789 lines
28 KiB
789 lines
28 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
* The CommandListener, FrameworkListener don't allow for
* multiple calls in parallel to reach the BandwidthController.
* If they ever were to allow it, then netd/ would need some tweaking.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include <linux/pkt_sched.h>
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#define LOG_TAG "BandwidthController"
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <netdutils/Syscalls.h>
#include "BandwidthController.h"
#include "Controllers.h"
#include "FirewallController.h" /* For makeCriticalCommands */
#include "Fwmark.h"
#include "NetdConstants.h"
#include "android/net/INetd.h"
#include "bpf/BpfUtils.h"
/* Alphabetical */
#define ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE "%s %s -m quota2 ! --quota %" PRId64" --name %s\n"
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_INPUT[] = "bw_INPUT";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_FORWARD[] = "bw_FORWARD";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_OUTPUT[] = "bw_OUTPUT";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_RAW_PREROUTING[] = "bw_raw_PREROUTING";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_MANGLE_POSTROUTING[] = "bw_mangle_POSTROUTING";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_GLOBAL_ALERT[] = "bw_global_alert";
auto BandwidthController::iptablesRestoreFunction = execIptablesRestoreWithOutput;
using android::base::Join;
using android::base::StartsWith;
using android::base::StringAppendF;
using android::base::StringPrintf;
using android::net::FirewallController;
using android::net::INetd::CLAT_MARK;
using android::netdutils::StatusOr;
using android::netdutils::UniqueFile;
namespace {
const char ALERT_GLOBAL_NAME[] = "globalAlert";
const std::string NEW_CHAIN_COMMAND = "-N ";
* Some comments about the rules:
* * Ordering
* - when an interface is marked as costly it should be INSERTED into the INPUT/OUTPUT chains.
* E.g. "-I bw_INPUT -i rmnet0 -j costly"
* - quota'd rules in the costly chain should be before bw_penalty_box lookups.
* - the qtaguid counting is done at the end of the bw_INPUT/bw_OUTPUT user chains.
* * global quota vs per interface quota
* - global quota for all costly interfaces uses a single costly chain:
* . initial rules
* iptables -N bw_costly_shared
* iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface0 -j bw_costly_shared
* iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface0 -j bw_costly_shared
* iptables -I bw_costly_shared -m quota \! --quota 500000 \
* -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-prohibited
* iptables -A bw_costly_shared -j bw_penalty_box
* iptables -A bw_penalty_box -j bw_happy_box
* iptables -A bw_happy_box -j bw_data_saver
* . adding a new iface to this, E.g.:
* iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface1 -j bw_costly_shared
* iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface1 -j bw_costly_shared
* - quota per interface. This is achieve by having "costly" chains per quota.
* E.g. adding a new costly interface iface0 with its own quota:
* iptables -N bw_costly_iface0
* iptables -I bw_INPUT -i iface0 -j bw_costly_iface0
* iptables -I bw_OUTPUT -o iface0 -j bw_costly_iface0
* iptables -A bw_costly_iface0 -m quota \! --quota 500000 \
* -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
* iptables -A bw_costly_iface0 -j bw_penalty_box
* * Penalty box, happy box and data saver.
* - bw_penalty box is a denylist of apps that are rejected.
* - bw_happy_box is an allowlist of apps. It always includes all system apps
* - bw_data_saver implements data usage restrictions.
* - Via the UI the user can add and remove apps from the allowlist and
* denylist, and turn on/off data saver.
* - The denylist takes precedence over the allowlist and the allowlist
* takes precedence over data saver.
* * bw_penalty_box handling:
* - only one bw_penalty_box for all interfaces
* E.g Adding an app:
* iptables -I bw_penalty_box -m owner --uid-owner app_3 \
* -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
* * bw_happy_box handling:
* - The bw_happy_box comes after the penalty box.
* E.g Adding a happy app,
* iptables -I bw_happy_box -m owner --uid-owner app_3 \
* * bw_data_saver handling:
* - The bw_data_saver comes after the happy box.
