374 lines
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Executable File
374 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
A parser for metadata_definitions.xml can also render the resulting model
over a Mako template.
metadata_parser_xml.py <filename.xml> <template.mako> [<output_file>]
- outputs the resulting template to output_file (stdout if none specified)
The parser is also available as a module import (MetadataParserXml) to use
in other modules.
BeautifulSoup - an HTML/XML parser available to download from
Mako - a template engine for Python, available to download from
import sys
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import NavigableString
from io import StringIO
from mako.template import Template
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
from mako.runtime import Context
from metadata_model import *
import metadata_model
from metadata_validate import *
import metadata_helpers
class MetadataParserXml:
A class to parse any XML block that passes validation with metadata-validate.
It builds a metadata_model.Metadata graph and then renders it over a
Mako template.
Attributes (Read-Only):
soup: an instance of BeautifulSoup corresponding to the XML contents
metadata: a constructed instance of metadata_model.Metadata
def __init__(self, xml, file_name):
Construct a new MetadataParserXml, immediately try to parse it into a
metadata model.
xml: The XML block to use for the metadata
file_name: Source of the XML block, only for debugging/errors
ValueError: if the XML block failed to pass metadata_validate.py
self._soup = validate_xml(xml)
if self._soup is None:
raise ValueError("%s has an invalid XML file" % (file_name))
self._metadata = Metadata()
def create_from_file(file_name):
Construct a new MetadataParserXml by loading and parsing an XML file.
file_name: Name of the XML file to load and parse.
ValueError: if the XML file failed to pass metadata_validate.py
MetadataParserXml instance representing the XML file.
return MetadataParserXml(open(file_name).read(), file_name)
def soup(self):
return self._soup
def metadata(self):
return self._metadata
def _find_direct_strings(element):
if element.string is not None:
return [element.string]
return [i for i in element.contents if isinstance(i, NavigableString)]
def _strings_no_nl(element):
return "".join([i.strip() for i in MetadataParserXml._find_direct_strings(element)])
def _parse(self):
tags = self.soup.tags
if tags is not None:
for tag in tags.find_all('tag'):
self.metadata.insert_tag(tag['id'], tag.string)
types = self.soup.types
if types is not None:
for tp in types.find_all('typedef'):
languages = {}
for lang in tp.find_all('language'):
languages[lang['name']] = lang.string
self.metadata.insert_type(tp['name'], 'typedef', languages=languages)
# add all entries, preserving the ordering of the XML file
# this is important for future ABI compatibility when generating code
entry_filter = lambda x: x.name == 'entry' or x.name == 'clone'
for entry in self.soup.find_all(entry_filter):
if entry.name == 'entry':
d = {
'name': fully_qualified_name(entry),
'type': entry['type'],
'kind': find_kind(entry),
'type_notes': entry.attrs.get('type_notes')
d2 = self._parse_entry(entry)
insert = self.metadata.insert_entry
d = {
'name': entry['entry'],
'kind': find_kind(entry),
'target_kind': entry['kind'],
# no type since its the same
# no type_notes since its the same
d2 = {}
if 'hal_version' in entry.attrs:
d2['hal_version'] = entry['hal_version']
insert = self.metadata.insert_clone
d3 = self._parse_entry_optional(entry)
entry_dict = {**d, **d2, **d3}
def _parse_entry(self, entry):
d = {}
# Visibility
d['visibility'] = entry.get('visibility')
# Synthetic ?
d['synthetic'] = entry.get('synthetic') == 'true'
# Permission needed ?
d['permission_needed'] = entry.get('permission_needed')
# Hardware Level (one of limited, legacy, full)
d['hwlevel'] = entry.get('hwlevel')
