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220 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <ios>
#include <sstream>
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <unwindstack/DwarfLocation.h>
#include <unwindstack/DwarfSection.h>
#include "Utils.h"
#include "utils/DwarfSectionImplFake.h"
#include "utils/MemoryFake.h"
#include "utils/RegsFake.h"
namespace unwindstack {
namespace {
// This collection of benchmarks exercises the DwarfSectionImpl::Eval function with a set of
// artificial unwind data. The number of registers and register evaluation method are varied
// for each individual benchmark.
constexpr int kReturnAddressReg = 5;
template <typename AddresssType>
class EvalBenchmark : public benchmark::Fixture {
EvalBenchmark() {
section_ = std::make_unique<DwarfSectionImplFake<AddresssType>>(&memory_);
void TearDown(benchmark::State& state) override { mem_tracker_.SetBenchmarkCounters(state); }
// Benchmarks DwarfSectionImpl::Eval given the DwarfLocation object, loc_regs, initialized in each
// individual benchmark macro/function.
// This method initializes the fake register object and the DwarfCie object the same regardless
// of the benchmark. So the initialization of loc_regs is carefully crafted in each benchmark
// macro so that the evaluated PC and SP match the expected values after each call to Eval in the
// benchmarking loop.
// In addition to the Eval call, register value assertion is included in the benchmarking loop
// to ensure that we always capture the actual register evaluation
// (DwarfSectionImpl::EvalRegister). For example, if Eval is modified to lazily evaluate register
// values, we will still capture the register evaluation for the PC and SP (common case) in the
// register value assertion.
void RunBenchmark(benchmark::State& state, DwarfLocations& loc_regs) {
DwarfCie cie{.return_address_register = kReturnAddressReg};
bool finished;
RegsImplFake<AddresssType> regs(64);
regs[0] = 0x10000000;
for (auto _ : state) {
std::stringstream err_stream;
if (!section_->Eval(&cie, &memory_, loc_regs, ®s, &finished)) {
err_stream << "Eval() failed at address " << section_->LastErrorAddress();
if (finished || regs.pc() != 0x60000000U || regs.sp() != 0x10000000U) {
<< "Eval() finished successfully but registers were not evaluated correctly."
<< "\nExpected: finished == false, regs.pc() == 0x60000000, regs.sp() == 0x10000000."
<< "\nActual: finished == " << std::boolalpha << finished << std::hex
<< ", regs.pc() == 0x" << regs.pc() << ", regs.sp() == 0x" << regs.sp();
MemoryFake memory_;
std::unique_ptr<DwarfSectionImplFake<AddresssType>> section_;
MemoryTracker mem_tracker_;
// Benchmarks exercising Eval with the DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER evaluation method.
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_register_few_regs, uint64_t)(benchmark::State& state) {
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
loc_regs[kReturnAddressReg] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0x50000000}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_register_many_regs, uint64_t)(benchmark::State& state) {
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
loc_regs[i] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, i * 0x10000000}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
// Benchmarks exercising Eval with the DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_OFFSET evaluation method.
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_val_offset_few_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
loc_regs[kReturnAddressReg] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_OFFSET, {0x50000000, 0}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_val_offset_many_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
loc_regs[i] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_OFFSET, {i * 0x10000000, 0}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
// Benchmarks exercising Eval with the DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET evaluation method.
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_offset_few_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetData64(0x20000000, 0x60000000);
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
loc_regs[kReturnAddressReg] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET, {0x10000000, 0}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_offset_many_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetData64(0x20000000, 0x60000000);
memory_.SetData64(0x30000000, 0x10000000);
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
loc_regs[i] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET, {0x10000000, 0}};
// Read from different place in memory for reg 0 so reg 0 maintains value of 0x10000000
// across multiple calls to Eval.
loc_regs[0] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET, {0x20000000, 0}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
// Benchmarks exercising Eval with the DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION evaluation method.
// The dwarf op-code used for the expression benchmarks are OP_const4u (see DwarfOp::Eval).
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_expression_few_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetMemory(0x5000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80});
uint64_t pc_value = 0x60000000;
memory_.SetMemory(0x80000000, &pc_value, sizeof(pc_value));
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
loc_regs[kReturnAddressReg] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x5004}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_expression_many_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetMemory(0x5000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80});
uint64_t pc_value = 0x60000000;
memory_.SetMemory(0x80000000, &pc_value, sizeof(pc_value));
memory_.SetMemory(0x6000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90});
uint64_t sp_value = 0x10000000;
memory_.SetMemory(0x90000000, &sp_value, sizeof(sp_value));
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
loc_regs[i] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x5004}};
// Read from different place in memory for reg 0 so reg 0 maintains value of 0x10000000
// across multiple calls to Eval.
loc_regs[0] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x6004}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
// Benchmarks exercising Eval with the DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION evaluation method.
// The dwarf op-code used for the value expression benchmarks are OP_const4u (see DwarfOp::Eval).
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_val_expression_few_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetMemory(0x5000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60});
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
loc_regs[kReturnAddressReg] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x5004}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(EvalBenchmark, BM_eval_val_expression_many_regs, uint64_t)
(benchmark::State& state) {
memory_.SetMemory(0x5000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60});
memory_.SetMemory(0x6000, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10});
DwarfLocations loc_regs;
loc_regs[CFA_REG] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER, {0, 0}};
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
loc_regs[i] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x5004}};
// Read from different place in memory for reg 0 so reg 0 maintains value of 0x10000000
// across multiple calls to Eval.
loc_regs[0] = DwarfLocation{DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION, {0x4, 0x6004}};
RunBenchmark(state, loc_regs);
} // namespace
} // namespace unwindstack