* Enable data saver:
* iptables -R 1 bw_data_saver -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
* Disable data saver:
* iptables -R 1 bw_data_saver -j RETURN
const std::string COMMIT_AND_CLOSE = "COMMIT\n";
static const std::vector<std::string> IPT_FLUSH_COMMANDS = {
* Cleanup rules.
* Should normally include bw_costly_<iface>, but we rely on the way they are setup
* to allow coexistance.
":bw_INPUT -",
":bw_OUTPUT -",
":bw_FORWARD -",
":bw_happy_box -",
":bw_penalty_box -",
":bw_data_saver -",
":bw_costly_shared -",
":bw_global_alert -",
":bw_raw_PREROUTING -",
":bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -",
static const uint32_t uidBillingMask = Fwmark::getUidBillingMask();
* Basic commands for creation of hooks into data accounting and data boxes.
* Included in these commands are rules to prevent the double-counting of IPsec
* packets. The general overview is as follows:
* > All interface counters (counted in PREROUTING, POSTROUTING) must be
* completely accurate, and count only the outer packet. As such, the inner
* packet must be ignored, which is done through the use of two rules: use
* of the policy module (for tunnel mode), and VTI interface checks (for
* tunnel or transport-in-tunnel mode). The VTI interfaces should be named
* ipsec*
* > Outbound UID billing can always be done with the outer packets, due to the
* ability to always find the correct UID (based on the skb->sk). As such,
* the inner packets should be ignored based on the policy module, or the
* output interface if a VTI (ipsec+)
* > Inbound UDP-encap-ESP packets can be correctly mapped to the UID that
* opened the encap socket, and as such, should be billed as early as
* possible (for transport mode; tunnel mode usage should be billed to
* sending/receiving application). Due to the inner packet being
* indistinguishable from the inner packet of ESP, a uidBillingDone mark
* has to be applied to prevent counting a second time.
* > Inbound ESP has no socket, and as such must be accounted later. ESP
* protocol packets are skipped via a blanket rule.
* > Note that this solution is asymmetrical. Adding the VTI or policy matcher
* ignore rule in the input chain would actually break the INPUT chain;
* Those rules are designed to ignore inner packets, and in the tunnel
* mode UDP, or any ESP case, we would not have billed the outer packet.
* See go/ipsec-data-accounting for more information.
std::vector<std::string> getBasicAccountingCommands() {
// clang-format off
std::vector<std::string> ipt_basic_accounting_commands = {
"-A bw_INPUT -j bw_global_alert",
// Prevents IPSec double counting (ESP and UDP-encap-ESP respectively)
"-A bw_INPUT -p esp -j RETURN",
StringPrintf("-A bw_INPUT -m mark --mark 0x%x/0x%x -j RETURN", uidBillingMask,
StringPrintf("-A bw_INPUT -j MARK --or-mark 0x%x", uidBillingMask),
"-A bw_OUTPUT -j bw_global_alert",
"-A bw_costly_shared -j bw_penalty_box",
("-I bw_penalty_box -m bpf --object-pinned " XT_BPF_DENYLIST_PROG_PATH " -j REJECT"),
"-A bw_penalty_box -j bw_happy_box",
"-A bw_happy_box -j bw_data_saver",
"-A bw_data_saver -j RETURN",
("-I bw_happy_box -m bpf --object-pinned " XT_BPF_ALLOWLIST_PROG_PATH " -j RETURN"),
// Drop duplicate ingress clat packets
StringPrintf("-A bw_raw_PREROUTING -m mark --mark 0x%x -j DROP", CLAT_MARK),
// Prevents IPSec double counting (Tunnel mode and Transport mode,
// respectively)
"-A bw_raw_PREROUTING -m policy --pol ipsec --dir in -j RETURN",
// This is ingress interface accounting. There is no need to do anything specific
// for 464xlat here, because we only ever account 464xlat traffic on the clat
// interface and later correct for overhead (+20 bytes/packet).
// Note: eBPF offloaded packets never hit base interface's ip6tables, and non
// offloaded packets are dropped up above due to being marked with CLAT_MARK
// Hence we will never double count and additional corrections are not needed.
// We can simply take the sum of base and stacked (+20B/pkt) interface counts.
("-A bw_raw_PREROUTING -m bpf --object-pinned " XT_BPF_INGRESS_PROG_PATH),
// Prevents IPSec double counting (Tunnel mode and Transport mode,
// respectively)
"-A bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out -j RETURN",
// Clear the uid billing done (egress) mark before sending this packet
StringPrintf("-A bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 0x0/0x%x", uidBillingMask),
// This is egress interface accounting: we account 464xlat traffic only on
// the clat interface (as offloaded packets never hit base interface's ip6tables)
// and later sum base and stacked with overhead (+20B/pkt) in higher layers
("-A bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -m bpf --object-pinned " XT_BPF_EGRESS_PROG_PATH),
// clang-format on
return ipt_basic_accounting_commands;
} // namespace
BandwidthController::BandwidthController() {
void BandwidthController::flushCleanTables(bool doClean) {
/* Flush and remove the bw_costly_<iface> tables */
std::string commands = Join(IPT_FLUSH_COMMANDS, '\n');
iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, commands, nullptr);
int BandwidthController::setupIptablesHooks() {
/* flush+clean is allowed to fail */
return 0;
int BandwidthController::enableBandwidthControl() {
/* Let's pretend we started from scratch ... */
mGlobalAlertBytes = 0;
mSharedQuotaBytes = mSharedAlertBytes = 0;
std::string commands = Join(getBasicAccountingCommands(), '\n');
return iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, commands, nullptr);
int BandwidthController::disableBandwidthControl() {
return 0;
std::string BandwidthController::makeDataSaverCommand(IptablesTarget target, bool enable) {
std::string cmd;
const char *chainName = "bw_data_saver";
const char *op = jumpToString(enable ? IptJumpReject : IptJumpReturn);
std::string criticalCommands = enable ?
FirewallController::makeCriticalCommands(target, chainName) : "";
":%s -\n"
"-A %s%s\n"
"COMMIT\n", chainName, criticalCommands.c_str(), chainName, op);
return cmd;
int BandwidthController::enableDataSaver(bool enable) {
int ret = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, makeDataSaverCommand(V4, enable), nullptr);
ret |= iptablesRestoreFunction(V6, makeDataSaverCommand(V6, enable), nullptr);
return ret;
int BandwidthController::setInterfaceSharedQuota(const std::string& iface, int64_t maxBytes) {
int res = 0;
std::string quotaCmd;
constexpr char cost[] = "shared";
constexpr char chain[] = "bw_costly_shared";
if (!maxBytes) {
/* Don't talk about -1, deprecate it. */
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -1;
if (!isIfaceName(iface))
return -1;
if (maxBytes == -1) {
return removeInterfaceSharedQuota(iface);
auto it = mSharedQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it == mSharedQuotaIfaces.end()) {
const int ruleInsertPos = (mGlobalAlertBytes) ? 2 : 1;
std::vector<std::string> cmds = {
StringPrintf("-I bw_INPUT %d -i %s -j %s", ruleInsertPos, iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-I bw_OUTPUT %d -o %s -j %s", ruleInsertPos, iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-A bw_FORWARD -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-A bw_FORWARD -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
if (mSharedQuotaIfaces.empty()) {
cmds.push_back(StringPrintf("-I %s -m quota2 ! --quota %" PRId64 " --name %s -j REJECT",
chain, maxBytes, cost));
res |= iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(cmds, "\n"), nullptr);
if (res) {
ALOGE("Failed set quota rule");
return -1;
mSharedQuotaBytes = maxBytes;
if (maxBytes != mSharedQuotaBytes) {
res |= updateQuota(cost, maxBytes);
if (res) {
ALOGE("Failed update quota for %s", cost);
return -1;
mSharedQuotaBytes = maxBytes;
return 0;
/* It will also cleanup any shared alerts */
int BandwidthController::removeInterfaceSharedQuota(const std::string& iface) {
constexpr char cost[] = "shared";
constexpr char chain[] = "bw_costly_shared";
if (!isIfaceName(iface))
return -1;
auto it = mSharedQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it == mSharedQuotaIfaces.end()) {
ALOGE("No such iface %s to delete", iface.c_str());
return -1;
std::vector<std::string> cmds = {
StringPrintf("-D bw_INPUT -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-D bw_OUTPUT -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-D bw_FORWARD -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
StringPrintf("-D bw_FORWARD -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain),
if (mSharedQuotaIfaces.size() == 1) {
cmds.push_back(StringPrintf("-D %s -m quota2 ! --quota %" PRIu64 " --name %s -j REJECT",
chain, mSharedQuotaBytes, cost));
if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(cmds, "\n"), nullptr) != 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to remove shared quota on %s", iface.c_str());
return -1;
int res = 0;
if (mSharedQuotaIfaces.empty()) {
mSharedQuotaBytes = 0;
if (mSharedAlertBytes) {
res = removeSharedAlert();
if (res == 0) {
mSharedAlertBytes = 0;
return res;
int BandwidthController::setInterfaceQuota(const std::string& iface, int64_t maxBytes) {
const std::string& cost = iface;
if (!isIfaceName(iface)) return -EINVAL;
if (!maxBytes) {
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -ERANGE;
if (maxBytes == -1) {
return removeInterfaceQuota(iface);
/* Insert ingress quota. */
auto it = mQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it != mQuotaIfaces.end()) {
if (int res = updateQuota(cost, maxBytes)) {
ALOGE("Failed update quota for %s", iface.c_str());
return res;
it->second.quota = maxBytes;
return 0;
const std::string chain = "bw_costly_" + iface;
const int ruleInsertPos = (mGlobalAlertBytes) ? 2 : 1;
std::vector<std::string> cmds = {
StringPrintf(":%s -", chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-A %s -j bw_penalty_box", chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-I bw_INPUT %d -i %s -j %s", ruleInsertPos, iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-I bw_OUTPUT %d -o %s -j %s", ruleInsertPos, iface.c_str(),
StringPrintf("-A bw_FORWARD -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-A bw_FORWARD -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-A %s -m quota2 ! --quota %" PRId64 " --name %s -j REJECT", chain.c_str(),
maxBytes, cost.c_str()),
if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(cmds, "\n"), nullptr) != 0) {
ALOGE("Failed set quota rule");
return -EREMOTEIO;
mQuotaIfaces[iface] = QuotaInfo{maxBytes, 0};
return 0;
int BandwidthController::getInterfaceSharedQuota(int64_t *bytes) {
return getInterfaceQuota("shared", bytes);
int BandwidthController::getInterfaceQuota(const std::string& iface, int64_t* bytes) {
const auto& sys = android::netdutils::sSyscalls.get();
const std::string fname = "/proc/net/xt_quota/" + iface;
if (!isIfaceName(iface)) return -1;
StatusOr<UniqueFile> file = sys.fopen(fname, "re");
if (!isOk(file)) {
ALOGE("Reading quota %s failed (%s)", iface.c_str(), toString(file).c_str());
return -1;
auto rv = sys.fscanf(file.value().get(), "%" SCNd64, bytes);
if (!isOk(rv)) {
ALOGE("Reading quota %s failed (%s)", iface.c_str(), toString(rv).c_str());
return -1;
ALOGV("Read quota res=%d bytes=%" PRId64, rv.value(), *bytes);
return rv.value() == 1 ? 0 : -1;
int BandwidthController::removeInterfaceQuota(const std::string& iface) {
if (!isIfaceName(iface)) return -EINVAL;
auto it = mQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it == mQuotaIfaces.end()) {
ALOGE("No such iface %s to delete", iface.c_str());
return -ENODEV;
const std::string chain = "bw_costly_" + iface;
std::vector<std::string> cmds = {
StringPrintf("-D bw_INPUT -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-D bw_OUTPUT -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-D bw_FORWARD -i %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-D bw_FORWARD -o %s -j %s", iface.c_str(), chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-F %s", chain.c_str()),
StringPrintf("-X %s", chain.c_str()),
const int res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(cmds, "\n"), nullptr);
if (res == 0) {
return res ? -EREMOTEIO : 0;
int BandwidthController::updateQuota(const std::string& quotaName, int64_t bytes) {
const auto& sys = android::netdutils::sSyscalls.get();
const std::string fname = "/proc/net/xt_quota/" + quotaName;
if (!isIfaceName(quotaName)) {
ALOGE("updateQuota: Invalid quotaName \"%s\"", quotaName.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
StatusOr<UniqueFile> file = sys.fopen(fname, "we");
if (!isOk(file)) {
int res = errno;
ALOGE("Updating quota %s failed (%s)", quotaName.c_str(), toString(file).c_str());
return -res;
// TODO: should we propagate this error?
sys.fprintf(file.value().get(), "%" PRId64 "\n", bytes).ignoreError();
return 0;
int BandwidthController::runIptablesAlertCmd(IptOp op, const std::string& alertName,
int64_t bytes) {
const char *opFlag = opToString(op);
std::string alertQuotaCmd = "*filter\n";
// TODO: consider using an alternate template for the delete that does not include the --quota
// value. This code works because the --quota value is ignored by deletes
* Add alert rule in bw_global_alert chain, 3 chains might reference bw_global_alert.
* bw_INPUT, bw_OUTPUT (added by BandwidthController in enableBandwidthControl)
* bw_FORWARD (added by TetherController in setTetherGlobalAlertRule if nat enable/disable)
StringAppendF(&alertQuotaCmd, ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, opFlag, LOCAL_GLOBAL_ALERT, bytes,
StringAppendF(&alertQuotaCmd, "COMMIT\n");
return iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, alertQuotaCmd, nullptr);
int BandwidthController::setGlobalAlert(int64_t bytes) {
const char *alertName = ALERT_GLOBAL_NAME;
if (!bytes) {
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -ERANGE;
int res = 0;
if (mGlobalAlertBytes) {
res = updateQuota(alertName, bytes);
} else {
res = runIptablesAlertCmd(IptOpInsert, alertName, bytes);
if (res) {
mGlobalAlertBytes = bytes;
return res;
int BandwidthController::removeGlobalAlert() {
const char *alertName = ALERT_GLOBAL_NAME;
if (!mGlobalAlertBytes) {
ALOGE("No prior alert set");
return -1;
int res = 0;
res = runIptablesAlertCmd(IptOpDelete, alertName, mGlobalAlertBytes);
mGlobalAlertBytes = 0;
return res;
int BandwidthController::setSharedAlert(int64_t bytes) {
if (!mSharedQuotaBytes) {
ALOGE("Need to have a prior shared quota set to set an alert");
return -1;
if (!bytes) {
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -1;
return setCostlyAlert("shared", bytes, &mSharedAlertBytes);
int BandwidthController::removeSharedAlert() {
return removeCostlyAlert("shared", &mSharedAlertBytes);
int BandwidthController::setInterfaceAlert(const std::string& iface, int64_t bytes) {
if (!isIfaceName(iface)) {
ALOGE("setInterfaceAlert: Invalid iface \"%s\"", iface.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
if (!bytes) {
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -ERANGE;
auto it = mQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it == mQuotaIfaces.end()) {
ALOGE("Need to have a prior interface quota set to set an alert");
return -ENOENT;
return setCostlyAlert(iface, bytes, &it->second.alert);
int BandwidthController::removeInterfaceAlert(const std::string& iface) {
if (!isIfaceName(iface)) {
ALOGE("removeInterfaceAlert: Invalid iface \"%s\"", iface.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
auto it = mQuotaIfaces.find(iface);
if (it == mQuotaIfaces.end()) {
ALOGE("No prior alert set for interface %s", iface.c_str());
return -ENOENT;
return removeCostlyAlert(iface, &it->second.alert);
int BandwidthController::setCostlyAlert(const std::string& costName, int64_t bytes,
int64_t* alertBytes) {
int res = 0;
if (!isIfaceName(costName)) {
ALOGE("setCostlyAlert: Invalid costName \"%s\"", costName.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
if (!bytes) {
ALOGE("Invalid bytes value. 1..max_int64.");
return -ERANGE;
std::string alertName = costName + "Alert";
std::string chainName = "bw_costly_" + costName;
if (*alertBytes) {
res = updateQuota(alertName, *alertBytes);
} else {
std::vector<std::string> commands = {
StringPrintf(ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, "-A", chainName.c_str(), bytes, alertName.c_str()),
res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(commands, ""), nullptr);
if (res) {
ALOGE("Failed to set costly alert for %s", costName.c_str());
if (res == 0) {
*alertBytes = bytes;
return res;
int BandwidthController::removeCostlyAlert(const std::string& costName, int64_t* alertBytes) {
if (!isIfaceName(costName)) {
ALOGE("removeCostlyAlert: Invalid costName \"%s\"", costName.c_str());
return -EINVAL;
if (!*alertBytes) {
ALOGE("No prior alert set for %s alert", costName.c_str());
return -ENOENT;
std::string alertName = costName + "Alert";
std::string chainName = "bw_costly_" + costName;
std::vector<std::string> commands = {
StringPrintf(ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, "-D", chainName.c_str(), *alertBytes, alertName.c_str()),
if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(commands, ""), nullptr) != 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to remove costly alert %s", costName.c_str());
return -EREMOTEIO;
*alertBytes = 0;
return 0;
void BandwidthController::flushExistingCostlyTables(bool doClean) {
std::string fullCmd = "*filter\n-S\nCOMMIT\n";
std::string ruleList;
/* Only lookup ip4 table names as ip6 will have the same tables ... */
if (int ret = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, fullCmd, &ruleList)) {
ALOGE("Failed to list existing costly tables ret=%d", ret);
/* ... then flush/clean both ip4 and ip6 iptables. */
parseAndFlushCostlyTables(ruleList, doClean);
void BandwidthController::parseAndFlushCostlyTables(const std::string& ruleList, bool doRemove) {
std::stringstream stream(ruleList);
std::string rule;
std::vector<std::string> clearCommands = { "*filter" };
std::string chainName;
// Find and flush all rules starting with "-N bw_costly_<iface>" except "-N bw_costly_shared".
while (std::getline(stream, rule, '\n')) {
if (!StartsWith(rule, NEW_CHAIN_COMMAND)) continue;
chainName = rule.substr(NEW_CHAIN_COMMAND.size());
ALOGV("parse chainName=<%s> orig line=<%s>", chainName.c_str(), rule.c_str());
if (!StartsWith(chainName, "bw_costly_") || chainName == std::string("bw_costly_shared")) {
clearCommands.push_back(StringPrintf(":%s -", chainName.c_str()));
if (doRemove) {
clearCommands.push_back(StringPrintf("-X %s", chainName.c_str()));
if (clearCommands.size() == 1) {
// No rules found.
iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, Join(clearCommands, '\n'), nullptr);
inline const char *BandwidthController::opToString(IptOp op) {
switch (op) {
case IptOpInsert:
return "-I";
case IptOpDelete:
return "-D";
inline const char *BandwidthController::jumpToString(IptJumpOp jumpHandling) {
* Must be careful what one rejects with, as upper layer protocols will just
* keep on hammering the device until the number of retries are done.
* For port-unreachable (default), TCP should consider as an abort (RFC1122).
switch (jumpHandling) {
case IptJumpReject:
return " -j REJECT";
case IptJumpReturn:
return " -j RETURN";