352 lines
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352 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/vabc_partition_writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <libsnapshot/cow_writer.h>
#include "update_engine/common/cow_operation_convert.h"
#include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/block_extent_writer.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/extent_map.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/extent_reader.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_descriptor.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_descriptor_utils.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/install_plan.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/partition_writer.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/snapshot_extent_writer.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_consumer/xor_extent_writer.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_generator/extent_ranges.h"
#include "update_engine/payload_generator/extent_utils.h"
#include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// Expected layout of COW file:
// === Beginning of Cow Image ===
// All Source Copy Operations
// ========== Label 0 ==========
// Operation 0 in PartitionUpdate
// ========== Label 1 ==========
// Operation 1 in PartitionUpdate
// ========== label 2 ==========
// Operation 2 in PartitionUpdate
// ========== label 3 ==========
// .
// .
// .
// When resuming, pass |next_op_index_| as label to
// |InitializeWithAppend|.
// For example, suppose we finished writing SOURCE_COPY, and we finished writing
// operation 2 completely. Update is suspended when we are half way through
// operation 3.
// |cnext_op_index_| would be 3, so we pass 3 as
// label to |InitializeWithAppend|. The CowWriter will retain all data before
// label 3, Which contains all operation 2's data, but none of operation 3's
// data.
using android::snapshot::ICowWriter;
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
// Compute XOR map, a map from dst extent to corresponding merge operation
static ExtentMap<const CowMergeOperation*, ExtentLess> ComputeXorMap(
const RepeatedPtrField<CowMergeOperation>& merge_ops) {
ExtentMap<const CowMergeOperation*, ExtentLess> xor_map;
for (const auto& merge_op : merge_ops) {
if (merge_op.type() == CowMergeOperation::COW_XOR) {
xor_map.AddExtent(merge_op.dst_extent(), &merge_op);
return xor_map;
const PartitionUpdate& partition_update,
const InstallPlan::Partition& install_part,
DynamicPartitionControlInterface* dynamic_control,
size_t block_size)
: partition_update_(partition_update),
verified_source_fd_(block_size, install_part.source_path) {}
bool VABCPartitionWriter::Init(const InstallPlan* install_plan,
bool source_may_exist,
size_t next_op_index) {
if (dynamic_control_->GetVirtualAbCompressionXorFeatureFlag().IsEnabled()) {
xor_map_ = ComputeXorMap(partition_update_.merge_operations());
if (xor_map_.size() > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Virtual AB Compression with XOR is enabled";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Device supports Virtual AB compression with XOR, but OTA "
"package does not.";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Virtual AB Compression with XOR is disabled.";
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(install_plan != nullptr);
if (source_may_exist && install_part_.source_size > 0) {
std::optional<std::string> source_path;
if (!install_part_.source_path.empty()) {
// TODO(zhangkelvin) Make |source_path| a std::optional<std::string>
source_path = install_part_.source_path;
cow_writer_ = dynamic_control_->OpenCowWriter(
install_part_.name, source_path, install_plan->is_resume);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(cow_writer_ != nullptr);
// ===== Resume case handling code goes here ====
// It is possible that the SOURCE_COPY are already written but
// |next_op_index_| is still 0. In this case we discard previously written
// SOURCE_COPY, and start over.
if (install_plan->is_resume && next_op_index > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Resuming update on partition `"
<< partition_update_.partition_name() << "` op index "
<< next_op_index;
return true;
} else {
// ==============================================
if (!partition_update_.merge_operations().empty()) {
if (IsXorEnabled()) {
LOG(INFO) << "VABC XOR enabled for partition "
<< partition_update_.partition_name();
partition_update_.merge_operations(), cow_writer_.get()));
// TODO(zhangkelvin) Rewrite this in C++20 coroutine once that's available.
// TODO(177104308) Don't write all COPY ops up-front if merge sequence is
// written
const auto converted = ConvertToCowOperations(
partition_update_.operations(), partition_update_.merge_operations());
if (!converted.empty()) {
// Use source fd directly. Ideally we want to verify all extents used in
// source copy, but then what do we do if some extents contain correct
// hashes and some don't?
auto source_fd = std::make_shared<EintrSafeFileDescriptor>();
source_fd->Open(install_part_.source_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
block_size_, converted, cow_writer_.get(), source_fd));
return true;
bool VABCPartitionWriter::WriteMergeSequence(
const RepeatedPtrField<CowMergeOperation>& merge_sequence,
ICowWriter* cow_writer) {
std::vector<uint32_t> blocks_merge_order;
for (const auto& merge_op : merge_sequence) {
const auto& dst_extent = merge_op.dst_extent();
const auto& src_extent = merge_op.src_extent();
// In place copy are basically noops, they do not need to be "merged" at
// all, don't include them in merge sequence.
if (merge_op.type() == CowMergeOperation::COW_COPY &&
merge_op.src_extent() == merge_op.dst_extent()) {
const bool extent_overlap =
ExtentRanges::ExtentsOverlap(src_extent, dst_extent);
// TODO(193863443) Remove this check once this feature
// lands on all pixel devices.
const bool is_ascending = android::base::GetBoolProperty(
"ro.virtual_ab.userspace.snapshots.enabled", false);
// If this is a self-overlapping op and |dst_extent| comes after
// |src_extent|, we must write in reverse order for correctness.
