
421 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__ANDROID_APEX__) && !defined(__ANDROID_VNDK__)
#include "bpf/BpfMap.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <dmabufinfo/dmabuf_sysfs_stats.h>
#include "meminfo_private.h"
namespace android {
namespace meminfo {
bool SysMemInfo::ReadMemInfo(const char* path) {
return ReadMemInfo(path, SysMemInfo::kDefaultSysMemInfoTags.size(),
[&](std::string_view tag, uint64_t val) {
// Safe to store the string_view in the map
// because the tags from
// kDefaultSysMemInfoTags are all
// statically-allocated.
mem_in_kb_[tag] = val;
bool SysMemInfo::ReadMemInfo(std::vector<uint64_t>* out, const char* path) {
return ReadMemInfo(SysMemInfo::kDefaultSysMemInfoTags.size(),
&*SysMemInfo::kDefaultSysMemInfoTags.begin(), out->data(), path);
bool SysMemInfo::ReadMemInfo(size_t ntags, const std::string_view* tags, uint64_t* out,
const char* path) {
return ReadMemInfo(path, ntags, tags, [&]([[maybe_unused]] std::string_view tag, uint64_t val) {
auto it = std::find(tags, tags + ntags, tag);
if (it == tags + ntags) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Tried to store invalid tag: " << tag;
auto index = std::distance(tags, it);
// store the values in the same order as the tags
out[index] = val;
uint64_t SysMemInfo::ReadVmallocInfo() {
return ::android::meminfo::ReadVmallocInfo();
bool SysMemInfo::ReadMemInfo(const char* path, size_t ntags, const std::string_view* tags,
std::function<void(std::string_view, uint64_t)> store_val) {
char buffer[4096];
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open file :" << path;
return false;
const int len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
if (len < 0) {
return false;
buffer[len] = '\0';
char* p = buffer;
uint32_t found = 0;
uint32_t lineno = 0;
bool zram_tag_found = false;
while (*p && found < ntags) {
for (size_t tagno = 0; tagno < ntags; ++tagno) {
const std::string_view& tag = tags[tagno];
// Special case for "Zram:" tag that android_os_Debug and friends look
// up along with the rest of the numbers from /proc/meminfo
if (!zram_tag_found && tag == "Zram:") {
store_val(tag, mem_zram_kb());
zram_tag_found = true;
if (strncmp(p,, tag.size()) == 0) {
p += tag.size();
while (*p == ' ') p++;
char* endptr = nullptr;
uint64_t val = strtoull(p, &endptr, 10);
if (p == endptr) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse line:" << lineno + 1 << " in file: " << path;
return false;
store_val(tag, val);
p = endptr;
while (*p && *p != '\n') {
if (*p) p++;
return true;
uint64_t SysMemInfo::mem_zram_kb(const char* zram_dev_cstr) {
uint64_t mem_zram_total = 0;
if (zram_dev_cstr) {
if (!MemZramDevice(zram_dev_cstr, &mem_zram_total)) {
return 0;
return mem_zram_total / 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxZramDevices = 256;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxZramDevices; i++) {
std::string zram_dev_abspath = ::android::base::StringPrintf("/sys/block/zram%u/", i);
if (access(zram_dev_abspath.c_str(), F_OK)) {
// We assume zram devices appear in range 0-255 and appear always in sequence
// under /sys/block. So, stop looking for them once we find one is missing.
uint64_t mem_zram_dev;
if (!MemZramDevice(zram_dev_abspath.c_str(), &mem_zram_dev)) {
return 0;
mem_zram_total += mem_zram_dev;
return mem_zram_total / 1024;
bool SysMemInfo::MemZramDevice(const char* zram_dev, uint64_t* mem_zram_dev) {
std::string mmstat = ::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s", zram_dev, "mm_stat");
auto mmstat_fp = std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&fclose)>{fopen(mmstat.c_str(), "re"), fclose};
if (mmstat_fp != nullptr) {
// only if we do have mmstat, use it. Otherwise, fall through to trying out the old
// 'mem_used_total'
if (fscanf(mmstat_fp.get(), "%*" SCNu64 " %*" SCNu64 " %" SCNu64, mem_zram_dev) != 1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Malformed mm_stat file in: " << zram_dev;
return false;
return true;
std::string content;
if (::android::base::ReadFileToString(
::android::base::StringPrintf("%s/mem_used_total", zram_dev), &content)) {
*mem_zram_dev = strtoull(content.c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (*mem_zram_dev == ULLONG_MAX) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Malformed mem_used_total file for zram dev: " << zram_dev
<< " content: " << content;
return false;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't find memory status under: " << zram_dev;
return false;
// Public methods
uint64_t ReadVmallocInfo(const char* path) {
uint64_t vmalloc_total = 0;
auto fp = std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&fclose)>{fopen(path, "re"), fclose};
if (fp == nullptr) {
return vmalloc_total;
char* line = nullptr;
size_t line_alloc = 0;
while (getline(&line, &line_alloc, fp.get()) > 0) {
// We are looking for lines like
// 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 drm_property_create_blob+0x44/0xec pages=2 vmalloc
// 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 wlan_logging_sock_init_svc+0xf8/0x4f0 [wlan] pages=1 vmalloc
// Notice that if the caller is coming from a module, the kernel prints and extra
// "[module_name]" after the address and the symbol of the call site. This means we can't
// use the old sscanf() method of getting the # of pages.
