121 lines
3.0 KiB
121 lines
3.0 KiB
syntax = "proto2";
package wireless.android.partner.adl.proto;
option java_package = "com.google.wireless.android.partner.adl.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "CameraDeviceInfoProto";
// Content of this file is generated from $(ANDROID_ROOT)/system/media/camera/doc
// Keep internal protocol buffer definition in sync with this one
// Camera related device information
// Next Id: 9
message CameraDeviceInfo {
// Supported profiles from CamcorderProfile.hasProfile
optional bool profile_480p = 1;
optional bool profile_720p = 2;
optional bool profile_1080p = 3;
optional bool profile_cif = 4;
optional bool profile_qcif = 5;
optional bool profile_qvga = 6;
optional int32 num_of_camera = 7;
message PerCameraInfo {
message Rational {
optional int32 numerator = 1;
optional int32 denominator = 2;
message Size {
optional int32 width = 1;
optional int32 height = 2;
message SizeF {
optional float width = 1;
optional float height = 2;
message Rect {
optional int32 left = 1;
optional int32 right = 2;
optional int32 top = 3;
optional int32 bottom = 4;
message StreamConfigurations {
message StreamConfig {
optional int32 format = 1;
optional int32 width = 2;
optional int32 height = 3;
optional bool input = 4;
optional int64 minFrameDuration = 5;
repeated StreamConfig availableStreamConfigurations = 1;
message RangeFloat {
optional float lower = 1;
optional float upper = 2;
message RangeInt {
optional int32 lower = 1;
optional int32 upper = 2;
message RangeLong {
optional int64 lower = 1;
optional int64 upper = 2;
message ColorSpaceTransform {
repeated Rational elements = 1;
message BlackLevelPattern {
repeated int32 black_level_pattern = 1;
message MultiResolutionStreamConfigurations {
message MultiResolutionStreamConfig {
optional int32 format = 1;
optional int32 width = 2;
optional int32 height = 3;
optional string cameraId = 4;
optional bool input = 5;
repeated MultiResolutionStreamConfig availableMultiResolutionConfigurations = 1;
optional string cameraId = 1;
// Start of codegen fields
section_idx = 1
% for sec in find_all_sections(metadata):
## Reserve 2^16 tag id space for each section
idx = section_idx * pow(2,16)
% for entry in find_unique_entries(sec):
% if entry.kind == 'static' and entry.visibility in ("public", "java_public", "fwk_java_public"):
${protobuf_type(entry)} ${protobuf_name(entry)} = ${idx};
idx += 1
% endif
% endfor
section_idx += 1
% endfor
// End of codegen fields
// Per camera (front/back) informations
repeated PerCameraInfo per_camera_info = 8;
} // CameraDeviceInfo