pid, name, LOG_ID_SECURITY);
if (enable) {
name = "Chattiest TAGs";
if (pid) name += android::base::StringPrintf(" for PID %d", pid);
name += ":";
output += FormatTable(tagNameTable, uid, pid, name);
return output;
namespace android {
uid_t pidToUid(pid_t pid) {
char buffer[512];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/proc/%u/status", pid);
FILE* fp = fopen(buffer, "re");
if (fp) {
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
int uid = AID_LOGD;
char space = 0;
if ((sscanf(buffer, "Uid: %d%c", &uid, &space) == 2) &&
isspace(space)) {
return uid;
return AID_LOGD; // associate this with the logger
uid_t LogStatistics::PidToUid(pid_t pid) {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
return pidTable.Add(pid)->second.uid();
// caller must free character string
const char* LogStatistics::PidToName(pid_t pid) const {
auto lock = std::lock_guard{lock_};
// An inconvenient truth ... getName() can alter the object
pidTable_t& writablePidTable = const_cast<pidTable_t&>(pidTable);
const char* name = writablePidTable.Add(pid)->;
if (!name) {
return nullptr;
return strdup(name);