char* p_start = strstr(line, "pages=");
if (p_start == nullptr) {
// we didn't find anything
uint64_t nr_pages;
if (sscanf(p_start, "pages=%" SCNu64 "", &nr_pages) == 1) {
vmalloc_total += (nr_pages * getpagesize());
return vmalloc_total;
static bool ReadSysfsFile(const std::string& path, uint64_t* value) {
std::string content;
if (!::android::base::ReadFileToString(path, &content)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't open file: " << path;
return false;
*value = strtoull(content.c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (*value == ULLONG_MAX) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file format: " << path;
return false;
return true;
bool ReadIonHeapsSizeKb(uint64_t* size, const std::string& path) {
return ReadSysfsFile(path, size);
bool ReadIonPoolsSizeKb(uint64_t* size, const std::string& path) {
return ReadSysfsFile(path, size);
bool ReadDmabufHeapPoolsSizeKb(uint64_t* size, const std::string& dma_heap_pool_size_path) {
static bool support_dmabuf_heap_pool_size = [dma_heap_pool_size_path]() -> bool {
bool ret = (access(dma_heap_pool_size_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0);
if (!ret)
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read DMA-BUF heap total pool size, read ION total pool "
"size instead.";
return ret;
if (!support_dmabuf_heap_pool_size) return ReadIonPoolsSizeKb(size);
return ReadSysfsFile(dma_heap_pool_size_path, size);
bool ReadDmabufHeapTotalExportedKb(uint64_t* size, const std::string& dma_heap_root_path,
const std::string& dmabuf_sysfs_stats_path) {
static bool support_dmabuf_heaps = [dma_heap_root_path]() -> bool {
bool ret = (access(dma_heap_root_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0);
if (!ret) LOG(ERROR) << "DMA-BUF heaps not supported, read ION heap total instead.";
return ret;
if (!support_dmabuf_heaps) return ReadIonHeapsSizeKb(size);
std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> dir(opendir(dma_heap_root_path.c_str()), closedir);
if (!dir) {
return false;
std::unordered_set<std::string> heap_list;
struct dirent* dent;
while ((dent = readdir(dir.get()))) {
if (!strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dent->d_name, "..")) continue;
if (heap_list.empty()) return false;
android::dmabufinfo::DmabufSysfsStats stats;
if (!android::dmabufinfo::GetDmabufSysfsStats(&stats, dmabuf_sysfs_stats_path)) return false;
auto exporter_info = stats.exporter_info();
*size = 0;
for (const auto& heap : heap_list) {
auto iter = exporter_info.find(heap);
if (iter != exporter_info.end()) *size += iter->second.size;
*size = *size / 1024;
return true;
bool ReadPerProcessGpuMem([[maybe_unused]] std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint64_t>* out) {
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__ANDROID_APEX__) && !defined(__ANDROID_VNDK__)
static constexpr const char kBpfGpuMemTotalMap[] = "/sys/fs/bpf/map_gpu_mem_gpu_mem_total_map";
// Use the read-only wrapper BpfMapRO to properly retrieve the read-only map.
auto map = bpf::BpfMapRO<uint64_t, uint64_t>(kBpfGpuMemTotalMap);
if (!map.isValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't open file: " << kBpfGpuMemTotalMap;
return false;
if (!out) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReadPerProcessGpuMem: out param is null";
return false;
auto map_key = map.getFirstKey();
if (!map_key.ok()) {
return true;
do {
uint64_t key = map_key.value();
uint32_t pid = key; // BPF Key [32-bits GPU ID | 32-bits PID]
auto gpu_mem = map.readValue(key);
if (!gpu_mem.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file format: " << kBpfGpuMemTotalMap;
return false;
const auto& iter = out->find(pid);
if (iter == out->end()) {
out->insert({pid, gpu_mem.value() / 1024});
} else {
iter->second += gpu_mem.value() / 1024;
map_key = map.getNextKey(key);
} while (map_key.ok());
return true;
return false;
bool ReadProcessGpuUsageKb([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t pid, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t gpu_id,
uint64_t* size) {
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__ANDROID_APEX__) && !defined(__ANDROID_VNDK__)
static constexpr const char kBpfGpuMemTotalMap[] = "/sys/fs/bpf/map_gpu_mem_gpu_mem_total_map";
uint64_t gpu_mem;
// BPF Key [32-bits GPU ID | 32-bits PID]
uint64_t kBpfKeyGpuUsage = ((uint64_t)gpu_id << 32) | pid;
// Use the read-only wrapper BpfMapRO to properly retrieve the read-only map.
auto map = bpf::BpfMapRO<uint64_t, uint64_t>(kBpfGpuMemTotalMap);
if (!map.isValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't open file: " << kBpfGpuMemTotalMap;
return false;
auto res = map.readValue(kBpfKeyGpuUsage);
if (res.ok()) {
gpu_mem = res.value();
} else if (res.error().code() == ENOENT) {
gpu_mem = 0;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file format: " << kBpfGpuMemTotalMap;
return false;
if (size) {
*size = gpu_mem / 1024;
return true;
if (size) {
*size = 0;
return false;
bool ReadGpuTotalUsageKb(uint64_t* size) {
// gpu_mem_total tracepoint defines PID 0 as global total
// GPU ID 0 suffices for current android devices.
// This will need to check all GPU IDs in future if more than
// one is GPU device is present on the device.
return ReadProcessGpuUsageKb(0, 0, size);
} // namespace meminfo
} // namespace android