# Deprecated ?
d['deprecated'] = entry.get('deprecated') == 'true'
# Optional for non-full hardware level devices
d['optional'] = entry.get('optional') == 'true'
# Typedef
d['type_name'] = entry.get('typedef')
# Initial HIDL HAL version the entry was added in
d['hal_version'] = entry.get('hal_version')
# Enum
if entry.get('enum', 'false') == 'true':
enum_values = []
enum_deprecateds = []
enum_optionals = []
enum_visibilities = {}
enum_notes = {}
enum_sdk_notes = {}
enum_ndk_notes = {}
enum_ids = {}
enum_hal_versions = {}
for value in entry.enum.find_all('value'):
value_body = self._strings_no_nl(value)
if value.attrs.get('deprecated', 'false') == 'true':
if value.attrs.get('optional', 'false') == 'true':
visibility = value.attrs.get('visibility')
if visibility is not None:
enum_visibilities[value_body] = visibility
notes = value.find('notes')
if notes is not None:
enum_notes[value_body] = notes.string
sdk_notes = value.find('sdk_notes')
if sdk_notes is not None:
enum_sdk_notes[value_body] = sdk_notes.string
ndk_notes = value.find('ndk_notes')
if ndk_notes is not None:
enum_ndk_notes[value_body] = ndk_notes.string
if value.attrs.get('id') is not None:
enum_ids[value_body] = value['id']
if value.attrs.get('hal_version') is not None:
enum_hal_versions[value_body] = value['hal_version']
d['enum_values'] = enum_values
d['enum_deprecateds'] = enum_deprecateds
d['enum_optionals'] = enum_optionals
d['enum_visibilities'] = enum_visibilities
d['enum_notes'] = enum_notes
d['enum_sdk_notes'] = enum_sdk_notes
d['enum_ndk_notes'] = enum_ndk_notes
d['enum_ids'] = enum_ids
d['enum_hal_versions'] = enum_hal_versions
d['enum'] = True
# Container (Array/Tuple)
if entry.attrs.get('container') is not None:
container_name = entry['container']
array = entry.find('array')
if array is not None:
array_sizes = []
for size in array.find_all('size'):
d['container_sizes'] = array_sizes
tupl = entry.find('tuple')
if tupl is not None:
tupl_values = []
for val in tupl.find_all('value'):
d['tuple_values'] = tupl_values
d['container_sizes'] = len(tupl_values)
d['container'] = container_name
return d
def _parse_entry_optional(self, entry):
d = {}
optional_elements = ['description', 'range', 'units', 'details', 'hal_details', 'ndk_details',\
for i in optional_elements:
prop = find_child_tag(entry, i)
if prop is not None:
d[i] = prop.string
tag_ids = []
for tag in entry.find_all('tag'):
d['tag_ids'] = tag_ids
return d
def render(self, template, output_name=None, enum=None, copyright_year="2022"):
Render the metadata model using a Mako template as the view.
The template gets the metadata as an argument, as well as all
public attributes from the metadata_helpers module.
The output file is encoded with UTF-8.
template: path to a Mako template file
output_name: path to the output file, or None to use stdout
enum: The name of the enum, if any
copyright_year: the year in the copyright section of output file
buf = StringIO()
metadata_helpers._context_buf = buf
metadata_helpers._enum = enum
metadata_helpers._copyright_year = copyright_year
helpers = [(i, getattr(metadata_helpers, i))
for i in dir(metadata_helpers) if not i.startswith('_')]
helpers = dict(helpers)
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.getcwd()])
tpl = Template(filename=template, lookup=lookup)
ctx = Context(buf, metadata=self.metadata, **helpers)
tpl_data = buf.getvalue()
metadata_helpers._context_buf = None
if output_name is None:
open(output_name, "w").write(tpl_data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
print("Usage: %s <filename.xml> <template.mako> [<output_file>]"\
" [<copyright_year>]" \
% (sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
file_name = sys.argv[1]
template_name = sys.argv[2]
output_name = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else None
copyright_year = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv) > 4 else "2022"
parser = MetadataParserXml.create_from_file(file_name)
parser.render(template_name, output_name, None, copyright_year)