// If this is self-overlapping op and |dst_extent| comes before
// |src_extent|, we must write in ascending order for correctness.
// If this isn't a self overlapping op, write block in ascending order
// if userspace snapshots are enabled
if (extent_overlap) {
if (dst_extent.start_block() <= src_extent.start_block()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst_extent.num_blocks(); i++) {
blocks_merge_order.push_back(dst_extent.start_block() + i);
} else {
for (int i = dst_extent.num_blocks() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
blocks_merge_order.push_back(dst_extent.start_block() + i);
} else {
if (is_ascending) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst_extent.num_blocks(); i++) {
blocks_merge_order.push_back(dst_extent.start_block() + i);
} else {
for (int i = dst_extent.num_blocks() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
blocks_merge_order.push_back(dst_extent.start_block() + i);
return cow_writer->AddSequenceData(blocks_merge_order.size(),
bool VABCPartitionWriter::WriteSourceCopyCowOps(
size_t block_size,
const std::vector<CowOperation>& converted,
ICowWriter* cow_writer,
FileDescriptorPtr source_fd) {
for (const auto& cow_op : converted) {
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
switch (cow_op.op) {
case CowOperation::CowCopy:
if (cow_op.src_block == cow_op.dst_block) {
// Add blocks in reverse order, because snapused specifically prefers
// this ordering. Since we already eliminated all self-overlapping
// SOURCE_COPY during delta generation, this should be safe to do.
for (size_t i = cow_op.block_count; i > 0; i--) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(cow_writer->AddCopy(cow_op.dst_block + i - 1,
cow_op.src_block + i - 1));
case CowOperation::CowReplace:
buffer.resize(block_size * cow_op.block_count);
ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
block_size * cow_op.block_count,
cow_op.src_block * block_size,
if (bytes_read <= 0 ||
static_cast<size_t>(bytes_read) != buffer.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "source_fd->Read failed: " << bytes_read;
return false;
cow_op.dst_block, buffer.data(), buffer.size()));
return true;
std::unique_ptr<ExtentWriter> VABCPartitionWriter::CreateBaseExtentWriter() {
return std::make_unique<SnapshotExtentWriter>(cow_writer_.get());
[[nodiscard]] bool VABCPartitionWriter::PerformZeroOrDiscardOperation(
const InstallOperation& operation) {
for (const auto& extent : operation.dst_extents()) {
cow_writer_->AddZeroBlocks(extent.start_block(), extent.num_blocks()));
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool VABCPartitionWriter::PerformSourceCopyOperation(
const InstallOperation& operation, ErrorCode* error) {
// COPY ops are already handled during Init(), no need to do actual work, but
// we still want to verify that all blocks contain expected data.
auto source_fd = std::make_shared<EintrSafeFileDescriptor>();
source_fd->Open(install_part_.source_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
if (!operation.has_src_sha256_hash()) {
return true;
return PartitionWriter::ValidateSourceHash(
operation, source_fd, block_size_, error);
bool VABCPartitionWriter::PerformReplaceOperation(const InstallOperation& op,
const void* data,
size_t count) {
// Setup the ExtentWriter stack based on the operation type.
std::unique_ptr<ExtentWriter> writer = CreateBaseExtentWriter();
return executor_.ExecuteReplaceOperation(op, std::move(writer), data, count);
bool VABCPartitionWriter::PerformDiffOperation(
const InstallOperation& operation,
ErrorCode* error,
const void* data,
size_t count) {
FileDescriptorPtr source_fd =
verified_source_fd_.ChooseSourceFD(operation, error);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(source_fd != nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<ExtentWriter> writer =
IsXorEnabled() ? std::make_unique<XORExtentWriter>(
operation, source_fd, cow_writer_.get(), xor_map_)
: CreateBaseExtentWriter();
return executor_.ExecuteDiffOperation(
operation, std::move(writer), source_fd, data, count);
void VABCPartitionWriter::CheckpointUpdateProgress(size_t next_op_index) {
// No need to call fsync/sync, as CowWriter flushes after a label is added
// added.
// if cow_writer_ failed, that means Init() failed. This function shouldn't be
// called if Init() fails.
TEST_AND_RETURN(cow_writer_ != nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] bool VABCPartitionWriter::FinishedInstallOps() {
// Add a hardcoded magic label to indicate end of all install ops. This label
// is needed by filesystem verification, don't remove.
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(cow_writer_ != nullptr);
return true;
VABCPartitionWriter::~VABCPartitionWriter() {
int VABCPartitionWriter::Close() {
if (cow_writer_) {
cow_writer_ = nullptr;
return 0;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine