
67 lines
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# profcollectd - hardware profile collection daemon
type profcollectd, domain, coredomain, mlstrustedsubject;
type profcollectd_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
# profcollectd opens a file for writing in /data/misc/profcollectd.
allow profcollectd profcollectd_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow profcollectd profcollectd_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
# Allow profcollectd full use of perf_event_open(2), to enable system wide profiling.
allow profcollectd self:perf_event { cpu kernel open read write };
# Allow profcollectd to scan through /proc/pid for all processes.
r_dir_file(profcollectd, domain)
# Allow profcollectd to read executable binaries.
allow profcollectd system_file_type:file r_file_perms;
allow profcollectd vendor_file_type:file r_file_perms;
# Allow profcollectd to search for and read kernel modules.
allow profcollectd vendor_file:dir r_dir_perms;
allow profcollectd vendor_kernel_modules:file r_file_perms;
# Allow profcollectd to read (but not execute) system bootstrap libs.
allow profcollectd system_bootstrap_lib_file:dir search;
allow profcollectd system_bootstrap_lib_file:file r_file_perms;
# Allow profcollectd to access tracefs.
allow profcollectd debugfs_tracing:dir r_dir_perms;
allow profcollectd debugfs_tracing:file rw_file_perms;
allow profcollectd debugfs_tracing_debug:dir r_dir_perms;
allow profcollectd debugfs_tracing_debug:file rw_file_perms;
# Allow profcollectd to write to perf_event_paranoid under /proc.
allow profcollectd proc_perf:file write;
# Allow profcollectd to access cs_etm sysfs.
r_dir_file(profcollectd, sysfs_devices_cs_etm)
# Allow profcollectd to ptrace.
allow profcollectd self:global_capability_class_set sys_ptrace;
# Allow profcollectd to read its system properties.
get_prop(profcollectd, device_config_profcollect_native_boot_prop)
set_prop(profcollectd, profcollectd_node_id_prop)
# Allow profcollectd to publish a binder service and make binder calls.
# Allow profcollectd to call callbacks registered by system_server when ETM is ready.
binder_call(profcollectd, system_server)
add_service(profcollectd, profcollectd_service)
# Allow profcollectd to request wakelock from system-suspend.
# Allow to temporarily lift the kptr_restrict setting and get kernel start address
# by reading /proc/kallsyms, get module start address by reading /proc/modules.
set_prop(profcollectd, lower_kptr_restrict_prop)
allow profcollectd proc_kallsyms:file r_file_perms;
allow profcollectd proc_modules:file r_file_perms;
# Allow profcollectd to read kernel build id.
allow profcollectd sysfs_kernel_notes:file r_file_perms;